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Vol 10, No 1 (2023)


Motivational and communication business immunity in a competitive economy

Shchepakin M.B., .


The necessity of ensuring a breakthrough in the industrial and technological renewal of the sectoral segments of the economy in order to strengthen Russian subjectivity and achieve genuine sovereignty based on the integration of efforts of all participants in relations to create a stable competitive status of Russia in all its dimensions is outlined. A new understanding of the concept of competitive stability amidst the mobilization economy is proposed. It is argued that the key link of positive changes in the pace of economic growth and the progressive movement towards well-being and accumulation of the potential of competitive stability is the strengthening of the motivational and communication immunity of business. The necessity of establishing complementary interaction of various functional areas of business activity is substantiated. Within this interaction, the human resource with its motivational and behavioral dominant acquires the property of a key link in the transformative processes of changing the internal state of Russian society in the direction of strengthening its immune state. The competitiveness of business entities becomes a focus in the positive civilizational movement of Russian society towards technological sovereignty through the activation of a human-centered resource within the framework of the mobilization economy. A model of managing the economic growth of business amidst a mobilization economy is proposed. It is based on the innovative variability of the value chains being built and on the reengineering of business processes implemented during the rationalization of a combination of various resources. It is proved that the key tool in achieving the designated goals and strategic guidelines is the motivational and communication immunity of business entities, formed under the influence of social, motivational and behavioral dominators, embedded in the socio-economic system by a human-centered workforce.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):9-34
pages 9-34 views

Marketing logistics as the basis of a logistics approach to assessing the company's competitiveness

Aleksandrova L.Y., Munshi A.Y., Munshi S.M., Aleksandrova O.S.


Modern conditions of increasing competition and digital transformation of business require the development and implementation of timely informed decisions on conducting a comprehensive assessment of the company's competitiveness underlying its provision and improvement. They are associated with logistics and marketing tools that have a lot in common and at the same time characterize a specific approach to solving strategic tasks.The connection and dependence of logistics and marketing on each other is revealed; their integration contour is indicated. The relevance of the marketing logistics system development is substantiated. In order to substantiate the need to use marketing logistics as the basis of a logistics approach to assessing the company's competitiveness. An analysis of the companies' experience practicing marketing and logistics tools by methods of theoretical and empirical research, system and statistical analysis was carried out.On the basis of a set of indicators, including marketing and logistics processes, the assessment of mesocompetitiveness was carried out. The main guidelines of marketing logistics, responsible for the demand formation and implementation in the process of safe management of end-to-end internal and external flows and the company's competitiveness in order to minimize its logistics costs and commercial risks, increase of its profit and profitability were determined. The the need to integrate groups of practices used in assessing the company's competitiveness as a supply chain link is substantiated.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):35-52
pages 35-52 views

History and perspectives of the process management development

Naugolnova I.A.


The relevance of the study is due to the need to increase the adaptability of domestic companies to the high volatility of environmental factors, reduce production costs, and increase labor productivity. The process model of organisational management is designed to meet these challenges.The article considers the stages of origin, formation and prospects for the development of a process approach to the management of industrial enterprises. The necessity and expediency of the introduction and development of this management model in modern conditions is substantiated. The conditions for the successful development of the practice of implementing a process management model are determined.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):53-64
pages 53-64 views

Comparative analysis of current project management methods

Merzlikin S.S.


Today, the information technology development and new challenges and threats pose other tasks for business that can be solved with the help of a well-formed project management system. Project management is a full-fledged method that includes many tools. They are as follows: planning, analysis, mathematical modeling, comparison, etc. However, it is impossible to correctly apply project management methods without defining the methodological basis. Modern project management is based on a symbiosis between management solutions and new technology, which act as a new tool that increases the effectiveness of project management. The main traditional and modern approaches to the development of project management methods are considered. A comparative analysis between the initially established and modern approaches is carried out. This analysis allows to determine the feasibility of modern and traditional methods in order to improve the implementation of projects. The data presented in the article will be useful to managers, companies heads, as well as those who study project management methods.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):65-80
pages 65-80 views

Stress testing as a crisis management tool

Devyatkin O.V.


The autogenic crisis is considered as a conceptually new direction in ensuring long-term sustainable development of organizations. Autogenic or managed crisis is an innovative method of resolving contradictions in organizations. Thus, the stress testing method is proposed as an instrument of the mechanism of autogenic crisis and crisis management. The problems of stress testing in the financial and banking sector, both at the macro level and at the micro level, have been worked out quite deeply. However, for real sector, these problems require appropriate adaptation, theoretical and practical study. The article clarifies the conceptual apparatus of stress testing. The goals and objectives of the stress testing method, methodology and scenarios, roles and areas of special attention, specific programs adapted for sectors of the real economy are determined. It is concluded that stress testing should be an important, innovative and economically feasible tool for the top management of any organization when making decisions on business strategy, crisis management, risks and capital.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):81-92
pages 81-92 views

Building and developing a culture of risk management

Nikitin V.N., Blagodatskiy P.V., Kryuchkova A.S., Kosova A.V.


