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№ 8 (2021)


The complement system in preeclampsia-complicated pregnancy

Sidorova I., Nikitina N., Unanyan A., Ageev M., Kokin A.


The paper analyzes the results of studies published in recent years on the complement system in preeclampsia and other pregnancy complications. It presents data on changes in complement factors and its regulatory proteins in placental disorders. The results of the studies suggest that uncontrolled complement activation leads to impaired placentation, affects fetal development, and is an important component of the pathogenesis of complications, such as preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, spontaneous miscarriage, and premature birth. Dysregulation of the alternative complement pathway in the presence of mutations in the genes of regulatory factors H and I, CD46, factor B. and others is known to be associated with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, less often with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. The similar mutations have been found in patients with severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Recent studies have shown a pronounced activation of the complement system in 100% of patients with HELLP syndrome and in 90% of those with severe preeclampsia with the formation of the C5b-9 membrane-attack complex and its deposits on activated endothelial cells. C5b-9 transmembrane integrates into the target cell, forming an asymmetric cylindrical channel, through which water molecules and electrolytes freely penetrate the cell, which causes its osmotic lysis. This is one of the most important mechanisms of endothelial damage in preeclampsia. The paper also presents modern therapeutic strategies for blocking excessive activity of the complement system. It is concluded that serious studies are needed to predict pregnancy complications caused by the imbalanced complement system, pharmacological correction, and safety and eff icacy of the drugs used. Conclusion. In addition to the above-mentioned problems, the most important question of what exactly the direct inducer of excessive complement activation is in preeclampsia needs to be solved.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Current views on the pathogenesis of fetal growth restriction

Volochaeva M., Baev O.


The review article analyzes the data available in the modern literature on the actual aspects of the development of fetal growth restriction (FGR). The review includes data from foreign and Russian articles published in Pubmed and eLibrary. Currently, there is no common understanding of the pathogenesis of FGR. Of particular interest are the ways of forming different phenotypes of FGR. The development of FGR and the latter concurrent with preeclampsia (PE) is rooted in impaired trophoblast invasion; the differences are mainly in the degree of impairment. The literature review considers the aspects of the occurrence of FGR, which are associated with the pathology of the second wave of cytotrophoblast invasion, with an impaired vascular wall remodeling process during placental development, as well as the epigenetic mechanisms of FGR development and the features of the transcriptome. A number of epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation processes, various modifications of histones and noncoding RNAs, have been identified in recent years. The scientific literature has published the results of numerous studies of placental microRNAs as potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of early-onset FGR and/or PE, since they can play a role in the pattern of pathophysiological processes in the context of the epigenetic regulators that affect gene expression in placental tissues and are also able to circulate in the maternal bloodstream and to be determined in maternal plasma. Conclusion. The determination of placental microRNAs in maternal blood showed an increase in the concentration of differentially expressed microRNAs in women with severe early-onset FGR and a correlation with the umbilical artery blood flow velocity rate. The modern aspects of the development of FGR are summarized, by analyzing the data available in the literature.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):13-17
pages 13-17 views

The efficacy and safety of various tocolytics for preterm labor

Artymuk N., Marochko K., Chvanova E.


The prevention and treatment of preterm labor remain an unsolved problem in modern obstetrics. Certain successes have been currently achieved in the treatment of threatened preterm labor due to drugs that suppress uterine contractile activity, which include tocolytics. The most widely used tocolytic agents are ß-adrenomimetics; however, they are associated with a high frequency of unpleasant and sometimes severe maternal side effects. Calcium channel blockers may have similar tocolytic efficacy with fewer side effects than ß-adrenomimetics. Oxytocin receptor antagonists also have a low side effect profile. The administration of tocolytic drugs can reduce the strength and frequency of uterine contractions, delay the onset of labor for 48 hours and/or even 7 days, but cannot prolong pregnancy to full-term. The drugs are administered within 48 hours in order to prevent fetal respiratory distress syndrome, to perform magnesium sulfate therapy for fetal neuroprotection, and to transfer a pregnant woman to a Group III hospital. Currently, the choice of a drug for tocolysis remains debatable. Conclusion. It is necessary to continue clinical trials in order to select an effective, and most importantly safe, therapy for threatened preterm labor.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):18-25
pages 18-25 views

Microbiocenosis and the local vaginal immune status

Kira E., Khalturina Y.


The literature review presents current data on the role of the vaginal microflora for providing colonization resistance. It highlights the pathogenetic aspects of impaired vaginal microbiocenosis and the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis, the interaction between the microbiota of the vaginal mucosa and the cells of the immune system. It also discusses the role of the microbial community in regulating the intercellular interaction and activation of protective mechanisms through the synthesis of biologically active substances, cytokines in particular. The review is concerned with the role of bacterial vaginosis in the activation of the proinflammatory potential of the vaginal mucosa. There are data on the role of certain types of microorganisms in increasing the proinflammatory potential of the vaginal mucosa. The review describes the existing methods for the local assessment of immunological parameters, including molecular biological ones, which makes it possible to expand the notion of immune processes and to assist in diagnosing and treating the disease. The article presents current therapeutic methods for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Conclusion. Effective therapy for bacterial vaginosis is an essential condition for the normalization of the immunological parameters of the mucous membrane. Laboratory confirmation of the effect of drugs on the regulation of cytokines is a powerful argument confirming the efficiency of therapy not only at the microbiological level, but also at immunological level.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):26-31
pages 26-31 views

Clinical risk factors for endometrial hyperplastic processes in perimenopausal women

Huseynova R., Ordiyants I., Persidskaya A.


