Vol 6, No 4 (1892)

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Maslovsky V.Ѳ.


Various kinds of diseases, known under the common name of childbirth fever, are caused by the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the genitals during childbirth, the postpartum period, and even sometimes during pregnancy. The main place of introduction of microbes is the inner wounded surface of the uterus, and then all sorts of superficial and deep damage to the genital canal, due to the most generic act. In view of this, according to the existing view, especially in Germany, the diseases that now occupy us are the essence of infectious diseases of wounds emanating from the genital area. According to the influence of microbes, the course and partly the influence of therapeutic measures, postpartum diseases are divided into: 1) septic diseases in the broad sense of the word, caused by the introduction of pathogenic microbes into living tissue and 2) putrefactive poisoning, which occurs from the blood metabolism of micronutrients in the beginning - Saprämia (Duncan), There are pure cases of both forms; but much more often it is difficult to separate one form from another. —The method of infection that complicates ordinary wounds is not thought at all, being content only with the definition of it, in full conviction that it, as it were not transmitted to the wound, always occurs from the outside. In obstetrics, in relation to the way of infection, the case seems to be more complicated and confusing; as there is a special type of infection known as "self-infection"

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):321-366
pages 321-366 views


Markovskiy P.I.


The operation of embryotomy still does not have that simplicity and certainty in technology, which would have attracted operators, and even more so young ones.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):367-375
pages 367-375 views


Anufriev A.A.


One of the most interesting and important questions of operative gynecology was and is the question of surgical methods of treatment of uterine cancer. The task and purpose of each operative removal of a malignant neoplasm should be expressed, on the one hand, in its technical simplicity, and, on the other, in achieving the desired and final result, i.e., in the radical healing of the body, since the operation is undertaken under conditions with a predicted quo ad valetudinem, and not quo ad vitam. A whole galaxy of scientists, converging more or less in this complex and main goal of surgical intervention for uterine cancer, begins to break up into groups, as soon as it comes to the nature and extent of the spread of neoplasm in connection with the operative method, with indications and contraindications to it. These disagreements, depending both on the difficulty of determining in each given case microscopically the extent of cancer prevalence, and on the complexity of some of the problems, are the reason that the main surgical methods, such as: Amputatio infravaginalis colli uteri, supravaginalis, colpohysteroectomoectomia and laparohyster serve as controversial points in gynecology.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):376-384
pages 376-384 views


Ulezko-Strogonova K.P.


Not so long ago, vaginal cysts were considered a rare pathological finding in gynecology. So, for example, prof. Horvits in his 78 manual says that they are extremely rare, and Dr. Chudovskiy, describing a case of vaginal cyst from the Horvits clinic ("Med. Vasti." 78), finds only three similar cases in Russian literature ( Gorvitsa, Yastrebova and Tarnovsky). Since then, she has been little enriched by reports on this issue, judging by the medical sources that have been reviewed by me: "Doctor", "Medical Review" and "Russian Medicine" for the entire time of their existence. In addition, the cases described by Russian authors were either not investigated histologically at all, or, if the latter was done, then the explanation of the presented microscopic pictures does not always seem to be sound and appropriate to the conclusions. Meanwhile, the histological structure is the main criterion for explaining the ethiology of this neoplasm, which still does not seem to be completely established, perhaps due to the lack of microscopic descriptions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):385-392
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PROTOCOL No. 2. Meeting on February 13, 1892

Slavyanskiy K.F.


