Vol 16, No 3 (2017)


Perspectives of individual rehabilitation programs development for children with autism spectrum disorders considering structural and functional brain anomalies: a review

Belova A.N., Polyakova A.G., Borzikov W.V., Kuznetsov A.N., Sheyko G.E., Rasteryaeva M.V., Dunaev M.G.


There is a steady increase in the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but the pathophysiology of these disorders is not precisely known. In this regard, some difficulties occur in correctional and rehabilitation programs developing. Magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) is a modern non-invasive diagnostic method of neuroimaging which has the great potential to identify abnormal brain development in autism. The article provides information about the changes of brain anatomy in ASD according to the structural magnetic resonance imaging findings. The possibilities of functional MRI to clarify the pathophysiological mechanisms of autism clinical manifestations are considered: the results obtained by functional brain mapping and functional brain connectivity studies in ADS adults and children are shown. The role of diffusion tensor MRI in the research of brain structural connectivity in autism is covered. It is shown that the data on structural and functional changes in the brain in autism vary greatly and have a correlation with clinic of the disease. Further investigations in this direction and analysis of acquired outcomes might become the basis for development of rehabilitation effectiveness predictors for dividing patients in specific clinic-rehabilitation groups in a process of making personal programs of medical rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):2-14
pages 2-14 views

Sanatorium treatment of children in sanatoria Department of health care of Moscow

Pogonchenkova I.V., Khan M.A., Lyan N.A.


For the purpose of preservation and promotion of health of children creation of qualitative and effective system of recovery and sanatorium treatment is necessary. Data on the organization of sanatorium treatment of children in the city of Moscow, problems of standard and legal regulation of activity of the children’s sanatorium organizations are presented in article, the analysis of incidence of children in the city of Moscow and rendering sanatorium treatment to them in sanatoria of Department of health care of the city of Moscow is carried out. Urgent tasks of development of service of sanatorium treatment of children in the city of Moscow are defined.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Cognitive development of children after arterial ischemic stroke. Possibilities of cognitive rehabilitation

Komarova I.B., Zikov V.P., Khan M.A., Novikova E.V.


This article provides an overview of cognitive prognosis after pediatric arterial ischemic stroke. Different cognitive rehabilitation approaches are briefly described and their evidence base is discussed.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Treatment of pathologically movable kidney in children with idiopathic scoliosis

Pankratova G.S., Dudin M.G., Suslova G.A.


The aim of the research: evaluation of the effectiveness of integrated medical rehabilitation in treatment of pathologically movable kidney in children with idiopathic scoliosis. Materials and methods. The effectiveness of treatment of 94 % of patients with idiopathic scoliosis and diagnosed pathological kidney mobility of varying degrees is analyzed. The main group consisted of 52 patients with three-dimensional deformation of the spinal column. The comlex treatment of these patients included a number of procedures aimed at correction of deviations in the state of urinary system. The comparison group included 42 patients with similar topographical disorders who hadn’t been treated in the suggested way. Complexes of physiotherapy, kinesitherapy and mechanical treatment were used. The state of kidneys was tested by ultrasound in both groups. For the criteria of improvement indicators of displaceability were used: for nephroptosis - 1,9 % - 2,9 %; for pathological mobility - up to 1,8 %. Results. The decrease of pathological mobility of kidneys in the patients with idiopathic scoliosis was observed in 73 % in the main group and in 14,3 % in the comparison group. Conclusion. Complex treatment of children with scoliosis should be carried out according to a special programme of medical rehabilitation taking into account disturbances in kidney topography.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Use of mineral water Crimea in therapeutic prophylactically aims

Poberskaya V.A.


Among the Crimean natural medicinal resources of particular importance for ndevelopment of sanatorium-resort complex are mineral the water a number of fields. It shows the characteristics of mineral water major fields of the western, southern and eastern regions. Illuminated current state of the use of thermal waters and mineral waters of different chemical composition in balneotherapy. Promising to study the state of mineral water in order to increase Spectrum use of hydro resources in the resort practice and industrial pre-packaging
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):29-32
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Treatment principles of postcontusion myocardial syndrome of the patients with compression spine fracture

Arseneva M.S., Andruschenko O.M., Dudin M.G.


It describes the phenomenon of heart damage in cases when children and adolescents falling from height. Symptoms of changes are identified as postcontusion myocardial syndrome (PCMS). The algorithms of pathogenetic treatment PCMS are described.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):33-34
pages 33-34 views

Prevention of acute respiratory diseases in health care institutions type

Khan M.A., Rassulova M.A., Korchazhkina N.B., Aleksandrova O.Y., Kuyantseva L.V., Bykova N.I.


