Improvement of the efficiency of the membrane processing of curds whey


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The article is a continuation of the publication of the results of the study «Improvement of the efficiency of the curds whey membrane processing» («The Dairy Industry» № 6, 2018). Further processing of curds whey enriched with stevia extract into glucose-galactose syrup allows to increase efficiency of the technological operation - baromembrane separation. To find principle regularities of lactose hydrolysis in the preliminary concentrated and demineralized curds whey permeate the preparation «Lactazar» produced in our country (with optimum at the pH 3-5) was applied. For determination of the optimal values of the principle parameters of the enzyme work recommendations given in the producer’s instruction (JSK «Farm-standart-Leksredstva», Kursk) were used. Analysis of the data given in the results of the study the conclusion can be made that the main quality indices of the glucose-galactose syrup received from the preconcenrated and demineralized permeate of the whey enriched with stevia extract meet all the requirements of the existing regulating documentation (TU 9229 022 00437062-2009). Microbiological characteristics correspond to the requirements given in the SanPin and referring to the concentrated and dry concentrates.




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