
Measures Used by the Internal Affairs to Counter Youth Extremism in Educational Environment
Kashirgov A.
Modern Technologies of Youth Involvement in Extremist Activity: Problems and Ways of Counteraction
Mazdogova Z.
Improving Mechanisms to Combat Extremism and Terrorism Among Youth
Kharaev A., Mokhovikov O.
Formation of Legal Awareness as a Preventive Measure to Counter Extremism Among Young People
Shkhagapsoev Z.
Current Activities of Law Enforcement Authorities on Combat Youth Extremism
Akkaeva H.
Features of Criminal Legal Counteraction Manifestations of Extremism and Terrorism in Youth Environment
Gutieva I.
Values as a Factor in Countering Extremism and Terrorism
Kochesokova Z.
On the Question of the Youth Anti-Extremist Consciousness Formation
Kurashinova A., Salkazanov V.
Some Features of Cognitive Impact in the Framework of Preventive Conversations with Youth to Prevent Extremism
Mashekuasheva M.
On Current Issues of Countering Youth Extremism in the Global Network
Burayeva L.
On the Influence of Destructive Internet Structures on the Process of Radicalization of Youth: Status, Ways of Counteraction
Berova J., Kanunnikova N.
Pain Points" in the Moral Recovery of Young People in the Process of Formation of Anti-Terrorist Behavior
Afov A.
Global information space as a factor of the forced spread of religious-political extremism
Kamergoyev B., Bozieva Y.
The Anonymity Factor as a Key Concept of the Spread of Extremism in the Youth Environment
Takov A.
A set of measures to counter the spread of religious extremism among young people
Nastuev E.
Motivational Factors for Spreading the Ideology of Terrorism and Extremism in the Global Media Space
Kardanov A.
Network factors for the formation of extremist installations in youth
Kurashinova A.
Measures of prevention of youth extremism
Serbieva M.
The Main Preventive Measures Aimed at Countering Youth Extremism Carried Out in the Rostov Region
Seregina E., Zakharov A.
Characteristic Components and Backgrounds Inherent in People Who Commit Terrorist Acts
Mashekuasheva M.
Factors of the Spread of Youth Extremism in the Context of the Transforming Russian Realities
Thazeplov R.
Topical Issues of Terrorism Prevention Among Youth
Lyuev T.
Formation of National and Religious Tolerance Among Adolescents and Young People: Problems and Ways to Solve Them
Mazdogova Z.
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