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Nº 1 (2020)


Maternal hemodynamics and preeclampsia

Nagoev T., Muminova K., Khodzhaeva Z., Kholin A., Ziganshina M., Kozlova A., Martirosyan Y.


The paper includes scientific publications (mainly systematic reviews and meta-analyses) by foreign and Russian authors over the past 10 years, which have been found in the Pubmed database and on other available search platforms, such as Cochrane, Web of Science, MedLine, and Google Scholar, based on which the paper generalizes and updates the existing data on the features of maternal hemodynamics in preeclampsia (PE), the possibility of its early prediction and choice of therapy, by taking into consideration the indicators of the maternal cardiovascular system. It presents the possibilities of studying maternal hemodynamics using its current indicators, as well as new approaches to elucidating its role in the pathogenesis of early and late PE and data on the possible effect of the endothelial glycocalyx on the hemodynamic profile of a pregnant woman. Further studies are needed to stratify women according to their hemodynamic prof ile, by simultaneously investigating the endothelial glycocalyx in order to elucidate the role of maternal hemodynamics in the genesis of PE and by elaborating individualized therapeutic approaches.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):5-11
pages 5-11 views

Premature birth: past restrictions and new opportunities

Gorina K., Khodzhaeva Z., Belousov D., Baranov I., Gokhberg Y., Pashchenko A.


The data available in the world literature on studies of infection and inflammation as a factor that leads to premature birth have been sought and analyzed. Premature birth is the central problem of modern obstetrics, the leading cause of perinatal and infant morbidity and mortality. New potential methods for the diagnosis of spontaneous premature birth and preterm amniorrhea, as well as the basic stages of the pathogenesis of this process have been analyzed in detail. Diagnostic transabdominal ultrasound-guided amniocentesis should be considered as an important element in the diagnostic verification of threatening and imminent preterm births with subsequent correction of their obstetric management according to the findings.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):12-19
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Role of the vaginal microbiota in preterm premature rupture of membranes

Guseinova G., Khodzhaeva Z., Muravyeva V.


The authors have carried out a systems analysis of the information available in the current literature on the vaginal microbiome and the role of dysbiotic disorders in the genesis of premature rupture of membranes (PROM) when the length of pregnancy is 22-36 weeks and 6 days. The paper includes the data published over the past 10 years in the foreign and Russian literary sources found in Pubmed on this problem. It presents the results of some studies of the vaginal microbiome in pregnant women with PROM and the identification of predictors for this complication. The results of ongoing studies confirm that it is necessary to investigate the vaginal microbiota composition at early gestational ages; the timely diagnosis of the abnormal vaginal microbiota will be able to substantially reduce the frequency of obstetric and neonatal complications. Further investigations are required to identify the most significant microbiological predictors in order to determine pregnant women at high risk for PROM.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Molecular genetic deviations and obstetric pathology

Kovalev V., Kudryavtseva E.


The paper reviews international researches in the role of various gene networks in the development of obstetric pathology. It considers not only the most studied hemostatic system and folate metabolism genes, but also renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, detoxification system, and immune response ones and genes that regulate the function of the endothelium. In addition, an update on genome-wide studies investigating a genetic predisposition to pregnancy complications is analyzed.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):26-32
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Modification of combined spinal-epidural analgesia in labor

Pismensky S., Pyregov A., Baev O., Tysyachnyi O., Perevarova Y.


The review considers the capabilities and technical features of the neuraxial technique of epidural analgesia with dural puncture epidural (DPE) for labor pain relief. Technically, DPE is a modification of combined spinal-epidural analgesia, in which the dura mater is punctured without subsequent intrathecal administration of a drug. At the moment, the published results of studies do not reveal that DPE has a clear advantage over epidural analgesia. At the same time, some studies show a faster onset of analgesia, a pronounced sacral block, and a decrease in the frequency of an asymmetric block with DPE. One study demonstrates that DPE has a more common side effect as paresthesia. It is difficult to interpret the data of comparative studies due to the lack of a clear protocol for this technique. In the authors’ opinion, improving the protocol for the DPE technique will be able to better identify its advantages and disadvantages.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):34-39
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MicroRNAs and premature ovarian insufficiency

Dmitrieva M., Tikhonovskaya O., Romanova A., Logvinov S.