On the basis of the conducted research presents a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children population of children who in child care facility health type. For the first time identified the most informative diagnostic technology medical rehabilitation for premorbid diagnosis of children in children's institutions of Wellness type. Diagnostic technologies in rehabilitation medicine for evaluation of health status of children in institutions health class include: define the type of nonspecific adaptation reactions of organism and the level of reactivity by the method of L.H. Garkavy, indicators of mucosal immunity (concentrations of lysozyme of saliva, secretory immunoglobulin A); the level of antioxidant activity of saliva. A contingent of children's health institutions type includes children of two health groups: healthy children (group I) and frequently ill children (group II). For children of II group of health typical are the reactions of activation with lower frequency harmonic reactions of increased activation significantly high frequency of reactions, a statistically significant imbalance of the mucosal immune system in reducing the concentration of lysozyme of saliva, increase sIgA, significant reduction of antioxidant activity of saliva. In children of the I group of health data indicators are within normal limits. It is established that risk factors for the development of acute respiratory disease in healthy and sickly children in the period of adaptation in institutions of health type are the availability of adaptive responses to low levels of reactivity, pathological reactions medium levels of reactivity, imbalance parameters of mucosal immunity, reducing the level of antioxidant activity of saliva. The favourable impact of health technologies of restorative medicine on nonspecific adaptive response of the organism, as evidenced by the increasing number of children with a harmonious reactions of activation. Developed principles of a differentiated approach to the rehabilitation of children in institutions of health type, taking into account the group's health and risk factors of acute respiratory diseases.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Spa treatment of children with not operate congenital heart disease

Kurganova A.V., Eliseeva L.V., Tataurova V.P., Semenyak E.G., Gavrilova O.F.


Purpose of the study: The purpose of research: to develop optimally differentiated therapeutic complexes sanatorium rehabilitation of children with cardiac pathology in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, depending on the nature of the problem and the degree of hemodynamic disturbances. Material and Methods. To solve the problems we have analyzed the clinical and functional parameters of 43 children with CHD non-operated, with atrial defect (ASD) and ventricular septal (VSD) treated in the sanatorium "Anniversary" and "The Seagull" Gelilovichey name. Analysis: complain, objective data with the assessment of physical development and cardiac status. Estimated cardiorespiratory system (ECG data spirography), the state of central and peripheral hemodynamics (according to TRG, PKG, REG, RVG), the functional reserves of cardiovascular system (according to the CPC, CIG with an estimate of autonomic tone and autonomic reactivity), state simpatoadrenalovoj system (content of catecholamine hormones in the urine). The studies were conducted twice: before and after spa treatment. Method of treatment: for electrosleep orbito-occipital procedure with a frequency of 5-10 Hz pulse rising to 15 Hz, a current intensity of 0.5 mA lasting treatments from 15 to 30 minutes. Children from 11 years duration was increased to 45 minutes. Treatments received daily, number 8. Results. The studiesin the majority of children notoperate congenital heart in fringements indicators cardiohemodynamics, respiratory and autonomic nervous systems simpatoadrenalovoj. On the basis of the results developed indications for differentiated use of preformed physical factors (electrosleep procedures orbito-occipital technique) depending on the initial state of clinical and functional parameters in the complex sanatorium rehabilitation of children with congenital not operate heart defects (a defect atrial and ventricular septal). Conclusion. Conducted clinical and functional studies of children with not operate congenital heart disease identified violations cardiohemodynamics indicators, respiratory and autonomic nervous systems simpatoadrenalovoj the majority of patients. Under the influence of the complex spa treatment using the method electrosleep observed favorable dynamics of the phase structure of the left ventricular systole, autonomic reactivity in patients with atrial septal defect, indicating an improvement of adaptation and compensatory possibilities. In patients with ventricular septal defect had improved central hemodynamics indicators IOC data, CRM, UPS, automatism and conduction function and ECG data.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):41-45
pages 41-45 views

Influence of electrosleeptherapy on the dynamics of biorythmological active hormone adaptation in children with arterial hypertension in the process of spa treatment

Kaladze N.N., Revenko N.A., Meltseva Y.M., Dusaleeva T.M.