42 members were present: Andreev N. Yu., Batsevich, Bidder, Vorobyev, Hermonius, Goraiskiy, Danilovich, Dobradin, Dobrovolskiy, Dranitsyn, Dobrovolskiy V.N., Zamshin, Zachek, Lapin, Krasnopolskiy, Lichkus, Maslovskiy V.F., Massen, Mazurkevich, Neishtube, Ott, Popov, Porshnyakov, Radetskiy R.K., Rodzevich, Bachinskiy, Savchenko, Stelmakhovpch, Stravinskiy, Strogonov, Tarnovskiy, Urvich, Fisher A.R., Tsekhanovetskiy, Tsyrskiy, Shverdlov, Schmidt, Shtol, Stolts, Schuttenbach, Eberman, Yanpolskiy and 17 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):393-395
pages 393-395 views

PROTOCOL No. II Administrative appointment on February 13, 1892

Slavyanskiy K.F.


24 members attended.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):396
pages 396 views

Meeting on February 28, 1892.

Voff I.A.


Prof. V. Ye. Chernov read and distributed printed copies of the "report of the commission, elected by the Obstetrician-Gynecological Society in Kiev to develop the issue of measures to support childless children and foundlings in the South-West Territory". This question was submitted for discussion by the head of the region, Count A.P. Ignatiev. Having examined this issue comprehensively, the commission spoke in favor of the need to establish "hospitals for babies" at least in provincial cities, and, if necessary, in more populated areas of the region, and developed rules for these benefits, when compiling which were guided by the current rules for the admission of children to the IMPERIAL Foster homes and return from them.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):397
pages 397 views


Massen V.N.


Winter showed a postpartum uterus with a complete rupture in its lower segment. The rupture passed very obliquely through the anterior wall of the uterus and extended from the ring of contraction almost to the external uterine pharynx. The peritoneum was separated above the gap to the line of tight attachment in such a way that a connection with the abdominal cavity 10 cm long was formed. When opened: the uterus was lying in a strong bend forward; bowel loops and the anterior abdominal wall delimited the rupture site from the abdominal cavity; all intestines were very red and covered with a light coating; in the abdominal cavity there were about one to one and a half liters of liquid and coagulated blood.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):398-402
pages 398-402 views


Massen V.N.


Bröse demonstrated a new vaginal electrode that he made for such electrical applications where one wishes to take advantage of the pole-to-pole current. The electrode consists of a clay cylinder with a circumference of 9 cm, which is inserted into the vagina in exactly the same way as a tubular mirror. In this clay cylinder is placed a metal cylinder, equipped with numerous holes, which has a screw at its outer end to strengthen the conductor. After the introduction of the clay cylinder, a metal cylinder is inserted into the vagina, and the clay tube is filled with warm water. The wet clay cylinder is an excellent conductor of current and replaces the skin electrode made from a sponge. If this cylinder is inserted into the vagina for a length of 8-10 cm, then with a circumference of 9 cm, it will correspond to a flat electrode of 72-90 sq. Cm. This electrode is intended for use where one wants to concentrate the current density in more than one place of the vagina. but evenly distribute the current over the pelvic organs. It is used more where, when using strong galvanic currents, they want to avoid the cauterizing effect on the vaginal mucosa, which easily occurs when spherical electrodes are used, despite being wrapped in cotton wool. Finally, it is used where one wants to obtain an interpolar (so-called catalytic) effect. The patient, when using this electrode, tolerates perfectly well currents of 80-100 MA, while cauterization of the vaginal mucosa is not obtained.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):402-409
pages 402-409 views

Ectopic pregnancy

Kuhn F.


Ectopic pregnancy at the place of fetal development is divided into: tubal, ovarian and abdominal. These three main types have subdivisions: tubo-ovarian pregnancy, tubo-abdominal, tubo-uterine or interstitial. Abdominal pregnancies are classified as primary and secondary.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):410-411
pages 410-411 views

A well-known category of obstetric cases in which forceps are required

Kuhn F.


The obstetricians are increasingly becoming convinced, based on experience, that in cases where there is a choice between forceps and twist, forceps should be preferred, as it is less dangerous for the mother and the fetus, even in the presence of deformity or narrowness. pelvis. In general, thanks to the advances in instrumental technology and the increasing experience of obstetricians, we can now apply forceps in many such cases in which we did not dare to do so before.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):412
pages 412 views

A case of spontaneous twisting ("evolutio spontanea")

Kuhn F.


