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No 4 (2018)


pages 4-7 views

Creative instruments of the marketing communications for milk products promotion

Baimatova E.V.


Possibilities to apply new means of marketingcommunications for the promotion of milk products in the Internet environment have been discussed. The basic concepts and terminology ofmobile and virus marketing, advantages and disadvantages of their application are given.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):8-9
pages 8-9 views

Sales through state purchase

Komel’kov I.R.


Operation with the state customer has considerablepluses as far as government is a most solventclient. Milk products in their turn are included inthe obligatory menu worked out at the governmentlevel for children, adult people, workers of theenterprises et al.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):10-11
pages 10-11 views

The order of handling coolingagents at working with refrigerating equipment

Sapojnikov V.B.


Refrigerating systems and plants are an integralpart of the technological equipment at the overwhelming majority of the dairy sector enterprises.Operation of cooling equipment requires knowledge of principle normative-technical documentation regulating the order and main rules of thecooling agents handling. In the article brief reviewof the documents concerning work with coolingagents is given.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Freezing of concentrated milk

Sesadze S.M.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):16-16
pages 16-16 views

Automated curds production

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Dairy industry. 2018;(4):17-17
pages 17-17 views

At the aid of a microbiologist

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Dairy industry. 2018;(4):18-18
pages 18-18 views

Effect of quasicapsulation of probiotic culturesat the fermented milk products manufacturing

Polyanskaya I.S., Zakrepina E.N., Semenihina V.F.


Functional food products (FFP) with probioticmicroorganisms in particular with lactobacteria(lactobacillus) are defined in the standard of 2015«Specialized and functional food products» andfurther amendment of 13.07.2017 as the productscontaining not less than 5 *107 cfu of the probioticin the daily intake. However publications describingmedical research demonstrate that in some casesprobiotic effect is mainly explained by the activityof the probiotics metabolites. In some other casesthe effect is related mainly with living probioticcultures. In this connection it is quite reasonableto study the following subject: survival of the probiotic cultures in the intestine at different ways oftheir addition to the functional food products. Theaim of the present study is: study of the comparingstability against acid and bile in the case whenprobiotic was introduces in the lyophilized format the final stages of the FFP manufacturing. Theknown methods of modeling acid- and bile-stabilityin the intestine have been taken as a base of thegeneral methodology. The experiment was carriedout at the Department of Milk and Milk ProductsTechnology of the Vologda Agricultural Academy.Repeatability was three times. The figures arederivatives of the most probable number ofmicroorganisms at inoculation of 4 parallel tubesaccording to Mac-Kredy. The data are reliable inthe conditions given and regimes applied andcorrespond to the degree of the substantiationaccording to MU The errorlimits are A= ±1,0 *101 .The results of the researchof the acid- and bile-stability of Lactobacillusacidophilus demonstrated that in the case whenbacterial preparation in the lyophilized form isadded at the end of the technological process(quasicapsulation) stability increases by 8-12 %.This is recommended to be applied if probioticeffect is connected with better survival of the culture moving in the intestine. If technological process includes further termisation (58 °С, 20 sec)the number of living Lactobacillus acidophilus cells decreases by 25-32 %. As a result the productcan be considered as a functional food productadditionally fortified with probiotic metabolite.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):19-22
pages 19-22 views

Biozashchita dlya prodleniya srokov godnosti kislomolochnykh produktov i syrov

Karychev R.Z., Lastochkina V.A.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):23-23
pages 23-23 views

Abnormal milk: atypical defects and their causes

Fedosova A.N., Kaledin M.V., Shevchenko N.P.


The article discusses the emergence of atypicaldefects of the milk raw materials on the basis ofreal cases that occurred in the dairy farms in theBelgorod region. The man attention is paid toatypical high acidity of the cream obtained frommilk that meets the requirements of regulatorydocuments and to the organoleptic defects ofmilk because of the acidotic feeds ration of cows.Theoretical justifications of the causes of suchdefects and recommendations for their eliminationare given.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):24-26
pages 24-26 views

New express-method to assessmilk quality using dispersion analyzer LUMiFuge

Kuzmicheva A.M., Kalmykova E.A., Kudinova N.V., Noskova N.Y.


The article presents a new algorithm for estimatingmilk quality by using dispersion analyzerLUMiFuge. The authors give a description of thealgorithm for milk quality control using dispersionsanalyzer LUMiFuge. Results of the study of thestability of reconstituted whole milk, natural andreconstituted skim milk are outlined. It was provedthat milk produced from whole milk powder ismore stable. Addition of skim milk powder to thenatural milk leads to the acceleration of the destabilization processes. Dependence of milk stabilityon heat treatment, differences of profiles of goatand cow milks is shown. Sterilized milk is considered to be the most stable. The given algorithmof the study of colloidal stability allows quicklyand effectively solve various tasks related to thecontrol of milk and milk products quality.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):27-29
pages 27-29 views

Control of yogurts and yogurt products

Yurova E.A.


