Optimization of composition of the emulsion paste like milk products



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The interest in the development of the products with dietary and prophylactic properties is being constantly growing. Milk whey proteins can be successfully applied at such products development. To impart additional functionality to whey proteins fermentative hydrolysis is used. Protein hydrolyzates, obtained by the process of milk proteins fermentative conversion, besides proved antioxidant, immunomodulating, hypotenzive and other properties also possess increased emulsifying and moisture binding characteristics. In order to determine composition of the emulsified product with hydrolyzed whey proteins the experimental batch of hydrolyzate (HWPC) has been produced. Complex of organoleptic, microbiological and physical-chemical properties was described. Addition of hydrolyzate considerably effects viscosity characteristics. The optimal composition of emulsifying system is considered to be as follows: HWPC - 37,2 %, stabilizing system - 2,4 %, fat component - 17,5 %.




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