
The Essence and Procedural Form of Judicial Proceedings for the Selection of Preventive Measures
Popov A., Pitko R.
Disadvantages of Using Forensic Techniques in the System of Counteraction Factors to the Investigation
Isaenko V.
Regulation of Lawmaking in the Fight Against Crime: Problems and Ways to Solve Them
Asnis A.
On Procedural Guarantees for Vulnerable Persons, Suspects, Accused of Committing a Crime: the International-European Aspect
Kurbatova S.
Lawyer at the Preliminary Investigation Stage: Opportunities for Participation in the Adversary Process
Shkhagapsoev Z.
Features of the Election and Application of Preventive Measures in the Form of Supervision and Prohibition of Certain Actions Against Juvenile Suspects, Accused (According to the Legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation)
Hakimzoda A.
On the Issue of the Compulsory Assessment of Information About the Involvement of a Suspect Accused of Committing a Crime in Court Decisions on Detention
Kalinkina L.
Theoretical and Practical Problems of Application of the Ban of Certain Actions in the Russian Criminal Process
Shigurova E., Shigurov A.
Features of the Production of Certain Proceeding Actionsin Respect of Lawyers
Lukyanov E.
Limiting the constitutional rights of the suspect and the accused in the election of a measure of restraint - banning certain actions
Rudakova S.
Countering the Violation of the Principle of Adversarial Parties in Criminal Proceedings
Ilin D.
About the essence and subject of prosecutor's supervision over the execution of laws when holding suspects and accused in custody in temporary detention centers
Merzhoev M.
Private Procedure for Criminal Prosecution in Russian Legal Proceedings (Implementation Problems)
Shurukhnov N.
New form of special procedure in criminal cases
Mamedov R.
Judicial Detention Decisions: Problems Encountered When They Are Made
Kalinkina L.
The Activities of Investigative Bodies for the Prevention of the Investigation of Terrorist Crimes Among Young People
Zhurtov A.
The Prohibition of Certain Actions in Criminal Proceedings
Surtsev A., Shalov E.
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