Currently, cancers are of leading importance in the structure of mortality worldwide. Among the female population, malignant endometrial neoplasms occupy the second place in their incidence. Endometrial hyperplastic processes are presently considered to be precursors of malignant transformation, which is especially relevant in able-bodied women. There is evidence that the incidence of endometrial hyperplasia (EH) varies from 10 to 55% and reaches its maximum in the population of perimenopausal women. The paper analyzes an update on clinical risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia in perimenopausal women. Among the most significant background conditions, there are diabetes mellitus, obesity, factors of gynecological history and hormone therapy, including that for malignant breast neoplasms. Changes in the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors play an important role in the development of pathological effects and their relationship to the development of hyperplastic processes. Conclusion. The use of molecular genetic testing in the study of the course and progression of HE and malignant transformation makes it possible to explain the mechanisms of the effects of risk factors and to clarify their significance for assessing the development of the disease. To select therapeutic tactics and to predict drug therapy success, it seems promising to evaluate the receptor status of patients with HE.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):32-38
pages 32-38 views

The significance of lipidomic changes in ovarian neoplasms

Iurova M., Pavlovich S., Khabas G., Chagovets V., Frankevich V., Ashrafyan L.


A number of lipids have tumor-initiating activity and this is the reason why the term "oncolipid" has been introduced. The content of various oncolipids in the tumor microenvironment reflects their ability to initiate and maintain the stages of carcinogenesis. This review analyzes the data available in the 2016-2020 literature from the databases Scopus, Medline, Cochrane, PubMed, eLibrary (with access to a full-text resource), and Web of Science, which is devoted to the study of lipid metabolic processes in ovarian malignancies. It analyzes the current promising studies of oncolipidomics, presents the possibilities of detecting early stage disease, summarizes data on the involvement of lipids in the process of initiation and progression of serous ovarian cancer and on the diagnostic and prognostic value of detecting lipidomic changes by mass spectrometry, and traces the relationship of these changes to the aggressiveness of the disease and its sensitivity to chemotherapy. The changes in the lipid composition are the pathogenetic result of accelerated cell division, impaired activation of the inositol-3-phosphate pathway, and intensive fatty acid ß-oxidation. The largest number of studies is devoted to the classes of lipids, such as phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins. The activity of lysophosphatidic acid is one of the key factors in the process of tumor progression in ovarian cancer. Conclusion. Interpretation of the study results is possible due to the unified lipid classification available in the Lipid Maps and Human Metabolome Database.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):39-49
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The role of peripheral blood platelet-monocyte aggregates in reproductive processes and their study methods

Selyutin A., Chepanov S., Pavlov O., Kornyushina E., Selkov S.


This review analyzes and generalizes the results of the studies characterizing the interaction of peripheral blood platelets and monocytes, which have been conducted to define their role in various physiological and pathophysiological processes. At the same time, special attention was given to reproductively significant processes. Due to the fact that the magnitude, direction, and consequences of the interactions between these types of cells are most strongly characterized by the number, immunomorphological features, and functional activity of platelet-monocyte aggregates (PMAs) resulting from such interactions; particular emphasis was placed on the findings of the investigation of these structural formations. In particular, the review considers the results of studying the mechanisms of interaction between platelets and monocytes, which lead not only to the formation, but also to the stabilization of these structures. It describes the membrane-bound molecules and molecular complexes that provide the formation of PMAs, as well as soluble factors that favor the development of complexation mechanisms at the autocrine, juxtacrine, and paracrine regulation levels. The review contains the characteristics of methods for the isolation and identification of PMAs, such as differential and gradient centrifugation, immunomagnetic separation, electron microscopy, light and fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and the latter with visualization. Their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed from the point of view of adequacy, technological effectiveness, and clinical and diagnostic information value of the conducted studies. The data available in the literature on the role of PMAs in reproductive pathologies are assessed. Conclusion. The contact interaction of platelets and monocytes plays an important role in various physiological and pathophysiological processes. The ability to effectively isolate and identify PMAs using modern technologies has created prerequisites for the use of measuring the concentration of PMAs as a diagnostic and prognostic indicator for diseases accompanied by hemostatic disorders. From the point of view of reproductive processes, the study of the effect of PMAs on endometrial and trophoblast cells is of absolute interest. An approach based on the creation of cell models using cell lines of the corresponding origin seems promising.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):50-59
pages 50-59 views

Optimization of the trace element composition of breast milk, by enriching a women’s diet

Kodentsova V., Risnik D., Pavlovich S., Ladodo O.


Objective: to assess the possibility of optimizing the gross and trace element composition of breast milk and a baby’s demand, by enriching a woman’s diet. Literature was sought using the PubMed, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Russian Science Citation Index, and CyberLeninka databases. According to the possibility of affecting their breast milk concentrations, minerals are divided into 3 groups. The breast milk concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are maintained within a certain range, even in women who have their deficiencies. The concentrations of iron, copper, and zinc depend not so much on the current dietary intake in the mother as on her mineral status. The low mineral status formed in a woman during pregnancy leads to a decrease in the breast milk concentration of the minerals. A woman who has their deficiencies during pregnancy is susceptible to further depletion during breastfeeding. The breast milk concentrations of iodine and selenium depend not so much on the maternal status as on the current intake of these trace elements. The content of iodine and selenium in breast milk and the status of infants may be upgraded by increasing their current intake through the consumption of vitamin-mineral supplements or fortified foods by their breastfeeding mother. Since the breast milk levels of many elements are maintained due to the breastfeeding woman’s body, it is necessary to optimize the mineral status of an expectant mother even before the start of breastfeeding, which will prevent the depletion of these trace elements during breastfeeding and ensure the maintenance of her and her baby’s health. Conclusion. The intake of vitamin and mineral supplements during pregnancy and lactation not only eliminates multiple dietary trace nutrient deficiencies and improves the status of a breastfeeding woman, but also optimizes the trace nutrient composition of her breast milk and the baby’s supply.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):60-68
pages 60-68 views

Stress during pregnancy and developmental abnormalities of the neuroendocrine, immune, and reproductive systems in offspring during prenatal and postnatal ontogenesis: from the experiment to the elaboration of approaches to preserving human health

Ignatyuk V., Izvolskaya M., Zakharova L.


