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编号 3 (2015)


The dairy industry of Russia in 2014

Rybalova T.


Конъюнктуру молочного рынка 2014 г. невозможно охарактеризовать одним словом, зачастую ее определяли разнонаправленные тренды. Кардинальные изменения начались с августа после введения Россией эмбарго на ввоз продуктов питания из стран ЕС, США, Норвегии, Канады и Австралии. Ассортимент продукции сузился, а цены резко выросли. Сильное негативное влияние на ценообразование оказали санкции в отношении российских банков с государственным участием, которые являются основными кредиторами предприятий сельского хозяйства и пищевой промышленности. Падение рубля по отношению к основным валютам стало еще одним дестабилизирующим фактором.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Veterinary certification of milk products is postponed for some time

Abrosimova S.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):10-11
pages 10-11 views

About additional indices of the raw milk quality

Abdullaeva L.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Development of the intergovernmental standard. Selection of antibiotics for improving selectivity of the nutritive media

Sviridenko G., Komarova T.


Information is given about improvement of the method to determine yeasts and moulds in milk and milk products in the media Saburo and ADP with selection of antibiotics for improvement of selectivity of the media given. List and doses of the recommended antibiotics introduced in the media for detecting yeasts and moulds were established.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):14-16
pages 14-16 views

The methodology of making production report. Factual method of recording raw materials and expenses

Lesnykh O.


В молочной промышленности для учета расходования сырья и материалов может применяться не только нормативный метод*, но и фактический. Его рекомендуется применять тем предприятиям, которые имеют измерительное оборудование и ведут фактический учет в нескольких единицах измерения, например: физическая масса (кг), содержание жира (кг) и белка (кг). Принятая методика соответствует Положению по бухгалтерскому учету «Учет материально-производственных запасов», утвержденному приказом Министерства финансов РФ от 09.06.2001 г. № 44н, в редакции от 25.102010 г. № 132н (п. 6).
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):18-20
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Looking ahead after our 30 years of experience

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Dairy industry. 2015;(3):22-22
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Milk products in the soft package: anticrisis solution

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Dairy industry. 2015;(3):24-25
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Packaging equipment is a part of the modern food industry

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Dairy industry. 2015;(3):27-27
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Congratulations with the jubilee

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Dairy industry. 2015;(3):30-30
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New machines of the range ASEPT PRO® for hygienic filling

Chechin V.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):31-31
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The pigging systems

Kozlov D.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):32-33
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About choosing the equipment for milk and whey drying

Kuznetsov P., Gabrielova V., Mertin P.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):34-37
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Your formula of success

Fedorov S.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):38-38
pages 38-38 views

About preparation of the draft Program of the development of micro-ingredients production in the RF for 2015-2025

Nikiforova T., Kulyov D., Nechaev A., Semenova P.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):40-42
pages 40-42 views

«Maasdam» in Russian

Kelyashova Y.


Еще совсем недавно сыроделие было одним из самых импортозависимых направлений - ведь c учетом ввозимого белорусского сыра доля импортных сыров в РФ составляла более 50 %. Ситуация на рынке радикально поменялась с момента введения российского продовольственного эмбарго в августе 2014 г. Сейчас у отечественных сыроделов появилась возможность занять свое место на рынке, привлечь потребителей к своей продукции, освоить производство новых видов сыров, таких как «Маасдам», «Пармезан» и др. Как производители заквасоч-ных культур и молокосвертывающих ферментов, мы постоянно общаемся с технологами-сыроделами и можем четко определить, какие направления в сыроделии сейчас наиболее фокусные, производство каких сыров в первую очередь стремятся наладить российские специалисты. В последние месяцы все чаще к нам обращаются по технологическим вопросам производства сыров типа «Маасдам». Рассмотрим основные нюансы производства таких сыров и решения, которые предлагает на российский рынок компания «Хр.Хансен».
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):43-44
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Criteria of assessment of safety of the milk products with transglutaminase

Zobkova Z., Zenina D., Fursova T., Gryazneva T., Rodionova V., Sapojnikov I., Kozlova N.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Management of the process of the microflora growth in the fermented milk products

Skiba M., Mitin V.


Theoretical analysis of growth and development of the living systems demonstrate that lactic acid microorganisms of the starter cultures that synthetize lactic acid inhibiting pathogenic bacteria and thus providing sanitarian safety, make principle contribution to the quality characteristics of the fermented milk products. Products of metabolism of the lactic acid bacteria accelerate catalytic reactions of milk proteins, fats and carbohydrates forming necessary organoleptic and structural mechanical characteristics of the finish product providing in such a way efficient digestion of the latter in a human being. Description of the dynamics of the population development is presented by the determined mathematical models, where characteristic physical-chemical phenomena and synergism of bacteria is clearly observed taking into account rate of reproduction and death of microorganisms population and ability of the nutritive medium to support their development. For mathematic modelling and design of the structural scheme of the automation of the fermented milk products manufacturing management the theory of the automated management was applied. Theoretical and experimental studies were applied as bases for development and creation of the adapted systems for the automated management of microbiological synthesis and forecasting of the quality not only in the fermented milk products manufacturing but also in the biotechnologies of other food operations.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Vanilla aromas for milk products

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Dairy industry. 2015;(3):55-55
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The fibers «Citri-fi» in the functional products

Gubina I.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):56-56
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Fermented milk products with the amaranth oil for functional nutrition

Gavrilova N., Rojkova I., Chernopolskaya N.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Analysis of the market and production of the whey ingredients

Volodin D., Zolotoreva M., Topalov V., Evdokimov I., Hramtsov A., Chablin B., Nejedly L.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):60-62
pages 60-62 views

Some technological aspects of receiving whey proteins of cow milk. 2. Production of milk whey and products fortified with whey proteins

El’chaninov V.


This is the second publication from the series of the articles devoted to some technological aspects of isolation of whey proteins from cow milk. Methodological and technological approaches used for obtaining complex preparations of milk whey proteins: acid and sweet milk wheys, modified and dry milk wheys, products fortified with whey proteins, concentrates, thermo-precipitates, electro-coagulants and isolates of whey proteins are given.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):64-66
pages 64-66 views

Technical-economic aspects of milk processing

Dymar O.


The author of the article analyses directions of modernization of the technological processes used for processing milk and secondary milk raw materials (whey). Calculations of takings received from production of various products are applied to give recommendations concerning optimization of products range.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):67-71
pages 67-71 views

Application of milk whey proteins in the production of fermented milks

Gordienko L., Evdokimov I., Gorlacheva S.


Actuality of the application of whey proteins in the production of fermented drinks is discussed. The kinds of starter microflora preferable for production of fermented drinks with WPC-UF were defined. Application doses of WPC-UF added in the milk base were established.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):72-73
pages 72-73 views

Creation of the structure in spreads with Akoblend SB

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Dairy industry. 2015;(3):74-74
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The products containing milk: aspect of production

Kapranchikov V.
Dairy industry. 2015;(3):76-76
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