Vol 11, No 4 (2021)


New technology of increasing the operation of local sewage treatment facilities, providing electric activation treatment of alkaline process solutions

Andreev S.Y., Stepanov S.V., Knyazev A.A.


The results of laboratory testing of the process of intensification of unconventional cleaning of electroplating drains of an instrument-making enterprise, which provides for electroactivation treatment of technological solutions of sodium hydroxide in a membrane electrolyzer with steel anodes, are presented. It was found that the electroactivation treatment of a 40 % aqueous sodium hydroxide solution in a membrane electrolyzer for T = 1.5 h at an anodic current density i = 400 А/м2 makes it possible to achieve the concentration of sodium ferrate in the activated alkaline solution Сf = 12 g / L, while the value of the current efficiency of sodium ferrate is Кv = 0.47. The use of an alkaline solution that has undergone electro-activation treatment in the technological process of neutralization treatment at local treatment facilities of an instrument-making enterprise equipped with filtration additional treatment units will significantly increase the barrier function, improve the quality of treated galvanic wastewater and bring the concentration of metal ions contained in them to a level, mg / l: iron – 0.03; copper – 0.01 mg / l; chromium – 0.02; zinc – 0.01; nickel – 0.02.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):4-10
pages 4-10 views

On some aspects of increasing the efficiency of existing elements of water supply systems

Sayridinnov S.S., Seleznev V.A., Bukhman N.S.


An increase in the level of anthropogenic pollution of the territory of drinking water supply sources, significant deterioration of structures and equipment in the water sector, determine the urgency of the problem of providing residents with clean drinking water and make it a priority task for the socio-economic development of the city. Tolyatti. The article examines the state of the operating elements of the drinking water supply systems and the degree of their accident rate in the Volga region on the example of G.O. Tolyatti. The results of the studies carried out with the aim of developing recommendations for improving the efficiency of the elements of water supply systems are presented. We recommend alternative options for the restoration and operation of networks and structures of drinking water supply systems in the region.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):11-21
pages 11-21 views

Types of water discharge engineering systems of railway complexes

Teplykh S.Y., Bukhman N.S.


The article examines natural-technogenic complexes, in particular, introduces a new concept “railway natural-technogenic complex” (RNTC), which consists of two main parts – natural and technogenic. The article also defines: the structure of the RNTC, the boundaries of the natural-industrial railway system and the system for differentiating the elements of the railway natural-technogenic complexes, which includes the main classification parameters and characteristics. The proposed system for differentiating railway natural-technogenic complexes into structural elements makes it possible to develop a directed scheme for determining and eliminating the causes of the influence of surface wastewater, their collection, removal and subsequent treatment in accordance with the Water Code.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):22-35
pages 22-35 views


Features of calculation and design of the installation for testing the load of reinforced concrete wall ring

Ilyin N.A., Mordovsky S.S.


The article presents a constructive solution for the installation for testing the loading of a reinforced concrete wall ring of an inspection well, which belongs to the field of construction, in particular, to the design of testing equipment to establish the strength of materials and structures. Formulas are proposed by which it is possible to determine the strength of the wall ring (the maximum force of the load jack on the power frame of the test installation), the diameter of the tie, the width of the wooden block, and select the cross-section of the composite beam. Several calculation examples are considered. The given design of the test setup helps to reduce the consumption of materials and simplify the design in comparison with the known analogs.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Innovative method for assessing the fire resistance of a monolithic reinforced concrete beam floor slab of a building

Ilyin N.A., Panfilov D.A., Zhiltsov Y.V.


The essence of the proposed innovative method lies in the fact that the testing of a monolithic reinforced concrete beam slab of a building is carried out without destruction, according to a set of single quality indicators, while evaluating their value using statistical control. To do this, the geometric dimensions of the beam slab, the heating scheme of the design section under fire conditions, the placement of reinforcement in the section, the depth and degree of its fire protection, the rate of thermal diffusion of concrete, the value of the test load on the monolithic beam reinforced concrete slab and the stress intensity in the rods of the longitudinal working reinforcement are determined. Application of the proposed method will determine the actual fire resistance of a monolithic reinforced concrete beam floor slab without full-scale fire exposure.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):43-47
pages 43-47 views

Problem of noise of roof boilers and ways of its solution

Orlov O.G., Tretyakov N.V.