The authors analyze their own data and the data available in the literature on the negative various effects of stress on the development and functioning of the fetal neuroendocrine, immune, and reproductive systems, leading to disorders in the prenatal and postnatal ontogenetic periods. Poor maternal nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy, pharmacological effects, and maternal bacterial and viral infections can change the molecular mechanisms of the development of these systems and suppress their functions for a long time. As a result, there is an increased risk for various metabolic, neuropsychiatric, immunological and reproductive disorders in the offspring. Prenatal deficiency of neurotransmitters and hormones, in particular serotonin, dopamine, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone, disrupts the development of the fetal thymus, while this impairs the functioning of T cell immunity in the postnatal period. The influence of infectious agents on the maternal body increases the risk of pathological conditions in the first trimester of pregnancy. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, the synthesis of which increases under the influence of these factors, cause developmental abnormalities in the neuroendocrine and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal systems. This leads to a decrease in the reproductive ability or infertility of sexually mature offspring. Conclusion. Timely detection of prenatal and early postnatal disorders caused by intrauterine inflammation opens up opportunities for preventing and correcting the consequences of fetal negative effects. To date, a lot of experience has been accumulated in the use of human immunoglobulins to treat recurrent miscarriage, as well as to prevent infection in premature newborns and low birth weight ones.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):69-74
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Immune status of COVID-19 patients with different disease severity

Krechetova L., Inviyaeva E., Sadykov V., Vtorushina V., Ivanets T., Silachev D., Pyregov A., Dolgushina N., Sukhikh G.


Aim. To investigate the immune status and compare immunological parameters in COVID-19 patients with different disease severity. Materials and methods. The prospective study included 62 patients with COVID-19. The patients were stratified into three groups based on the disease severity, including mild (group 1, n=29), moderate (group 2, n=17), and severe (group 3, n=16) forms of COVID-19. On days 3-7 from the onset of the disease, peripheral blood lymphocytes were phenotyped by flow cytometry. Cytokine concentrations were measured using a multiplex immunoassay-standard 48-plex Bio-Plex Pro™ Human Cytokine Screening test system (Bio-Rad, USA) on a flow-based laser immuno-analyzer Bio-Plex 200. Results. Patients with severe COVID-19 had higher levels of leukocytes, neutrophils, CRP, and lower relative and absolute lymphocyte counts. There were low counts of CD3+, CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8+, and T-lymphocytes expressing the activation marker HLA-DR (CD3+HLA-DR+), NK-cells, and PAN. In group 3, changes in 39 of the 48 investigated soluble factors were observed. Conclusion. High levels of leukocytes, neutrophils, CRP, neutrophilic-leukocyte index, low levels of absolute and relative lymphocyte counts, pronounced changes in immunological parameters, a systemic inflammatory reaction associated with the release of mediators called cytokines ("cytokine storm") predispose to a severe course of COVID-19.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):75-85
pages 75-85 views

The choice of techniques for correction of isthmic-cervical insufficience: the results of the retrospective study

Timokhina E., Strizhakov A., Pesegova S., Belousova V., Samoilova Y.


Aim. Assessment of the effectiveness of different methods for correction of isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI) and pregnancy outcomes in patients with preterm birth (PB) in history and without PB. Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis included 108 women with ICI, who underwent treatment with cervical cerclage and obstetric pessary. The patients were divided into 2 groups. Group I included 74 (66.7%) women with ICI, who had no PB in history: cervical cerclage was used in 35(47.3%) women and obstetric pessary was used in 39 (52.7%) women. Group II included 34 (33.3%) women with ICI an PB and/or spontaneous late-term miscarriage in history: cervical cerclage was used in 24 (70.6%) patients and obstetric pessary was used in 10 (29.4%) patients. Results. The analysis results did not show significant differences between the two techniques for correction of ICI both in the group of patients with PB and with no PB in history. The assessment of gestational age for correction of ICI showed statistically signif icant differences in both groups: in the group of patients with PB in history, the median gestational age at cervical cerclage was 19 (17-20) weeks, and at pessary placement it was 24.5 (20-26) weeks, (p=0.015). In the group of patients with no PB in history - it was 21 (20-22) and 24 (22-26) weeks, respectively (p<0.001). Overall preterm birth rate in the group of women with no PB in history, who underwent cervical cerclage was 31.42%, and 38.46% among those who underwent obstetric pessary insertion. Term births were in 60% and 53.85% of women, respectively. Preterm birth rate in the group of patients with PB in history who underwent cervical cerclage was 45.84%, and 20% among those who underwent pessary insertion; term births were in 45.83% and 70% of women, respectively. Conclusion. In addition to prolonged support with progesterone and elimination of factors contributing to the occurrence of infection, the techniques for correction of ICI - pessary and cerclage showed similar results with regard to pregnancy prolongation, PB rates and perinatal outcomes both in the group of pregnant women with no PB and in the group of women with PB in history.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):86-93
pages 86-93 views

Autoantibodies as risk factors for threatened miscarriage in women with early pregnancy loss

Menzhinskaya I., Ionanidze T., Van’ko L., Tetruashvili N., Krechetova L.


