Vol 17, No 3 (2018)


Current problems and perspective directions of development of children's balneology and health resort treatment

Khan M.A., Pogonchenkova I.V.


The article is devoted to current problems and perspective directions of development of children's balneology health resort treatment of children. Despite the decrease in the number of children's health resort organizations, the number of children who have received health resort treatment tends to increase. Important problems of the children's health resort service are the increase in the availability of spa treatment and the provision of health resort treatment for children from socially handicapped groups. One of the most important tasks of the development strategy of the health resort complex in the Russian Federation is the improvement of the legal regulation of resort treatment, including children. A key issue in the development of the children's health resort service is the medical rehabilitation of children with chronic diseases to prevent the progression of the disease and prevent the disability.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):2-7
pages 2-7 views

Pedatric physiotherapy organization in Moscow in the phases of medical rehabilitation

Valiullina S.A., Ivanova D.A., Burakov A.A.


Medical rehabilitation is a complex of interventions allowing to restore (compensate) the functions of the organism, disturbed or damaged because of the disease or injury, to correct the disturbed homeostasis, to stabilize the psychological status, to socially adapt the patient and as a result to integrate the child into society. Currently, three phase rehabilitation is being introduced in Russia, which ensures movement of the patient between all medical services (routing) and continuous provision of assistance in all phases. Phase I (acute period of disease or injury) is carried out in intensive care units, specialized departments of hospitals. Phase II (early restorative period) is carried out in specialized rehabilitation departments of multi-profile hospitals or rehabilitation centers. Phase III is carried out in ambulatory clinics, day hospitals, sanatorium and mobile teams at home. Physiotherapy is widely used in all phases of medical rehabilitation, and physiotherapist is a permanent member of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. It is required to develop and apply the optimal reporting form for the most objective and detailed assessment of the rehabilitation service in Moscow.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Using the ICF and rating scales in medical rehabilitation

Ivanova G.E., Melnikova E.V., Shamalov N.A., Bodrova R.A., Shmonin A.A., Suvorov A.U., Nyrkov G.V., Tulupov D.O.


The purpose of this publication is to acquaint the reader with the International Classification of Functioning, a universal classification for assessing the health of the whole organism and related problems limiting the life of the patient. We explain, from what the classification consists, its application in clinical practice. We give examples of the use of ICF domains on a clinical example, the use of functional profiles of ICF for each classification section. In recent years, the assessment of the state of the body is no longer possible without the use of scales, but a large number of them does not always allow specialists to understand each other. We believe that the creation of a unified system, in which various tools for evaluating the patient's condition will be collected, will be of great help in the work of the members of the multidisciplinary team. In the future, this will help in the preparation of a rehabilitation diagnosis and in the definition of a more accurate rehabilitation potential, which will ensure a higher efficiency of medical rehabilitation in general.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Neurorehabilitation of violations of a written language at children of school age

Rumyanseva M.B.


Dyslexia is a pathological condition characterized by a partial specific violation of the reading process, manifested in numerous errors of a persistent nature and is due to the unformed higher mental functions that ensure the reading process. The aim of this study is to assess the dynamics of the manifestations of dyslexia on the background of pharmacotherapy, nootropic drugs (Cerebrolysin, encephabol, nootropics). A group of children dyslexia (103 children) aged 7 to 12 years, underwent complex neurological, psychological and neurophysiological examination. The results indicate that nootropic drugs have a positive impact on key indicators of reading, writing, and improve speech (phonemic awareness, phonemic memory, phonemic decoding). Treatmentofdyslexiashould always be comprehensive and include methods of psychological, pedagogical and logopedic correction, as well as pharmacotherapy.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):21-27
pages 21-27 views

Influence of different types of aquarehabilitation on neuromediatic activity in children with disorders of autism spectrum

Golubova T.F., Tsukurova L.A., Vlasenko S.V.