The relevance of studying the role of microRNAs in the pathogenesis of diseases of organs and systems is beyond question. The reproductive system is no exception. Since the early 2000s, many studies have been conducted to identify microRNAs in the ovaries. A literature review demonstrates the important role of microRNAs in folliculogenesis, including as regulators of apoptosis of granulosa cells, ovulation, and luteinization. It is established that microRNAs can be important regulatory molecules directly involved in premature ovarian insufficiency and polycystic ovary syndrome. MicroRNAs can become biological markers of ovarian reserve, which is of great importance in reproductology.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):40-46
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The role of bacterial contamination in the development of endometriosis

Smolnova T., Dmitrieva I., Pavlovich S., Chuprynin V., Priputnevich T.


The current concepts of the etiology and mechanisms of endometriosis, including the new theory of bacterial contamination, are analyzed. The review includes data from foreign and Russian articles published in the PubMed, UpToDate and eLibrary databases over the past 10 years. Antimicrobial peptide (AMP), in particular secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) and b-defensin, are elements of the local line of epithelial defense against an infectious agent. Their level in the endometrium and other tissues of the female genital tract decreases during menstruation under cyclic hormonal fluctuations, which increases the risk of bacterial contamination of menstrual blood and genital tract tissues. In addition, a change in AMP secretion may play a role in the implantation of endometrioid heterotopias through the influence on the synthesis and activity of matrix metalloproteinases and transcription nuclear factor kappa B (NF-xB). As the disease progresses, there are elevated levels of SLPI and b-defensins. AMPs are present in virtually all human epithelial tissues; and a decrease in their secretion by epithelial cells is one of the components in the development of common forms of endometriosis. The results of ongoing studies confirm the role of AMP as a trigger in the development of endometriosis, which exacerbates bacterial contamination during menstruation and forms a vicious circle in the pathogenesis of common forms of endometriosis.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):47-53
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Multicomponent vitamin and mineral complexes as a basis for prevention of micronutrient deficiency at reproductive age

Shikh E., Makhova A.


Micronutrient supplementation is a key factor for physiological pregnancy and directly correlates with positive maternal outcomes, has a direct impact on neonatal health and subsequent development. A relationship was found between the insuff icient supply of mothers with nutrients and preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, neural tube defects, skeletal deformities, and low birth weight. Multicomponent vitamin and mineral complexes intended to use in the pregravid period, during pregnancy, and lactation allow the entry of essential micronutrients, such as iron, folates and other B vitamins, iodine, zinc, and antioxidants, into the body at the physiological daily requirements. This review presents current evidence regarding the needs for macronutrients and micronutrients during pregnancy, the risks and consequences of their deficiency, and the impact of additional exogenous intake on pregnancy outcomes.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):54-62
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Non-invasive methods for preoperative diagnosis of the status of regional lymphatic collecting vessels in breast cancer

Khakurinova N., Snitkin V., Sholokhov V., Sinyukova G., Gus A., Berdnikov S., Makhotina M., Valiev R., Petrovsky A.


The active introduction of new procedures for surgical and drug treatments of breast cancer could substantially improve the long-term results of treatment and increase disease-free survival. However, new treatment standards require quality improvement in preoperative diagnosis and an accurate assessment of the disease stage in order to select an optimal treatment regimen. The use of multiparameter ultrasound in combination with minimally invasive techniques makes it possible to adjust the volume of surgery, to reduce the number of postoperative complications, and to improve quality of life in patients.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):64-70
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Improvement ofmanagement tactics for pregnancy in patients at false-positive risk for fetal chromosomal abnormalities

Yarygina T., Bataeva R., Gus A.