The association between obstetric complications and antiphospholipid antibodies (aPLs) and autoantibodies directed against hormones and complement components has attracted considerable scientific and practical interest. Aim. To investigate the diagnostic value of autoantibodies and risk factors for threatened miscarriage in women with early pregnancy loss. Materials and methods. Eighty women with early pregnancy losses, including pregnant women with (subgroup 1, n=29) and without (subgroup 2, n=20) threatened miscarriage were tested for antibodies to cardiolipin (CL), ß2-glycoprotein-1 (ß2-GP-I), phosphatidylserine/prothrombin complex (PS/PT), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), component C1q, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and progesterone (Pg) using ELISA. Results. Antibodies directed against hormones were found in 40-45% of patients, 23.8%-33.8% had antibodies to ß2-GP-I, CL, PE, PS, and 11.3% to PS/PT. IgA-antibodies to ß2-GP-Iand CL were detected in 16.3% and 6.3% of patients, respectively. Levels of aPL, antibodies to hormones, and C1q were higher in subgroup 1 than in subgroup 2. High odds ratios (>10) were observed for antibodies to ß2-GP-I, PE, and Pg. Conclusion. Determination of antibodies to ß2-GP-I, CL, hormones, and C1q has a high diagnostic value for identifying early threatened miscarriage, and antibodies to ß2- GP-I, PE, and PG are possible risk factors.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):94-101
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Antenatal factors associated with factors associated with brain-derived neurotrophic factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in premature infants

Gorina K., Khodzhaeva Z., Vtorushina V., Krechetova L., Ionov O., Lenyushkina A., Timofeeva L., Makieva M., Degtyarev D.


Aim. The study was aimed at determining antenatal factors associated with brain-derived neurothophic factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in premature infants. Materials and methods. The prospective study included 62 mother-infant pairs. The women and newborns were divided into two groups depending on gestational age at birth: group I included 21 mother-infant pairs with spontaneous preterm birth (PTB), the average gestational age for births was 33.3+1.93 weeks; group II included 41 mother-infant pairs with term birth (TB) at 39,4+1,04 weeks. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was performed for quantitative detection of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in blood plasma of newborns. Results. BDNF level was high in the term birth group (р<0.0001), while IGF-1 level was low (р=0.0038). In the preterm birth group, the median BDNF value in women who had treatment for prevention of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in newborns was 488.5[70.9; 2295]pg/ml, and 326.5[133.4; 2730]pg/ml in women who did not receive RDS profilaxis, р=0,9644. In the preterm birth group, the median value of IGF-1 was 45.3 [28.3; 58.1] ng/ml in women who received RDS profilaxis, and 90.9 [57.7; 252.3] ng/ml in women who did not receive RDS profilaxis, р=0.0197. Conclusion. The specific features of the course of pregnancy affect BDNF and IGF-1 levels in blood plasma of premature infants, including antenatal prophylaxis of RDS and antibiotic therapy.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):102-110
pages 102-110 views

Pathomorphological features of placenta in patients with different clinical phenotypes of spontaneous preterm births

Remneva O., Kolyado O., Pesotskaya A., Starodubtsev E., Gumenyuk I.


Aim. Investigation of morphological features of the placenta in patients with spontaneous preterm birth depending on the clinical phenotype of labor. Materials and methods. Histological and immunohistochemical examination of placenta of 93 patients with spontaneous preterm labor was performed. The expression of antibodies to type I collagen, and antibodies to the products of collagen metabolism (carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I and propeptide of type I procollagen) was assessed. The data of the group of patients with premature rupture of membranes (PROM) (n=71) and of the group of patients with spontaneous onset of preterm labor with unruptured fetal membranes (n=22). Results. The signs of infectionpredominatedin theplacentasofpatientswith PPROMcomparedtopatients with spontaneous onset of preterm labor- 55/71(77.5%) and 11/22(50%), respectively (p=0.02). The median duration of the latency period in patients with funiculitis was 350.0±51.1 hours (95% CI: 309.8-540.9 hours). Immunohistochemistry data showed a significant decrease in the expression of propeptide of type I procollagen in fetal membranes of patients with PPROM. Conclusion. Infection of the placentas in women with PPROM is a result of a long latency period. Prolongation of latency period for more than 14 days should be avoided because of high risk of fetal infection. Impaired processes of collagen synthesis play a significant role in the pathogenesis of PPROM.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):111-118
pages 111-118 views

Relationship between the severity of endothelial dysfunction and metabolic disorders and the severity of climacteric syndrome

Tolstov S., Salov I., Rebrov A.


