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卷 13, 编号 1 (2020)



Chistyakov V.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Strandhogg and Strandrecht as norms of international maritime law in the VIII-XVI centuries

Migunova T., Mineeva T., Tostolutsky V.


The article is devoted to the emergence and evolution of two specific norms of international maritime law in the Middle Ages and partly in the early new time. The rules arose on the basis of legal custom in medieval Norway and Germany and continued to exist for several centuries, thereby complicating international maritime trade and transport links. The reasons for their long existence were features of the historical development of European countries in the Middle Ages, associated with the consequences of the era of the Great Migration, the spread of the customary law of Germanic tribes and the increased activity of the peoples of Scandinavia and Northern Europe as a whole.In the 9th century the rulers of European states began to think about counteracting such legal phenomena. The authors conclude that legal practices that have occurred that impeded the development of international maritime law in the Middle Ages are gradually becoming the offense. The article analyzes several legislative collections and identifies features of legal methods to combat such phenomena.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):14-17
pages 14-17 views

The political situation of man in medieval law of the French cities of the XI-XIV centuries

Kvachadze O., Migunova T., Bakulina E.


The article is devoted to the analysis of legal registration of the political rights of the person in the medieval urban law of French cities of XI-XIV centuries. The uniqueness of the normative material under study is due to the fact that the public, and first of all, the political life of the inhabitants of different medieval French cities of XI-XIV centuries was characterized by a great variety, due to differences in the origin of urban political privileges and the degree of their legal development. As a result the author of the article concludes that the method of acquisition and scope of the political rights, fixed in the legal space of different French cities of XI-XIV centuries, resulted from the degree and nature of their seigniorial dependence as well as the balance of social-forces in political relations within these cities. An analysis of the development of political rights in different districts of the medieval cities of France of XI-XIV centuries was carried out on the basis of indicators: the nature of the assignment by the senior of political privileges to the citizens, the name of the legal act that formalized the senior concessions, the social support of the citizens in the political struggle with the senior, the amount of political rights of citizens in the field of municipal administration. The article defines the concepts of a medieval French city of the 11th-14th centuries and an urban citizen of medieval France of the 11th-14th centuries. In addition, the composition, structure and procedure of the formation of urban authorities, in which the political rights of citizens of different medieval French cities of the XI-XIV centuries were realized, are being studied. The role of urban structures, señoric in nature, in the process of formation and normative consolidation of political human rights in the legislation of medieval French cities of the XI-XIV centuries is investigated.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):18-21
pages 18-21 views


Menshikova N.


The formation of a partnership model of relations between the state and the institutions of civil society is one of the actual problems in the modern science of the state both in Russia and in foreign countries. It is represented the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of the determination the nature, characteristics and principles of social partnership, which find different manifestations in various state-legal systems. The article attempts to characterize partnership as a type of social interaction. The analysis of the semantic content of the term "partnership" in modern foreign science is carried out. The main features of the partnership model of interaction of the subjects with the focus on partnership between the police and the civil society institutions are described. The conclusions are about the effectiveness of the partnership model of cooperation between the police and the institutions of the civil society in modern Russia; about the regularities of public participation in the realization of state functions in the field of security in modern conditions; about the importance of trust for effective partnerships. It are listed the main components of the mechanism of partnership between state institutions and civil society institutions in the field of realization of the law enforcement function. It is described the experience of various countries about the partnership between the law enforcement agencies and the civil society institutions, the understanding of which should contribute to the formation of effective forms of partnership between the police and the civil society institutions in modern Russia.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Gaps in contractual relations in local government

Krepak S.


In the article "Gaps in contractual relations in the field of local self-government" are investigated as a system of contractual relations, built taking into account certain principles and structural relations between its constituent elements. Goals and objectives are identified, the content and foundations of problematic contractual relations at the level of municipalities are analyzed, which is due to the presence of objective and subjective conditions in which local government operates. The purpose of the study is to identify and solve such problems as: analysis of scientific research materials and legal regulation of the norms of the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 131-FL “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, in this provision, ambiguity is indicated on contractual activities in municipalities and the lack of classification of contracts concluded in municipalities. The above allows us to consider the activities of local self-government as an insufficient development period, as well as incompleteness and whiteness of the current legislation, a low level of legal culture and legal literacy of the population, the lack of a unified approach to determining the concept, properties and nature of the contract, and therefore there is a need for reforms in country at the level of local self-government and the establishment of general principles for organizing a system of state authorities and local self-government (paragraph “n Part 1 of Art. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) is not declared in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but really acting.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):27-30
pages 27-30 views

Some historical aspects of development of the constitutional right of citizens to participate in the management of state affairs

Tsymbal I.


The purpose of this work is to study the most significant episodes in the history of the realization of the right to participate in the management of state affairs in Russia from the Middle Ages to the present day. The author finds that in Russia in all periods of the history of the state the idea of people's participation in government was demanded. This idea was put forward by ancient philosophers. Moreover, the author concludes that currently there are gaps in the perception of this right and a lack of legal culture of the population as a whole. The author emphasized the key stages in the development of the right of citizens to apply to state authorities. The author calls upon, when considering forms of exercising the right of citizens to participate in the management of state affairs, not to reduce the discussion to a close study of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but to take into account and comprehensively study new forms of exercising this right.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):31-35
pages 31-35 views

Charity as a way to protect families with children in Russia

Letova N.


