
On the Issue of Countering Various Manifestations of Political Extremism in the Russian Federation
Tarchokov B.
Transformation of the System of Obligations of Political Parties in Russian Legislation
Kurochkin A.
Cyberterrorism Among the Youth: the Main Causes and Methods of Counteraction
Chochaev T.
The Concept and Classification of Unfriendly Actions of Foreign States
Plotnikov I.
Sports Terrorism – New Challenges of Our Time
Cherkesov R.
Understanding constitutionalism and the peculiarities of its soviet model in theoretical jurisprudence
Korovin K.
Textual Analysis of Works in the History of Political and Legal Doctrines
Korovin K.
Content and characteristics of public administration in the area of forced migration
Petrovskaya M.
The phenomena of terrorism
Chistyakov V., Yastrebova E.
Global information space as a factor of the forced spread of religious-political extremism
Kamergoyev B., Bozieva Y.
The political situation of man in medieval law of the French cities of the XI-XIV centuries
Kvachadze O., Migunova T., Bakulina E.
Forecast of International Legal Personality’ Formalization in New Political Spaces: New Marine Spaces and Circumpolar Zones
Nikiforov V., Nikiforov S.
The attitude of Russian society towards the police and its employees in the first half of the 19th century
Lukyanov S.
Soviet Party Constitutionalism as a Subject of Source Study of the History of Political and Legal Doctrines
Korovin K.
Terrorism: difficulties of definitions
Urusova L.
Criminological Features of the Typology of Terrorism
Teplyakov O., Fokin S., Gorbanev V.
Reproduction of the extremism phenomena
Makoeva E.
On the Question of Nationalist Terrorism as a Global Threat of Modern Reality
Makoeva E.
Combating crimes of extremist orientation committed with the use of the internet network
Karchaeva K.
Legal values as a criterion for differentiating the political and legal doctrines of Russian conservatism and European liberalism of the XIX century
Kuzubova A.
To the question of the origins of terrorism
Koblov F.
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