Vol 11, No 3 (1897)


On raising the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of midwives

Zamshin A.I.


The question of raising the level of knowledge of midwives, especially those scattered across our vast fatherland, seems to be one of the most burning issues of public health.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):243-255
pages 243-255 views

About mercury dioxide, as antisepticum in gynecology

Anufriev A.A.


Numerous clinical observations of the last time, mainly over the course of incised wounds, have convinced surgeons and gynecologists to a sufficient extent that the primary role in the healing of these wounds is played by cleanliness, and not by disinfectants. Suffice it to point to such authorities in this respect as Bantok, Lawson-Tait, Thorntorn, De Granville, Kocher. Sklifosovsky and others. Some of the surgeons and gynecologists of modern asepsis have gone so far in their views that they look at all disinfectants as self-deception, while others consider the presence of some non-pathogenic microorganisms even useful (?) In the fight against accidentally caught pathogenic and therefore delay the growth of the former seems to be irrational. But on the other hand, there are not a small number of surgeons who have asepsis alongside antiseptics and who cannot refuse, if not "in the leading", then in the "known role" and disinfectants, not because routine has been mixed up in such a setting, but due in part to the conditions under which they have to work, in part to the undoubtedly beneficial properties of known disinfectants.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):256-266
pages 256-266 views

Some comments on the production of a legitimate artificial abortion by scraping

Mandelstam I.G.


Recently, two works have appeared in the Russian medical literature, treating about scooping or scraping as a method for producing a legitimate artificial miscarriage: part of the pr., I. Lvov), and part of the pr., A. A. Muratov). Both of these authors refer to an article by Dr. P. Puech, entitled: "Du Curettage comme méthode d'avortement artificiel", published in the August book of Annales de Gynécologie et d'obstétr. for 1895. Within the meaning of this reference, one may think that Puech was the first to recommend this method in print as an independent one and pointed out its advantages over all other methods practiced before to induce an artificial abortion. Lvov (1. p.), Says: “True, many other authors resorted to removing the fetal egg from the uterus with a sharp or blunt spoon, but they resorted to this method not on their own, but accidentally, as an auxiliary technique when it was impossible to remove fertile eggs in another way. "

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):267-275
pages 267-275 views

Another case of detachment of the posterior fornix sub coitu

Lvov O.M.


In view of the small number of cases of damage to the female, genital organs, occurring sub coitu, and in view of the lack of clarification of the etiology of damage to the posterior fornix at the same time, I allow myself to describe the following case, which was under my supervision.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):276-280
pages 276-280 views

Jewish woman's basin. A living full-term Jewish child

Paperny M.L.


Already in the first half of this century, attention was drawn to the extremely important and interesting fact that the size and shape of the pelvis of an adult woman are significantly different in individuals belonging to different races, peoples, tribes. — This phenomenon is especially important from the obstetric point of view, was subsequently confirmed by the works of numerous authors and is now considered a fact beyond any doubt.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):281-290
pages 281-290 views

A case of stenosis orificii externi uteri post partum cum haematometra cervicali temporaria et eniometritide consecutiva

Paperny M.L.


Cases of general stenosis of the external uterine pharynx without any important complications are not at all rare; if I allow myself to dwell in more detail on the following case, it is because it is of some interest to us in three respects: a) differential diagnostic; b) etiological and c) in relation to its consequences.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):291-310
pages 291-310 views

On the issue of conservative myomotomy during pregnancy

Thomson G.I.


That uterine fibroids, in general, do not reduce fertility and the possibility of conception, it was pointed out recently, especially by Hofmeier). It is known that in this case urgent birth is often possible in a natural way.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):311-313
pages 311-313 views

Obstetric and gynecological society in S.-PETERSBURG

Slavyanskiy K.F.


26 members were present: Bukhshtab, Vasten, Gorayskiy, Grinev, Danilovich, Dranitsyn, Zabolotskiy, Kakushkin, Lichkus, Matsevskiy, Ott, Piotrovich, Poropiv, Bachinskiy, Reynyf, Sadkovskiy, Strawis Stroganov, Chernyshev, Shchetkin, Schuttenbach and 25 guests.


Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):314-331
pages 314-331 views

Some Observations on the Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration during Labour and the Lying—in

Ginzburg M.


The named authors investigated the influence of labor and puerperal period on temperature, pulse and respiration.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):332-335
pages 332-335 views

On certain microorganisms of obstetrical and gynäcological interest

Ginzburg M.


Dr. Robinson points out the fact that in fatal cases of childbirth fever, streptococcus pyogenes is always found in the blood and body tissues.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):335-336
pages 335-336 views

Placental Polypus

Ginzburg M.


Dr. Doran dwells on the question of tumors originating from particles of sequential tissue that are long retained in the uterus or F. tube.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):337-338
pages 337-338 views

I. Diffuse (non-capsulated) Myoma of uterus II. Oedematous Myoma of uterus

Ginzburg M.