A task. The author of the article set himself the task of determining the essence and significance of charitable activities in our country and determining the place of such activities in the system of measures to protect families with children. Model. To solve such a theoretical problem, it is necessary to investigate the essence of charity, to identify the specific signs of charitable activity in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation. Findings. Charity in Russia is developing in stages, the attitude towards charity is changing both at the state level and in society. The scope of the study. Limited by relations in the field of family, social law of the Russian Federation. Practical value. Determining the nature and purpose of charitable activities in our country will allow us to more actively apply new mechanisms to protect families with children and families in difficult situations. Social consequences. The determination of social causes that impede the normal realization of the child’s right to family education, the elimination of such causes with the help of charitable foundations, will contribute to the active development of civil institutions in the social sphere of the state. Originality, value. Studying the origins of charity and philanthropy in our country will allow us to formulate new protection mechanisms for families in difficult situations, which means protecting the interests of children living in such families. An analysis of the norms of the current legislation on charitable activities allows us to conclude that there is a need for detailed regulation of relations devoted to such activities in our country.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):36-41
pages 36-41 views


Ivanova S.


The article discusses issues related to the stages of the development of the law of succession in Russia, from the first decrees of the Soviet government to the Civil Code of the RSFSR 1964.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):42-48
pages 42-48 views


Storozhenko O., Deltsova N.


Purpose. The study is aimed to analyze the actual legislation, legal doctrines and the legal practice concerned with the use of open license for the use of works. Resume. The study states that open license for the use of works can be considered as the specific form of license agreement that assures unbiased owner right to give approval for the use of owner’s work to the unlimited number of users in accordance to the norms of the legislation. Practical issues: The practical aspects of the study are applicable for the legal practice concerned with the approval of authors’ works use as well as improvements in the legislation regulating open license issues in Civil Law of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the study is aimed to be ground for the further research of the authors. Value: The study has been done based on new approach of analysis of legal aspects of open license as form of commercialization of the authors work.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):49-53
pages 49-53 views

Regulation of labor relations with the presence of a foreign element

Kudryavtseva L., Shatskaya A.


The purpose of writing this article is to study the issues of conflict regulation of international labor relations complicated by a foreign element. The task is to analyze the problems and contradictions of the current legislation, ways to solve them are proposed. The research methodology is represented by the comparative legal method and scientific analysis. The results of the study can be used for further scientific work and research. Of particular value is the work for persons who specialize in the study of labor relations complicated by a foreign element.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):54-56
pages 54-56 views


Kudryavtseva L., Prikhodko E.


The article discusses issues related to the choice of law applicable for the regulation of marriage and family relations with the presence of a foreign element. In conditions of active population migration, the number of cases of marriage between persons with different nationalities, as well as marriage in a foreign country, is increasing. In this regard, the question of which country’s legislation should be applied to relations arising from the conclusion and dissolution of such marriages is of particular relevance. Of fundamental importance in the matter of regulating international marriage and family relations in Russia are the provisions of Section VII of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. However, many conflict norms of this section do not correspond to modern conditions and require modernization. The purpose of this study is to study the pressing problems of Russian conflict of laws in the field of regulation of international marriage and family relations and to find ways to solve them. As a result of a comparative legal analysis of the approaches of the foreign legislator and law enforcer to resolving these issues, the author formulates his own point of view on how to improve the Russian conflict of laws legislation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Delict liability of state bodies and their officials

Gadzhieva A., Yakhyaev M.


The article is devoted to the study of one of the most urgent problems of recent years, which affects the issues of responsibility of state bodies and officials, the form of its implementation, as well as the features and specifics of offenders who are subject to its involvement. In it, the authors attempt to define the concept of delict liability of state bodies and officials, to reveal its General, General features, to identify distinctive features and on this basis to formulate its definition. To a certain extent, the issues of the essence and purpose of this type of civil liability are touched upon. In the framework of the study, the authors state the growth of the practice of appeals of individuals and legal entities affected by violations of state bodies and officials. Analyzing the theoretical provisions, the authors pay attention to certain insufficiently resolved aspects of the studied problem and state the need for a single normative act that is supposed to regulate the delict liability of state bodies and officials. Purpose: to investigate the theoretical aspects of delict liability, to establish its relationship with the General concept of civil liability and to study the forms of its implementation in law enforcement practice. The study uses the following methods: review and generalization of research by other Russian and foreign scientists on this issue, statistical analysis, interviews, interviews of victims of violations of state bodies and officials, interviews with law enforcement and judicial officials. The scope of the results. The results of the work can be used in the prevention of offenses of state bodies and officials, in law-making activities aimed at improving delict liability, in the pedagogical practice of higher educational institutions, as well as in the educational process at law faculties.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):61-64
pages 61-64 views

Features of information relations on the Internet regarding copyright objects

Zhukov A.


Legal protection of copyright on the Internet is an extremely urgent problem, both in international law and in the framework of Russian law. The article discusses the features of information relations on the Internet regarding copyright objects. In the framework of this study, an analysis of regulatory documents that govern the procedures for protecting copyright in the Russian Federation and abroad, including in the global network, is presented. Information posted on the global network is a vulnerable object and is often subject to distortion, misinterpretation, etc. The most acute problem in the field of civil law regulation is the protection of copyright for inventions of science, works of literature and art.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):65-68
pages 65-68 views

The role and importance of an international treaty as a method for regulating the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments

Boyko K.


