Vol 8, No 3 (1894)

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To the question of the aseptic method for operations

Stroganov V.V.


Recently, instead of the antiseptic method, sterilization and aseptic methods have been increasingly used in operations in uncharged tissues. In the department of prof. Ott, at the Clinical Institute of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, the latest methods have been used for several years, and in general, a more favorable course of the postoperative period, more frequent receipt of primae intentionis wounds - this is the ideal of surgeons, both in large, and especially in plastic surgeries.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):175-182
pages 175-182 views

Uterus duplex bicornis cum vagina subsepta infrasimplici или uterus didelphys cum vagina subseptainfra simplici?

Serezhnikov G.P.


The various deformities found in the area of ​​female genital organs are of interest to us not only as a deviation from the laws according to which the forms of individual creatures develop, but also according to those functional features that are completely dependent on the properties, location and degree of development of the existing defect. They are interesting for the practicing physician in the sense that the morbid phenomena and functional deviations that have developed as a result of their morbidity require special individual therapy based on a comprehensive study of this defect. The developed diseases on the basis of a viciously developed organ require the careful use of conventional therapy. Finally, in the diagnostic sense, they sometimes present such difficulties that are not always even resolved positively on the sectional table.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):183-186
pages 183-186 views

To the casuistry of complete ruptures of the uterus during the act of childbirth

Viridarsky S.T.


Ruptures of the uterus, being one of the most fatal complications of the act of childbirth, represent, by their etiology, in each individual case, and still a lot of dark sides. Bandl's classic works, which, according to Veit's apt expression, constituted an era in the teaching of uterine ruptures, are so carefully substantiated by the author himself and are full of such valuable indications for the symptomatology of a threatening rupture that for every obstetrician practitioner, they are still a guide thread in the prevention of this dangerous complication.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):187-193
pages 187-193 views

Medical report on the activities of the Obstetric Department of the Gynecological Clinic prof. N.V. Yastrebova at the Imperial Warsaw University in 1890 (from 15 / III), 1891 and 1892 (until 15 / III)

Brzhezinsky V.A.


Of the total number of births during the reporting period (931), in 910 cases, births were single and in 21 — multiple births — twins (or 2.26%). The ratio of multiple births to single births = 1: 43.3, which is higher than in the previous reporting years 1: 66. Twins are accounted for in 43.3 single births.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):194-237
pages 194-237 views


Ott D.O.


Attended by: honorary member K.F. Slavyanskiy, 38 members: Antipov, Baikov, Bankovskiy, Baskin, Batsevich, Viridarskiy, Voff, Hermonius, Goraiskiy, Danilovich, Dimant, Dranitsyn, Zabolotskiy, Krukovich, Lichkus, Massen, Piotrovich, Porshnyakov, Radetskiy V.K., Rachinskiy, Ruzi, Rutkovskiy, Rymsha, Savchenko, Sadovskiy, Serezhnikov, Stelmakhovich, Stravinskiy, Strogonov, Fisher, A. R. Fratkin, Tsyrskiy, Chernyshev, Shverdlov, Stolts, Shuttenbach, Eberman, Eichfus and 20 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):238-243
pages 238-243 views

To the etiology and treatment of uterine inversion due to tumors. Eversion statistics

Rachinskiy N.


If, in general, eversion of the uterus occurs infrequently, then in particular this applies to eversion due to tumors. According to statistics from Crossé, out of 400 cases of eversion, tumors account for 50; During the period from 1877 to 1893, Jakub collected 244 cases, of which 27 were tumors, together with the author's next case.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):244-246
pages 244-246 views

Uterine ruptures and their outcome, depending on the nature of obstetric care

Rachinskiy N.


Leaving aside the ruptures of the uterus, depending on changes in the uterine parenchyma and malformations of the uterus, the author attributes most of the ruptures to neglected and incorrectly administered labor. He puts the degree of frequency of ruptures in direct proportion to the timeliness and nature of obstetric care in each case. Finding a negligible percentage of ruptures in almost all authors (0.01% -0.1%), excluding Leopold (0.3%), and comparing the incidence of uterine ruptures in Warsaw (18 ruptures per 3391 births, therefore, about 0 , 5%), the author explains this frequency of breaks by the irrational delivery of obstetric care. Several cases are cited to support this opinion.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):246-247
pages 246-247 views

Death during childbirth with uncompensated heart disease

Rachinskiy N.


In confirmation of the earlier statements by the author on the effect of pregnancy on the worsening of heart disorders and on the possibility of a fatal outcome due to irreparable heart compensation disorders, he cites here a case that was under his supervision at the Moscow obstetric clinic.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):247-248
pages 247-248 views

Brefotomy case

Kakushkin N.


