
Economic activity in agribusiness as an essential link in specialised management
Khramchenkova A., Chirkov E., Kuzymitskaya A.
The impact of the marketing management concept on economic development in sub-Saharan Africa
Petrenko E.
Tools to increase public loyalty to smart city projects
Popov E., Semyachkov K., Veselova K.
Managing the competitiveness of an industrial company based on a scenario approach
Rudychev A., Dubrovina T., Silakov A.
The causal links of corporate crises: theoretical foundations
Devyatkin O.
Corporate bankruptcy and crises: analysis and trends
Devyatkin O.
Retrospective assessment of regional economic development taking into account socially responsible management and doing business
Zubkov M., Zhakhov N., Gubanova E., Novoselskiy S.
Managing the formation of sustainable digital development model of transport structures and transport service companies, taking into account the characteristics of digital infrastructure
Kosheleva T.
Improving the management of auxiliary business processes of an oil-production enterprise in the Orenburg region
Malyutina T., Zubarev A., Kiselitsa E.
Strategic planning tools for the logistics business processes of an oilfield services company
Malyutina T., Zubarev A., Shilova N.
Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence as tools to improve economic security in transport
Kruglova I., Krivonos A.
Functional model of industrial development projects within the priorities of the Russian state policy
Iskandarov D.
Managing innovative companies
Verenikina A.
Managing business competitiveness through innovative transformation in a mobilization economy
Shchepakin M.
Characteristics of state personnel policy in healthcare: regional dimension
Bizin S.
Assessing the impact of budget openness on citizen and private sector attitudes toward government
Romanova L., Karlovskaya E.
Lean production methodology in the management of biotechnological processes
Yurk N., Diner Y.
Conceptual model of the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the operational efficiency of heat supply organizations based on modern models of interaction with consumers
Gamm M.
Conceptual model of a digital analytical support system for the remote management of an organisation's workforce
Abramov V., Abramov I., Polivanov K., Semenkov K.
Crisis management mechanism in housing and utility services
Chechulin I.
Information, intellectual and infrastructural support of industrial policy as a reflection of state management: the realities of the digital economy
Makarov I., Pivovarova O., Ryazantseva E., Kolesnikov V.
Problems of managing the sustainability and development of energy supply companies
Tagirova A., Malkova T.
Business reputation of social entrepreneurs as a factor of regional actors' trust
Pashuk N., Beloglazova V., Varkulevich T.
Conceptual model of industrial development project management in special economic zones
Iskandarov D.
The cost of the extra-budgetary educational program of the university per student
Pluchevskaya E., Aladko O.
Improving the management of innovation development of regional television broadcasters amidst digital transformation
Fomina A.
Impact of ESG principles on the company's brand management strategy
Kabanov D., Basaev Z.
Basic principles of building high-tech company ecosystems
Danskaya A.
Network industrial policy model: implementation mechanism
Afanasyev A.
University as a business organization in the market of educational services
Tikhonova A., Prostova D.
Helping the agricultural sector to innovate by going digital
Chebotareva E., Bondarchuk A., Bogucharskov A.
Corporate crises: cause and effect
Devyatkin O.
ESG data for commercial banks and economic security
Sigova M., Dolbezhkin V., Kruglova I.
Managing the development of transport mobility
Zavyalov D.
Business process management of tourism companies: an alternative view of the result and algorithm
Solod T.
The role of information risk insurance
Avanesov A.
Improving solid waste management in an intersectoral circular economy planning
Chashchin M.
Food loyalty factors and criteria in the management of consumer preferences
Ketova N., Vardanyan A.
The management consulting market in an unstable environment
Sorokin A., Saginova O.
Development of the green economy and its impact on the economic security of swamp ecosystems
Ivanov D.
Modern approaches to managing non-urban (rural) territories
Olesiyuk O., Rudenko M.
Value-based management of the territory brand
Kazantseva S., Shumilova Y., Sharapova T.
Improving the efficiency of strategic management of small business taking into account various forms of state support
Kurlykova A., Kirgizova I.
Theoretical foundations of the enterprise economic security concept in digital transformation
Dokukina A.
Scientific and practical approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the public procurement management system at the federal level
Klimanova T.
Managing development processes and the national model of financial technology
Razletovskaya V.
Requirements for creating new types of professional activities and qualifications in social impact assessment
Epikhina S., Pereverzeva E.
Internet of Things as a tool to improve the working conditions of catering employees
Ilyin S., Samarskaya N., Simanovich S.
Price and quality management in the system of mobilization economy as a condition for assessing socio-economic security
Lev M.
Ecosystem approach to the development of creative clusters
Abuzyarova M.
Analysis and assessment of organizational risks in the company's activity
Nikitin V., Blagodatskiy P., Kryuchkova A., Kosova A.
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