The author was invited to a woman in labor, whose labor activity began 3 hours before his arrival. The study, during which the membranes were ruptured, showed the transverse position of the fetus with the head to the right, with the right arm dropped out; the right shoulder is driven into the pelvis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):412-413
pages 412-413 views

Caesarean section by Sänger

Krasnopolskiy F.


Primiparous 28 years old, urgent labor lasts two days. In childhood, rickets. The child is alive; the throat is opened to the value of a silver ruble; the bubble is intact, tense, the head is presented, driven into the entrance; the transverse dimension of the head coincides with the transverse dimension of the entrance to the pelvis. The size of the pelvis: Dist Spin — 24 ctm .; Dist. Crist, 22 1/2 ; Dist. trochanterica — 23, conjugata externaly 15 1/2 ctm. conj.; diagonalis - 7 1/2 - 8 ctm .; vera— 5 1/2 — 6 ctm. T ° 38.8 °; R. = 88.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):413
pages 413 views

On asepsis in the maternity and postpartum period

Ruzi D.


The author cites the results obtained during aseptic delivery in the Yekaterinburg Maternity Hospital. The use of asepsis is started from the postpartum period. Instead of the mercuric chloride used earlier for washing the genital parts, they began to take boiled and filtered water through cotton wool.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):414
pages 414 views

Late postpartum eclampsia

Ruzi D.


In view of the rarity of late postpartum eclampsia, the author considers it not uninteresting to report a case where he had to observe seizures of eclampsia on the eighth day after childbirth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):414-415
pages 414-415 views

А case in obstetrics, followed for months by a daily discharge of over two quarts of a watery fuiid through the cervical canal

Kuhn F.


The patient is 34 years old. Dec 9 1890 seventh birth. Upon the exit of the placenta, extremely profuse bleeding, which brought the parturient woman to almost collapse.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):415-416
pages 415-416 views

Cocaine use in gynecological surgery

Kuhn F.


The author warmly praises local anesthesia with cocaine in some gynecological operations.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):416-417
pages 416-417 views

The use of vaginal tampons

Kuhn F.


The purpose of this article is to draw the attention of gynecologists to the dangers associated with the use of vaginal tampons, dangers that gynecologists, in their hobby, do not notice now.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):417-418
pages 417-418 views

Amenorrhea and metrorrhagia in a young girl

Markova S.


The author gives two interesting observations on the installation of menstruation in young girls.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):418-420
pages 418-420 views

A case of acquired hymen obstruction

Kuhn F.


EG, a 30-year-old maid, contacted the author on January 2, 1891. She enjoyed generally good health; she began to menstruate at the age of 20, but the regulations always appeared incorrectly, with interruptions sometimes for several months, were scarce, lasted one day and were accompanied by pain. In June 1890, she was treated for a specific (? Ref.) Throat disease and papular rash. Shortly before that, after coitus'a had some kind of discharge from the vagina and a swelling appeared in the groin. Now she complains of urination disorder and abdominal enlargement.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):420-421
pages 420-421 views

Surgical treatment of an impassable hymen

Кюнъ Ф.


The author enriches 34 cases of surgical treatment of atresiae hymenalis collected by him in the literature with two new ones: one from his own practice and one (unpublished) case from the practice of a friend. The author's way of operating will be clear from the advice he gives at the end of his article.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):421-422
pages 421-422 views

Closure of large vesicovaginal fistulas by transplantation of the bladder wall

Brandt A.


With large defects in the bottom of the urinary bladder, extensive adhesions of the edges of the fistulas directly with the bony walls of the pelvic floor, or with fixation of the uterus posteriorly, resp. to the sides, as well as in the absence of the anterior lip of the vaginal part or the lower part of the uterus with an existing utero-cystic fistula, it is possible to use the Trendelenburg method to close the defects, transplant a flap from the opposite fistula of the vaginal wall, or release the bladder over a large extent from surrounding parts and apply for transplantation of the wall of the urinary bladder itself.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):422-423
pages 422-423 views

About obtaining a clean distribution of Neisser's gonococci using the plate method

Brandt A.