Most of the tumor in Cuidlingworth's case was not sharply demarcated; it did not infiltrate the walls of the uterus as benign, but rather as a malignant tumor.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):338-339
pages 338-339 views

А long Pregnancy

Ginzburg M.


Woman 31 years old; for the first time it was resolved by a boy 8 years ago; The 2nd pregnancy ended in premature birth at 7 months three years ago. From a young age, he suffers from prolapse of the left ovary and inflammation of the Fallopean tubes and ovaries.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):339-340
pages 339-340 views

I. The Indigestion of breast Babies II. Artificial feeding of Infants III. How shall we feed the Baby

Ginzburg M.


Prof. Carmichael says that doctors deal with less digestive disorders in breastfed babies than they do in formula-fed babies.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):340-344
pages 340-344 views

The best Method of Teaching Obstetrics

Ginzburg M.


There are currently 5 maternity hospitals in New York, which are open to obstetric students. In all 6 midwifery schools in New York, students are admitted to the exam upon presentation of proof that they have performed at least 6 births themselves.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):344-346
pages 344-346 views

Some clinical sketches from gynecologica Practice

Ginzburg M.


Prof. Hellier. expounds the casuistry of the more interesting of the cases he met with their depiction in the drawings. I am referencing a few of them.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):346-347
pages 346-347 views

On the Value of rectal exploration as an Aid to Diagnosis in Diseases of children. Tuberculosis of the Uterus or Adnexa

Ginzburg M.


Tuberculosis of the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries — very rare in children, so rare that D-r. S. remembers all these cases both clinical and postmortem. There are also very few of these drugs in museums. In Guy's Hospital, there are only 2 of them: one is the Fallopian tube, stretched by cheese-like masses, the other is the brain and lungs. Choffey reported one case of uterine tuberculosis in a 4-year-old girl who died of general tuberculosis; Silcock — in a 5-year-old girl, both in 1885, Dr Cheatle — at an autopsy of a 21-month-old girl, found pyosalpinx communicating with a purulent pelvic cavity, where there was pus near the drachm.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):347-348
pages 347-348 views

Technique of the Dilatation of the Perineum in Labor

Ginzburg M.


A practitioner in Greece Coromilas sent prof. J. W. Ballantyne description of the method used by him to expand a non-compliant perineum, consisting in the following. The woman in labor lies on her back or on her left side, her legs bent, as usual during childbirth. The pubis, large and small lips, perineum and vagina are carefully washed, if possible to aseptic condition.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):349
pages 349 views

Three unpublished Caesarean Sections, done by John Wysor

Ginzburg M.


Prof. Ayers says that the generally accepted 1O% of mortality from caesar section in medical statistics does not really represent actual mortality; the latter, in his opinion, should be much more, up to 30%. In view of this, he publishes 3 cases that have remained so far unknown.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):350-351
pages 350-351 views

Report of a Case of excessive fetal Developenent

Ginzburg M.


After a few general remarks about the complaints that a doctor gets in case of unsuccessful childbirth outcomes (which in America affects the practice of doctors no less than ours), the author tells the following case.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):351-352
pages 351-352 views

Delivery of the placenta

Ginzburg M.


In contrast to the teachings of most German schools, which require a possible long wait for spontaneous, emergence of the placenta, the opposite direction prevails in America.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):353
pages 353 views

Placenta praevia

Ginzburg M.


Addendum: the latest views on the therapy of placenta previa according to German and French sources: Dr. Karl Heil (Heidelberg) dr. Füth (Coblenz) and dr. Welti (from the Pinard’s Clinic in Paris).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):353-355
pages 353-355 views

Secondary operation for tubercular Peritonitis

Ginzburg M.


Dr. da-Costa, Noble. — Montgomery. Idem, in the Tresactions of the Section of Gynëc., College of phisicians of Philadelphia. - About the same. (Ibidem, p. 562-566).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):355-357
pages 355-357 views

Breast cancer cure by castration and oral administration of a thyroid extract

Ginzburg M.


Dr. Beatson performed its operation at Glasgow Cancer Hospital and the fact that breast cancer has been cured in this case has been certified by all hospital medical staff.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):357
pages 357 views

Lubrication of the abdomen with chloroform ointment, as a replacement for chloroforming during childbirth

Arkhangelskiy P.I.


For pain relief of labor in cases of convulsive and extremely painful attempts, I had to experience lubrication of the abdomen with a mixture of 1 part chloroform and 2-3 parts oi. olivarum. The results obtained are so good that I decide to publish them, although I have only three such observations. In the cases under consideration, I did this: with the indicated mixture of chloroform with ol. olivarum, the abdomen of the woman in labor was abundantly lubricated and a warming compress was immediately applied to it.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):358-361
pages 358-361 views

Cases of childbirth with dropsy of the HEAD

Martynov A.


On 4 /XII 96 I was summoned from the city of Novaya Ladoga by the district doctor A.A. Yatsunsky to the county for joint assistance in childbirth. Upon arrival, the following appeared.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(3):362-364
pages 362-364 views

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