A typical example of the problem of noise impact of the equipment of a roof-top boiler room on the living quarters of apartments on the 18th floor of an apartment building, located under the roof-top boiler room and under the technical floor, is considered. The reasons for the occurrence of the increased noise level have been determined. Violations of the rules for the installation of equipment, affecting the increase in the noise level, the structural features of the building are revealed, ways of eliminating the increased noise level are proposed. The effectiveness of the implementation of the proposed measures to reduce the noise level is assessed.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):48-52
pages 48-52 views

Experimental study and methodology for calculating the punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs

Filatov V.B., Galyautdinov Z.S.


The results of studies on experimental samples of the strength and deformability of reinforced concrete slabs during punching are presented. The experimental samples were fragments of the nodes of the coupling of columns and monolithic slabs of the girderless frame. The variable parameter was the shape of the column cross-section. It is established that with an increase in the ratio of the sides of the column section , an excess of the calculated strength values over the experimental values is observed. The noted trend shows that the normative calculation method does not take into account the actual nature of the distribution of forces in the plate punching area. A technique is proposed to take into account the influence of the ratio of the sides of rectangular column section and the ratio of the side of column section to the working height of plate section on the plate’s punching shear strength. The comparison of experimental and calculated values of the punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs, obtained according to various normative methods and according to the proposed methodology, is carried out.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):53-65
pages 53-65 views


Features of calculation of heat consumption for heating energy-efficient buildings

Vytchikov Y.S., Vytchikov А.Y., Saparev M.E., Chulkov A.A.


In connection with the implementation of the energy saving program in construction, the regulatory requirements for thermal protection of enclosing structures have significantly increased, which has led to the construction of energy efficient buildings with low energy consumption. The article presents the results of the heat engineering calculation of an 8-storey residential building under construction in the city of Samara. The outer walls of the first two floors are insulated with a facade system, the upper floors are made in the form of well masonry, as a heater for which thermal insulation is designed in the form of a cassette of three sheets of foam foam, mounted on a wooden frame. An assessment of the energy efficiency of the above-mentioned building was made and an analysis was made of the influence of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of the outer wall on the value of the specific heat consumption for heating the building, as well as increased heat loss in window slopes on the energy consumption in a residential building.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):66-71
pages 66-71 views

Assessment of heat protection characteristics of building enclosing structures of the building of the men’s monastery

Vytchikov Y.S., Belyakov I.G., Saparev M.E.


The article presents the results of a thermal imaging study and thermal engineering calculation of the building enclosing structures of the monastery hotel building in the village of Vinnovka, Stavropol district, Samara region. The survey was conducted in order to determine the causes of low temperatures in the hotel premises. According to SP 50.13330.2012 “Thermal protection of buildings”, energy saving standards in construction do not apply to religious buildings. The level of thermal protection of the above buildings is determined by the provision of modern sanitary and hygienic standards. Based on computer simulation of temperature fields in the outer walls, made in the form of well masonry with the use of polystyrene concrete as insulation, it was found that the value of the reduced resistance to heat transfer they meet regulatory requirements. The actual values of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of the exterior walls, obtained by the results of thermal imaging examination, in the lower part of the exterior walls in individual rooms were significantly lower than the standard ones, which leads to increased heat loss and, as a consequence, to cooling of the indoor air. The reasons for the lowered air temperatures in the hotel premises have been established and recommendations have been developed to eliminate the above-mentioned defects.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):72-80
pages 72-80 views


Reconstruction of capital construction objects on the example of the Penza region

Koroleva M.E., Tyuklenkova E.P.


Consider the concepts of reconstruction and renovation on the example of the Penza region. Solving problems in the example of reconstruction and renovation. Improvement of capital construction projects not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also from the point of view of the safety of residents and protection from the destruction of buildings and structures. Development of territories, their enrichment and gradual improvement of the quality of housing in the city of Penza.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):81-86
pages 81-86 views


Environmental conditions of orthodox churches and complexes perception

Lyzina A.G.