Trapped several times on a platinum needle, particles of gonorrhea pus from the urethra or from the contents of the tubes with ascending gonorrhea are thoroughly loosened in liquid human blood serum and then prepared from the latter two dilutions according to a known method. Tubes with seeded particles are placed in a water bath at 40 ° C, and their contents are mixed with approximately equal volume of diluted agar (20% agar, 1% peptone, 0.5% NaCl) and poured onto a plate. The plates are placed in a humid chamber and placed in a thermostat at 36-37 °C.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):423-424
pages 423-424 views

Uterine adenoma

Kuhn F.


Before talking about uterine adenoma in general, the author is trying to bring some clarity to the confusing nomenclature of endometrial diseases. Mucous polyps, endometritis fungosa, true adenoma, adenomatous polyp, benign adenoma and adeno-carcinoma, all described by various authors as variations of true adenoma.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):424-425
pages 424-425 views

Non-surgical treatment of uterine cancer

Kuhn F.


Under the non-surgical method of treatment of uterine cancer, the author means scraping with a spoon with sequential cauterization. Without sometimes denying the need for a radical operation, that is, excision of the cervix or the entire uterus, the author believes that in many cases this dangerous operation, which gives a significant percentage of mortality, can be successfully replaced with curettage, especially in cases where the patient resists the operation, or this the latter is dangerous due to the age and emaciation of the patient.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):425-426
pages 425-426 views

Electricity as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of dysmenorrhea and pelvic inflammation

Kuhn F.


If some gynecologists received negative results in the treatment of female diseases with electricity, especially dysmenorrhea and inflammatory exudates in the pelvis, then this happens in most cases through their own fault. The author was convinced of this by personal bitter experience.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):426-427
pages 426-427 views

To the question of the treatment of uterine fibroids by the Apostoli method

Krasnopolskiy F.


The author cites from his own observation 2 cases, where under the influence of direct current the birth of submucous fibroids occurred, due to which their prompt removal became possible.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):427
pages 427 views

Treatment of fibroid tumors with electricity

Kuhn F.


This article presents a report (in the form of a table) on 46 cases of uterine fibroids, used by the author according to the Apostoli method. Excluding from this number 2 cases of polyposis tumors, where electricity was applied only additionally, and five cases in which electricity was applied too shortly, the author divided the remaining 39 cases into five classes according to the results achieved:

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):428
pages 428 views

Abdominal attachment of the uterus, with extreme degrees of its prolapse and displacement of it behind

Kuhn F.


The mechanical method of treatment of prolapses and displacements of the uterus from behind in most cases does not give complete healing.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):429
pages 429 views

Cystis intraligamentosa ovarii sinistri. Laparotomia

Ruzi D.


A woman, 47 years old, of average height, correct physique, was admitted to the hospital with a complaint of pain in the sacrum, left hip and a feeling of fatigue. She gave birth once at the age of 18. At 42, the regulations stopped. About two years ago I noticed a swelling in my stomach. The abdomen is enlarged, its covers are smooth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):429-430
pages 429-430 views

Ten selected cases of laparotomy

Kuhn F.


This article presents a very short report on 10 laparotomies produced by the author on various occasions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):430-431
pages 430-431 views


Mironov M.


Prof. Ott, analyzing the reasons that prompted me not to take into account the results obtained by him with vaginal excision of the uterus, says (Journal of Akush. 1892, No. 1, p. 66) that since these results go completely against with the premise that I wish to defend, then I should especially carefully and carefully analyze the cases he cites and the conclusions drawn from them.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(4):432-437
pages 432-437 views

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