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No 12 (2014)


Transatlantic trade and investing partnership

Rybalova T.I.


Стремление устранить препятствия во внешней торговле в мировом масштабе провоцирует появление все новых торговых союзов, которые нередко помимо вопросов торговли решают и другие важные проблемы. США в последние годы активно создает союзы для ликвидации барьеров в торговле, так, в ближайшей перспективе могут быть реализованы два глобальных проекта по созданию союзов со странами АТС и ЕС - Транстихоокеанское (Trans-Pacific Partnership, TTP) и Трансатлантическое (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP) партнерства. Вместе с уже действующей Североамериканской зоной свободной торговли (North-American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA) они охватят более половины земного шара, почти все ра,з-витые страны, в число которых не войдут Китай, Россия и остальные государства БРИКС. Для российского молочного рынка особенно важным является создание Трансатлантического партнерства, поскольку ЕС до введения эм,барго бьл одним из ведущих поставщиков м,олочнои продукции, а его членство в TTIP заметно изменит конъюнктуру европейского молочного рынка.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Solution for growth

Shikhov A.V.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):8-8
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Import and export of milk and cream

Goroshchenko L.G.


On the basis of the Customs statistics of the foreign activity of the Russian Federation for the years 20082013 information is given about export and import of milk and cream.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):9-11
pages 9-11 views

Strategy of technical servicing of equipment on the basis of diagnostics methods

Yablokov A.E., Pogoreltsev S.G.


The article is devoted to the improvement of maintenance of the dairy operations equipment by development of the methods for technical diagnostics of machines and automated system for managing repairing process.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):12-14
pages 12-14 views

Improvement of the efficiency of business processes LEAN Planning Manager

Shestopalov P.S.


One of the most effective tools of economical manufacturing is management of standing based on indicators of OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). The introduction of this instrument is very important for the enterprises of the continuous cycle of production, as it can increase productivity and return of assets. The article briefly describes the essence of the project for implementation of monitoring system OEE at the Russian enterprise of the Finnish company Valio. The results and effects received for 5 years of operation of the system are analyzed.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):16-18
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CHEESEFORMER - a new standard in curds production

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Dairy industry. 2014;(12):22-22
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Dvinskiy B.M., Girinovich O.A.


С 6 по 10 октября 2014 г. в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» (Москва) прошла 19-я Международная выставка оборудования, машин и ингредиентов для пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности «Агропродмаш-2014». На более чем 22 тыс. кв. м расположились стенды 762 компаний из 36 стран Европы, Азии и Америки. Германия, Дания и Китай организовали национальные экспозиции. Премьерой стала национальная экспозиция Индии. Смотр посетили почти 20 тыс. человек.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):26-33
pages 26-33 views

The system of food products certification FSSC 22000. Application in the food sector

Shepeleva E.V.


Shepeleva E.V. The system of food products certification FSSC 22000. Application in the food sector Advantages and special requirements of the documents developed for the system of food products certification FSSC 22000 are considered. The scheme FSSC 22000 covers all the participants of the foods surppliers chain, transportation and storage.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):34-35
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Items of standardization

Dairy industry. 2014;(12):36-37
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Contest of milk products: comments on the results of the exhibition «The Golden Autumn-2014»

Fedotova O.B., Smirnova I.I., Sokolova O.V., Myalenko D.M.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):38-39
pages 38-39 views

Organoleptic analysis of milk products: normative documents

Tetereva L.I.


The normative documents used for organoleptic assessment of milk products quality and for training expertstasters are given.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):40-41
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Dairy industry. 2014;(12):43-43
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About time and about work

Burykin A.I.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):44-45
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Instant milk powder can be produced and today

Burykin A.I.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):45-47
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Purification of milk from radionuclides of cesium with non-organic natural sorbent

Donskaya G.A., Mariin V.A.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):48-49
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Spray drying of milk-potato puree

Burykin A.I.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):49-51
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Improvement of curds production

Fridenberg G.V.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):51-51
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How do the lactic acid microorganisms work

Polyanskaya I.S., Topal O.I., Semenihina V.F.


Three interconnected levels of the preventive and medical effects of the lactic acid cultures are are usually noted: metabolic antibiotic activity, antagonistic activity due to bacteriocines, cells and humoral immunity. Antibiotic activity as a constituent part of the probiotic effect of the lactobacilli cultures can be related with forming by the latter of some acids, mainly lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, bacteriocine and other substances. The present research work was devoted to the study of two types of lactobacilli: acidophilous and Bulgaricus - the leading collections of the VNIMI (The All-Union Dairy Research Institute, Moscow), and of the Experimental Biofactory, Uglich. The results demonstrated that mixed type of the antagonistic activity not excluding bacteriocinogenic was characteristic for 22,2% of the studied cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus. Addition of the selected cultures with improved probiotic effects to the traditional bacterial preparations used for ptoduction of well-known milk products such as cheese, acidophilous milk, acidophilin, acidophilous sour milk, will result in receiving of innovative functional food products . These products will give possibilities for the consumers with different preferences to find regimes of fermented milk products consumption that provides preventive immunomodulation at the metabolite, cell and humoral levels.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):52-53
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Time table of exhibitions in the first half year of 2015

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Dairy industry. 2014;(12):54-54
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Composition of the NF concentrates of curds whey

Shohalova V.N., Kuzin A.A., Dykalo N.Y., Shohalov V.A.


