Vol 8, No 12 (1894)

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To casuistic damage caused by sub coitu

Fenomenov N.N.


Damage to the female genital organs, owing their origin to the act of copulation, can be very diverse both in place and in nature, and in the degree of vastness and importance in general.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1043-1053
pages 1043-1053 views

On the question of the origin of vaginal cysts. Cyst of the anterior vaginal wall

Khomitskiy P.V.


On the 20th of January of this year, I was invited to visit a sick woman, the sister of one of my Moscow comrades. A sick, intelligent person, 38 years old, came for treatment from the Chernigov province, comes from a very healthy family.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1054-1061
pages 1054-1061 views

On the question of the use of ferratin in metrorrhagi

Lapkov M.


In obstetric and gynecological practice, very often it is necessary to deal with both bleeding and its consequence - anemia. True, in acute cases, with the submission of timely benefits, bleeding does not leave deep marks - the female body quickly copes with the task of replenishing even significant blood losses.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1062-1065
pages 1062-1065 views

To the technique of scraping the uterine cavity

Mironov M.M.


In this note, I meant to point out some modifications that have gradually entered the technique of curettage of the uterine cavity over the past time and which, as observations have shown, have some advantages over commonly practiced techniques and therefore deserve everyone's attention.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1066-1070
pages 1066-1070 views

Perforator ― drill

Favr V.


The operation by which we reduce the volume of the head through the hole made in it by emptying its contents is called perforation or perforation (perforatio cranii craneotomia).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1071-1077
pages 1071-1077 views

A.P. Artemiev. A brief outline of the development of the "woman's" business in Russia and a project of measures to streamline it

Kakushkin N.M.


The question of improving obstetric care, from whatever side it is viewed, always deserves to be dwelled on with full attention and care. Therefore, one cannot but be grateful to the author of the aforementioned brochure for what he now recalls about one, perhaps the most important, side of this issue — the midwives.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1078-1081
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O. A. Reznikov. Zur Kasuistik der "Arthritis gonorrhoica". (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 32). K casuistic of fracture joint inflammation

Kakushkin N.


A 16-year-old woman developed pain in the left shoulder and right elbow joints 4 days after the first intercourse.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1082
pages 1082 views

R. Olshausen. Spontane Geburt. Prophylaktische Wendung. Symphyseotomie. Ihr gegenseitiges Verhalten zu einander. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 36). Arbitrary childbirth. - Preventive turn. - Cutting the bosom. - Their mutual relationship to each other

Kakushkin N.


The author disagrees with Leopold, who limited the indications for caesar section in favor of symphysiotomy. In his opinion, caesar section is a simple, typical operation, safe in the hands of an obstetrician who has fully mastered the laws of asepsis; symphysiotomy is not entirely safe.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1082-1083
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Friedrich Schwarz. Sytphyseotomie bei allgemein verengtem Becken mit 7,0 cm. Conj. vera. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 36). Dissection of the bosom with a generally narrowed pelvis with a true conjugate in 7 ctm

Kakushkin N.


I para, 27 years old; growth 142; pelvis size: cr. 25; sp. 23; from. diagon. 9.0; Baudeloque's size 15; conjug. vera 7. Body edema; protein in the urine. The waters are gone; presented with head, deep, transverse. Body temperature 38 °.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1083-1084
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A. Selowij. Zur Symphyseotomie. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 36). On the question of symphysiotomy

Kakushkin N.


The author considers symphysiotomy to be an unnecessary operation, not devoid of unpleasant consequences and dangers for the mother.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1084
pages 1084 views

Hans v. Woerz. Die Enderfolge der Symphyseotomie. (Centralbl. Für Gynäkol., 1894, no. 36). Outcomes of symphysiotomy

Kakushkin N.


Of the 10 cases of symphysiotomy that were under the supervision of the author, he was able to observe the outcomes of this operation in 9, and in 7 cases these observations lasted more than a year after the operation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1084-1085
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A. Goldberg. Ein Fall von Haematoma vulvae et vaginae post partum. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 30). A case of hematoma of the external genitals and vagina after childbirth

Kakushkin N.


In a primiparous 20 years old, a tumor, the size of a child's head, was found 1 hour after childbirth, which lasted 3 days (ended arbitrarily).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1085
pages 1085 views

H. Gaertig. Ueber Erythem im Wochenbett. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1894, no. 30). About erythema in the postpartum period

Kakushkin N.


Patient 26 years old. I have never suffered from skin diseases. The first pregnancy was uneventful. The birth is correct. After delivery, delayed placenta and severe uterine bleeding.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1085-1086
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Füth. Ueber einem Fall von Harnblasenverdoppelung. (Centralbl. F. Gynäkol., 1894, No. 14, p. 332). Double bladder case

Kakushkin N.