The development of effective methods of rehabilitation in children with autism are is relevant. The aim is to study the impact of different types of aquareabilitation on neurotransmitter activity in children with autism. 69 children with disorder of autism spectrum (DAS) - (F84) aged 5 to 14 years were examined. I group - 23 children who received the health research therapy (HRT); II group - 24 children who received a course of therapeutic swimming (TS); III group - 22 children who received a course of adaptive freediving (AF). The control group (CG) consisted of 22 healthy children. The estimated content in the blood serum GABA before and after treatment complexes. A significant decrease in GABA in children with autism was found, with symptoms of aggression, hyperactivity, affective states, and focal epileptic activity (FEA) was detected in EEG-examination. After the treatment, there was a significant increase in GABA in group II and group III in children with hyperactivity and aggression, and in group III in children with FEA. It was revealed that in children with DAS, there is a decrease in GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain, more pronounced in children with aggression, hyperactivity, affective states, and with FEA. The inclusion of adaptive freediving in the course of HRT promotes an increase in GABA in clinical symptoms of hyperactivity and aggression and with epileptic activity on the EEG.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):28-33
pages 28-33 views

The role of connective tissue dysplasia in cystic fibrosis-associated liver cirrhosis in children. Clinical and genetic aspects

Goryainova A.V., Shumilov P.V., Baranova E.E., Zobkova G.Y., Semykin S.Y., Donnikov A.E.


Cystic fibrosis - one of the most common monogenic diseases in the world, is inherited by an autosomal recessive type and is caused by mutations in the CFTR gene, the product of which is a cAMP-dependent chlorine channel. By now, there are more than 2,000 mutations in this gene that are divided into classes depending on protein damage, highlighting "heavy" and "soft" mutations in their effect on the severity of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. However, there is still no clear association between the genotype and the clinical manifestation of cystic fibrosis, such as hepato-biliary pathology, in particular cirrhosis. In connection with this, the purpose of this study was to study the clinical and genetic features of connective tissue dysplasia syndrome in children with cystic fibrosis, to assess the possible modifying effect of polymorphisms of connective tissue genes on the development of fibrosis / cirrhosis in cystic fibrosis. The study included 188 children from 3 to 17 years (median 10 years) with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. A statistically significant association of MMP3 polymorphisms and severe clinical manifestations on the part of the hepato-biliary system (classification of Chayld Pew) was revealed.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):34-42
pages 34-42 views

Transient cerebral arteriopathy in children and adolescents, features of clinical manifestations and course

Kessel A.E., Shchederkina I.O., Koltunov I.E., Drozdova I.M., Guzeva V.I.


The problem of a paediatric stroke has become relevant in recent decades. More than 50% of children with ischemic stroke are diagnosed with arteriopathy. The article presents observation of 61 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of arterial AI who underwent inpatient treatment at the Morozov City Child Clinic for the period from 2013 to 2018. 37 of them were boys, the average age of children was 7.8 years. The follow-up period was 16 months to 5 years (an average of 2.6 years). In 35 children from 61, according to neuroimaging, in the acute period, signs of arteriopathy were revealed. Of these, 24/31 revealed signs of unilateral focal stenosis of the cerebral arteries that did not correspond to the clinical and radiological picture of other types of arteriopathies, which were regarded in the framework of the focal cerebral arteriopathy. The analysis of clinical, laboratory and neuroimaging characteristics in groups of children with transient cerebral arteriopathy (TCAs) and without it was carried out. Progression of the neurological deficit and a less favorable outcome in children in the TCA group was noted. The need to isolate patients with arteriopathy is noted, which determines the tactics of dynamic observation and treatment.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):43-52
pages 43-52 views

Technologies of medical rehabilitation and ablution of children with consequences of perinatal pathology of the nervous system

Khan M.A., Chubarova A.I., Degtyareva M.G., Kuyantseva L.V., Tulenkova T.Y., Mikitchenko N.A.


Perinatal brain injuries play a leading role in the disadaptation and disability of children, and therefore the problem of early rehabilitation of these children is of particular relevance. Among the important tasks of medical rehabilitation of children with consequences of PCNC include improvement of blood supply and metabolic processes in brain tissue, neuromuscular conduction, normalization of central and peripheral regulation of muscle tone. At the present time, innovative technologies have been scientifically substantiated and proposed for inclusion in the complex of medical rehabilitation of children with consequences of PPNC: transcranial and pulse magnetotherapy, nonselective and selective chromotherapy (green, blue spectrum), vasoactive electrostimulation, reflexotherapy. Of great importance in rehabilitation is kinesitherapy: therapeutic massage, therapeutic gymnastics, treatment by «position», Vojta-therapy, fitball-gymnastics, dry immersion, immersion massage, «dry pool». One of the urgent problems of medical rehabilitation of children with perinatal CNS lesions is the development of programs for habilitation. To prevent violations of the neuropsychological development of children of the perinatal risk group, the School for Parents «Healthy Child» was created. An information and training program for the prevention of neurodevelopmental disorders in children of perinatal risk groups has been developed based on the use of information and training programs based on the training of parents.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Combined methods of halotherapy in the medical rehabilitation of children with respiratory diseases

Korchazhkina N.B., Khan M.A., Chervinskaya A.V., Mikitchenko N.A., Lyan N.A.