Objective. To assess the risks of pregnancy complications in patients with false-positive results (FPRs) of screening for fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Subjects and methods. Combined screening was carried out to determine the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities in 2500 patients. The course of pregnancy and its outcomes were analyzed in 1618 cases without fetal chromosomal and structural abnormalities. Results. In accordance with the screening results, the investigators identified 2 groups: 1) FPRs of screening (n = 55); 2) its low-risk results (n = 1563). Groups 1 and 2 displayed a statistically significant difference in the incidence of the following complications: spontaneous abortions before 22 weeks of gestation (9.1% and 0.7%) (Relative risk (RR), 12.9); preterm birth (23.6% and 3.97%) (RR 5.9); birth of a low-weight fetus (16.36% and 3.67%) (RR 4.1);perinatal death (3.6% and 0.06%) (RR 113.7), respectively. Conclusion. Patients with FPRs of screening are a high-risk group for pregnancy complications.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):71-77
pages 71-77 views

Surgery tactics for placenta increta with different depths of invasion

Shmakov R., Pirogova M., Vasilchenko O., Chuprynin V., Ezhova L.


Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of surgery tactics in patients with different depths of trophoblast invasion. Subjects and methods. The data of 64 patients diagnosed with placenta increta confirmed by the results of pathomorphological examination were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the depth of trophoblast invasion. All pregnant women with suspected placenta increta underwent surgical treatment as lower midline laparotomy with left-sided umbilical bypass, fundal cesarean section, complex hemostatic compression, uterine balloon tamponade, metroplasty, and autoerythrocyte reinfusion. Results. The data of 64 pregnant women were analyzed; a morphological study could confirm the diagnosis of placenta accreta in 18 patients, placenta increta in 42, and placenta percreta in 4. All the women with placenta increta had a history of a cesarean section uterine scar, but showed no difference in the frequency of prior surgical interventions (p = 0.476). A uterine scar after myomectomy was found in patients with placenta increta and placenta percreta and more frequently observed in those with a greater depth of placental invasion (p = 0.039). The volume of total blood loss increased: that was 975 ml in patients with placenta accreta, 1300 ml in those with placenta increta, and 2200 ml in those with placenta accreta (p = 0.048). The frequency of internal iliac vessel ligation rose and amounted to 5.6, 14.3, and 50%, respectively (p = 0.026). Patients with a greater degree of placenta increta significantly more frequently required hysterectomy (p = 0.038). Conclusion. There was a relationship between the volume of blood loss and the depth of trophoblast invasion, which allows the elaboration of the most optimal surgery tactics for delivery in pregnant women with this complication. In addition, the findings suggest that additional risk factors are important in assessing the development of placenta increta.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Effectiveness of preconceptional preparation in women with early pregnancy loss

Artymuk N., Noskova I., Tachkova O.


Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of an integrated approach using intravaginal peloid therapy and oral dydrogesterone to improve an outcome in subsequent pregnancy in women with unexplained sporadic loss of early pregnancy. Subjects and methods. A prospective, open-label, randomized study. Randomization was conducted using the envelope technique. The study enrolled 40 reproductive-aged women after sporadic pregnancy loss at less than 12 weeks of gestation. Group 1 consisted of 20 patients who, after spontaneous abortion, received peloid therapy using a gel based on Dead Sea mud. In the third menstrual cycle after abortion, the patients were prescribed 60 ml administered as a single intravaginal injection over 60 minutes for 12 days on days 7-8 of the menstrual cycle. If the period was delayed, a pregnancy test was carried out and when its results were positive, dydrogesterone was prescribed in a daily dose of 20 mg up to 20 weeks’ gestation. After spontaneous abortion, 20 patients in Group 2 underwent traditional rehabilitation, including physiotherapy and vitamin-mineral complexes. Primary and secondary outcomes were evaluated. The primary outcomes were the levels of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (PG), the frequency of ovulatory cycles, and that of recording the full secretory phase (histological examination of the endometrium on day 24 of the fourth menstrual period). The secondary outcomes were the rate of pregnancy during a year after completing rehabilitation, the frequency of recording heartbeats at 12 weeks of gestation, and the rate of live birth.All the patients underwent general clinical and special gynecological examinations. Enzyme immunoassay was used to measure the level of E2 on days 2-5 of the menstrual period and that of PG on days 21-22 of the second and fourth menstrual ones. A test was carried out to detect ovulation. All the patients underwent endometrial biopsy, followed by histological examination, on days 23-24 of the fourth menstrual period. Results. All the patients enrolled in the study completed the planned protocol. The obtained results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the levels of E2 and PG in the patients of the comparable groups (p>0.05). In the first menstrual period after a miscarriage, anovulation occurred in 15% and 42% of women, respectively; and the inadequate luteal phase (ILP) was observed in 55% and 42% (p=0.003). Three months after a miscarriage, anovulatory cycles were recorded in only the patients (39%) in Group 2 (p=0.008). Pipelle endometrial biopsy showed the presence of a full secretory phase and the correspondence of the endometrium to the phase of the cycle in 55.5% and 16.7% of patients, respectively (p=0.035); ILP in 38.9% and 61.1% and chronic endometritis in 16.7% and 55.5% (p=0.035). During a year after completion of rehabilitation, the occurrence of pregnancy was recorded in 17(85%) women in Group 1 and in 8 (40%) patients in Group 2 (p=0.008). Fetal heart activity was recorded in all these women at 12 weeks’ gestation. There were 16 (80%) and 7 (35%) live births, respectively (p=0.01). The absolute benefit increase (ABI) when applying the integrated approach was 45%. The relative benefit increase (RBI) was 113%. That is, to achieve pregnancy in one woman with sporadic unexplained pregnancy loss within one year, it is necessary to treat two patients in this way. The odds ratio of the probability of obtaining a positive result in the use of peloid therapy versus traditional treatment was 8.50 [1.88-38.47]. Conclusion. Thus, the comprehensive approach including intravaginal peloid therapy at the preconceptional stage and administration of dydrogesterone, when pregnancies of less than 20 weeks’ gestation is recorded, is more effective than the traditional approach and can improve outcomes of subsequent pregnancy in patients with sporadic unexplained pregnancy loss. The combined use of peloid therapy and dydrogesterone contributes to the restoration of the biphasic cycle in patients with a history of early reproductive losses, to the creation of the full secretory phase, to the lower incidence of chronic endometritis, and allows a greater than twofold increase in live birth rates.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):83-92
pages 83-92 views