The methods to evaluate confirmation of compliance with requirements of the TechnicalRegulations of the Customs UnionComplicated objects of measuring such as yogurtand yogurt products in the production laboratoriescan be properly controlled only by the quantity ofmilk raw materials applied according to the recipe.Generally accepted methods practically can notbe used to properly study complicated finishedproducts.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):30-31
pages 30-31 views

Selection of the rationalconditions for production of the yogurt enrichedwith bioflavonoids

Zobkova Z.S., Fursova T.P., Zenina D.V., Gavrilina A.D., Shelaginova I.R.


Pasteurization and homogenization regimes forreceiving mixture for production of yogurt fortifiedwith bioflavonoids have been selected. The regimesensure maximum antioxidant activity of the finishedproduct.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):32-33
pages 32-33 views

«It is - Not milk.»

Rybalova T.I.


Some examples are given of production and introduction to the market of the products - milk analogues manufactured from the vegetable rawmaterials.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):34-37
pages 34-37 views

Assessment of the fatty acids composition of themilk fat replacers

Stepycheva N.V., Vasina N.A., Kulikova A.A.


The fatty acids composition of some samples ofmilk fat replacers has been determined using gasliquid chromatography. Composition of the samples studied was evaluated from the point of viewof their correspondence to the physiologicallyfull-value food fat. It was established that themilk fat replacers studied meet all the requirementsof healthy nutrition and can be applied as a worthyalternative to the milk fat.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):38-39
pages 38-39 views

Some technological aspects ofreceiving cow milk whey proteins8. Receiving of angiogenin

El’chaninov V.V.


This is the eighth (concluding) publication fromthe series of review articles devoted to sometechnological aspects of the cow milk whey proteins isolation. Brief biochemical characteristicof the minor milk protein - angiogenin is given.Special issues of making recombinant angiogeninare discussed. The technology of receiving electrophoresis homogeneous angiogenin preparationsfrom cow milk applying the methods of cation -exchanging and hydrophobic chromatography isoutlined.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):40-41
pages 40-41 views

Fermentation of milkwhey by Kluyveromyces marxianus usingJerusalem artichoke

Sokolenko G.G., Verzilina N.D.


Process of whey fermentation by the yeastKl. marxianus using Jerusalem artichoke was studied. The inulinase activity of the stain Kl. marxianusY-1148 and the effect of the carbon source in thegrowth medium on its value were studied. Themaximum inulinase activity (150 U/g) was observedin the medium with inulin. This indicates that inulinhas the inducing effect. During fermenting wheyinulin has been shown to stimulate the rate ofgrowth and multiplication of Kl. marxianus strainY-1148. The maximum accumulation of yeastbiomass (10,5 g/l) was at inulin concentration inwhey 4 %, which is more than 2 times higher thanthe control. The increase of inulin content to 5 %caused the 24 % decrease of biomass as a resultof inhibition of the enzyme with inulinase activity.Juice from fresh Jerusalem artichoke containing18,7 % inulin during fermenting whey with aerationwas used. It was found that the weight of yeast-protein mass depends on the concentration ofjuice of Jerusalem artichoke in whey and time offermentation. The maximum yeast-protein precipitate was at juice concentration 15 % after24 hours of fermentation (61,4 g/l), exceeding thecontrol by 2,8 times. After 48 and 72 hours thestimulating effect was reduced to 43 % and 29 %respectively. Thus the use of inulin and juice fromfresh tubers of Jerusalem artichoke in the processesof fermentation of whey by Kl. marxianus strainY-1148 increases the yield of biomass, its biologicalvalue and enriches bioconversion products withbiologically active substances. Biomass of yeastKl. marxianus, obtained by the bioconversion ofwhey with inulin-containing products of processing Jerusalem artichoke, can be used for food andfeed purposes.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):42-44
pages 42-44 views

Hydrolysates ofwhey proteins in the technology of products forspecialized sports nutrition

Bogdanova E.V., Melnikova E.I.