In a second-bearing woman, on the 3rd day after the onset of labor, with a transverse neglected position (t° 38.8°; pulse 120), the author exfoliated both arms in the shoulder joint, perforated the spine in the lower cervical part, removed the lower part of the fetal body (with legs ), and then, having squeezed out part of the brain through the spinal canal, removed the head.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):248
pages 248 views

On the issue of malaria during pregnancy and after childbirth

Kakushkin N.


The author describes three cases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):248-249
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On the statistics of cancer patients in the Staro-Catherine hospital in Moscow for a ten-year period, from 1883 to 1893

Kakushkin N.


From these statistics we borrow the following. Of the 1,022 cancer patients who were during this time, there were 726 women, that is, 71%.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):249
pages 249 views

For a case of bending back and infringement of the pregnant uterus

Kakushkin N.


A 37-year-old patient arrived at the hospital with a distended urinary bladder that simulated a huge tumor emerging from the pelvis and reaching the free segment of the epigastric region.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):249-250
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Birth by triplets

Kakushkin N.


A peasant woman, 25 years old, is pregnant for the third time. Childbirth 8 weeks before due date; arrived with contractions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):250
pages 250 views

Two cases of ectopic pregnancy, successfully operated in extremis with gastrointestinal surgery

Rachinsky N.


The first case concerns a 24-year-old patient who was admitted to the Jewish Odessa hospital on June 8, 1893, in a state of severe acute anemia: cold extremities, cyanosis of the lips, intense deep breathing, deathly pallor, cold sweat on the forehead, barely noticeable, threadlike pulse, but at times completely disappearing, semi-unconscious, dilated pupils.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):250-252
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The consequences of resection and transection of the uterine horns in rabbits

Rachinsky N.


There is, as you know, a method of supravaginal amputation of the uterus, according to which the stump formed by the remaining uterine cervix is not sheathed by the peritoneum, but simply captured only in the ligature; while, according to H. Treub'u, the ligature is applied only around the neck, en masse, according to the method practiced by prof. DO Ottom, ligatures, number from 2 to 4, pass through the thickness of the uterine wall, without capturing the cervical canal and thus leaving it passable.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):252-253
pages 252-253 views

Postpartum psychoses

Kakushkin N.


Guided by the views of various authors, the author of the article tries to systematize various etiological moments, both predisposing to postpartum psychoses and producing the latter. The first place among the causes is heredity, a predisposing cause. Between the predisposing and producing causes, as something transitional, there are emotional disturbances and moral upheavals. Finally, among the causative causes, it is necessary to indicate infection and postpartum diseases of the genital organs (especially often subinvolutio uteri), as well as autointoxicapia (eg eclampsia, osteomalacia).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):254
pages 254 views

Menstrual condition and menstrual psychosis

Kakushkin N.


The author first of all briefly examines the influence of the first menstruation and established blood on the body of a nervously healthy woman, noting that "the menstrual period of a healthy woman is not a disease, but it is not complete health." Menstruation in such cases, to a greater or lesser extent, upsets the balance of the nervous system in a woman. The influence of menstruation on the body of a woman with a nervous predisposition is more complex. In these cases, the influence of the appearance of the first menstruation is especially pronounced, when sometimes an insignificant moment is enough only for the girl to develop epilepsy, hysteria, atrial melancholy, etc. It also happens the other way around: the onset of menstruation improves the course of already existing nervous suffering, for example, chorea. The influence of each menstruation is less pronounced, when menstruation has already been established, while painful menstruation (amenorrhoea, menorrhagia) affect the nervous state of women more sharply

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):255-256
pages 255-256 views

To diagnostics of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages

Kakushkin N.


Case 1. Married, 26 years old. Gave birth once. Complaint - bleeding that began a week after urgent menstruation and continued for 26 days. Until this time, menstruation was correct. For five weeks, a growing tumor is seen in the left lower abdomen. Partly with a pipette, partly with a sharp spoon, part of the contents was removed from the uterine cavity, showing the presence of loheocytes and decidual cells. The suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy was confirmed by gastrointestinal surgery, and the entire sac (funnel, fallopian tube, omentum, ovarian wall) was removed. Recovery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):256-257
pages 256-257 views

Medical report of the Yekaterinburg Maternity Hospital, from September 1, 1887 to September 1, 1891

Kakushkin N.


This extensive report covers both the maternity ward and the gynecological ward for the period noted.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):257
pages 257 views

Transfusional diseases of the urethra, cervix, Bartholin glands in prostitutes

Kakushkin N.


The author examined for gonococci separated from the cervix, the urethra with the Heren's sinuses and from the Bartholin glands.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):258
pages 258 views

On the question of ether anesthesia

Kakushkin N.


On the basis of literary data and his own observations in 60 cases (in the hospital of Dr. Strauch in Moscow), the author speaks in favor of replacing chloroform with ether.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):258
pages 258 views

Migratio ovi et seminis extrauterina

Kakushkin N.