On the example of rural settlements of the Penza region, the variants of the conditions for the perception of an Orthodox church and the determining landscape and urban planning factors are considered, characteristic combinations of elements are established, typical and rare situations are highlighted. The classification of the placement of temples in the structure of a rural settlement is carried out, the connection of the temple location with the settlement structure and and the conditions of perception is determined.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):87-93
pages 87-93 views

Maslennikova driveway as the dream of socialist Kuibyshev realization

Samogorov V.A.


The development of Maslennikova Driveway is considered, which became the first street in the city of Kuibyshev (Samara), built in accordance with the ideas about the image of a new socialist city. Geographically, this street was located outside the historically formed city, in the so-called “middle” zone, which made it possible to implement the idea of its architectural organization on the principles of building an architectural ensemble. The development is represented by 4-5-storey residential buildings built under one cornice and designed in the same style of the Soviet classics. It was a departmental development that belonged to two large enterprises – plant number 42 (ZiM) and 4 GPPs. The architectural and urban planning solution of the street and the projects of individual quarters and buildings were developed by the Kuibyshev Gorproekt, the Leningrad Gorstroyproekt and the Giproaviaprom branch.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):94-102
pages 94-102 views

Historical and architectural environment of Sochi XVIII-XX centuries

Subbotin O.S.


The relevance of the historical and architectural environment in the context of the formation and further formation of its cultural potential is substantiated. Expediency of the considered environment of the settlement of Sochi from the position of continuity preservation as the basis of architectural and urban development is revealed. Attention is focused on the natural and geographical conditions of the area, which had a great impact on the deployment of fortifications. The influence of the highway and railway, which predetermined the sustainable development of the territories of the Black Sea coast, is noted. The fundamental issues of the spatial composition of Sochi in relation to the natural landscape in order to create a comfortable architectural environment are highlighted. Individual objects of cultural heritage with historical and architectural value are presented. The description of their architectural features with historical and modern illustrations is given. Considerable attention is paid to preserving the integrity and identity of the historical and architectural environment as a unique national treasure.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):103-112
pages 103-112 views

Arts & crafts in architecture

Filippov V.D.


In the middle of the 19th century, the Arts and Crafts movement emerged in England. The development of the movement in England, USA, Germany is described. The influence of the ideas of the novel “News from Nowhere” by William Morris on the emergence of the idea of a garden city by Ebenezer Howard and on the preservation of the historical heritage of cities is shown. Describes the influence of Peter White on the emergence of Arts and Crafts in the United States, on the formation of the Chicago School, as well as the world’s first manifestation of “modern” in the architecture of Louis Sullivan. Shows the influence of Gustav Stickley on the birth of the American folk style of a residential building and his contribution to the modernism of Irving John Gill. The features of the Arts and Crafts in Germany are described, the role of Hermann Mutesius in the evolution of the movement from rejection of industrial production to unification with it and the establishment of the German Werkbund is emphasized. The influence of Mutesius’ ideas on the German art of the 1920s is shown. A description of the aesthetic direction of the movement, which received the name “modern”, is given and examples of it in Belgium, Germany, Austria, Scotland are given. The importance of movement as the basis for the birth of modern architecture is emphasized.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):113-124
pages 113-124 views


Harnessing the potential of coastal areas to improve the comfort of urban living

Zaslavskaya A.Y., Smolenskaya E.O., Shmelkova M.A.


The article is devoted to the development of the concept of reorganization of the coastal territory in the city of Samara. The main prerequisites for the formation of recreational spaces in the urban environment are considered, using the example of some renovation processes in Russia and abroad. The analysis of the selected area is carried out, justifying the relevance of the reorganization of the coastal area, aimed at creating a city brand and developing a connection between residents and the urban environment. The formation of a creative environment will increase the level of interest of citizens in their city and social activity in general, and will unite the city community.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):125-131
pages 125-131 views

Role of “visual ensembles” in the formation of attractive image of the architecture object

Karakova T.V., Danilova A.V.


The article reveals the role of “visual ensembles” in the formation of an attractive image of an architectural object during its design and renovation. The introduction of a new definition of “visual ensemble” into the design practice of a designer and an architect makes it possible to determine the degree of congestion of the urban environment with visual accents. This becomes particularly relevant in connection with the spread of industrial standard buildings in our cities, forming a negative visual field. The technique of artistic perforation fills the ethical and psychological needs of a person and forms aesthetic images of the urban environment. The authors in this article have revealed an algorithm for including adaptive pauses based on the allocation of “visual ensembles” in the form of visual accents (planes with artistic perforation) in an extended series of buildings in various locations: square, street, main street and esplanade.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):132-137
pages 132-137 views

Artistic features of watercolor graphics by architect Pyotr Shcherbachev

Filatova N.G.


