The beverage on the milk whey base with addition of the stevia extract



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The article discribes development and analysis of functional beverage based on whey with the addition of stevia extract. At the beginning the task of the work is described. Further, the general characteristic of the objects of study is given: the milk whey permeate produced using the separator «Westfalia» and stevia extract. Raw material was prepared by milk whey ultra-filtration with application of ceramic membranes. For receiving the raw material stevioside leaves of the stevia «Ramonskaya slastena» was used. Principle factors that effect the process of stevioside coming over from leaves to the solution are temperature, hydromodule and time of extraction. Functional beverage with different concentrations of sweetener was prepared on the base of the permeate and stevia extract. It was established that the optimal ratio of components for the beverage is the ratio 1:10. The product received was assessed by the expert comission. Physical-chemical characteristics of the drink were determined (dry matter, titratable acidity, viscosity, moisture, pH value, conductivity). At the end of the article, analysis of food value of the product is made and recommendations about its applications are given. The research work was carried out on the base of the Voronezh State University of the Engineering Technologies and at the milk combine «Voronezhskii».




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