The rheological characteristics of the ice cream mixture containing NF-curds whey concentrates


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The main object of the work was to study rheological properties of ice cream mixtures with different replacing dry skim milk by fluid neutralized NF-concentrate of cottage cheese whey. The frequency dependence of effective viscosity and tangential stress have been built by using the rotational viscometry method by means of the device «Rheotest-2.1 ». Based on analysis of the dependences the authors have concluded that all samples of mixtures belong to pseudoplastic fluids. To describe the flow curves Ostwald de Ville's equation has been used that determines the constant coefficients for all experimental samples. The paper studies the dependence between viscosity of undefeated structure of mixture and the degree of replacing dry skim milk by NF-concentrate. For the mathematical description of the given dependence regression equation has been derived. It has been determined that the replacing of 30% dry skim milk by NF-concentrate has no significant effect on viscosity of the mixture. Results of the study should be considered by developing new kinds of ice cream that contains whey NF-concentrates and by choosing technological regimes during freezing.

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