Features of the case (4-month-old boy): hernia of the white line, splitting of the pubic arch, fusion, in the form of cords, between the rectum and the bladder and between the latter and the abdominal wall, and lengthening of the mesentery flexurae sigmoideae.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1086
pages 1086 views

Brennecke. Zur Frage der Stumpfbehandlung bei der Myomohysterektomie. (Centralbl. Für gynäkol., 1894, no. 30). To the question of caring for the stump during supravaginal amputation of the myomatous uterus

Kakushkin N.


In this polemical article, the author speaks out against Leopold's method.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1086
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W. Thorn. Zur Lactationsatrophie des Uterus. (Centralbl. Für Gynäkol. 1894, no. 30). On the question of uterine atrophy during breastfeeding

Feinberg B.


The author has previously treated this subject (Zeitschr. F. Geb. n. Gyn., Bd. XVI), and now objects to O. Engström, who reported his cases of uterine atrophy during breastfeeding (Festschrift d. Deutsch. Gesellschaft f. Gyn. u. Geb.).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1086-1087
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R. Emanuel. Beitrag zur Lehre von der uterus tuberculose. (Zeitschr. F. Geburtsh. U. Gynaek., Bd., XXIX). To the doctrine of uterine tuberculosis

Feinberg B.


In the clinic I. Veit'a the author observed the following case: Mrs. N., 50 years old, menstruating since the 14th year, did not give birth. Climacteric age from 41 years. I suffered from leucorrhoea at various times; in November 1892 she suffered from cystitis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1087-1089
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H. Löhlein. Erfahrungen über den Werth der Castration bei Osteomalacie. (Zeitschr. F. Geburtsh. U. Gynaek., Bd., XXIX). Observations on the value of castration in osteomalacia

Feinberg B.


These observations are based on 2 castrations for this purpose, published by the author 2 years ago, 3 Kessar sections according to Porro and 8 castrations described in this work.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1089-1090
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A. Buechler. R. Kaltenbach's Ergebnisse der vaginalen Totalexstirpation mit Peritonealnaht. (Zeitschr. För Geburtsh., Bd. XXX, Hft. 2). Results achieved by Kaltenbach in vaginal complete excision of the uterus with suture of the peritoneum

Ginzburg M.


In July 1889, Kaltenbakh published 60 such operations, performed by him for malignant neoplasms, and 2 times he operated on for complete prolapses that were difficult to recover with other benefits.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1090-1091
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Prof. Howard A. Kell'y (Baltimore). Electric illumination of the Field in Abdominal Surgery. (The American Journal of Obstetrics and diseases of Women and children. September, 1894, p. 348). Electric lighting of the operating field for laparotomy

Ginzburg M.


Those who perform laparotomy experience the inconvenience of insufficient illumination of the operating field, not only with artificial light, but also with daylight.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1092-1093
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N. Martyn Eames. Fatty heart as a cause of sudden death during labor. (Lancet., 1894, Juli 28, No. 3700, p. 193). Fatal death during childbirth due to fatty degeneration of the heart

Ginzburg M.


Dr. M. Eames was invited to the woman in labor, who at the moment of his arrival fell to the floor and died.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1093-1094
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I. Finzi. А case of osteoma of the pelvis, causing dystocia. (Lancet., 1894, Juli 14, No. 3698, p. 77). Bone swelling in the pelvis as a cause of abnormal labor.

Ginzburg M.


Dr. F. was invited to 28-year-old first women on 16 / VI 94 g. During examination through the vagina, F. felt a wide, smooth spherical tumor of bone hardness protruding into the right anterior part of the pelvic cavity, giving the impression of a presenting head.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1094-1095
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Prof. Howard A. Kelly. Resuscitation, from impeding death due to conceoled haemorrhage, by the infusion of a liter of normal soit solution centrally into the radial artery. (American Journal of Obstetrics and diseases of women and children, August, 1894, p. 184). Death threatening the parturient woman due to latent bleeding. Revitalize by infusing 1 liter of normal saline solution into the radial artery towards the heart.

Ginzburg M.


During the last ten months prof. Kelly saved the lives of six patients by injecting normal saline solution into the vessels, mainly the radial artery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1095-1097
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Dr. Horrocks. Intravenous injection of saline solution in cases of severe Homerrhage., (Lancet, 23 December, 1893, p. 1569). Saline infusion into the veins for severe bleeding

Ginzburg M.


Dr. N. saved the lives of five patients who, due to severe bleeding, were threatened with rapid death.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1097
pages 1097 views

Prof. Paul. F. Munde. Ten Years ’experience with Alexander’s operation for schortening the round ligaments of the uterus — sixty-five cases. (American Journal of obstetrics and diseases of Women and children, 1894, August, p. 297). Ten years of experience with shortening of the round uterine ligaments (Alexander's operation), 65 cases.

Ginzburg M.


Munde began to perform this operation in 1884. The results of the operation were so good that in the first year he performed it 6 times, and in 1888 he published 23 cases of it. In three of them M. did not find round ligaments, but in the remaining 20 the goal of the operation was achieved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1098-1099
pages 1098-1099 views

Prof. Robert Barnes. The indications for the induction of premature labor. (Lancet, August 11, 1894, p. 314). Indications for premature birth. (Lecture read at the British Doctors' Convention in Bristol on August 1, 1894).