The work is devoted to the research of the composition of curds whey concentrates obtained by nanofiltration (NF concentrates). Based on an analysis of published data on changes in the composition and properties of curds whey in the course of nanofiltration process possibility to apply the NF-concentrates for the production of various products was substantiated. Brief results of the studies carried out by some authors aimed at investigation of possible application of nanofiltration for the processing of different types of the dairy raw materials (NF processing) are given. The object of the study was to curds whey with titratable acidity 70 °T, which has been subjected to concentration on a pilot nanofiltration plant. The process was conducted in three stages: nanofiltration, diafiltration and deep diafiltration. Constituents of the original whey and the concentrate received were analyzed. The results were used to calculate the loss of the curds whey constituents during NF-processing. It was established that the main losses occur in mineral salts and lactic acid. Decreasing the amount of mineral salts in the concentrates is due to ions of Na and K. Divalent ions in the process of nanofiltration actually are not removed. Loss of total solids is 7-9 %. Loss of total solids during the diafiltration increased slightly at the expense of deeper demineralization and neutralization of curds whey. Removal of organic acids, mainly the lactic acid during processing of NF-curds whey constitutes 28-29 % that is insuf ficient for wide spread application of curds whey in food products. The authors made conclusion about necessity to neutralize excess amount of lactic acid in the NF concentrates.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Intensification of the lactose crystallization process

Kostyukov D.M., Kulenko V.G., Shevchuk V.B., Fialkova E.A.


The work is devoted to the research of the lactose crystallization process in concentrated demineralized curds whey solutions before their drying. On the basis of the available data on intensifying the crystallization process in the oversaturated lactose solutions formed in lactose-containing food products the opportunity of applying vortex processing of food products for these purposes has been proved. The object of the research was the curds whey demineralized to 50 % and concentrated to 55 % of dry matter content. Vortex processing of the concentrate has been performed on the concurrent vortex equipment at the temperature of 60 °C, at the pressure of feeding the product into the chamber of 0,55 MPa, with the output of 0,74 m 3/h. Then the treated concentrate was being gradually cooled to the temperature of 20 °C under constant stirring. It has been stated that in the process of 4-hour cooling the dry matter content in the treated product measured with a refrac-tometer decreased from 55 to 34 %, and in the process 80 % of lactose was crystallized. Vortex processing of condensed whey considerably accelerates the nucleation process meanwhile reducing the duration of crystallization in the whole. The subsequent drying of the processed concentrate proceeded steadily: the moisture content and the water absorbency of the dry product amounted to 3.9 and 12 % respectively.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):58-59
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Milk proteins in the baby foods

Simonenko S.V., Dimitrieva S.E., Les G.M., Hvylya S.I., Osipov Y.S.


Results of the study of dry mixtures of cow and other milks intended for application of baby foods manufacturing are considered.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):60-60
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Liquid adapted dairy mixtures for babies' nutrition: experience of production and application

Chumakova I.V., Fateeva N.V., Bleher B.M., Pivovarova A.O.


Information about production and efficiency of applying domestic adapted liquid mixtures for feeding babies is given in the article.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):62-63
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Baby foods from Omsk

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Dairy industry. 2014;(12):64-64
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Carbohydrate ingredients in the baby foods

Bednyh B.S., Gapparov M.M., Nikolskaya G.V., Sokolov A.I., Ramanauskas I.R., Kieselev A.Y.


Results of the study of digestability of the 6 variants of the human milk replacer «Aistenok» with the constant composition with the exception of the carbohydrate ingredient are discussed. One of the variants contained lactose, one was without lactose, with saccharose and dry corn mollasse, the rest ones contained compositions of lactose, mollasse and saccharose in different ratios. Investigations were carried out in vivo on the laboratory animals by controlling glucose coming in blood with corresponding design of the glycemia curves. Results of the study of the product samples allowed give recommendations concerning composition of the carbohydrate ingredient for healthy children nutrition with increased body mass, with hypotrophy and injured intestine and for babies with lactase deficiency.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):65-67
pages 65-67 views

Glycolising of proteins in the baby foods

Bednyh B.S., Gapparov M.M., Nikolskaya G.V., Sokolov A.I., Ramanauskas I.R., Kiselev A.Y.


Knowledge of the mechanism of the non-fermentative glycolising of proteins based on the discovered by Maillard reaction of the aldehyde group of carbohydrates with free amino-group of protein molecular is very important for baby foods production as far as protein-carbohydrate complexes are not hydrolysed by food enzymes that results in sharp increase of the product allergenity and baby organisms do not tolerate the product. The many times technological treatment of the baby food mixtures with variations of temperature and time of exposition rate of the reaction of proteins glycolising due to monosaccharides can sharply increase that leads to the changes of proteins properties and lowering of food value of the baby food product. In the work given effects of temperature and exposition time on the rate of proteins (albumin, whey proteins) and carbohydrates (glucose, fructose) glycolising in baby foods was established. It was found that in the temperatures range 65-850C clear direct dependence of the protein glycolising reaction on the temperature of incubation media exists. Proteins glycolising is also proportional to the time of incubation increasing 3-4 times (at the temperature 850C) from 2.5 to 10 minutes. In terms of technological treatment of the products glucose is considered to be more efficient glycolising agent as compared with fructose.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):68-69
pages 68-69 views

175 years since the birthday of N.V. Vereshchagin

Guterz A.V.
Dairy industry. 2014;(12):71-73
pages 71-73 views

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