Resources saving technologies in fermented milk products manufacturing



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The technology for fermented milk products fortification using secondary raw milk materials is being offered. Possibility to apply UF-concentrates of skim milk and cheese whey has been considered. The principles of selecting cultures for the polycomponent starters containing probiotic microflora (bifidobacteria or propionic acid microorganisms, acidophilous bacilus), lactococci and thermophilic lactic acid streptococci, kefir grains microflora for enrichment of fermented milk products are discussed. It was found that increase of the mass share of protein in the milk base (4,5-6 %) promotes microflora growth and some increase of acid formation rate (1,2-1,4 times) during the fermentation process. Possibility to receive curds products produced using curds technology on the base of skim milk UF-concentrate has been considered. It was shown that with increase of the mass share of protein in the milk mixture based on the UF-skim milk concentrate the rate of dehydration and whey yield decrease. At the same time increase of the mass share of protein in the milk mixture more than 6-6,5 % make the curd treatment more difficult and negatively effects organoleptic properties of the product. To enrich carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals composition of the products and to improve taste it was offered to fortify milk-protein base with fruits and vegetable supplements. As supplements, sea buckthorn berries and cow-berries worn with sugar were applied. Rational levels (12-14 %) of the supplements were established using the profile method that give the curds products with harmonized fermented, moderate sweet taste and aroma of the supplement used and homogeneous consistency. It is advisable to apply cheese whey and UF-concentrate of whey proteins received by cheese whey ultrafiltration in the formula to increase biological value of fermented milks. Technological scheme of the production is given. Results of the study of the aminoacids composition of the enriched milk-whey drinks are outlined. It was shown that addition of cheese whey UF-concentrate (total solids level 10 %) results in improvement of biological value due to fortification with whey proteins that have no limiting amino acids. Rational levels of the supplement (syrups of white mulberry - 8-9 %, sea buckthorn, cow-berries and cranberries 12-14 %) were established allowing improve food value and organoleptic properties of the enriched fermented milk drinks. Some information is given concerning quality of the drinks during storage.




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