Aim. Investigation of the character and extent of changes in endothelial functional activity and metabolic disorders (visceral obesity and insulin resistance, lipid imbalance) in climacteric women, depending on severity of climacteric syndrome (CS). Materials and methods. The study included 168 women in perimenopause and 216 women in early perimenopause with CS. Modified Kupperman-Uvarova menopausal index was assessed. The parameters of lipid metabolism, fasting blood glucose, the level of immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and the HOMA-IR index were assessed. Waist circumference was measured and Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) was calculated. Flow-dependent vasodilation (FDV) of brachial artery was assessed using the reactive hyperemia test. Enzyme immunoassay was used to assess the levels of endothelial dysfunction (ED) markers - endothelin-1 (ET-1, nitric oxide metabolites, von Willebrand factor antigen (V WF:Ag) and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in blood plasma. Results. Significant disturbance of endothelial function was found in women with moderate and severe symptoms of CS in comparison to the women with mild disease: the change in brachial artery diameter (10.1±5.2% versus 12.2±6.5% (р<0.01)) and lower level of NO2 metabolites (12.1fiml/l (10,3;13,8) versus 13.8) μml/l (12.2;15.3, respectively (р=0,042). Along with more severe abdominal obesity and IRI, the progressive intensity of vasomotor symptoms of CS was noted. In women with severe CS compared to a mild disease, obesity and dyslipidemia were more frequent (in 60.2% versus 40% of patients, p<0.001), as well as the metabolic syndrome (in 58.7% versus 41.3%, respectively (p<0.01)). Conclusion. The severity of CS was associated with significant metabolic changes and endothelial dysfunction. The severity of the vasomotor symnptoms of CS may reflect the severity of ED in menopausal women.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):119-126
pages 119-126 views

Reference intervals for blood androgen levels in women of early and late reproductive age

Gavisova A., Ivanets T., Dolgushina N.


Objective. To form reference intervals for blood androgen levels in women depending on their age. Materials and methods. The study included 1140 women who were divided into two groups depending on their age: late reproductive age (LR A) group consisting of women aged 35 years or older and early reproductive age (ERA) group which included patients under 35 years. To determine a number of hormones, patients of LRA group were divided into two subgroups: women of middle reproductive age (35-39 years) and women of late reproductive age (40-49 years). There was an assessment of the level of the following androgens: total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (FT), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and rostenedione (A) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). The calculation of 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles for these indicators was done according to the recommendations of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) using statistical processing of reference values. Results. Reference intervals were obtained for TT, FT, DHT, DHEAS, A and SHBG in reproductive-aged women and significant differences were revealed in the indicators of LRA and ERA women (p<0.05). Conclusion. During the assessment of androgen levels in women, it is necessary to evaluate not only the upper reference value, as its excess indicates hyperandrogenism, but also the lower reference value, which can be indicative of androgen deficiency. It is also important to stratify patients correctly into groups depending on their age. The obtained data can be used in other clinical and diagnostic laboratories after the appropriate validation, according to the requirements of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):127-132
pages 127-132 views

Plasma cytokine level changes in preterm neonates with respiratory disorders in the early neonatal period

Nikitina I., Inviyaeva E., Krog-Jensen O., Vtorushina V., Lenyushkina A., Krechetova L., Zubkov V., Degtyarev D.


Aim. To investigate plasma cytokine profile changes in preterm neonates with respiratory disorders in the early neonatal period. Materials and methods. The study included 105 neonates born in our Center from January 2019 to November 2019. The study group consisted of 92 preterm neonates with gestational age (GA) 32-36 weeks who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) on the first day of life (DOL). The study group was divided into subgroups of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) (n=21), transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) (n=28), and congenital pneumonia (n=43). The control group included healthy early-term infants (GA 37 weeks). Plasma cytokine profiles of the neonates were analyzed. Blood samples were taken on days 1, 3, and 7 of life in the study group and day 1 of life in the control group. Blood samples were collected into EDTA tubes. Plasma cytokine profiling included pro-inflammatory (IFNy, TNFa, IL-1ß, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17) cytokines, anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13) cytokines, chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1ß), and growth factors (IL-7, G-CSF, GM-CSF). Results. Among preterm neonates, plasma levels of cytokines at the beginning and the end of the early neonatal period differed from those on the first day of life and depended on the type of respiratory disorders. There were statistically significant changes for pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, INF-y, TNF-a), chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1ß), and anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Conclusion. Plasma cytokine profiling in preterm neonates on the first DOL can be used for differential diagnosis and assessment of treatment effectiveness DOL7. An increase in IL-6 concentration on DOL1 is the most informative of the studied markers regarding differential diagnosis between congenital pneumonia, RDS, and TTN. The IL-6/IL-10 ratio can be used as an additional criterion for decision-making regarding discontinuation of antibiotic therapy in preterm infants with congenital pneumonia.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):133-142
pages 133-142 views

Plasma cytokine profiles in preterm neonates with congenital pneumonia in the first week of life

Inviyaeva E., Nikitina I., Krechetova L., Krog-Jensen O., Vtorushina V., Lenyushkina A., Zubkov V., Degtyarev D.


Aim. To investigate plasma cytokine levels in preterm neonates with congenital pneumonia in the first week of life. Materials and methods. The study included 76 preterm neonates (gestational age (GA) 25-36 weeks, study group) and 13 healthy term infants (GA 37w, control group) born in our Center from January 2019 to November 2019. All preterm neonates developed clinical signs of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and respiratory failure during the first hours of life and were treated for congenital pneumonia in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The children of the control group were born in satisfactory condition. Their early neonatal adaptation was uneventful. They were discharged home before the end of the first week of life. The study group was divided into two subgroups based on GA (25-31w and 32-36 w). Plasma cytokine profiles of the neonates were analyzed. Blood samples were taken on days 1, 3, and 7 of life in the study group and day 1 of life in the control group. Blood samples were collected into EDTA tubes. Plasma cytokine profiling included pro-inflammatory (IFNy, TNFa, IL-1ß, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17), anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13) chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1ß), and growth factors (IL-7, G-CSF, GM-CSF). Results. Very preterm neonates (GA 25-31w) with congenital pneumonia had higher concentrations of plasma pro-inflammatory mediators than preterm neonates of greater gestational age (GA 32-36w) and term infants (GA 37w) on day 1 of life. The persistence of higher IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations in preterm neonates at GA 25-31w compared to preterm neonates at GA 32-36w up to day 7 of life indicates increased systemic inflammatory response from the moment of birth and incomplete relief of the inflammatory process in extremely immature children, despite comprehensive, intensive therapy. Conclusion. Plasma cytokine profiling in preterm neonates is an effective laboratory tool for early diagnosis of congenital pneumonia and evaluating the effectiveness of therapy in the first week of life.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):143-152
pages 143-152 views

A baby born to women with epilepsy: questions and answers

Petrukhin V., Efimkova E., Dulaeva E., Novikova S., Bocharova I.