The article is devoted to the role and importance of an international treaty in the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. The author analyzes the features of the interpretation of the term “international treaty” in relation to the studied legal institute in Russian law. The analysis of the preamble of Regulation No. 1215/2012 Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters presented in the article helps to understand the European approach to determining the functions of an international treaty in this area and compare its with similar approaches presented in international agreements within the CIS. The article confirms the growing role in modern integration processes of the international treaty as a method for regulating the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):69-71
pages 69-71 views

Civil rights remedies from the perspective of the functional approach

Korepanova S.


Nowadays, judicial practice requires scientific research on the conditions of the application of some remedies and the criteria for the appropriate remedy selection by the authorized person. The starting point for researching specific remedies is the notion of the remedy. It does not have any legal definition in Russian legislation and a uniform understanding in the civil law science. This work is aimed to define the concept of remedy by the functional research method. The article reviews scientists’ definitions of remedy, points out the limitations of current approaches and presents the author’s definition of the term. Remedy is defined as legal means for dispute resolution. According to the author, the function of the remedy is legal qualification of the authorized person’s claims. Using functional method to explain the essence of the remedy is justified by justified by the presence of legal means attributes in the remedy, which are analyzed in the paper. The author outlines the advantages of applying a functional approach to remedies. In particular, it allows to consider different claims as a single legal category, while simultaneously making it possible to differentiate claims depending on the purpose of the authorized person, which is important for settling disputes under the conditions of the factual individualization of the claim.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Legal Regulation and Formalization of the Artificial Intelligence’s Legal Personality in Russian and International Law

Nikiforov S.


The purpose and objectives. The main goal is to determine trends in the legal regulation and formalization of the artificial intelligence’s legal personality in Russian and international law, to review the legal status of a human, person, individual and citizen, to analyze the positions of jurists, as well as public documents and projects on the issues of artificial intelligence regulation and subjectivity. Methodological approach. Legal forecasting, general academic methods, as well as elements of legal comparative, legal historical and legal interpretation methods serve as instrumentation of the research. Results and conclusions. The article reveals the features of the modern formal and theoretical legal framework on the regulation of artificial intelligence in Russian and international law, existing gaps in the legislation. Originality and value. The study is valuable in view of its relevance and originality. It focuses on the possibilities of artificial intelligence’s legal regulation and formalization of the legal personality in Russian and international law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):79-82
pages 79-82 views


Karaev R., Barsukova E., Polyakova E.


The article gives a detailed analysis of customs payments features in the Russian customs law system. Having analyzed existing scientific doctrines and legislation, the authors propose the definition of legal nature and main characteristics of customs payments. The subject of the study is scientific doctrines and the regulatory framework governing customs administration processes. This direction has been investigated by C.M. Kahn, E.C.D. Silva, J.P. Ziliak. The aim of the study is to develop practical proposals in order to improve the national legislative framework and regulatory acts of the EAEU in the field of customs payments regulation. The authors use the following methods in research: formal legal method, methods of interpretation of law (functional, logical), legal analysis and forecast. Conclusions it is established that customs fees calculated to the state budget as non-tax income are needed to form a unified center of non-tax payments administration that will increase efficiency in their collection and will ensure growth of budget revenues. In this regard, it is necessary to supplement the concept of customs payments with national and supranational legislative frameworks, as well as to harmonize the government rules The proposed recommendations will allow the customs authorities to carry out financial activities effectively that will ultimately have a positive impact on budget.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):83-87
pages 83-87 views

Digitalization in social and labor relations-problems and prospects

Buyanova A.


The article analyzes the active automation and digitization of the main spheres of public life, namely those related to labor and social security relations. An in-depth study of legal and regulatory sources that support the transition to electronic document management is being conducted. The author also compares the experience of foreign countries with the current changes taking place in the Russian Federation. In conclusion, conclusions and suggestions are made on objectivity, the need to introduce digital technologies in the social and labor sphere, and the possibility of improving the legislative regulation of these issues.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):88-90
pages 88-90 views

Development of administrative procedures in the field of land use at present time

Borozdina M.


Problems of the research reported in this article consist in the studying of administrative procedures in the field of land use, the characteristic values of these procedures, generalization of trends in the development of legal relations related to the subject of the research. The conclusions of the work are to identify the trends of digitalization, simplification of obtaining state and municipal services in the sphere of land use, reform of control and supervisory activity control and oversight that affects administrative procedures (registration, licensing) both of general nature and special (seizure of land for state or municipal needs, forced termination of rights to land parcel to improper use, land monitoring, land control). It is noted that today, in the context of ongoing transformations in the field of information technology, the process of state administration, including the institutions that provide its support, is also changing. The transformations related to digital state administration consist the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions in the fields of state administration and public services. A unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is being created for the exchange of information between authorities. At the same time participants in such interaction must implement it through the operator of the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. In the context of these trends, the development of such aspects as the systematization and disclosure of information about land parcels, information exchange between public authorities, and the development of the form and procedure for provision of public services has been identified. The practical significance consists in the fact that the results of this work can be used both in the development and adoption of regulations governing the field in question, and in the law enforcement practice of administrative procedures related to land use.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):91-94
pages 91-94 views


Ivanov N.