The activity of absolutely any company is accompanied by risks, which in some cases can lead to certain losses. Therefore, it is risk management that pays special attention to company managers, including organizational risk management.The purpose of the study is a theoretical and empirical study of the risk management culture in the company.The formation of a risk management culture is an important component of the risk management system. To determine the level of development of the risk culture, a survey of heads of departments was conducted. This allowed to conclude that the risk management culture is sufficiently developed, although there are a number of areas in need of development.This article discusses the features of organizational risks. The main elements of risk management in the management of organizational changes are specified. This study also highlights the importance of creating or applying an effective framework for identifying, analyzing and monitoring risk events.The complex nature of the study of risk management culture in the company is the novelty of this study.The authors solve the scientific problem of insufficient scientific basis for the formation and development of an organizational risk management system in an organization.The article will be of interest to specialists in corporate culture management, risk managers and organizational development specialists.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):93-110
pages 93-110 views

Formalization of expert systems to support investment decision-making in financial markets

Voronova N.S., Yakovleva E.A., Sharich E.E., Yakovleva D.D.


The article develops the basic principles of situational management in the construction of an expert decision support system amidst incompleteness and uncertainty of information about the objects in question, their properties, patterns of behavior, mutual influences and interrelationships. The authors formalized the subject area model for making investment decisions in a hedge fund within the framework of the expert system.From the point of view of the characteristics of determination, recognition and leveling, problematic situations describing the decision-making process within the subject area are systematized. Taking into account the existing risks and threats when using a logical-linguistic model, the stages of decision-making are highlighted. This model characterizes the process of optimizing the search for solutions in the expert decision support system.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):111-126
pages 111-126 views

The model of an effective leader in local self-government

Sizganova E.Y., Kaydashova A.K., Ashin A.A.


The leader's professional competencies, skills and personal qualities, play an important role in improving the efficiency of local self-government in conditions of uncertainty.Based on the analysis of theories of leadership and the current state of the institute of local self-government in Russia, the results of the study of effective leadership in local self-government are presented.The actual problems of the local self-government development are outlined. Various approaches to determining the key performance indicators of a local self-government employee are described.The analysis of existing approaches to assessing the effectiveness of a local self-government employee and the effectiveness of a leader in management theory is carried out. The characteristics of the leader in local self-government are formulated.The proposed leader model consists of four main areas of activity, including a set of qualities necessary for effective management at the local self-government level.The article may be of interest to heads of public authorities, as well as researchers in the field of leadership and management.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):127-138
pages 127-138 views

Corporate culture values as an HR management tool

Kaloshina T.Y., Belskaya Y.V.


The most significant element in the modern concept of HR management is the recognition of a person as a key resource of organizations and, as a result, focus on creating conditions for the realization of his potential. The cultural component here is one of the most significant intangible assets, the central basis of the organization's life cycle. Namely, these are the values, norms and attitudes that are accepted and shared by both managers and ordinary employees of the company. In the context of digital transformation and hybrid work formats, corporate culture as an HR management tool is of particular importance. In the article, the authors answer the following questions. What is corporate culture? What value orientations allow using corporate culture as an HR management tool? It is necessary to try to answer these questions, since corporate culture is the most important tool for the long-term successful development of the company, uniting employees around strategic goals.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):139-150
pages 139-150 views

Improving the efficiency of personnel management in an uncertain environment

Kostin K.B., Mamedova L.E., Lenskaya V.A.


The analysis of methods and approaches to team management in periods of instability and conflicts is carried out. The authors' recommendations on the choice of optimal management methods in order to increase the company's shareholder value have been developed. The main ways of managing a team during periods of instability and conflict are analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of relevant management methods and techniques are identified. The causes and types of conflicts in the working team are examined. Methods aimed at improving the efficiency of personnel management are proposed. The optimal dispute resolution techniques in the working team have been determined. This article may be of interest to both managers and representatives of top management, as well as students, graduate students, and academic staff.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):151-174
pages 151-174 views

New approaches to HR management in the system of consumer cooperation

Sochneva E.N., Malimonov I.V., Zyablikov D.V., Starova O.V.


This paper presents some approaches to personnel management in consumer cooperation, taking into account the influence of modern external factors. Approaches are divided into blocks. In the block of remuneration, the use of multiple time wage system is justified. In terms of personnel selection, it is proposed to independently teach the employee the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities through internships. As optimal work regimes for organizations in consumer cooperation, home work and flexible regimes are justified. In the field of organization of personnel management, it is proposed to separate the functions of decision-making centers and organizations that are part of society. Thus, decision-making centers should develop local regulatory documents, select personnel and engage in its development. In the companies themselves, the function of personnel management should be partially preserved, but at the same time reduced to the current personnel records management.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):175-188
pages 175-188 views

Digital transformation of staff development and training

Abramov V.I., Glukhova E.V., Semenkov K.Y.