The article discusses the paintings of Samara architect P.A. Shcherbachev from the personal fund of the Shcherbachev family. The features of the master’s watercolor painting that form the culture of visual perception, the sharpness of spatial thinking, compositional skills are analyzed. The characteristic of the use of style-forming techniques for developing the composition of landscape sketches, depending on the object of drawing, is given. A brief classification of the artistic trends represented by the graphic works of P.A.Shcherbachev is given. A judgment is made about the need for creative application of watercolor painting approaches to the choice of expressive means, methods and techniques in the visualization of architectural projects.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):138-144
pages 138-144 views


Characteristics of open public spaces and examples of car storage in the conditions of the historical center of the city

Veretennikov D.B.


The article considers theoretical approaches to the study of open public spaces by foreign and domestic authors. The main focus is on public spaces in the structure of the city’s transport and communication framework. The importance of such spaces for the organization of pedestrian traffic is emphasized. The definition and urban planning features of open public spaces are formulated. The factors that determine the need to improve methods of storing light vehicles in historical parts of cities in the immediate vicinity of pedestrian zones are considered. The examples of the most interesting from an architectural and technical point of view of projects of urban underground parking in recent years are given.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):145-155
pages 145-155 views

Urban security of urban objects affected as a result of terrorist attacks

Younis A.


This study examines the development of an optimal urban planning methodology that ensures the safety of buildings and structures in residential areas affected by hostilities in Syrian cities as part of the recovery and reconstruction process to minimize the loss of urban property and population in the event of a recurrence of such hostilities in the future. The study is based on the urban planning methodology developed by the author to assess the destruction of residential areas and is considered its continuation, which allows determining the degree of destruction of residential areas in the radius of the source of destruction by the excessive pressure of a blast wave and the explosives used. The principles of safest urban planning were determined by analyzing and comparing urban planning models and determining the optimal distance between buildings by defining the blast radius and the safest distance at which buildings can be located.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):156-163
pages 156-163 views


To the calculation of the apparatus of water-evaporative air cooling

Nadeev A.A., Barakov A.V., Prutskikh D.A.


The use of evaporative cooling in ventilation and air conditioning systems can significantly reduce energy consumption during their operation. The paper describes the design and principle of operation of water-evaporative air cooling apparatus, in which a fluidized bed of dispersed material is used as a packing, which is continuously circulating in the working chamber. A test sample of an air cooler is described, the parameters of its packing are given. The technique of its experimental research and the used measuring instruments are presented. The criterion ratios for the efficiency factor of the air cooler, the hydraulic resistance of the working chamber and the interfacial heat transfer coefficient are given.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):164-168
pages 164-168 views

Study of dynamic characteristics of flow in plane-parallel and taper clearances of drives of electric power systems

Krestin E.A., Serebryakov G.V.


The hydrodynamic parameters of the flow of a viscous working fluid in plane-parallel and conical gaps in drives of electric power systems are investigated. A general expression is found for determining the regularity of the change in the flow rate in the gaps of non-contact seals, and special cases are considered. In the case of frictional movement of one of the walls, the Couette flow is observed in the gap. When the pressure is applied to the liquid in the gap, a parabolic velocity distribution is observed with a maximum in the middle of the channel. Under the joint action of the frictional movement of the wall and the pressure flow in the channel, stratification of fluid movement in opposite directions is observed. Frictional flow in conical slots, when the fluid moves in only one direction, is possible at a taper value of -0,5...1,0. In all other cases, the flow in the slot will have two opposite flow directions. The presence of two opposite flows inside the slot can also be for the case when the direction of movement of the movable wall coincides with the direction of the pressure flow. This is caused by an increase in pressure within the gap. A general solution has been found for the pressure force in the gaps, which tends to push the walls apart, i.e. open the sealing surfaces. The analysis of the pressure force is carried out for various cases of the slotted gap and under various effects of the frictional flow and pressure head.

Urban construction and architecture. 2021;11(4):169-175
pages 169-175 views

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