Objective. To study and optimize management tactics for pregnancy and childbirth in women with epilepsy to improve obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Materials and methods. During studies in 2014-2019, the investigators examined 262 pregnant women with cryptogenic epilepsy who delivered infants. Pregnancy and delivery were managed at the Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Special attention was paid to the nature of the course of the underlying disease, to antiepileptic drug therapy, and to the presence of convulsive seizures. The examination included a complete standard clinical and diagnostic testing, a study of fetoplacental complex hormones, antiepileptic drug (AED) concentrations, and immunological and morphological studies. Results. Despite a neurological pathology that requires continuous AED use and the pharmacoresistant form of the disease in some pregnant women, the complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth was not observed in most cases. Labor pain was relieved in women with epilepsy according to obstetric indications; however, a combined method for labor pain relief was used in persistent convulsive seizures in the third trimester, which allowed the maximum sedative and analgesic effects to be achieved. 89% of babies were born in a satisfactory condition owing to the adequate monitoring of a pregnant woman with epilepsy and timely correction of obstetric complications. The birth of babies with congenital malformations (CMs) in two cases was due to the fact that there was no their prevention at the stage of pregnancy planning. Conclusion. The successful course of pregnancy and childbirth in women with epilepsy requires that the pregnant woman should be monitored jointly by an obstetrician/gynecologist and an epileptologist/neurologist, who is competent in the course of epilepsy in females and pregnant women. The most common failure of drug-induced remission was observed in the second trimester of pregnancy, which needed to increase the dose of AEDs or switching to combination therapy. Obstetric complications were treated according to standard clinical protocols.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):153-159
pages 153-159 views

Vulvar lichen sclerosus

Surkichin S., Kruglova L., Apolikhina I.


Objective. To evaluate the efficiency and safety of photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS). Materials and methods. The study group included 15 female patients diagnosed with VLS. 1% chlorin E6 cream was used as a photosensitizer; a Harmony red light-emitting diode phototherapy device at a 660-nm wavelength, 30-min exposure, 100-J/cm2 pulse laser energy, and 100-mW/cm2 power was applied as a source of radiation. PDT was performed once every seven days (the average was 5-7 times) depending on the effect achieved. To evaluate the efficiency of PDT, the investigators used a visual analog scale, the Dermatology Life Quality Index, and vulvoscopy; overall satisfaction with the cycle of the procedures was also assessed. Results. The female patients postoperatively showed a significant reversal of itching, burning, pain, and dyspareunia. Vulvoscopy indicated the greatest effect of the procedures in treating subepithelial ecchymoses and telangiectasias (81.32%), as well as erosions and f issures (72.54%). A partial remission of lichenification with hyperkeratosis was seen in 53.23% of cases. The lowest atrophy response was observed in 32.45% of cases. The average therapeutic satisfaction score was 2.7 at the last visit. No serious adverse reactions occurred either during or after treatment. Conclusion. This investigation has demonstrated that PDT with chlorin E6 as a photosensitizer at a 660-nm wavelength, 30-minute exposure, 100-J/cm2 pulse laser energy, and 100-mW/cm2 power, once every 7 days (5-7 times) is a highly effective and safe treatment for VLS. Given the great potential benefits for patients, a large-scale clinical trial is needed to achieve the optimal parameters of PDT and to introduce the latter into practical healthcare.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):160-165
pages 160-165 views

The state of adolescent girls' reproductive health

Bareghamyan H., Barseghyan A., Beglaryan G.


Objective. The study aimed to characterize the normative AMH levels amongst adolescent girls in Armenia, assess reproductive health, and take preventive measures for infertility. Materials and methods. The study included 700 10-18-year-old adolescent girls randomly selected from different regions of Armenia, including Yerevan. Clinical evaluation included serum levels of AMH, FSH, LH, TSH, anti-TPO, as well as thyroid gland and pelvic ultrasound examination. Results. The individual AMH level in 10-15-year-old adolescent girls ranged from 2.0 to 4.0 ng/ml and among 16-18-year-old adolescent girls from 1.5-4.0 ng/ml. The normal ovarian reserve has the following characteristics: AMH level not less than 2.0 mg/ml, FSH level not more than 10 m U/ml, AFC at least 5 in each ovary, and ovarian volume, not less than 5cm3. A total of 469 (67%) adolescents had a normal AMH level and normal ovarian reserve. 231 (33%) adolescent girls were at high risk for diminished ovarian reserve, menstrual disorders, infertility, and reproductive losses. Conclusion. The study established the normative values for serum AMH and evaluated the normal ovarian reserve of Armenian adolescent girls. Knowledge of low ovarian reserve and its prognostic significance allows identifying risk groups of adolescent girls at an early stage. This enables the determination of reproductive behavior and prevention of reproductive losses and infertility in the reproductive age.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):166-174
pages 166-174 views

A change in the concentration of some macronutrients in tbreast milk when expressing with an electric breast pump

Alekseev N., Ilyin V., Ryumina I., Troshkin M., Uleziko V.


