Maillard reaction in milkproducts technology as a way of nanoparticles formation


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This is a review of publications related to the Maillard reaction studies and analysis of its application in the dairy industry. Main technological principles of the Maillard reaction products application in developing new medicines, preventive foods, preservatives and antibacterial package for extended storage are substantiated.


  1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов. -СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004.
  2. Радаева И.А. Повышение качества молочных консервов. -М.: Пищевая промышленность, 1980.
  3. Селеменев В.Ф., Рудаков О.Б., Славинская Г.В., Дроздова Н.В. Пигменты пищевых производств (меланоидины).-М.: ДеЛи принт, 2008.
  4. Синельников Б.М., Храмцов А.Г., Евдокимов И.А., Рябцева С.А., Серов А.В. Лактоза и ее производные. - СПб.: Профессия, 2007.
  5. Телегина Т.А., Давидянц С.Б. Реакция Майяра: аминокарбонильные взаимодействия in vivo и меланоидины // Успехи биологической химии. 1995. Т. 35.
  6. Faist V., Erbersdobler H.F. Metabolic transit and in vivo effects of melanoidins and precursor compounds deriving from the Maillard reaction// Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 2001. Vol. 45. № 1.
  7. Gaucher I., Molle′ D., Gagnaire V., Gaucheron F. Effects of storage temperature on physico-chemical characteristics of semiskimmed UHT milk// Food Hydrocolloids. 2008.Vol. 22.
  8. Mu M., Pan X., Yao P., Jiang M. Acidic solution properties 16. of β-casein-graft-dextran copolymer prepared through Maillard reaction // Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2006. Vol. 301.
  9. Pan X., Yao P., Jiang M. Simultaneous nanoparticle formation and encapsulation driven by hydrophobic interaction of casein-graft-dextran and β-carotene// Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2007. Vol. 315.
  10. Pan X., Mu M., Hu B., Yao P., Jiang M. Micellization of casein-graft-dextran copolymer prepared through Maillard reaction// Biopolymers. 2006. Vol. 81.