Case I. Peasant woman, 31 years old, giving birth; after a two-month absence of menstruation, sudden pain in the lower abdomen and loss of consciousness. Hemorrhage in the posterior Douglas space and general peritonitis. The posterior fornix was opened through the vagina (blood and pus). The patient died.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):259
pages 259 views

Physiological non-inflammatory disorders of the uterus. (False metritis)

Mironov M.M.


There is a known number of diseases of the uterus, depending on physiological disorders. They are manifested mainly by such signs as leucorrhoea, bleeding, etc., which are characteristic of true, that is, infectious metritis. The author divides all changes (diseases) in the uterus, excluding neoplasms and curvatures, into changes that depend on infection and do not depend on it. The name metritis, in his opinion, should be confined only to the first, that is, to the true inflammatory changes. Already in 1886, the author pointed out the difference between contagious metritis and physiological nutritional disorders that occur under the influence of disorders of the nervous, circulatory or lymphatic systems, or under the influence of trauma, incomplete reverse development, etc. These diseases include the names subinvolution, chronic hypertrophy, blockage, tide, etc., and the author calls them pseudo-metritis

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):260-263
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On the treatment of ovarian cysts in pregnant women

Zhabotinskiy A.


A cyst can be recognized either during pregnancy or during childbirth. Each of these cases is analyzed by the author separately.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):263-266
pages 263-266 views

Childbirth with buttock presentation. Hydrocephalic head, lingering in the uterus after separation of the trunk

Mazurkevich A.K.


The author proposes, in order to facilitate the extraction of the subsequent detached hydrocephalic head and lingering in the uterus, the following method, which he used in one case, after preliminary futile attempts to extract the head by the lower jaw, forceps, etc.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):266-267
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Note on the use of potassium permanganate in gynecology

Zhabotinskiy A.


The author speaks of the excellent results obtained in the treatment of gonorrhoid vulvovaginitis with a solution of potassium permanganate (1: 2000) and gives three case histories.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):267
pages 267 views

Treatment of uterine evasion by faradization

Zhabotinskiy A.


According to the author, electricity in most cases of uterine evasion is an excellent medical agent. It satisfies all three indications most often encountered in this suffering, counteracts the formation of dense exudates, promotes metabolism and restores the contractility of the ligaments that support the uterus. The author uses the apparatus of the Chardin system, the electrodes are a uterine probe with a carbon tip, described by Apostoli, and a zinc plate wrapped in felt and suede.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):267-268
pages 267-268 views

About the treatment of metritis with antiseptic

Adenot A.


The author attaches particular importance to the participation of the lymphatic apparatus in inflammatory diseases of the uterus and, by analogy with similar diseases of other parts, finds the local use of antiseptic agents especially useful.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):268-269
pages 268-269 views

About the treatment of blennorroic urethritis in a woman

Zhabotinskiy A.


The author briefly reviews the drugs used in the treatment of urethritis in women.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):269
pages 269 views

Umbilical cord knot

Sheinis L.


The author reports the following case from his practice

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):269-270
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About the effect of umbilical cord knots on the life of the fetus

Sheinis L.


This work is a serious attempt to solve experimentally the questions only outlined in the message of Lugeol.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):270-271
pages 270-271 views

Placental respiration in a normal state and following bleeding in the mother

Sheinis L.


As for normal placental respiration, the author's research only confirmed the results already obtained earlier by Cohnstein and Luntz: it is known that the fetus borrows the oxygen it needs from the mother's blood and, in fact, the blood of the umbilical vein contains more oxygen, than the blood of the umbilical artery, while carbon dioxide, on the contrary, predominates in this latter.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):271
pages 271 views

Ectopic pregnancy case

Sheinis L.


The author reports a case of an ectopic pregnancy, which he operated under the following conditions: he was invited to a patient whom he found in collaps.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):271-272
pages 271-272 views

Septic properties of extrauterine blood tumor

Sheinis L.


Reynier's opinion about the asepticity of the uterine hemorrhages and the uselessness of drainage during surgery aroused a lively exchange of thoughts in the Societe de Chirurgie.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):272
pages 272 views

Eclampsia treatment

Sheitlis S.


Nowhere has the study of bacteriology led to such brilliant successes as in obstetrics: thanks to antiseptics and asepsis, postpartum fever, which carried off a mass of women in labor to a premature grave, disappeared. But until now, eclampsia has remained invincible, resulting in many victims among pregnant women and women in labor. Although a number of recent studies have proven that seizures are caused by toxins that accumulate in the blood, as a product of the vital activity of special bacteria that develop in the body during pregnancy, we still do not know the conditions and reasons under which they develop.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):273-274
pages 273-274 views

A case of insanity following an ovariosalpingotomy

Zhabotinskiy A.


The author first observed the case he described five months after surgery. The history, course of the disease, the course of the operation and the postoperative course were reported to him by Dr. Lou, to whom the patient consulted in April 1890.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(3):274-276
pages 274-276 views

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