Halotherapy is an effective technology for medical rehabilitation of children with respiratory diseases. It has anti-inflammatory drainage, mucolytic, immunomodulating effect. The high efficiency of various methods of conducting halo-aerosol therapy has been established: in the halochamber, halocabinet and in the form of halohingulations. An important area of modern physiotherapy is the development of combined effects that allow to strengthen synergistic components of the mechanism of action of physical factors and increase the effectiveness of treatment. The article describes modern aspects of the application of combined halotherapy technologies in the medical rehabilitation of children with respiratory diseases. The high efficiency of combined halotherapy with flutter therapy, with pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field and with magnetic therapy in children with respiratory diseases is shown.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):58-62
pages 58-62 views

Pediatric gynecology: stages of medical rehabilitation

Ipatova M.V., Malanova T.B., Kruglyak D.A., Gevorkyan G.A., Hil'kevich E.G.


The article describes the features of medical rehabilitation for girls of different ages. The main stages of using physiotherapy are presented: prevention, therapy, sanatorium-and-spa treatment; the indications and contraindications for the application of physical factors in childhood and adolescence, the types of factors, the timing of the appointment of treatment, the methodological features of physiotherapy in relation to pediatric gynecology at various stages of rehabilitation are refined.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):63-67
pages 63-67 views

Physical factors in medical rehabilitation of children with chronic constipation

Lyan N.A., Rassulova M.A., Talkovsky E.M., Sottaeva Z.Z.


Now chronic constipation are widespread pathology of children's age. The large role in development of constipation is played by the dysfunction of muscles of a pelvic diaphragm leading to violation of the act of defecation. Complex treatment has to include normalization of a day regimen, food and defecation of the child besides medicamentous therapy. Non-drug methods of treatment are appointed taking into account a motor-evacuation of violations for the purpose of restoration of a defecation reflex, correction of vegetative violations, normalization of a tone of smooth muscles of intestines and a pelvic diaphragm: at a hypomotor constipation the technologies stimulating and raising a tone of muscles and physical activity of a thick gut are applied; at a spastic constipation - the technologies promoting knocking over of a spasm of smooth muscles of intestines, rendering to the vasodilating, anesthetizing and sedative action. Methods of the electrotherapy, the magnetotherapy which is improving blood circulation and having anti-inflammatory and the desensibilizing effect are widely applied. The expressed medical effect of low-intensive laser radiation, ultrasonic therapy, cryotherapy is proved, biofeedback-technologies, physiotherapy exercises, massage, hydropathy, balneoterapiya.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):68-74
pages 68-74 views

The use of non-drug technologies at different stages of medical rehabilitation of children with stroke

Novikova E.V., Khan M.A., Alexandrova O.Y., Mamicheva E.D., Rumyantseva M.V.


Medical rehabilitation of children with acute cerebrovascular accident is carried out in rehabilitation departments and centers related to the second and third levels of highly specialized interdisciplinary neurorehabilitation. An individual approach to the development of a rehabilitation program should include modern technologies of physiotherapy and kinesitherapy, applied at various stages of medical rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):75-78
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The use of physical factors in knee injuries in children

Vakhova E.L., Krestyashin I.V., Prikuls V.F., Supova M.V., Trunova O.V.


