Vol XXXV, No 1-2 (2003)

Актовая речь

Kazan neurological school: past and present

Ismagilov M.F.


For a long time, the leading centers of Russian neurology were the first in the world to create the departments of nervous diseases of medical medical universities, which gave the world a galaxy of outstanding neurologists. The original directions and methods of modern clinical neurology were introduced. In this aspect, the achievements of representatives of the Kazan neurological school, their role and influence on the development of scientific and social life and beyond are indisputable.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):5-17
pages 5-17 views

Original article

Clinical and immunological indications of diffuse connective tissue diseases in patients with multiple sclerosis

Sultanova I.V., Kolikova Y.O., Ishmuhametova D.G., Matveeva T.V., Arleevskaya M.I.


Discovered at multiple sclerosis the disturbance of operation of an immune system in many respects are similar to defects at a number classical autoimmune diseases. In the patients with multiple sclerosis are revealed by us the clinical indications close to those at diffuse connective tissue diseases, in particular, at system scleroderma. It was investigated the levels of serum autoantibodies to native and denature DNA in multiple sclerosis and system scleroderma. It was discovered the association of the increased levels of autoantibodies to DNA and the first stage of multiple sclerosis. The data, obtained by us, testify to a generality pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and autoimmune connective tissue diseases at early stages of their origin with a further divergence of paths of their development.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):18-21
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State of vegetative neurous system and nonspecitic adaptation mechanisms in multiple sclerosis patients

Evdokimova O.V., Starikov A.S., Lapkin M.M., Zhdanov V.A.


80 multiple sclerosis patients underwent mathematic analysis of heart rate variability. It has been determined that multiple sclerosis patients are characterized by increase of the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, nonspecific adaptive mechanisms and by decrease of the adaptive organism reserves correlated with the severity of the diseases. It has been revealed that there is connection between the above parameters and different types of the course of disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):22-25
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To the question of differentiated therapy of urination disfunctions in multiple sclerosis patients

Kuzmina S.V., Zaslavsky L.G., Kuzmin I.V.


37 patients with multiple sclerosis who had complaints of urination disfunction have been investigated according to Poser criteria. On the basis of clinical and urometric studies (urofluometry) three main disfunctions of urinary bladder were determined. According to the type of urinary tract disfunctions a combination of medicinal preparations had been used. In a month patients of all the three groups had a significant improvement. In patients of the 1-st group urination frequency decreased by 35%, of the 2nd group — by 34% and the quantity of residual urine reduced by 48%. In patients of the 3rd group quantity of residual urine came close to a norm, being decreased by 55%.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):26-28
pages 26-28 views

Cell membrane state in schizophrenic patients

Oslopova A.A., Karpov A.M., Oslopov V.N.


When investigating 216 schizophrenic patients a significant difference has been revealed in oscillation amplitude in absolute values of Na+—Li+ countertransport at a period of time (speed variability of Na+—Li+ countertransport), and having value s equal to 73,5, though in healthy people and people with different somatic diseases (even with bipolar disturbance) this variability is 13,5—15,7. Na+—Li+ countertransport variability had not been changed because of the therapy, being present at the same level in schizophrenic patients both in acute periods and in the periods of remission. Discovered 5-fold increase of cell membrane permeability in Na+—Li+ countertransport is probably aspecific (pathognomonic) sigh of schizophrenia.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):29-34
pages 29-34 views

«Depressive anosognosia» phenomenon in lonely women with alcohol addiction

Shaidukova L.K., Melchikhin S.I., Shagiakhmetov F.S.


When investigating affective sphere of 160 women with alcohol addiction, depressive disorders have been found in 102 of them (63,75%). Irrespective of their clinical characteristics they had a common feature which caused appearance of depressive anosognosia phenomenon. The latter obstacle leads to hypodiagnostics of depressive disorders and enfluences a quality of the therapy.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):35-38
pages 35-38 views

Pharmacoepidemiologic usage analysis of neuroleptics for treating paranoid schizophrenia in psychiatry hospital

Kuchaeva A.V., Ziganshina L.E., Yakhin K.K., Minnetdinova L.M., Gatin F.F., Mikhailova E.B.


During pharmacotherapy with neuroleptics of paranoid schizophrenia patients there had been studied retrospectively and perspectively frequency and expressiveness of side effects. There was determined a correlation between neuro-motor reaction expressiveness of neuroleptics and sex, age and time of intake. The obtained results can be very useful to a practioner for his/ her rational usage of psychotropic medications, removal of neuro- motor reaction and making decision in continuation of neuroleptic therapy.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):39-43
pages 39-43 views

MRT peculiarities of posterior cranial fossa in family syringomyelia

Selezneva A.V., Mendelevich E.G., Mikhailov I.M., Valieva L.R., Bogdanov E.I.