The article discusses ways to increase efficiency in the development of staff competencies using individual educational trajectories. Tools for digital representation and management of employee competencies, design and monitoring of the learning process both for individual employees and for obtaining aggregate competencies for the company as a whole are offered. Automation of a significant part of the educational process makes it possible to increase the training effectiveness. The proposed approach is designed to correctly combine the interests of the company and employees, to set priorities for the further development of relations between participants in the educational process with an increase in the level and quality of feedback and innovation activity in general. The article may be of interest to researchers whose area of interest includes innovative trends in management, the development of entrepreneurial activity and improving the efficiency of digitalization of companies and organizations. The research results can be useful for practical managers who develop and implement strategies for innovative development, including the introduction of innovation in educational processes and technology.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):189-202
pages 189-202 views

Digitalization of staff records management in the overall document management system

Balganova E.V.


The author analyzes digitalization of management documentation support. The problem of reasons, including legal ones, affecting the quality of electronic document management in staff records management is considered. The author used an institutional approach that allows an objective assessment of the current situation in this area.The legal and practical aspects of the staff records management transition to electronic documents in the general system of documentation support are considered. The author draws attention to the problems inherent in the transition period of office work digitalization and also identifies possible ways to overcome these problems. The presented material can be useful to the management and officials in determining the place and role of various digital products in improving the quality of management processes.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):203-218
pages 203-218 views

The electronic document management system as the distributor of the university's digital ecosystem, or how a fear of uncertainty hinders development

Sannikov D.V., Shirinkina E.V.


The article describes the prerequisites for the mass transition to electronic document management in Russia in recent years. The role of the electronic document management system in the digital ecosystem of the university is considered. The organizational and economic mechanism of the university ecosystem based on the project approach is proposed. This requires taking into account the components of university models (1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0). The article describes the experience of implementing the Directum RX electronic document management system at Ugra State University in implementing the university's digital transformation strategy, taking into account the achievements of Russian scientific thought in terms of prospects, features, advantages and risks, threats and disadvantages of implementing such systems. The article can be useful for both academic staff and university employees, as well as civil servants working in the field of higher education.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):219-240
pages 219-240 views

Designing virtual academic mobility in higher education: specificities, risks and development opportunities

Gagarina I.Y., Kulikova O.M., Lisovich I.I.


The specifics of the implementation of academic exchange programs in order to develop the competitive advantage of Russian's universities have been studied. To determine the risks of the external environment for (virtual) academic mobility amidst sanctions and digitalization of the education and the economy, PEST-analysis was used. The analysis of the internal environment is based on the results of a targeted online survey from the point of implementing virtual academic mobility programs. The conducted research of the regulatory framework, external and internal factors made it possible to develop recommendations on digitalization of the educational process, organizational and methodological support of programs (virtual) academic mobility. The purpose of the recommendations is to increase the attractiveness of Russian regional universities for (virtual) academic exchange within the framework of performance indicators and national projects.The article is devoted to solving the problem of designing programs of virtual academic mobility of Russian higher education in the current political and economic constraints, socio-cultural context and technological capabilities. The material presented in the article will be of interest to the heads of Russian universities and organizations participating in networking and academic exchange programs.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):241-260
pages 241-260 views

Comparative analysis of employees' environmental thinking in Russian oil and gas companies during 2021-2022

Guryeva M.A., Tarasova O.V.


A comparative analysis of employees' environmental intelligence and thinking in Russian oil and gas companies based on the results of sociological surveys conducted by the authors in 2021 and 2022 is presented. To improve the objectivity of the results, the questionnaire was expanded to include a specific block concerning personal self-identification of respondents in the field of environmental literacy. The identified dynamics made it possible to detail the qualitative changes that have taken place in development of ecological thinking and to determine the refined vector of its transformation. This will have a positive impact on the efficiency of human resources departments and personnel development services of the companies when carrying out clarifying and correcting measures.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):261-284
pages 261-284 views

Leadership options in various sports and physical training organizations

Ashcheulov A.V., Tumanyan K.V., Lukyanenko O.V.


The theoretical aspects of leadership, as well as the necessary qualities that a person who claims to be a leader in a sports and physical training organization should possess are considered. The characteristics of leadership options in various sports and physical training organizations are given. The objectives and features of leadership in commercial and budgetary organizations in the field of sports and physical training are considered. The characteristic of leaders, depending on the role they perform in a sports and physical training organization, is given. The features of the leader-coach and the leader-athlete are described. The analysis of advantages and disadvantages of two types of leaders in sports and physical training organizations – business and emotional leaders - is presented.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):285-296
pages 285-296 views

Stress and manager's professional performance

Litvinyuk A.A.