Different types of knee joint injuries in childhood require a differentiated approach to the designation of physical factors. The researches established the expediency of using local air cryotherapy in the earliest postoperative period in children with posttraumatic arthritis of knee joints after arthroscopy followed by the appointment of electrophoresis of chilled packaged mud. Under the influence of these factors, a pronounced anti-edema, analgesic effect, leveling of signs of inflammation, restoration of the structure of soft tissues according to ultrasound data was revealed. Data on the beneficial effect of the combined effect of robotic mechanotherapy and vasoactive electrostimulation on clinical and functional indices, the state of the neuromuscular system, the microcirculatory link in posttraumatic gonarthritis in children in the early postoperative period were obtained. An early regress of pain syndrome, elimination of microcirculatory disorders in the area of damage as a result of the course effect of pulsed low-frequency magnetotherapy at various stages of medical rehabilitation was registered. The effectiveness of polychromatic polarized light with a trophic-regenerative purpose, outside the acute period of knee injury in children, is proved.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Influence of the enteral oxygen therapy on the dynamics of psycho-physiological indicators in children with chronic respiratory diseases

Dmitrienko E.G., Konova O.M.


Background: Chronic bronchopulmonary pathology is accompanied by the development of hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia, which leads to the formation of patients with various psychophysiological disorders. Reducing the severity of hypoxia contributes to the correction of these disorders. Aims: to evaluate the effect of enteral oxygen therapy on the dynamics of psychophysiological parameters in children with chronic respiratory diseases. Materials and methods: 106 children with bronchial asthma and chronic non - specific lung diseases were examined: 66 people (the main group) received oxygen cocktails as part of the complex therapy; 40-formed the comparison group. In dynamics, indicators of simple visual-motor reaction were determined, psychological testing was conducted on Spielberg-Hanin scales and «well-Being, Аctivity, Mood». Results: By the end of the course of therapy in the main group the mean time of simple visual-motor reaction decreased from 263,6±8,2 ms to 215,2±7,2 ms (p<0,001), and the standard deviation of the index from 111,2±6,0 ms to 72,1±4,8 ms (p<0,001), which indicates an increase in efficiency and decrease in fatigue. The inverse correlation between the indices of РаО2 and simple visual-motor reaction (rs=- 0,71; p<0,05) shows the improvement of psychophysiological parameters due to the correction of hypoxemia. The favorable dynamics of the psycho-emotional state was observed in 84.5% of the children of the main group and only 65.6% in the comparison group, in which in some cases showed a decrease in psycho-emotional background. Conclusions: The results allow us to recommend the use of enteral oxygen therapy in the complex rehabilitation treatment of children with chronic bronchopulmonary pathology at all stages of rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):85-90
pages 85-90 views

Expansion of methodical aspects of use of carbon bath in adult and child contingent of patients

Poberskaya V.A.


According to the analysis of literature sources, the features of the use of natural and artificial carbon dioxide baths, dry carbonic and vapor-carbonate baths for therapeutic and preventive purposes are presented. Dry carbon dioxide baths, as a more gentle technique, are effectively used at low reserves of cardiac activity in adult and pediatric patients. Vapor-carbonic baths, differing in the absence of hydrostatic pressure, provide the formation of therapeutic effects due to mechanical, thermal and chemical effects on the body. The importance of vapor-carbonate baths for restoration of coronary reserve of cardiac activity, respiration processes, regulation of metabolic processes is shown. A promising direction is the continuation of research into the mechanism of action of steam-and-carbonic baths in childhood. The main therapeutic effects of baths allow to use an individual approach to the choice of an active factor for the restoration of disturbed body functions. Saturation of water with carbon dioxide in the bath is provided by modern domestic equipment, available for practical use in sanatoriumresort and out-of-resort conditions.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):91-96
pages 91-96 views

Objective control of hearing ability of children with cystic fibrosis who have not complained of hearing loss

Ishanova J.S., Zonenko O.G., Dyakonova I.N., Shumilov P.V., Rahmanova I.V.


The study shows the objective data collected during research on hearing ability among 45 children with cystic fibrosis who have been treated with ototoxic antibiotics at least twice and who have not complained of hearing loss. Due to a tympanography testing it has been discovered a middle ear pathology among 13,3% of the cases and an evoked otoacoustic emission helped to identify a hearing disorder in 43,6% of the cases. The said disorder involves first and foremost the outer hair cells function, responsible for the 4 kHz frequency. In the cases of failed testing the hearing dysfuntion occurs on the 0,5 2 4 6 8 kHz frequencies. This obtained data indicates the necessity to conduct an objective hearing monitoring for the patients with cystic fibrosis, who have been treated with ototoxic antibiotics.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):97-100
pages 97-100 views

The efficiency of rehabilitation after total hip replacement N CHILDREN

Bortuleva O.V., Bsakov V.E., Bortulev P.I., Nikityuk I.E., Barsukov D.B., Pozdnikin I.Y., Kononova E.L.