Objective. To investigate the levels of essential nutrients (fat, protein, lactoses), as well as the energy value of milk when expressing the latter with an electric breast pump at vacuum and when using the vacuum and squeezing pulses simultaneously. Materials and methods. The 10-ml expressed breast milk samples obtained from 9 women at 5-8 weeks of lactation using a Lactopulse device were investigated in two milk expression modes: at vacuum only and at vacuum and squeezing simultaneously. The sample continuity was ensured by a specially developed procedure. The content of the essential nutrients in the milk samples was determined using a Miris AB Uppsala milk analyzer (Sweden) at 1-1.5 hours after milk expressing. Results. The fat content increased in each subsequent milk sample and this in the last samples was 2-3 times higher than that in the initial ones. During squeezed vacuum expression, the total amount of fat removed was about 25% more than during vacuum breast milk expression only. When determining the concentration of protein in the milk samples, there was also a 10-20% increase in its concentration after milk pumping. Unlike the content of fat and protein, that of carbohydrates did not change during expressing breast milk. Conclusion. The method has been developed to analyze the nutrients of milk during its continuous removal from the gland. Surveys have shown that the use of vacuum stimuli or squeezing stimuli in the milk pump increases the amount of fat and protein in the expressed milk.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):175-182
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Current concepts of the overactive bladder in women. Strategy for choosing drug therapy

Romikh V., Zakharchenko A., Kukushkina L., Panteleev V., Romikh F.


The overactive bladder (OAB) is one of the most important clinical conditions in functional urology for children and adults and а socially significant disease. About 18 million adults in our country are suspected to have OAB symptoms. Selective muscarinic receptor antagonists are considered to be the traditional treatment for OAB. Some mechanisms that lead to urgency are not suppressed by muscarinic receptor blockade. A new area of OAB pharmacotherapy is to affect ß-adrenoptors located in the bladder urothelium and suburothelium. After many years of studies, the innovative and unparalleled drug Mirabegron appeared, which was a ß3-adrenomimetic that acts on the receptors of smooth muscle fibers. Mirabegron has a direct effect on the bladder urothelium. Conclusion. According to some indicators, the efficacy of Mirabegron exceeds that of cholinolytics, whereas the clinical effect can be observed even in a group of patients with unsatisfactory results of previous treatment. Thus, Mirabegron can be considered as the drug of choice for OAB pharmacotherapy.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):183-191
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Modern ideas about the etiology, pathogenesis and principles of treatment of endometrial hyperplasia

Podzolkova N., Korennaya V.


Endometrial hyperplasia is a complex and multifaceted problem in gynecology. The existing information on the development of endometrial hyperplasia is not sufficient and the specialists do not have a common understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease and its triggering mechanisms. At the same time, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches should be improved for a great number of women facing the problem of endometrial hyperplasia. Findings of the international and Russian scientists presented in the article reflect the current understanding of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this pathology. Progestogen therapy is pathogenetically justified and has proved to be effective. Among oral progestogens, dydrogesterone has progestogenic antiproliferative activity, an optimal safety profile and allows doctors to personalize therapy for patients with various somatic pathologies in order to control the symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia and prevent recurrence of the disease. Conclusion. Scientific data collection and possibility of providing personalized therapy for patients with endometrial hyperplasia can help improve diagnostics as well as the management of the patients and minimize the risk of recurrence of this pathology.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):192-199
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The possibility of using organ-sparing tactics in patients with a Couvelaire uterus

Tskhai V., Levanova E.


Placental abruption is one of the most life-threatening and dramatic complications encountered in obstetric practice. The severe form of placental abruption with the formation of a retroplacental hematoma, the so-called Couvelaire uterus, is a serious accident in the second half of pregnancy and during childbirth with severe consequences for the mother and fetus, which often lead to a fatal outcome. The article presents a review of literature on the management tactics for pregnant women and parturients with premature detachment of the normally situated placenta, which is complicated by the development of Couvelaire uterus. Much attention is paid to the possibility of choosing organ-sparing tactics for this pathology. Using six cases from their own clinical practice as an example, the authors demonstrate the possibility of organ-sparing surgery for Couvelaire uterus. Conclusion. The complex process of choosing a surgical intervention directly depends on the amount of blood loss, hemodynamic parameters, and the severity of disorders in the hemostatic system, and uterine contractility. It is also necessary to take into account the general condition of a woman, her desire to preserve the uterus, as well as the level of equipment in the facility, and the capabilities of a surgeon. An individual approach ensures the success of a surgical intervention and the favorable course of the postoperative period.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):200-205
pages 200-205 views

Clinical masks of secondary amenorrhea: treatment of the disease rather than its symptom

Bondarenko K., Dobrokhotova Y.


The review provides relevant data on the prevalence and structure of the causes of secondary oligo- and amenorrheas. It substantiates a diagnostic search algorithm in women with secondary oligo- or amenorrheas. The authors have presented the main diagnostic pitfalls that a clinician may face when consulting patients with menstrual cycle disorders. The paper gives the modern therapeutic strategies developed by Russian and international professional communities, which are aimed at eliminating oligo- and amenorrheas in various endocrinopathies that are within the competence of an obstetrician/gynecologist. The authors have systematized therapeutic approaches to correcting menstrual irregularities in women with anovulatory infertility, depending on the verified diagnosis. The article discusses the main strategy mistakes in the management of premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovary syndrome, and functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, which may be made in real clinical practice. Thus, the most commonly used combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) for the correction of menstrual cycle disorders in some cases are only able to mask serious diseases, such as premature ovarian failure and functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, in which the first-line therapy of choice is bioidentical rather than synthetic, transdermal estrogens (for example, as a patch, 0.1% estradiol gel, and others) in combination with progestins. With the CHC-created illusion of uninterrupted functioning of all parts of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, individual endocrinopathies can progress to irreversible consequences, for example, as complete depletion of the ovulatory reserve in women with unrealized reproductive plans or to an episode of low-energy fracture. Conclusion. The verification of a disease manifested by secondary oligo- or amenorrhea requires clear and consistent diagnostic measures combined in the algorithm proposed by the authors. The timely and correct differential diagnosis of various endocrinopathies will be able to develop etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment for a specific nosological entity, and not just to eliminate a disease symptom.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):206-219
pages 206-219 views

