Management of the process of the microflora growth in the fermented milk products

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Theoretical analysis of growth and development of the living systems demonstrate that lactic acid microorganisms of the starter cultures that synthetize lactic acid inhibiting pathogenic bacteria and thus providing sanitarian safety, make principle contribution to the quality characteristics of the fermented milk products. Products of metabolism of the lactic acid bacteria accelerate catalytic reactions of milk proteins, fats and carbohydrates forming necessary organoleptic and structural mechanical characteristics of the finish product providing in such a way efficient digestion of the latter in a human being. Description of the dynamics of the population development is presented by the determined mathematical models, where characteristic physical-chemical phenomena and synergism of bacteria is clearly observed taking into account rate of reproduction and death of microorganisms population and ability of the nutritive medium to support their development. For mathematic modelling and design of the structural scheme of the automation of the fermented milk products manufacturing management the theory of the automated management was applied. Theoretical and experimental studies were applied as bases for development and creation of the adapted systems for the automated management of microbiological synthesis and forecasting of the quality not only in the fermented milk products manufacturing but also in the biotechnologies of other food operations.

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