Arterial hypertension (AH) is a leader in the modern structure of cardiovascular disease in children. Rehabilitation of systemic manifestations of hypertension in children is described in the literature are not enough. Purpose - improving the efficiency of spa treatment (SCR) of children with hypertension, based on the study of adaptation biorhythmological activity of hormones. Material and methods. The object of observation 134 children with hypertension who received a standard set of SCR and electrosleeptherapy. Results and discussion. It was found that children with hypertension observed desynchronize in the endocrine system, which is evident mismatch in the system serotonin-melatonin in the form of increased serotonin levels and reduce its transformation into melatonin at night, the result of which becomes a mismatch daytime and nighttime blood pressure levels (BP). Daily biorythmological profile organism influences the formation of circadian type of hypertension in children. The complex of rehabilitation measures under Yevpatoria resort with electrosleeptherapy helps balance stressimplementing stressrealize systems of the body in the form of normalization of the changed parameters of the content adaptation hormones ordering biorhythmological hormonal ratios and hence reducing blood pressure. The most pronounced effect of treatment was obtained in the group of children with labile hypertension, which was appointed electrosleep. However, a significant decrease in blood pressure in children with insufficient nocturnal blood pressure reduction can be recommended electrosleep under these types of hypertension.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):46-50
pages 46-50 views

Conduction cryotherapy and its combined exposure to peaceful electroneyostimulation in chronic constipations children

Khan M.A., Rassulova M.A., Talkovsky E.M., Smirnov A.N., Ostroukhova O.V.


The article deals with the issues of the scientific substantiation and effectiveness of the combined effect of conduction cryotherapy and percutaneous electroneurostimulation in children with chronic constipation. Clinical and functional studies were conducted in 120 children aged 2 to 18 years. According to the results of the research, it has been established that the use of combined effects of conduction cryotherapy and percutaneous electroneurostimulation-cryoelectronic neurostimulation improves the effectiveness of treatment of children with chronic constipation in comparison with patients who received separate effects from each of the physical factors and children of the control group. During the study, data were obtained on the beneficial effect of physical factors on the indices of the functional state of the colon (anorectal profilometry) and bioelectric brain processes (electroencephalography). The obtained results allow to substantiate the possibility and necessity to recommend methods of conduction cryotherapy and cryoelectronic neurostimulation to the program of medical rehabilitation of children with chronic constipation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):51-55
pages 51-55 views

Surgical treatment of hip subluxation and dislocation in children with spina bifida: evaluation of physical function of patients

Ivanov S.V., Kenis V.M.


Background. Dislocation and subluxation of the hip joint are common for children with spina bifida. Aim. The aim of this study - to assess functional results before and after surgery in children with spina bifida with hip dislocation and subluxation. Materials and methods: 134 patients with spina bifida and dislocation and subluxation of the hip were examined and treated during the period of 2006-2016 years. The study included 69 patients undergone surgical stabilisation of the hip. The control group included 65 patients with dislocation and subluxation of the hip joint which didn’t undergo surgery. All patients were classified by neurosegmental level according Sharrard classification. Results. Surgical treatment of hip dislocation and subluxation in patients having high neurosegmental levels (thoracic and L1-L2) didn’t improve physical function in 70% cases (17 out of 24 patients); in patients with neurosegmental level L3-L4 and L5-S1 physical function improved on 33%, while in the control group deteriorated on 26%. Conclusion. In children with high neurosegmental levels (thoracic and L1-L2) surgery for subluxation and dislocation of the hip doesm’t improve the physical function (p> 0,05), while children with lower neurosegmental levels (L3-L4, L5-S1) adequate surgical intervention for for subluxation and dislocation improves the functional capacity of patients.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):56-59
pages 56-59 views

New technologies of medical rehabilitation of children with cystic fibrosis

Khan M.A., Kapranov N.I., Prikuls V.F., Mikitchenko N.A., Lyan N.A., Trunova O.V.


This article is devoted to the complex application of new technologies for medical rehabilitation of children suffering from cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease characterized by clinical polymorphism, early disability and short life expectancy of patients, requiring continuous medical and rehabilitation measures aimed at improving drainage function of the bronchi and evacuation of sputum. At present, research on the scientific substantiation of new technologies for medical rehabilitation of such patients continues. One of the important areas of modern physiotherapy is the development of combined effects that increase the effectiveness of treatment by enhancing the synergistic components of the mechanism of therapeutic action. Based on the conducted studies, high efficiency of complex application of pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field and flutter therapy in medical rehabilitation of children suffering from cystic fibrosis is established. Based on the studies carried out, the effectiveness of the complex application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field and flutter therapy in the medical rehabilitation of children with cystic fibrosis was studied. The analysis revealed a high therapeutic efficiency of the complex application of pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field and flutter therapy in the medical rehabilitation of children suffering from cystic fibrosis. The inclusion of a complex application of pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field and flutter therapy in the medical rehabilitation of children with cystic fibrosis has a beneficial effect on the clinical symptoms of the disease (improves the drainage function of the bronchi, promotes a change in the sputum character, reduces auscultatory changes in the lungs), significantly increases the chest excursion in Such patients, improves bronchial patency at the level of central and peripheral bronchi, reduces the degree of hypoxemia.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):60-65
pages 60-65 views

Performance indicators proteolysis and lipid peroxidation under the influence of sanatorium treatment in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, received basic therapy with methotrexate

Garmash O.I., Aliyev L.L., Skolotenko T.S.