Efficiency of gestational and perinatal pathology prevention with a cytokine-like peptide in frequently recurring herpes at the pregravid stage

Lipatov I., Tezikov Y., Ovchinnikova M.


Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of pregravid and antenatal antiviral immunomodulatory therapy for moderate and severe recurrent herpes in preventing gestational and perinatal complications. Subjects and methods. According to the prevention method, 414 women with recurrent herpes infection (HI) were divided into three groups. The efficiency of anti-relapse therapy was objectified by the effect size for therapy intervention in terms of the results of monitoring the indicators of immunity, the course of pregnancy, the status of fetoplacental blood flow and the health of newborn infants. Results. Step-by-step prophylactic treatment according to the developed method contributes to the normalization of adaptive and innate immunity indicators, to a significant decrease in the frequency of recurrent HI, pregnancy complications, intrauterine infection and the prevention of HI in newborn infants (the average number of patients needed to treat was 3 [95% confidence interval (CI), 2-4, p = 0.004]; odds ratio (OR) 0.03 [95% CI, 0.004-0.18, p < 0.001]. Conclusion. The pre-gestational use of a cytokine-like peptide with antiherpetic activity optimizes gestational and perinatal outcomes and prevents congenital herpes.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):94-102
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Features of formation of the activity-dormancy cycle in fetuses with growth restriction and developmental delay

Pavlova N., Dyusembinova S.


Objective. To study and compare the parameters of the activity-dormancy cycle in fetuses having various degrees of growth restriction in the presence and absence of disorders of placental circulation in the third trimester of pregnancy. Subjects and methods. The presence and components of the activity-dormancy cycle were assessed in the fetuses of 43 women with singleton pregnancy at 34/35 weeks and at fetometric values below the 10th percentile. All the women underwent great artery Doppler studies in the mother-placenta-fetus functional system. According to the presence and absence of impaired placental hemodynamics, the pregnant women were divided into 2 groups. Groups 1 and 2 contained 33 and 10 fetuses, respectively. The newborn infants were divided according to the severity of hypotrophy, by using the tables proposed by G.M. Dementieva et al. (1984). Results. The activity-dormancy cycle was formed only in 33% of the fetuses in Group 1 and in 40% of those in Group 2. Half of these fetuses were found to have grades 2 and 3 hypotrophy; the remaining fetuses had grade 1 hypotrophy. The duration of dormancy in the cycle was reduced equally by 40%, and the amplitude of the heart rate and motor-cardiac reflex decreased by 50% and 19% in the fetuses of Groups 1 and 2 women, respectively, as compared with in the fetuses of healthy women during physiological pregnancy. There was an inverse correlation between the duration of dormancy in the activity-dormancy cycle and the severity of neonatal hypotrophy (r = -0.35; p = 0.05). It was found that the more severe disorders of placental circulation were observed, the less frequently the fetal activity-dormancy cycle was formed (r = -0.39; p = 0.021). Conclusion. The activity-dormancy cycle and its parameters can serve as qualitative and quantitative criteria for growth restriction and developmental delay in fetuses having prenatal fetometric values between the 5th and 10th percentiles. The integrated approach to prenatal diagnosis of growth restriction and developmental delay will be able to adequately assess fetal adaptive capabilities when planning the timing and mode of delivery.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):104-109
pages 104-109 views

