
Legal Protection of the Environment in the Arctic Zone of Russia with the Development of the Extractive Sector of the Economy
Battakhov P., Ovchinnikova Y.
Legal Aspects of Ensuring Information Security of the Digital Economy
Severin V.
Criminal Risk Factors for the Development of the Digital Economy
Zhalsanov M.
State Regulation of Production and Economic Activities in Mining in the Arctic
Battakhov P.
Revisiting the Concept of Economic Crimes in Russian Criminal Legislation
Vytovtov A.
Some Aspects of Legal Regulation of Digital Business in the Arctic Territory
Battakhov P.
Rational and irrational in the customary legal support of the economic life of the russian peasantry (on the example of mordvins)
Sushkova Y.
Legal Problems of Digitalization of Prosecutorial Supervision over the Observance of Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms
Migunova T., Korolev A.
Digital trust environment concept
Vornikova E.
Comparative Analysis of the Legal Regulation of the Information Sphere of Some Countries of Southeast Asia and the Eurasian Economic Union
Shaydullina V.
The study of the theoretical issues of implementation of social commerce: legal opinion on the risks for the consumer
Belikova K.
On the Evaluation of Information Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Individual EAEU Member States
Vengerovskiy E.
Ivanov N.
IT taxation: domestic and foreign experience
Mironov A.
Problems of admission and access of subjects to commercial and official secrets in the digital economy
Borisov M., Severin V.
Smart Contract: Concept, Legal Regulation, Aspects of Consumer Protection
Ermakova I.
On the issue of improving the classification system of information in the development of the digital economy
Borisov M., Severin V.
Individual Digital Medical Profile as an Effective Means of Countering Corruption
Bikeev I., Klemin A., Latypova E.
The Concept of «Income», its Content and Correlation with Concepts as «Benefit», «Everything Received Under the Transaction», «Enrichment», «Profit», «Economy» (Civil Law Aspect)
Barkova A.
Legal Regulation of the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Investment Activities in Russia and Abroad
Khaddour Z.
Regulation of the circulation of digital money: development prospects
Vlasova E., Ignatieva I., Zedgenizova I.
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