Researches proteolysis indices in children with JRA receiving during his stay in the sanatorium basic therapy with methotrexate. It is shown that the use of methotrexate in children with JRA, reduces the intensity of destructive inflammatory process, as evidenced by the level in the normal range of trypsin-like proteases and inhibit enzymes, level of thiobarbituric acid products. There is clinical and laboratory improvement after a course of sanatorium treatment of children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis receiving during a stay in a sanatorium basic therapy with methotrexate. Resort treatment has a less pronounced effect on the proteolysis indices in children with JRA, located at the base of therapy, compared with patients not receiving methotrexate while staying at the resort. effect of sanatorium treatment on some indicators proteolysis in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, received basic therapy with methotrexate.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):66-70
pages 66-70 views

Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy during sanatorium reabilitation

Kaladze N.N., Moshkova E.D., Ponomarenko Y.N.


One of the most significant problems during the sanatorium treatment of children with cerebral palsy is the epilepsy. The aim of our study was to assess the risk of epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy during sanatorium treatment. The study involved 170 children with cerebral palsy of varying severity on GMFCS. Among the surveyed children with cerebral palsy in 96 (56.5%) patients were indications of epilepsy. In children with different levels of GMFCS identified differences in the degree of severity of epilepsy. The EEG of children with cerebral palsy epileptiform activity reported in 113 (66.4%) persons. After treatment in the EEG were detected amplification of epileptiform changes in the majority of children with cerebral palsy. The dependence of the severity of motor disorders and the risk of developing epilepsy during sanatorium treatment.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):71-76
pages 71-76 views

Actual problems of mental health of students

Odarushhenko O.I.


The preservation and strengthening of the health of student youth is an urgent task facing the higher school today. An analysis of the literature for 10-15 years is presented, showing the incidence of young people during their studies at the university. The problem of mental health of students is revealed. The existing ways of increasing the students’ adaptive capabilities in the conditions of the university are shown. It is proved that there is no single methodological approach to the organization of medical care for students. The necessity of psychological rehabilitation of a practically healthy young person in the conditions of a sanatorium and the search for new complex methods aimed at restorative correction of mental states in the case of functional disorders of certain body systems in young people during the training period is substantiated.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):77-80
pages 77-80 views

Features of lesions of the nervous system in the remote periods of concussion and brain contusion mild severity in children in different post-traumatic time

Chepurnaya L.F.


The need for a comprehensive study of craniocerebral injuries due not only to increased frequency and prevalence in children and adolescents, but also the formation in most cases, the current process traumatic or aggravation of the residual organic changes in the brain that often leads to disability, as most (63,0-75,0%) children with craniocerebral injury, in the future, there are different syndromes of a distant period, and with approximately 20,0% of the victims in the future cannot proceed to a normal school, which sometimes leads to socio-educational, and then and labor maladjustment. The analysis of the nervous system on the Statute of limitations injuries have 183 children. The results of these studies showed that children with consequences of craniocerebral trauma there comes quite a long recovery period revealed differences in clinical and functional indicators depending on the type of the injury suffered and the period of its limitations.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):81-85
pages 81-85 views

Dynamic assessment of morphological and functional characteristics of an organism of children of school age as a basis for disease prevention

Krasnozhon S.V.


The main task of preventive medicine today is to increase the adaptive capacity and functional reserves of the child’s body (both sick and healthy). It is a complex and rational system of organizing physical education in the school, which must be built taking into account the age, sexual, functional and adaptive capabilities of the child. For this, an individual approach to the normalization of physical activity and distribution of children to medical groups of physical education should be provided, taking into account the functional readiness of the organism for carrying out the load. Inadequate definition of the group for physical training leads to incorrect dosage of physical activity and contributes to an increase in the probability of development of borderline and pathological conditions. The substantiation of the new methodology and methods of distribution of schoolchildren to groups for physical exercises taking into account the level of health and physical working capacity is given.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Cerebral palsy. Clinical recommendations

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(3):91-114
pages 91-114 views

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