Scientific rationale for personalized selection of antihypertensive therapy and management tactics for pregnant women with hypertensive disorders

Panova I., Rokotyanskaya E., Malyshkina A., Kudryashova A.


Objective. To develop and justify a personalized system for selecting an antihypertensive therapy regimen and management tactics for pregnant women with different types of hypertensive disorders. Subjects and methods. The investigators assessed the elastic properties and autonomic regulation of blood vessels and determined the blood content of leukocytes expressing CD62L, CD11b, CD49b, CD99, CCR2, CCR5, CX3CR1, CXCR1, and CXCR2, and the serum levels of MCP-1, RANTES, Fractalkine, and IL-8 in 147pregnant women with chronic hypertension (CH), 109 with CH and secondary preeclampsia (PE), and 201 with PE. Results. Based on clinical, laboratory, and functional examination data, the authors developed mathematical models including criteria for selecting an antihypertensive therapy regimen for pregnant women with different types of hypertensive disorders, for predicting the efficiency of therapy for moderate PE, and for choosing management tactics for severe early PE. Conclusion. The proposed system will be able to optimize the management of pregnant women with different hypertensive disorders.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):110-118
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The results of a confidential audit of maternal mortality due to preeclampsia and eclampsia in Russia in 2017-2018

Sidorova I., Nikitina N., Guseva Y.


Aim. To identify the contemporary features of the development and progression of the most severe forms of PE and its complications, specify medical errors and management flaws in obstetric care associated with maternai deaths (both in the outpatient and hospital settings), and conduct the next stage of the confidential audit of maternai mortality due to PE and eclampsia in the regions of the Russian Federation in 2017-2018. Materials and methods. The audit was based on a retrospective analysis of primary medical documentation of 25 cases of maternai deaths from preeclampsia, eclampsia, and their complications in 2017-2018 in the Russian Federation. The data sources included outpatient medical records, maternity records, protocols of clinical examinations, inpatient medical records, and anatomic pathology reports. The documentation was provided by the Department of Child’s Care and Maternity Services of Minzdrav of Russia. Results. In 2017, according to Minzdrav of Russia, 80.9% of maternal deaths were avoidable (preventable and amenable). Analysis of our findings and literature showed that main complications of PE and eclampsia accounting for the majority of maternal deaths included cerebral edema with brainstem dislocation, multiple organ failure, massive coagulopathic hemorrhage, and, most notably, increasing incidence of stroke. We also report the most common medical errors and management flaws in obstetric care during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum associated with maternal deaths. Conclusion. A thorough analysis of all cases of maternal deaths made it possible to formulate and substantiate several recommendations aimed at reducing maternal mortality due to PE, eclampsia, and their complications.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):119-127
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The features of sexual function in gynecologic patients

Stenyaeva N., Khritinin D., Chausov A., Grigor’ev V.


