Composition and properties of the hydrolyzate of the p-lactoglobulin with reduced residual antigenicity



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Results of the investigations carried out with the aim to develop the method to reduce residual antigenicity of the β-lactoglobulin and to study chemical composition and properties of the received food composition are given. The technology of the bioconversion of β-lactoglobulin resulting in receiving of hydrolyzate with reduced residual antigenicity 9-10 % was worked out. Chemical composition and properties of the hydrolyzate were studied. It was found that hydrolyzate contains high level of physiologically functional ingredients. Technological scheme for obtaining hydrolyzate of β-lactoglobulin allows apply mass-produced equipment and is adapted to the system HACCP. Hydrolyzate of the β-lactoglobulin can be used in the technologies of the wide range of milk and fermented milk products.




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