The production efficiency increase in the dairyindustry is possible due to resource-saving technologies and usage of whey in the technologicalcycle. Application of whey protein hydrolysatehas been offered to obtain drinks for specializedsports nutrition. It was received using bioconversion of the cheese whey UF-concentrate.Technological scheme of the finished productmanufacturing includes dry mixing of the components according to the developed formula withapplication of the existing equipment. Its implementation will allow extend the range of productsfor sports nutrition, including usage of import-substituting technologies, to use the nutrients ofmilk raw materials as much as possible and toobtain a multicomponent product with improvedbiological value and reduced allergenicity, containing physiologically functional ingredients(10,2 % of protein, 0,2 % of fat, 9,4 % of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins).
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):45-47
pages 45-47 views

Import and export of casein and albumin

Goroshchenko L.G.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Effects of milk heat treatment on casein micellessize

Tihomirova N.A., Alenichev M.K., Jovannik I.E.


Sizes of casein micelles in the experimental samples prepared from pasteurized liquid milk andreconstituted milk have been determined by themethod of the dynamic light diffusion. The sizeof milk proteins increased with increasing theshare of reconstituted whole milk and slightlychanged with increase of the skim reconstitutedmilk share.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Forecasting of caseintemperature in the process of drying

Arapov V.M., Polyanskii K.K.


The temperature acquired by the material in theperiod of decreasing rate is considered to be themost important factor effecting product qualityand kinetics of its drying. The equation of the temperature curve in the summarized variableshas been received on the base of the study of theearlier published data about the temperature coefficient of drying various products. The equationallows forecast in advance temperature impactson the product at different drying regimes. Thispossibility is considered to be a base to optimizethe process and prevent excessive temperatureeffect on the product. The constant in the equationis suggested to be defined on the base of the datareceived by the derivatographic analysis. Theequation of the temperature curve has been experimentally proved at two regimes of casein dryingin the fountaining layer.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):54-55
pages 54-55 views

Use of chitosane for casein production

Kurchenko V.P., Radevich T.V., Rizevsky S.V., Varlamov V.P., Tihonov V.E., Evdokimov I.A., Alieva L.R.


A technology for casein and whey proteins production using chitosan from skim milk is offered.It is shown that coagulation of micelles of caseinsand whey proteins with positively charged chitosanmolecules with molecular masses 47, 25,4 and7,7 kDa occurs at pH 6,3. As a result of ionicinteraction of chitosan with skimmed milk proteins, 90-92 % yield of the desired product is achieved.Product includes besides small quantity of chitosanall forms of caseins: αS-casein, ß-casein,к-casein, and a significant amount of ß-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Principle approaches to reduction ofthermal effects in the technologies for dry milkproducts manufacturing. Part 2. Milk processingat a milk plant

Dymar O.V.


Technological approaches to the milk productsmanufacturing, dry products first of all based onthe principle of the minimum thermal effect («Low-Heat») on the all stages of the chain - from milkingto dry product receiving are considered.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):58-60
pages 58-60 views

Qualitycharacteristic of condensed milk with sugar

Svyatkina L.I., Gomza M.M., Andruhova V.Y.


The article gives the quality characteristics andthe indicators of safety of condensed milk withsugar samples. 11 samples of condensed milkwith sugar sold by different suppliers in Irkutskwere studied. The organoleptic estimation of condensed milk with sugar samples showed thatsome of them have a weak taste and smell ofpasteurized milk. The safety indices of condensedmilk with sugar samples were much lower thanthe maximum permissible level of toxic elements.Study of the fatty-acids composition of condensedmilk was carried out with the help of capillarygas-liquid chromatography. As a result, one sample had serious deviations from the standard composition of butterfat that proves falsification offat base with vegetable fat. The coincidence ofthe received results with the standard data of butterfat composition for two samples proves thatthey are natural and made only from cow’s milk.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):61-63
pages 61-63 views

Sterilized evaporated milk: newrequirements

Radaeva I.A., Illarionova E.E., Turovskaya S.N., Gevorkuan K.A.


Active normative base related with sterilized evaporated (concentrated) milk has been analyzed.New intergovernmental standard GOST 342542017 «Canned milks. Milk evaporated sterilized.Technical regulation» was developed in 2017. Inthe standard the definition «milk evaporated (concentrated) sterilized» was given for the first time. The standard normalizes requirements to threetypes of the products (skim, partially skim andwhole). Principle issues of the standard are given:organoleptic, physical-chemical indices andrequirements to safety. Characteristics of the rawmaterials applied are outlined and the list of stabilizers permitted without which it is impossibleto receive the product. Attention is also paid tothe labeling rules and types of package as well asto some separate moments that allow additionallyfind falsified products.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):64-66
pages 64-66 views

Principle taxation changes since 2018

Lesnyh O.V.


Review of the amendments to the Taxation Codexof the Russian Federation introduces since the1st of January 2018 is given including profit taxfor organizations, property tax, transport tax,profit tax.
Dairy industry. 2018;(4):67-71
pages 67-71 views

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