Aim. To investigate the features of sexual function in women with gynecological diseases undergoing screening in clinical settings. Materials and methods. This was a cross-sectional study of the sexual activity and sexual functioning of 1256 women who sought outpatient medical care at the V.I. Kulakov NMRC for OG&P of Minzdrav of Russia from 2014 to 2018, of which 602 (group 1) due to infertility (ICD 10 - N97) and 654 made up the control group(group 2). Baseline evaluation included a detailed medical history, clinical examination, and sexual health testing. Results. Compared with patients in group 2, patients in group 1 were more likely to have a history of salpingitis and oophoritis, uterine inflammatory diseases excluding the cervix, and endometriosis (p = 0.001). Decreased sexual functioning (FSFI ≤ 26.55) was observed in both groups in patients with inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs (salpingitis, oophoritis, and uterine inflammatory diseases excluding the cervix) (p = 0.03), endometriosis (p = 0.01), and uterine f ibroids (p = 0.02). Also, differences were found in the number of individuals with reduced sexual function in the study groups (p = 0.0001). Infertile women were found to have 1.54-fold higher odds of having sexual dysfunction (FSFI ≤ 26.55) than fertile women (OR = 1.54, 95%CI 1.19; 1.99). There were significant differences between women in groups 1 and 2 with normal sexual function (FSFI> 26.55) in domain scores for orgasm (p = 0.03), pain (p = 0.02), and satisfaction” (p = 0.06, at the level of the trend). Women in groups 1 and 2, who had sexual dysfunction (FSFI ≤ 26.55) also had significant differences in domain scores for sexual desire (p = 0.01), lubrication (p = 0.04), and pain (p = 0.03). Conclusion. The present study convincingly showed that infertile women with inflammatory diseases of pelvic organs, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids have a high risk of sexual dysfunction, including decreased libido, insufficient vaginal lubrication, and dyspareunia.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):128-134
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Clinical and epidemiological aspects of corpus uteri cancer in the context of prevention of recurrent endometrial hyperplasia

Klinyshkova T., Turchaninov D., Frolova N.


Objective. To analyze trends in the incidence of corpus uteri cancer (CUC) in the Omsk Region in 2002-2018 to prioritize cancer prevention in patients with endometrial hyperplasia (EH). Material and methods. A continuous descriptive observational retrospective epidemiological study of CUC incidence rates was conducted using official statistics. Results. There was a moderate tendency for higher CUC incidence rates in the region (Growth rate (Gr) = +1.8%; p < 0.001) and in the Russian Federation (Gr = +1.7%; p <0.001). The highest proportion was 32.3% of women aged 60-69 years. There was a moderate tendency for increased CUC incidence rates among 30 to 39 year olds and a marked tendency for higher ones in women aged 35-39 years (Gr = +5.6%; p <0.05). A rationale was provided for an integrated approach to managing patients with EH in the context of prevention of the recurrent disease. Conclusion. It was established that the Omsk Region showed a rise in CUC incidence and a tendency for patients with th is disease to become younger. One of the measures to reduce the risk of HE recurrence and progression is the need for a preventive therapy cycle, by taking into account endometrial morphological control.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):135-140
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Features of karyotypes in married couples with reproductive functional problems in Kazakhstan

Khoroshilova I., Lokshin V., Begimbaeva A., Sarsenbaeva Z., Valiev R., Rybina A., Karibaeva S., Kim A., Semenova N.


Objective. To investigate the frequency and spectrum of chromosomal abnormality and chromosomal polymorphism in married couples with reproductive functional problems to determine the etiology of infertility, treatment policy, and prognosis in offspring. Subjects and methods. A cytogenetic study of peripheral blood lymphocytes was performed in 1524 patients (672 married couples with infertility and miscarriage, 90 men and 90 women without reproductive problems) at the PERSONA International Clinical Center of Reproductology in 2017 to 2018. Results. The chances of detecting chromosomal polymorphism in patients with infertility and burdened obstetric history (BOH) were higher than in those with normal reproduction (OR = 28.896, 95% CI, 11.799-70.765 for women; OR = 29.000, 95% CI, 9.081-92.611for men; p < 0.05). Conclusion. Our data allow us to recommend that genetic studies must be included in the diagnostic algorithms and clinical protocols for assisted reproductive treatment for patients with reproductive functional problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):141-145
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The features of the course of pregnancy and its outcomes in women vaccinated against papillomavirus infection

Krasnopolsky V., Petrukhin V., Zarochentseva N., Belaya Y., Bocharova I., Vodovatova V., Keshiyan L.