Vitamins and trace elements in the prevention of infectious diseases in women of reproductive age

Shikh E., Makhova A., Prokofiev A., Nazarchuk A.


The issue of increasing nonspecific immunity is becoming particularly relevant in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2. Thus, there is question of supplementation with vitamins and micronutrients, especially in reproductive-aged women planning pregnancy, due to socio-economic aspects, geographical latitude, dietary habits, and increased needs associated with the epidemiological situation. The deficiency of certain micronutrients in the diet has been found to impair the chemical, structural and regulatory processes in the body, which can negatively affect the state of the immune system. Certain associations have been identified between sufficiency of micronutrients, the severity of the course and development of complications of COVID-19. Severe course of infection is associated with severe deficiency of vitamin D (<10 ng/ml). Vitamin D contributes to changing the macrophage phenotype from pro-inflammatory Th1 to anti-inflammatory Th2, which may reduce the risk of a cytokine storm. There was a statistically significant decrease in the level of inflammatory markers, including ferritin and D-dimer, a decrease in the risks of multiple organ failure, a tendency to reduce the need for ventilation, vascular damage in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome with parenteral use of high doses of ascorbic acid. The experimental studies have shown that cations Zn2+ inhibit the activity of SARS-coronavirus RNA polymerase by reducing its replication; this fact opens up prospects for the use of Zn2+ as an antiviral agent in the treatment of COVID-19. Vitamin E and selenium have effects that reduce the risk of infection: they increase the number of Tcells, enhance the responses of mitogenic lymphocytes, increase the secretion of IL-2 cytokines, and stimulate the activity of natural killer cells. The causative agent influences beta-carotene which accelerates the immune response of the body by increasing the activity of macrophages. Conclusion. The strategies for the prevention of COVID-19 provide for the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes containing vitamins D, A, E, zinc, selenium. The optimal intake of micronutrients largely determines the protection of a person from the effects of negative environmental factors including biological agents, namely microbes and viruses.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):220-229
pages 220-229 views

Unrelieved exacerbation of familial Mediterranean fever during pregnancy

Kirsanova T., Yarotskaya V., Klimenchenko N., Vladykina M.


Background. Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an inherited monogenic autosomal recessive systemic disease characterized by recurrent attacks of aseptic inflammation. During pregnancy, patients with FMF may both achieve sustained remission and preserve attacks. This paper describes a case of severe exacerbation of FMF in a pregnant patient who is in complete medicated remission. Case report. Patient Zh. was diagnosed with FMF in childhood. Colchicine therapy resulted in sustained remission. The first dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy occurred after IVF. Colchicine treatment was continued. The patient noted the renewal of severe pain syndrome, myalgia, and fever at 16 weeks’ gestation. At 24 weeks, she was admitted to the V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology. The therapy with higher colchicine doses showed no special effect; small positive changes were observed during pulse therapy with methylprednisolone. At 32-33 weeks’ gestation, the patient delivered preterm alive infants. After delivery, all FMF symptoms went away on their own; methylprednisolone was discontinued gradually; the dose of colchicine was reduced. Conclusion. The described case emphasizes the importance of an individual approach to achieving a favorable outcome. FMF cannot be an obstacle and a contraindication for pregnancy planning in reproductive-aged women, provided that each case is managed in a personalized manner.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):230-235
pages 230-235 views

Pregnancy after repeat surgical delivery in a woman who had a history of reconstructive plastic surgery for uterine suture failures on Day 8 after cesarean section

Barinov S., Kadtsyna T., Tirskaya Y., Medyannikova I., Lazareva O., Chulovsky Y., Stotskaya T.


Background. The problem of treating purulent endometritis after cesarean section remains relevant, since hysterectomy is frequently performed in uterine suture failures, which leads to a woman’s worse quality of life. Timely diagnosis of uterine suture failures makes it possible to perform reconstructive plastic surgery and to preserve the reproductive function. Case report. The paper describes a clinical case of a favorable pregnancy and delivery in a pregnant woman with a uterine suture after three cesarean sections and metroplasty for uterine suture failure in postpartum endometritis. It depicts the complex usage of antibacterial therapy and the intrauterine sorbent VNIITU-1 after metroplasty for postpartum endometritis, which allows the effective elimination of pathogenic microorganisms and local detoxification. The combination application of Zhukovsky uterine and vaginal catheters shows a positive effect in preventing uterine bleeding and pelvic hematomas. Conclusion. An integrated approach to treating postpartum endometritis, by using antibacterial therapy and the intrauterine sorbent VNIITU-1, can improve the outcomes of reconstructive plastic surgeries. The use of Zhukovsky balloon tamponade during delivery in pregnant women with a failed uterine scar after cesarean section permits the amount of blood loss to be reduced during reconstructive plastic surgeries.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):236-241
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Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):247-248
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Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;(8):250-250
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