The article is devoted to the criminal-legal regulation of crimes in the sphere of economic activity. Despite the huge profits that economic crimes bring, the Russian legislator, through lobbying attacks, has created opportunities to evade criminal responsibility rather than create a significant preventive barrier that can minimize the scale of such crimes.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):95-97
pages 95-97 views


Malinin V.


This article is a continuation of a series of articles on the draft new Criminal Code, developed by the author on the basis of the Encyclopedia of Criminal Law published by us in 36 volumes, in the writing of which more than 300 scientists from Russia and other countries participate, and the author has studied more than 100 foreign codes. The concept of the draft new code and the first five chapters were published in numbers 4,5,6 for 2017 and 1,2,3 for 2018 of the journal Library of Criminal Law and Criminology, the sixth chapter - in 2- number, the seventh - in the 3rd and 4th numbers for 2018, the eighth chapter - in the 1st and 2nd numbers for 2019 of the Journal of Legal and Economic Studies, the 1st part of the ninth - in 4m, 2nd - in the 5th, 3rd - in the 6th of this magazine. This chapter discusses the issues of punishment, his appointment, release from him and other issues regarding minors.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):98-108
pages 98-108 views

The gaps in legislation made in the formulation of rules on hostage taking (article 206) and kidnapping (article 126): problems of law enforcement

Wang Z., Serebrennikova A., Lebedev M.


As you know, the current criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains an exhaustive list of rules for which the legislator provides for criminal liability. A certain similarity in the design of the elements of different constituents often leads to conflict and competition of individual articles and their provisions in the doctrine of criminal law and practice of application. Recently, there has been a tendency to expand the norms of the Special part of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, which exacerbate this problem. An increase in the number of rules does not always mean their effectiveness, and there is no gap in the current criminal code of the Russian Federation. The article deals with actual problems contained in the legislative structure of the norms providing for criminal liability for hostage-taking and kidnapping. Purpose of the article: This work aims to study the problem of qualification of crimes on the basis of elements of crime, violation of the principle of justice and insufficient individualization of criminal responsibility hostage-taking and kidnapping. The authors aim to demonstrate and specify the existing gaps in the current legislation. Methodology and methods: the article uses a comparative legal research method, as well as a method of interpretation of legal norms, which allow us to better understand the institutions of criminal law and determine the main directions of their development. Conclusions: the problem of imperfections in the current legislation is relevant to study, as evidenced by the judicial practice in criminal cases, discussions and works of legal scholars. The doctrine also notes the need to observe the principle of justice in order to achieve the goals of the criminal law. Problems in the construction of these norms lead to the problem of misqualification of the investigated crimes, and the problem of differentiation of these norms. Application of the results: this article may be of interest to students of higher educational institutions: bachelors, undergraduates, postgraduates who study this area of criminal law, but also this material may be of interest to teachers of law schools, can be used as a guide for the preparation of practical and seminar classes
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):109-113
pages 109-113 views


Shkhagapsoev Z., Akkaeva K.


Unfortunately, the crime remains a real fact throughout the entire existence of mankind. Crimes are committed only by people. This means that the nature of the crime committed depends on the personal characteristics of the offender. Crime is a dynamic phenomenon, which also depends on external circumstances. The author tried to analyze the correlation of the reasons and conditions for committing crimes and substantiate their non-identity.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):114-115
pages 114-115 views

Public calls to carry out terrorist activities, public justification of terrorism or propaganda of terrorism: problematic features and ways to improve criminal legislation

Reshnyak M.


This article highlights and discusses some problematic features of the qualification of public calls to carry out terrorist activities, public justification of terrorism or propaganda of terrorism committed using information and communication technologies. The author analyzes the current state of criminal law, takes into account the opinion of scientists on this issue, refers to judicial statistics and judicial-investigative practice. Based on the results of the study, specific conclusions and proposals were formulated aimed at improving the criminal legislation in the field of combating terrorist crimes, practice on the qualification and proof of the crime in question.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):116-119
pages 116-119 views

The concept of corruption at the present stage

Cherednichenko C.


When writing the article we had a task to analyze the concept of corruption at the present stage, taking into account the provisions of Russian and international legislation. As a result of the work on the article, the author came to the conclusion that at present there is no General approach to the definition of this concept. Some acts take a narrow approach, in which corruption is understood as bribery, while others take a broad approach, in which corruption is defined as any abuse of office that is committed for mercenary purposes. In the article the author reveals the signs of corruption and gives its definition. The results of this work can be used in the further study of the concept of corruption both at the theoretical level and in law enforcement. The work as a whole is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of criminal law and criminology.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):120-122
pages 120-122 views


Gorovoy V., Drozdova E., Zorin D.


The article discusses the relationship of suicide and bringing to suicide in terms of criminal law. The norms aimed at the criminal law protection of human life are analyzed in detail. Data on the current state of suicides in the world, including in the Russian Federation, are provided. It is proposed to pay attention to the prevention of this phenomenon.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):123-124
pages 123-124 views

Comparative analysis of criminal law regulation responsibility for theft in the form of theft

Bazarov P.