It was found that syringomyelic patients and clinically healthy people out of the families with MRT-features of Chiari malformation, type I, had a confident decrease of depth and square of posterior cranial fossa. Relatives of patients, having no signs of Chiari malformation, type I, had the same changes as well. There was made a conclusion about presence of posterior cranial fossa hypoplasia in all patients with hereditary syryngomyelia and in members of their families, both having MRT-features of Chiari malformation type I, and having no malformation. It was supposed that posterior cranial fossa hypoplasia is a neurovisual reflection of its hereditary phonotype, and the latter in some cases leads to cerebellar tonsil ptosis, and if there are some endogenic and exogenic factors — to development of family syringomyelia.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):44-46
pages 44-46 views

Regional flow-of-lymph disorder in pathogenesis of shoulder girdle neurovascular syndromes

Shagivaleeva T.P., Mikusev Y.E., Bogdanov E.I.


It was established that in pathogenesis of neurovascular syndromes of shoulder girdle and arms a regional lymphodynamic insufficiency plays a major role. This sufficiency can be detected clinically and by a method of lymphoscintigraphy. Characteristic features of regional flow-of-lymph disorder during humeroscapular arthrosis, caused by postinsult hemiparesis and a complex regional pain syndrome, are a complete or partial absence of lymphatic collectors and node imaging, unclearness of their outlines with unequal distribution of radiopharmaceutical medication.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):47-49
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On the question of psychogenic factors in the pathogenesis of dyshormonal focal breast diseases

Ustimov D.Y.


The successes of psychosomatic medicine have led to the identification of a connection between psychotraumatic factors and diseases such as stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, hypertension, etc. Psychotropic drugs and psychotherapy have long been used in the complex therapy of these diseases. However, in the treatment of dyshormonal mastopathy (fibroadenosis, nodular fibrocystic mastopathy, fibrotizing adenosis), hormone therapy and surgery still dominate. Meanwhile, the connection between dyshormonal mastopathy and the mental sphere of patients is obvious, but little studied.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):50-51
pages 50-51 views


Cerebral venous thrombosis

Bogdanov E.I., Zabbarova A.T.


Classical descriptions of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) have been known since the early 19th century and are based on autopsy data. Focal neurological symptoms, seizures, and coma were considered typical clinical manifestations of CVT. Progress in the development of neuroimaging technology has contributed to the expansion of ideas about the etiology, pathogenesis, spectrum of clinical manifestations and the course of this disease. Currently, the most urgent are the problems of early diagnosis and effective therapy of CVT.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):52-57
pages 52-57 views

Experience exchange

Cerebral circulation disorder is the most important medical and social problem. Organization and development prospects of care for patients with cerebral stroke in the Republic of Tatarstan

Ismagilov M.F.


At the turn of the second and third millennia, cerebrovascular diseases (CVD), especially their most severe forms - cerebral strokes (MI), acquired the significance of the most important medical and social problem, posing a great threat to the health of the nation. According to the yearbook of world sanitary statistics, over the past 30 years, the total indicators of MI morbidity and mortality from it in many countries of the world have a clear upward trend. By 1995, out of 31 European states, only in three countries in the age group from 25 to 74 years, the death rate from MI was above 200 per 100 thousand of the population: this is Portugal - 219.0, Bulgaria - 232.3 and Russia - 245, 6

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):58-61
pages 58-61 views

Organization of neurological care for patients with strokes in Astrakhan

Podlipalin A.Y., Belopasov V.V.


The problem of stroke is acquiring more and more medical and social significance these days. The economic costs of treating stroke in developed countries account for 4% of the total medical budget. In Russia, 400-450 thousand strokes are registered annually, in Astrakhan from 1995 to 2000 - from 1.8 to 2 thousand. There is a stroke every 1.5 minutes in Russia, and every 5 hours in Astrakhan. Stroke ranks second in mortality, and first in residual disability.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):62-63
pages 62-63 views

Наблюдения из практики

Mental disorders in Binswanger's disease

Mendelevich D.M., Safina G.D.


Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, or Binswanger's disease (BD), is a special form of chronic progressive vascular disease of the brain, the main clinical manifestation of which is dementia in combination with a variety of neurological symptoms (subcortical, cerebellar, pseudobulbar and pyramidal syndromes and disorders of other pelvic organs) .). The genesis of the disease, primarily dementia syndrome, is based on diffuse lesion of the white matter (BV) of the cerebral hemispheres, caused by severe arteriosclerosis of the blood vessels supplying it.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Brief communications

Structural and dynamic features of verbal hallucinosis in organic lesions of the frontal region of the brain

Afanasiev S.V., Mendelevich D.M.


