
Cybercrime as a Criminological Phenomenon in Russian and International Legislation
Levchenko P.
Comparative Analysis of Russian and International Legislative Regulation of Cyberterrorist Crimes
Kochesokova Z.
Legal Support of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Citizens During Digitalization in the Field of Housing and Communal Services
Kluychnikova Y.
Improving the Legal Protection of Citizens in Cyberspace
Ostroushko A.
Modern Realities of Cybercrime in the Russian Federation
Shondirov R.
Protection of Big Data as an Element of the National Security Structure of the State
Aripshev A.
Problems of Countering Cybercrime in the Russian Federation
Kodzokova L.
Cyberspace as a Resource Base for the Spread of Terrorism
Kanokova L.
Modern Technologies of Youth Involvement in Extremist Activity: Problems and Ways of Counteraction
Mazdogova Z.
The Main Activities of Operational Units of Internal Affairs Bodies to Detect and Prevent Cybercrime Related to Extremist Activity
Tambiev S., Teunaev A.
Countering the Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes
Aripshev A.
The Development of Digitalization in the Modern Russian State
Rasulova A., Shepelev D., Shepeleva D.
On Current Issues of Countering Youth Extremism in the Global Network
Burayeva L.
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