Qualitycharacteristic of condensed milk with sugar



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The article gives the quality characteristics andthe indicators of safety of condensed milk withsugar samples. 11 samples of condensed milkwith sugar sold by different suppliers in Irkutskwere studied. The organoleptic estimation of condensed milk with sugar samples showed thatsome of them have a weak taste and smell ofpasteurized milk. The safety indices of condensedmilk with sugar samples were much lower thanthe maximum permissible level of toxic elements.Study of the fatty-acids composition of condensedmilk was carried out with the help of capillarygas-liquid chromatography. As a result, one sample had serious deviations from the standard composition of butterfat that proves falsification offat base with vegetable fat. The coincidence ofthe received results with the standard data of butterfat composition for two samples proves thatthey are natural and made only from cow’s milk.




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