Ginzburg M.


V. Barnes considers the establishment of the correct indications for premature birth to be a brilliant proof of the progress of medicine in general and, in particular, of the conservative direction in obstetrics. To determine diseases that require an interruption of pregnancy, one should trace what occurs in such cases in the body of a pregnant woman spontaneously, that is, take a closer look at natural self-help.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1099-1103
pages 1099-1103 views

Robert Harris (Philadelphia). The Mortality under the Cesareon operation in great Britain during the lest eigth jears; and the encouragement offered for the induction of symphysio tomy as a substitute for craniotomy. (Lancet, 19 and 26 May 1894, p. 1272 1319). Caesar section deaths in Great Britain in the last 8 years; encouraged to replace the operation of perforation of the skull with a symphysiotomy.

Ginzburg M.


Dr. H. distinguishes the results of the Caesar section before 1886, when the antiseptic was, in his opinion, insufficiently strict, from the subsequent period, during which the antiseptic was carried out universally and more strictly.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1103-1105
pages 1103-1105 views

Dr. Densbow Lewis. An Interview with Porro. (The American Journal of Obstetrics etc., 1894, Septembre, p. 354)

Ginzburg M.


The table of contents of the article is an American innovation. Instead of the usual long-term review of foreign clinics by Russian doctors, L. visited prof. Porro and his conversation with him makes the subject of an interesting report in a medical journal. I will briefly convey the essence of this message.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1105-1107
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Dr. Vargos. Simultaneous intra-uterine and extra-uterine fetation. (Lancet, 18 March., 94). Simultaneous intra and ectopic pregnancy

Ginzburg M.


Dr. V. describes a rare case of twin pregnancy, which gave rise to contradictory diagnoses and ended in death. A cigar factory worker, mother of 3 children, complained of pain, heaviness and abnormal sensations in the right lower abdomen. The factory doctor mistook this for salpingitis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1108
pages 1108 views

Dr. Owens (Brisbane in Australia). Three cases of abdominal section. (The Avstralasian medical gazette, Sydney, April, 1894). Three laparotomies.

Ginzburg M.


Having prefaced a few words about the small number of laparotomies published by him, Ow. justifies this by the fact that they were produced in a distant colony. The third case is interesting for the diagnosis and death due to sepsis, due to the needless search for a sponge in the abdomen.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1108-1110
pages 1108-1110 views

Dr. Charles N. Smith (in Toledo, Ohio). Total extirpation of the uterus for myofibroma complicated by pregnancy. American Journal of obstetrics and deseases of women and children. (September, 1894, p. 365., New-Iork). Removal of the entire uterus due to myofibroma complicated by pregnancy.

Ginzburg M.


Patient 27 years old. Her 1st pregnancy ended safely 31/2 years ago, the 2nd - with a miscarriage at the 6th month, in February 1893.Since then she has been complaining of pain in the abdomen and feels in it some kind of body moving from one side to another. The last regulations were at the end of December 1893.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1110-1112
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Dr. Goelet. Ligation of the base of the broadligaments per vaginam, including the uterine arteries, for fibroids of the uterus. (American Medico-Surgical Bulletin, Iune 1894, - by reference to the American Journal of Obstetrics, Iuli, 1894, p. 158). Ligation of the wide ligaments and uterine arteries from the side of the vagina to heal the fibroid of the uterus.

Ginzburg M.


Goelet performs the aforementioned dressing in order to reduce bleeding and the growth of fibroid tumors of the uterus and believes that this easy operation can replace the more risky one - removal of the entire uterus, or that the first, serving as a preparatory phase for the 2nd, may make the latter unnecessary.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1112-1113
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Dr. Gardiner. Dystocia from occlusion of cervix uteri. (Lancet, 26 May, 1894, p. 1300). Obstruction to childbirth due to pharyngeal overgrowth

Ginzburg M.


Dr. G. was invited to the pregnant woman for the second time, on the occasion of pains, which were taken by others for birth, but turned out to be intestinal. On internal examination, the uterine neck turned out to be overgrown; instead of a throat hole, one felt a tubercle, the size of a mustard grain, through which it was impossible to pass the thinnest zones.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1114
pages 1114 views

Dr. Thomas Oliwer. Epilepsy in a puerpera with hyperpyrexia; death. (Lancet, May 26, 1894). Epilepsy in postpartum women, with extremely high fever, fatal

Ginzburg M.


Eclampsic and epileptic convulsions in postpartum women are similar only in external manifestations; but depend on completely different diseases. The following incident is instructive in many ways.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1114-1115
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Dr. Morton Butler. Two cases of hernia of the Fallopian Tube. (Lancet, 1894, 17 February). Two cases of fallopian tube hernia

Ginzburg M.


A 46-year-old woman had been suffering from a tumor in her right groin for more than 2 years, which suddenly increased rapidly. The tumor appeared to be like a gland with a swelling in the center.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(12):1115-1116
pages 1115-1116 views

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