Objective. To investigate the features of the course of pregnancy and labor and the health status of newborn babies born to HPV-positive mothers and women who had undergone vaccination against papillomavirus infection (PVI) in adolescence. Subjects and methods. A survey was conducted in 440 women aged 18 to 36 years, who were divided into 2 groups: 1) HPV-negative patients, who undergone vaccination against PVI mainly in adolescence, as well as at reproductive age; 2) HPV-positive patients who had not been vaccinated or treated for PVI. The course of pregnancy, its complications, as well as outcomes and neonatal health status were studied in the comparison groups. Results. Gestational and postnatal complications were found to have much less common in the group of women who had undergone quarivalent HPV vaccination than in that of HPV-positive patients who had not been vaccinated and treated for PVI during pregnancy. Conclusion. The findings showed that HPV vaccination itself had a pronounced effect on the onset of pregnancy, its course and outcome in the mother and fetus, as well as safety. These investigations require further consideration and studies of a number of issues related to the follow-up of an infant and his/her immunity, as well as confirm the need for urgent inclusion of vaccination in Russia’s immunization schedule for teenagers.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):146-154
pages 146-154 views

Analysis of the effectiveness of telemedicine consultations in obstetrics on the profile «Anesthesiology and Reanimation» in case of two-year experience of a national research center

Pyregov A., Kholin A., Yurova M., Khamo A.


The introduction of telemedicine technologies must level the geographical and time frames and considerably reduce the gap in the level of technicality and competencies of regional healthcare facilities in providing planned and emergency consultations in obstetrics. Objective. To analyze the effectiveness of telemedicine consultations and to compare the obtained data with international experience. Materials and methods. In January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2018, the V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia, held 92 telemedicine consultations on the issues of anesthesiology and resuscitation. The treatment outcomes in inpatients were analyzed. Results. The distribution by groups (obstetric diseases, extragenital diseases during pregnancy, and postoperative complications) was as follows: 32.4% (11), 23.5% (8), and 44.1% (15) in 2017; 70.2% (47), 10.5% (7), and 19.4% (13) in 2018, respectively. A total of 82 (32 and 50) conferences were held to determine treatment tactics and 9 (2 and 7) were done to agree the terms and conditions of hospitalization. The territorial coverage over 2 years amounted to 7 federal districts (the largest number of presentations came from the North Caucasus and Volga Regions) of the Russian Federation and to 36 regions (in 2018, the maximum patient visit rates were recorded in the Oryol Region, the Chechen Republic, and the Republics of Bashkortostan and Udmurtia). At the end of 2018, the most pronounced dynamic increase in visit rates was observed by nosological entities: multiple organ dysfunction and sepsis (from 23.53 to 29.85%), cardiovascular diseases (including congenital malformations; from 20.59 up to 22.38%), and severe central nervous system lesions (from 2.94 to 16.42%). Conclusion. Telemedicine care is a promising area of healthcare organization designed to optimize the provision of medical care in the regions of Russia and to make a balanced decision to refer patients to an appropriate-level specialized institution to reduce maternal mortality.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):155-162
pages 155-162 views

Defects in outpatient obstetric and gynecological care: expert evaluation, impact on labor outcome

Mateikovich E.


Objective. To investigate the pattern of prehospital obstetric and gynecological care defects, claims for which have not been settled within the healthcare system and have resulted in legal proceedings. Material and methods. During the investigation, the author studied 152 clinical cases associated with the provision of obstetric and gynecological care. In the pattern of these cases, there were 70 adverse outcomes of obstetric care, 69 disputes on gynecological care quality, and 13 cases related exclusively to outpatient care in the pre- and postpartum periods. The materials were anonymized in the open-access databases. Forensic medical expert opinions were reviewed. The inclusion criteria were clinical cases that had led to a judicial dispute between the healthcare facility (HCF) and the female patient, her relatives, and representatives. Results. In the presence of unfavorable obstetric care outcomes, medical care defects were identified in 59/70 (84.3%) cases. These defects were arbitrarily divided into 7 groups. The relationship of defects to an unfavorable obstetric care outcome was assessed. The leading factors were incorrect delivery tactics generally due to the underestimation of an obstetric risk and the inadequate follow-up of the maternal and infant health status, as well as prehospital obstetric care defects. The nature of a direct or indirect relationship between the defect and the outcome affected the responsibility of a healthcare facility. The direct relationship between the outcome and the outpatient care defect was established if the pathology caused by severe birth defects was undetected. The pattern of defects in the outpatient management of pregnant women was as follows: inappropriate examination and follow-up (ultrasound diagnosis, CT scanning, screening, etc.) in 15 (63%) patients, incomplete history in 10 (41%), non-observance of the schedule for visits to physicians in 8 (33%), no perinatal conference in the three-level healthcare facility in 8 (33%), untimely hospitalization in 5 (21%), and pathology overdiagnosis in 1 (4%). A complex of defects generally took place. In gynecological practice, defects in the outpatient phase accounted for almost three quarters of trials. Conclusion. Outpatient medical care defects in the pattern of obstetric cases with adverse obstetric care outcomes have a high frequency. A significant number of unresolved conflicts within the healthcare system are caused by the communication deficits between the woman and the physician (the midwife).
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):163-168
pages 163-168 views