A large number of works are devoted to the problem of studying auditory hallucinations. However, it would be wrong to believe that the issues related to this problem have been finally resolved. So, the features of auditory hallucinations in organic brain damage of various localization, in particular the frontal region, have not been sufficiently studied. Focal lesions of the frontal region are characterized by a variety of mental disorders related to the pathology of not only individual aspects of mental activity, but also consciousness and personality. The defeat of the frontal lobes is accompanied by disorders not only of the direct functions of this area, but also of other cerebral systems that disrupt their work due to changes in the impact of frontal mechanisms on these systems. With the defeat of the frontal lobes, hallucinations of various modalities occur, which are true. They usually arise simultaneously in several areas of the senses - auditory, olfactory, visual. Until now, data on auditory hallucinations in organic lesions of the frontal region of the brain, firstly, have not been generalized, and secondly, they have not been systematized.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):68-69
pages 68-69 views

Historical Article

A word about Professor Grigory Yakovlevich Troshin

Mendelevich D.M., Malysheva S.Y.


65 years ago, on March 13, 1938, a prominent Russian psychiatrist, former head of the Department of Psychiatry at Kazan State University, prof. Grigory Yakovlevich Troshin.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):70-75
pages 70-75 views

Kazan journal "Neurological Bulletin" named after V.M. Bekhterev turns 110

Ismagilov M.F.


In January 1893, the medical community in Russia received a new medical journal. It was "Neurological Bulletin", published in Kazan under the editorship of V.M. Bekhterev (Head of the Department of Psychiatry at Kazan University) as the organ of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. Having created one of the first in Russia (1892) society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists in Kazan, V.M. Bekhterev devoted a significant place to his publishing activity. According to the enlightenment of the outstanding scientist, the journal was to become (and has become such!) The main spokesman and conductor of his idea of ​​the unity of neurosciences, an incentive for their development, mutual enrichment and unification of various directions of scientists around the problems of neurology.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):76-77
pages 76-77 views


Comt val158met genotype affects mu-opioid neurotransmitter responses to a pain stressor (Science. — 2003. —Feb. 21. — 299(5610). — P. 1240—1243: англ.)

Zubieta J., Heitzeg M., Smith Y., Bueller J., Xu K., Xu Y., Коерре R., Stohler C., Goldman D.


The catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT) gene regulates the metabolic processes of the neurotransmitter dopamine and, through it, influences endorphins, which play an important role in the process of pain perception. It was found that the COMT gene with the amino acid valine (val158) is more active than the variant of the gene containing methionine (met158).

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):78-78
pages 78-78 views

Prospective study of serum homocysteine and risk of ischemic stroke among patients with preexisting coronary heart disease (Stroke. — 2003. —Mar. — 34(3). — P. 632—636: англ.)

Tanne D., Haim M., Goldbourt U., Boyko V., Doolman R., Adler Y., Brunner D., Behar S., Sela B.


According to modern data, homocysteine damages the vascular endothelium, contributing to the formation of lipid plaques and blood clots. The aim of the study was to determine the risk of ischemic stroke in persons with coronary heart disease, depending on the level of homocysteine in the blood serum.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):78-79
pages 78-79 views

Dietary fats and the risk of incident Alzheimer disease (Arch. Neurol. — 2003. —Feb. — 60(2). — P. 194—200: англ.)

Morris M., Evans D., Bienias J., Tangney C., Bennett D., Aggarwal N., Schneider J., Wilson R.


Alzheimer's disease, progressive brain degeneration, is the most common cause of progressive dementia in older populations. It has been shown that the characteristics of the diet of the elderly increase or decrease the risk of developing the disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):79-79
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Haploinsufficiency of АТР1А2 encoding the Na+/K+ pump alpha2 subunit associated with familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 (Nat. Genet. — 2003. — FEB. — 33(2). — P. 192—196: англ.)

Fusco M.D., Marconi R., Silvestri L., Atorino L., Rampoldi L., Morgante L., Ballabio A., Aridon P., Casari G.


The prevalence of migraine in Western countries shows 12% of the entire population. One of the hereditary forms of the disease is familial hemiplegic migraine of the second type, which clinically manifests an aura, paroxysm of headache and the development of transient hemiparesis during an attack.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):79-80
pages 79-80 views

Lower endotoxin immunity predicts increased cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients after cardiac surgery (Stroke. — 2003. —Feb. — 34(2). — P. 508—513: англ.)

Mathew J., Grocott H., Phillips-Bute B., Stafford-Smith M., Laskowitz D., Rossignol D., Blumenthal J., Newman M.


The side effect of coronary artery bypass grafting operations with the use of artificial circulation on the functions of attention, memory and intelligence was investigated. In total, 460 patients were examined, in whom the level of antibodies to endotoxins of intestinal bacteria was determined, and neuropsychological testing was also carried out.

Neurology Bulletin. 2003;XXXV(1-2):80-80
pages 80-80 views

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