Task. The relevance of work is conditioned by the fact that the basis of life in any society, regardless ofany features of social, political and economic nature, are, first of all, the benefits of materialnature. The results of expert surveys of law enforcement officers, whose official duties include the disclosure and investigation of crimes against the personal property of citizens (including, burglaries, theft of motor vehicles),show that about 66% of respondents faced facts when victims of theft in the form of theft spoke about their it is in great interest in returning the stolen property to them (or in obtaining a proportionate monetary compensation from the guilty). Criminal law plays an important role in protecting property from unlawful encroachment. The task of protecting property from criminal encroachments among the tasks of the criminal law among the tasks of the criminal law. The data of the official statistics of the GIAC of the Russian Interior Ministry clearly show that the prevailing part of the common crimes the theft. At the same time, the largest share is theft in the form of theft. The work on the basis of a comparative approach reveals scientific and practical problems in the field of criminal regulation of liability for theft in the form of theft. Conclusions and suggestions. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the past of the domestic criminal law (on the example of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1922) and the modern Russian criminal law (the Russian Criminal Code of 1996 in the current version as of January 2020), legislative proposals for the improvement of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, aimed at improving the effectiveness of the fight against theft in the form of theft, including committed by a group of persons. Practical value. The main provisions of the work can be used in the criminal law training process, in further research work, as well as in legislative activities to further improve the criminal law on liability theft in the form of theft.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):125-129
pages 125-129 views


Seregina E., Slepchenko O.


The article examines the features of forced labor, their position in the system of criminal penalties, analyzes the latest legislative innovations, identifies gaps in legal regulation and offers recommendations for their elimination. Special attention is paid to the problem of determining the places of serving forced labor. The authors come to the conclusion about the need to change the essence of punishment in the form of forced labor by giving independence and recognition as the main type of punishment, as well as the need to introduce tax incentives to encourage organizations to create on the basis of their property plots that function as correctional centers.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):130-134
pages 130-134 views


Seregina E., Pavlova D.


The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the mechanism of prevention of juvenile delinquency, a significant drawback of which is the disparity of legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of prevention of crimes and offenses of minors, their inconsistency with each other. When identifying the role of commissions on juvenile Affairs and protection of their rights in the prevention of juvenile delinquency revealed the lack of clear criteria in determining their powers, as well as gaps in activities related to the performance of duties to prevent anti-social behavior of adolescents. The necessity of improving the legal regulation of the mechanism of prevention of juvenile delinquency is justified. The authors suggest some solutions to these problems.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):135-138
pages 135-138 views

Prevention of new crimes as the goal of the institution of a judicial fine

Anocshenkova S., Kildyushova E.


The task. Since 2016, the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation contains a new basis for exemption from criminal liability - a judicial fine. Practice everywhere uses this basis, but in three years of application, the range of problems that are considered in the doctrine has significantly expanded. This is due to the complex legal nature of the court fine and, consequently, insufficient legislative regulation. The criminal law does not define the purpose and social significance of exemption from criminal liability with the appointment of a judicial fine, which entails gaps in the application. To ensure that the study is comprehensive, it is necessary to address doctrinal problems and consider them from a practical point of view. Conclusions. The authors conclude that the legislative measures currently available are not sufficient to fully regulate the court fine. The author's version of article 76.2 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation and changes in criminal legislation is proposed. Practical significance. The application of the proposals specified in the work will bring the purpose of the criminal law into line with the purpose of the institution of a judicial fine. It is believed that there will be an increase in private prevention, which will lead to a decrease in the Commission of crimes. Social consequences. The study forms an idea of the institution of a judicial fine as a new way to legally avoid punishment. Knowledge of this type of exemption from criminal liability will allow you to formulate proposals for improving criminal legislation to increase the private-preventive potential of the institution of a judicial fine. This will activate the mechanisms of criminal legal influence on the perpetrator and reduce the likelihood of repeated or pre-trial release from criminal liability with the imposition of a judicial fine. Originality / value consists in using a formal legal approach in the study of rules on exemption from criminal liability with the appointment of a court fine, which allows us to consider the problems of application and draw conclusions necessary for further improvement. The paper offers original author's conclusions about ways to strengthen the preventive potential of the institution of a court fine, the application of rules with administrative prejudice, the size, timing and procedure for paying a court fine.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):139-144
pages 139-144 views


Akkaeva K.


Terrorism is one of the most dangerous phenomena of our time. Unfortunately, terrorist acts have become increasingly destructive lately. The main signs of terrorism are intimidation of the population, intimidation, publicity. Countering terrorism is one of the main activities of any state.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):145-146
pages 145-146 views


Rogava I., Miroshnichenko E.


The article describes the system of punishments as an integral element of the system of measures of criminal law influence. Specific features of the current system of punishments are called: punishments are determined only by criminal legislation; the list of sentences is mandatory for the court; punishments are arranged in a certain order; the list of punishments is exhaustive. The types of punishments are revealed. It is concluded that criminal penalties are in a state of constant interconnection and interaction, as well as competition with other criminal-law measures. Being an auxiliary subsystem of the system of measures of criminal law influence, they are able to limit, strengthen or mitigate, that is, to specify the assigned criminal punishment.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):147-150
pages 147-150 views

A retrospective analysis of the legislative and enforcement practices of anti-corruption

Bondar A.


The uncontrolled spread of the phenomenon of corruption, a qualitative analysis of which cannot be carried out without a retrospective sketch of the past and the present, can be the key to destabilizing the sphere of combating corruption in the future. Numerous attempts to study and analyze the problems of corruption and the development of tools to counter its negative manifestations indicate a division of opinion into two camps. Some consider it necessary to strengthen the activities of law enforcement agencies in this direction, while others consider it appropriate to pursue a more liberal anti-corruption policy. This work touches on historical studies of past periods in the field of combating corruption, demonstrates the current legislative framework, and also includes various types of content analysis of the studied issues.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):151-156
pages 151-156 views

Evasion" as a term, designating a special criminal law concept

Spirin P.


