
Comparative Analysis of Russian and International Legislative Regulation of Cyberterrorist Crimes
Kochesokova Z.
Improving Methods of Countering Cybercrime in Modern Conditions
Kodzov T.
Signs and Objectives of Terrorism in the Global Information Space
Kardanov A.
Improving Tools for Countering Cyber Terrorism in Modern Conditions
Zhukov A.
Criminological Characteristics and Problems of Fraud Qualification in the Global Information Space
Abazov I.
Global information space as a factor of the forced spread of religious-political extremism
Kamergoyev B., Bozieva Y.
Topical Issues of Countering the Spread of Extremism Ideology in the Global Information Space
Kamergoev B.
Modern information tools to counter the spread of terrorist threats on the internet
Shogenov T.
Actual Problems of Adaptation to a Peaceful Life of Persons Who Have Made a Decision to Stop Extremist Activities
Magomedov M.
Current Issues of the Use of Internet Resources for Terrorist Purposes
Shogenov T.
The Role of Modern Information Tools in Countering the Spread of Terrorist Threats
Shogenov T.
Comparative Analysis of the Legal Regulation of the Information Sphere of Some Countries of Southeast Asia and the Eurasian Economic Union
Shaydullina V.
On the current issues of countering cyberterrorism
Shogenov T.
Measures to Counter Cyber Terrorist Threats in the Conditions of Globalization of the Information Space
Gedgafov M.
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