Effects of cryoconcentrating on the level of the skim milk total solids


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The effects of different temperature regimes on the content of dry substances at the cryoconcentration of skim milk has been investigated. The cryoconcentration was carried out in a separate freezing installation of the capacitive type at temperature range from minus 2 to minus 8 °С with intervals of 2 °С. According to the results of experimental studies, a regression equation was obtained to determine the mass fraction of solids in the concentrates of skimmed milk depending on the temperature and duration of freezing. It was found that the duration of cryoconcentration in the investigated temperature ranges should not exceed 2- 2,5 hours. The optimal temperature of cryoconcentration that allows to get the best ratio of the degree of concentration and the duration of separating freezing is minus 4 °С. Recryoconcentrating of crystallizates allows to reduce losses of dry substances, and hence increase the degree of skimmed milk concentrating.




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