Optimization of the products with naturalenterosorbents formula

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In the article method for
receiving food fibres (natu
ral enterosorbents) from ve
getable raw materials and
formula and technologies
of milk based products with
their usage is being descri
bed. Minerals composition
of the quark mass «Amelia»
has been optimized with the
help of structural parametre


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  2. Дудкин М.С., Щелкунов Л.Ф. Новые продукты питания. - М.: МАИН «Наука», 1998.
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  4. Полянский К.К., Глаголева Л.Э., Смольский Г.М. Творожная масса «Амелия» с природными энтеросорбентами // Молочная промышленность. 2003. № 6.

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