This article aims to define the "evasion" term in the context of criminal law. The author shows the lack of interpretation of this term in normative-legal and judicial acts, despite the frequent use of this term in the constructions of articles of the Special part of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. The author defines the main features of the term and formulates his own definition applicable to the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, as a result of the analysis of the lexical meaning of the word "evasion", as well as the analysis of the researchers positions on the interpretation of the term "evasion" in the context of various crimes. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the results of the study in theoretical research, as well as in law enforcement practice.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):157-161
pages 157-161 views

The order of execution of the penalty of the legislation of the Russian Federation: actual problems

Shamina E.


The presented scientific study gives an ontological idea of the genesis of the norm related to the execution of the fine, reveals to the reader some aspects of domestic legislation aimed at correcting the perpetrators of the offense and the crime. The article is devoted to the analysis of the genesis of the norm, establishing the order of execution of the fine. Numerous practice on judicial decisions related to judicial fines was studied, and statistics on the procedure for the execution of sentences in the form of a fine are also given. Goal: Consideration of national legal aspects of the development of legislation aimed at regulating the problems of appointment and execution of a criminal fine. Development of provisions aimed at creating draft standards enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Methodology: induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, formal-logical and historical methods. The comparative legal method used by the author contributes to the effective study of the complex problems of national legislation. The used method of complex statistics on current and finished enforcement proceedings allowed the author to reveal the property of the fine, the mechanisms, and the effectiveness of its implementation. The method of descriptive statistics allowed the author to calculate the amount of execution of fines for enforcement proceedings as a percentage, using the example of Moscow and the Moscow region. As conclusions, the author cites the problems he has identified and the execution of punishment in the form of fines. Conclusions: 1. Today, there is a need to ensure an effective criminal law mechanism for collecting fines, since the penalty is one of the main sources of replenishment of the budget; 2. It is impractical to impose a fine in respect of insolvent citizens; 3. It is impractical to impose a fine on migrants deported from Russia. Scientific and practical significance: This study is devoted to the analysis of the norms of Russian legislation on the execution of a fine in dynamics, under the influence of foreign policy and internal factors. The work, in our opinion, can be useful for a wide range of readers: from university students, graduate students, teachers and researchers, to practitioners, law enforcement officials, lawyers, prosecutors and judges.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):162-167
pages 162-167 views


Popov A., Popov A.


Task: 1) the study of the procedural and legal nature of evidence obtained through the use of computer technology in criminal proceedings; 2) the analysis of trends in the criminal procedure legislation, due to the introduction of electronic systems in criminal proceedings. Methods: formal legal, structural, comparative legal. Results: conclusions are formulated regarding the prospects for the development of the norms of criminal procedure legislation, due to the use of modern computer technologies.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):168-172
pages 168-172 views


Popov A., Popov I.


Task: identify trends in the development of the institute of material evidence in the modern criminal procedure legislation of neighboring countries. Methodology: comparative legal, formal legal. Results: conclusions are drawn regarding the improvement of the norms of Russian legislation that make up the institution of material evidence.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):173-177
pages 173-177 views


Cherkasova E., Novikova E., Rudov D.


The article analyzes the main features of the disclosure and investigation of corruption-related crimes; analyzes the problems associated with the detection, disclosure and investigation of corruption crimes. A number of criminal procedural and criminalistic aspects of bringing individuals to criminal responsibility for corruption crimes are considered.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):178-181
pages 178-181 views


Turilov G.


One of the main necessities of modern time is to bring the procedure for considering criminal cases to its classical form, where there is a knowledge of the circumstances of the case by the parties, with the active role of the public prosecutor. Today, this is not the case. Most cases are considered in an abbreviated manner, which leaves an imprint on the content of the activities of all participants in the proceedings. A rather serious problem is the correct designation of the content of the activities of the public prosecutor: is it evidence-based, in fact. As a result of a comprehensive study of this issue, the author formulates his own conclusion and suggests ways to solve the problem.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):182-185
pages 182-185 views


Mozer S.


Purpose To consider Russian experience in the formation of the legal institute of electronic (digital) customs. Design/methodology/approach The research article is devoted to the development of the Institute of Electronic (digital) Customs in the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the Institute of Electronic Customs. In this vein, it is analyzed the Comprehensive Program for the Development of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the Period until 2020, the draft Strategy for the Development of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation until 2030, the draft and existing acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia governing the institute of electronic customs. Special attention is paid to electronic customs, as a specialized customs body within the framework of improving information systems and resources of the Customs Service. It is also analyzed the problems of creating electronic customs and centers for electronic declaration. Social implications The introduction of the electronic customs institute in the customs legislation of the Russian Federation as a whole is aimed at optimizing customs operations and simplifying trade procedures. Practical meaning The results of the study are of interest to the Eurasian Economic Commission customs block; they can be used in the framework of organizing the work of the «Electronic Customs» Thematic Block. The article is recommended to researchers, as well as experts from the Customs Administrations of the EEU Member States, whose activities are related to the improvement of customs regulation, modernization of the electronic (digital) customs institute, as well as international customs law. Originality/value The research material is based on an analysis of the practical aspects of the EEC's activities and is a continuation of scientific and practical publications on the development of the electronic (digital) customs institute.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):186-199
pages 186-199 views


Kireev M., Ovtsynov Y., Krasikov A.