Reviewed the treatment of 40 patients with deforming coxarthrosis stage III. All patients were performed total hip arthroplasty. The patients were divided into 2 groups. The main group consisted of 30 children (boys - 9, girls - 21) receiving comprehensive rehabilitation treatment at the developed by us methods, including therapy (Artromot K1), static - dynamic exercises in the first two days of the postoperative period, exercise and the use of gymnastics tape and exercise ball (without using weights). Patients in the control group (boys - 3, girls - 9) received restorative treatment on the standard scheme of rehabilitation of patients after hip replacement. As a result of application of the developed algorithm marked a significant improvement in the support function of the operated limb, the load distribution on the foot, as well as improvement of statokinetic system.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):101-107
pages 101-107 views

Comparative assessment of hemostasis in elderly patients in the acute phase of primary and recurrent stroke

Makarov A.O., Ivanova N.E., Efimova M.J., Ivanov A.J.


Changes of hemostasis in elderly patients who had undergone initial and recurrent stroke are discussed. Changes of coagulation in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke are compared. The role of age, pathological subtype of stroke, comorbidities (diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation) in shaping these changes are assessed. The properties of erythrocytes, their influence on blood rheology are researched.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):108-114
pages 108-114 views

Normobaric interval hypoxia-hyperoxic therapy (IHHT) in the process of medical rehabilitation of patients after stroke

Ivanova G.E., Suvorov A.U., Bushkova J.V., Nyrkov G.V., Tulupov D.O.


The aim of the study was to study the effect of interval hypoxia-hyperoxic therapy (IHHT) in the process of medical rehabilitation of patients with stroke in combination with low-intensity cyclic training. The parameters of vegetative regulation, reaction to simple functional tests, mobility of patients, ability to self-service and activities of daily living. Patients were randomized and placed into one of 3 study groups. Patients of the 1st group underwent a cycle of low intensity training (8 sessions), patients of the 2nd group underwent a course of interval hypoxic-hyperoxic therapy (IHHT) (8 procedures), patients of the 3rd group underwent cycle training of low intensity (8 sessions) and the course of interval hypoxic-hyperoxic therapy (IHHT) (8 sessions). The most balanced effect was provided by a combination of cyclic low-intensity exercises with IHHT, improving exercise tolerance and neurological status, on the basis of which the mobility and activity in everyday life and the ability to self-service are evenly changing.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):115-122
pages 115-122 views

Synchronized application of the exoskeleton with functional electrostimulation in the spinal cord injury patients

Tkachenko P.V., Daminov V.D., Karpov O.E.


Emergence of the exoskeletons became the real revolution in the expansion of a barrier-free environment for the SCI patients. The aim was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the exoskeleton's application in the complex rehabilitation of the SCI patients. 112 of SCI patients, thoracic level, the late period of trauma, with the syndrome of incomplete spinal cord interruption. Objectively: lower paraparesis - from 0 to 3 points; muscle tone - up to 3 points (Ashworth scale); safe function of the upper extremities. Patients of the main group had walking trainings in the exoskeleton in addition to traditional rehabilitation program. Control group got only traditional rehabilitation program and robotic mechanotherapy on Lokomat. Rehabilitation course included 15 trainings. Blood pressure, heart rate were monitored. It was performed assessment of the neurological status, the ability to walk and using aids on the Hauser index, the degree of self-service and mobility was assessed according to the VFM scale, revealed the features of electromyographic indices of the back and extensors of the hip joint muscles, evaluated the biomechanical parameters of patients walking and their psychological status on the 1st and 15th day of rehabilitation. Results. Hemodynamics values were within acceptable values. Patients of the both groups had improvements in the neurological status - in paraparesis and muscle tone reducing. Main group patient's walking became more stable in the longitudinal and transverse directions, and also less energy-consuming. Improvements in the management of the back muscles and the hip extensor muscles after the end of the rehabilitation course were noted. Training sessions on the exoskeleton contributed to a significant improvement in the psychological status - reducing depression, anxiety, improving well-being-activity. The achieved regression of clinical symptoms allowed the patients of the main group to expand selfservice and mobility.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(3):123-130
pages 123-130 views

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