The article is devoted to identifying the impact of stressful situations on the managers' performance. The theory of the motivational complex of labor activity was used as the methodological basis of the study.The following methods were used: sociological surveys and standard test methods used in HR management to assess the professional and personal qualities of employees. Managers of Russian organizations retrained at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics were the respondents of the survey. The main objective of the study was to analyze the positive and negative impact of stressful situations in the workplace on the managers' professional activities, the influence of organizational stress factors on the manager's performance and analysis of the psychosomatic effects of stress caused by errors in the manager's motivation system. The conclusions drawn on the basis of the results obtained showed that ignoring stressful situations in the managers' professional activities leads to a decrease in the productivity of their work due to the development of negative emotions and actualization on their basis of five groups of psychosomatic diseases that do not allow managers to fully use their potential to solve the tasks assigned.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):297-310
pages 297-310 views

Improving the measurement and evaluation of human capital as a factor of organizational development

Kartashova L.V., Savochkin A.V.


The article shows the main approaches to the formation and development of human capital. The scientific principles underlying the choice of methods for assessing human capital management and directions for using its results in practice are formulated. The characteristic of the existing approaches to the measurement and analysis of human capital is given. Their distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Recommendations for the effective use of various methods of assessment and formation of human capital, depending on the situational factors of the functioning of the organization, are formulated. Challenges in the field of human capital formation and opportunities for further research in this area are identified.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):311-330
pages 311-330 views

Development of the IT labor market amidst sanctions and military and political conflicts

Pshenichnikov N.V.


The article is devoted to the development of the IT labor market amidst sanctions and military and political conflicts. The main trends that affect the situation that develops in the labor market, taking into account the sanctions imposed, are considered. The main indices of the portal are analyzed. These indices show the current situation in the labor market, taking into account the aspect of IT specialization. The main indicators reflecting the current state of the IT labor market are considered. The main trends that will affect the IT labor market in the next six or twelve months have been identified. In the current conditions, the employer may again become the main one in the Russian labor market, since the percentage of companies willing to hire new employees has fallen significantly. Many companies single out one of the main tasks: the preservation of the team and the employees' trust. This, in turn, is used by some companies to their advantage by manipulating their employees.Despite various pessimistic forecasts, many of them have not come true, the market is able to adapt and companies are working hard to maintain their positions, strengthen them and find new opportunities and directions of development. Companies also began to allocate more time to the HR brand in order to increase awareness among job seekers in the labor market.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):331-342
pages 331-342 views

Exploring the dynamics of labor performance indicators amidst digital transformation

Andreeva Z.V., Asaliev A.M.


The article discusses the features of the dynamics of labor performance indicators amidst digital transformation. The parameters of the relationship between the indicators of the development of the digital environment and labor productivity are revealed. The trends in the development of digital technology and the possibilities of regulating labor productivity in the regions are determined. The definition of digital transformation is given. The key features of digital transformation in the modern economy are highlighted. The authors have developed an express methodology for assessing the impact of digital transformation on labor productivity. This methodology includes an analysis of indicators of the organizations' innovative activity level, the share of fundamentally new technology, the digitalization level of the local telephone network and the share of the employed in ICT in the total number of the employed. On the example of the Ural Federal District, it was revealed that indicators of innovative activity, fundamentally new technology and those employed in ICT can indirectly affect labor productivity. The article will be of interest to specialists in labor efficiency management, public civil servants and specialists in the field of digital transformation.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):343-356
pages 343-356 views

The Russian labor market under sanctions: possible ways out of the crisis situation

Akhmedov F.K.


The article discusses the main changes and the negative dynamics in the labor market under the current economic sanctions. Labor market indicators, in particular labor productivity, unemployment rate, as well as the expected negative consequences and possible directions of labor market development in order to minimize the negative impact of economic sanctions are analyzed. The concept of regressive import substitution and the market law of three percent economic growth as the causes of labor market regulation is considered. Options for the development of the labor market infrastructure as a proposed way out of the crisis situation are suggested. The necessity of developing trade unions, social protection programs, as well as state employment centers and career centers at higher educational institutions is demonstrated. A brief description of the problems of the youth labor market, faced with the problem of brain drain and mass migration of highly qualified specialists, is given. In order to develop the institute of social and labor relations and solve the problems in the youth labor market, the need for the development of the trade union movement is substantiated. For this purpose, the example of Western countries with market capitalist model of economy is considered. The connection between the development of social and labor relations, improvements in working conditions and a decrease in the outflow of qualified specialists abroad as a possible effect is presented.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(1):357-366
pages 357-366 views

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