The article discusses the problems of increasing the effectiveness of planning the actions of internal affairs agencies in preparation for the counter-terrorism operation. The ways of increasing the legal support of operational and service tasks that are solved when committing crimes of a terrorist orientation or the threat of their commission are considered. The questions of scientific and technical support of the legal regime of the counter-terrorism operation by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are highlighted. Purpose: Improving the organizational and legal support for the preparation and conduct of a counter-terrorist operation to counter the described destructive phenomenon. Conclusion: the planning of the initial actions of the employees of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia needs to take into account and use scientific and technological achievements in identifying intentional and prepared crimes of a terrorist nature or in case of threat of their commission, as well as early warning and effective suppression.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):200-203
pages 200-203 views


Ablayeva E., Ensebaeva A., Utanov M.


In this work, special claim proceedings, recognized as a kind of claim proceedings, are studied by the authors as a kind of public proceedings, since the concept of special claim proceedings, unknown to the countries of the post-Soviet space, except for modern Kazakhstan, is collective. To this day, the Kazakh courts, in view of the absence of cases arising from public-legal relations, established by law procedural form of legal proceedings, with the use of which would be considered and resolved public-legal disputes, continue to examine them in the order of special claim proceedings. According to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on civil proceedings, cases arising from public or administrative legal relations belong to the category of causes related to challenging the legality of legal acts, decisions, actions, omissions of public authorities, officials, civil servants. When considering and resolving this category of cases, the Kazakh courts exercise constitutional powers to ensure the rule of law in the sphere of public administration and local self-government, namely the functions of judicial control and norm control. The purpose of the presented work is to disclose and describe both General and private features characteristic of cases arising from public or administrative relations. The General rules of claim proceedings are applied to this category of cases with some exceptions and (or) separate additions, which took place in the previous procedural legislation, namely in the Imperial, temporary and Soviet. This circumstance once again convinces everyone that Kazakhstan's national law is characterized by such features as: succession and gradual development. In the context of the implementation of the steps of the second institutional reform of 2015, aimed at ensuring the rule of law, the control functions carried out by the judiciary in the field of public legal relations are becoming relevant. At the same time, the relevance of the chosen topic increases in the conditions of development of forms (methods) of judicial power, namely the procedural form of administrative proceedings. Despite the legislative work done in this direction, the authors still prefer the procedural form of civil proceedings and recognize it as the most universal. Nevertheless, the authors Express the hope that in the future, a special claim proceedings may be separated from the claim form of legal proceedings and separate into a separate procedural form of legal proceedings established by law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):204-210
pages 204-210 views


Korshunov Y.


The article discusses the problems of centralization and decentralization of the state system of the Russian Federation, the ability of subjects of the Russian Federation to exercise state power, while having their own judicial bodies. In addition, the problems of world justice and appeal instances reviewing the sentences and decisions of justices of the peace are examined. The author turned to the experience of building world justice in the Russian Empire after the Judicial Reform of 1864. He concludes that the pre-revolution order of appeal review of the cases of justices of the peace can be called world justice with full confidence. The current appeal procedure for reviewing judges of the peace violates the principle of independence of judges of the peace, in connection with which the author raises the question of creating courts of appeal of general jurisdiction in the court system of constituent entity of the Russian Federation
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):211-213
pages 211-213 views

Criminalistics theory of reflection in the post-Soviet period

Tostolutsky V., Migunova T., Mineeva T.


The article discusses the development of the criminalistics theory of reflection in the post-Soviet period. The necessity is proved, on the one hand, of preserving the created R.S. Belkin's theory of reflection. The authors of the article consider it necessary to limit the theory of reflection to criminalistics technology, since it studies the objective stage of reflection. A concept is proposed that summarizes the ideas of R.S. Belkina. The proposal is to apply the Hegelian scheme of cognition to the forensic theory of reflection, when the subjective stage of reflection is the beginning of cognition. The literature is analyzed in which the position of R.S.Belkina is criticized. The unconstructiveness of the statements of opponents R.S. Belkina. The main drawback of criticism by opponents of the theory of reflection is that no alternative to the existing criminalistics theory is proposed. The false thesis is refuted that in the Soviet period of the development of criminalictics science, the philosophy of dialectical materialism impeded private legal sciences. On the example of criminalisticsscience it is shown that the theory of advanced reflection neurophysiologist P.K. Anokhin could be used as the epistemological basis of forensic tactics and methods of investigation of certain types of crimes. A comparison of the Soviet period in the development of criminalistics science with the post-Soviet period allows us to identify the relationship between the dominant scientific paradigm and private forensic theory. It is noted that the presence of a connection in the Soviet period with a dominant philosophical position (dialectical materialism) provided the necessary condition for the development of any particular science for that time - unity with other humanitarian and natural sciences, in this case, forensic science. This happened against the background of lack of competition from other sections of criminalistics, since they did not create concepts that lay claim to the level of philosophical generalization The achievements of previous generations of criminalistics scientists in the field of the theory of knowledge should not be rejected indiscriminately. In the post-Soviet period of development, the criminalistics theory of reflection is improved and supplemented by a Hegelian sequence of knowledge, in which the subjective stage of reflection begins.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):214-217
pages 214-217 views


Zakharova V.