Placenta in pregnant women with chronic kidney disease

Barinova I., Nikolskaya I., Kotov Y., Prokopenko E., Kondrikov N.


Objective. To investigate placental structural features in chronic kidney disease (CKD) in pregnant women. Material and methods. A total of 124 placentas were morphologically examined in pregnant women with different stages of CKD at 31-39 weeks’ gestation. The expression of Ki-67 and CD31 in the villous cytotrophoblast and capillary endothelium was investigated; the number and area of villous capillaries were counted. Clinical and morphological comparisons were carried out using the criteria for nonparametric statistics, as well as methods for statistical studies of non-numeric objects. Results. With increasing severity of the underlying disease, at Stage 2 CKD, placental weight percentiles and neonatal weight and height indicators progressively decreased, there was a persistent tendency towards a sharp decrease in the number of villous capillaries, their narrowing to a few μm2. Conclusion. The pathogenesis of placental morphological changes in CKD is due to preeclampsia.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):169-177
pages 169-177 views

Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome: Why is early diagnosis important?

Batyrova Z., Uvarova E., Kumykova Z., Chuprynin V., Kruglyak D.


Background. Obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA) or Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich (HWW) syndrome is an associative genitourinary tract malformation: uterus didelphys and unilateral aplasia of its lower two-thirds and the kidney. Despite the fact that the defect occurs in 0.16-10% of women with genital tract malformation from the detection of renal aplasia to the identification of genital malformation, is present throughout childhood and pre-puberty; that is, an average of 10-12 years. Moreover, lack of awareness about the possible association between genital and urinary tract defects causes girls to frequently undergo wrong surgical interventions. As a result, the common outcome of these interventions is the formation of strictures, fistulas, and suppurations of the closed vagina and cicatricial deformities of the adequate second vagina in every three patients. Case report. The paper describes three clinical cases of girls with HWW syndrome that was timely unestablished, which resulted in various complications. Conclusion. Detection of urinary tract malformation in a girl at any age requires that a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist should mandatorily examine in order to timely diagnose associated developmental abnormalities. Patients with genitourinary tract defects should be assisted at third-level specialized hospitals, which will be able to minimize the risk of subsequent complications.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):178-183
pages 178-183 views

Clinical cases of an adverse birth outcome of amniotic fluid embolism

Padrul M., Sadykova G., Turova E.


Background. Amniotic fluid embolism, or anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy, is a formidable pregnancy complication that frequently results in death. The mortality rates amount to as much as 80%. This pathology accounts for 1.2 to 16.5% in the structure of maternal mortality. The risk factors may include age of over 30 years in a parturient woman; multiple pregnancy; overly strong delivery; cesarean section; uterine rupture; cervical tears; premature placental abruption; intrauterine asphyxia; and abdominal trauma. However, even the absence of risk factors does not rule out the possibility of amniotic fluid embolism. Clinical case report. The paper describes two clinical cases of fatal amniotic fluid embolism, which demonstrate the specific features of the course of this complication in the presence and absence of risk factors. Conclusion. Unfortunately, to date there are no clear predictors for amniotic fluid embolism that should alert the obstetricians/gynecologists when managing labor and delivery in any-risk patients.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):184-188
pages 184-188 views

Natalya D. Selezneva. On the occasion of the 100th birthday

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Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):189-190
pages 189-190 views

Pravila dlya avtorov

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Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;(1):191-192
pages 191-192 views

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