In this article, the author aims to prove the need for high-quality and timely pre-investigation checks on the fact of the unknown disappearance of a minor, and also considers some shortcomings in this activity. In addition, the legal regulation of this area of work of law enforcement agencies, as well as certain aspects and unresolved issues in the organization of search activities of an unknown disappeared child, was considered. The special role of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (investigators, forensic investigators, heads of investigative departments and investigative bodies) in the organization of establishing the circumstances of the unknown disappearance of minors is emphasized. On the example given from the investigative practice on the problem under study, the issues of interaction with the purpose of optimizing this activity are considered. The main investigative errors made in the process of establishing the circumstances of the unknown disappearance of minors are considered. This book will be of interest to students of law schools, as well as scientists and practitioners.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):218-221
pages 218-221 views


Ozerov I., Novikova E., Rudov D.


The article deals with the criminal procedure and criminalistic aspects of bringing to criminal responsibility persons involved in the organization of smuggling of particularly valuable species of animals. The article provides an analysis of the subjects of the crime under article 226.1 of the criminal code from the point of view of theory and law enforcement practice. Recommendations are made to counteract the Commission of crimes under article 226.1 of the criminal code.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):222-225
pages 222-225 views

Content and type of unified expert opinion

Allaberganov A., Kataev M.


The concept of a unified conclusion (KM) as the structure and basic elements of the document and the types of changes associated with them to form an agreed set of research methods on the developed technical complex is proposed. A procedure for the unified formation of expert opinions on the establishment of changes to text documents represented by images, which allows you to build an interconnected classification of types, was developed.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):226-230
pages 226-230 views

The essence of state coercion

Kravets I.


In the article “The Essence of State Coercion” is investigated as a system built taking into account certain principles and structural connections between its constituent elements. The goals and objectives are identified, the content and grounds of application are analyzed, the pre-determining effect on the nature of measures of state coercion in cases of administrative offenses is substantiated. The purpose of the study is to identify and solve such problems as: analysis of scientific research materials and regulatory regulation of interaction between authorized bodies and their officials, who apply measures of influence to the subject subject, on the one hand, and those who are forced to undergo , to implement the measures applied, on the other hand, in the process of applying state-compulsory measures. Participants of state coercion as a specific protective legal relationship are endowed with relevant rights and obligations. The above allows us to consider state coercion as a method of state management, which involves the use by the competent state bodies and their officials of a psychological effect on the consciousness, will and behavior of coercive persons by implementing state coercive measures in the procedural form provided for by industry legislation entailing infringement of legal restrictions of a moral, personal, property and organizational nature, with the aim of stagnation these persons to fulfill their legal duties, in compliance with the prohibitions established by law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):231-235
pages 231-235 views

To questions of sources of norms of administrative coercion in the legislation of Moses (on the basis of the analysis of books Genesis and Exodus of the old Testament)

Ivanov D.


This article analyzes the provisions of the books Exodus and Genesis of the old Testament of the mosaic Pentateuch, which essentially determine not only the religious, but also the legal order of governance of the ancient Israeli people. It is in these books that the first provisions of legal norms and laws on earth are established, which, having received the character that determines the vector for further development and integration, subsequently become the basis for many legal systems in the world. A distinctive feature of those normative-legal prescriptions is their deep religiosity to fanaticism, which, however, is more focused on statehood as a form of government, where the leading role is assigned to the Lord, in the future, such a position of the state system will only be modified, supplemented and developed, improving depending on the time and territory of peoples, but the concept itself will not change in principle. The norms established in the books Exodus and Genesis, including administrative law, harmoniously combine a conglomerate of religious, social, administrative, universal, civil, criminal and other norms, which by their unification touched all spheres of human life and activity, and remain relevant to the present time.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):236-240
pages 236-240 views

Classification of administrative offenses in the field of property protection

Bondar A., Gutaev A.


The advent of a market economy marked the active involvement of all subjects of civil legal relations in the distribution, management and use of private property. The legitimate use of private property, as well as protecting the interests of its owners is one of the priority tasks of law enforcement agencies. The article discusses issues related to the formation of the main features and characteristics of certain types of administrative offenses in the field of property protection. A conditional classification of groups of administrative offenses in the field of property protection is proposed. The problematic issues of obtaining evidence in the framework of conducting preliminary checks on the commission of administrative offenses in the field of property protection are highlighted.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):241-243
pages 241-243 views

Court costs and its compensation in civil proceedings: concept and legal nature

Chetvergov A.


The article deals with the concept and legal nature of court costs in a civil case. Different types of court costs are considered, as well as existing views in the literature on the legal nature of costs. The author believes that the assignment of court costs is a measure of civil procedural responsibility. However, the risk taken by the parties to the civil case and other participants in the process should not be underestimated. The most acceptable from the point of the institution nature is a mixed approach to the characteristics of the costs grounds taking into account a theory of liability and a theory of risk. In a separate group of court expenses, it is proposed to allocate the costs with a civil case, which are ultimately assigned to the state. This subgroup of court expenses is distinguished by budgetary sources and special grounds for compensation, as well as pronounced imperative nature of legal regulation of the amount of such expenses and the composition of supporting documents.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(1):244-248
pages 244-248 views