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编号 1 (2015)


The heroes of our days. 85 years to the «Ichalkovskii» cheese making combine

Bushueva I.


Один из лидеров молочной отрасли России - сыродельный комбинат «Ичалковский» 29 ноября 2014 г. отметил свой юбилей. Торжество прошло в районном Дворце культуры. Поздравить коллектив предприятия приехали многочисленные гости: первый заместитель Председателя Госсобрания Республики Мордовия В.Г.Печаткин, заместитель Председателя Госсобрания Республики Мордовия В.В.Алёхин, заместитель министра сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Республики Мордовия Т.М.Маланкина, глава Ичалковского муниципального района В.Г.Дмитриева, председатель Комитета Нижегородского Законодательного собрания по агропромышленному, земельным отношениям и лесопользования Н.П.Шкилев, руководитель Управления Ростехнадзора по Республике Мордовия и Пензенской обл. А.Н.Федонин, главы администраций районов республики, а также делегация ВНИИМСа: директор акад. РАН Ю.А.Свириденко, зав. отделом микробиологии д-р техн. наук Г.М.Свириденко, зав. отделом сыроделия канд. техн. наук В.А.Мордвинова, представители фирм-партнеров, дистрибьюторы из Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Н.Новгорода, Самары.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):4-6
pages 4-6 views

The course was set to the increase of volumes

Kuznetsova T.


Маслосыркомбинат «Михайловский» входит в Группу компаний «KRAUN». Его производственная мощность рассчитана на переработку 200 т молока в сутки, изначально ориентированного на выработку сыра «Чеддер». В настоящее время комбинат является единственным из молочных предприятий Волгоградской обл., на котором действует сертифицированная система менеджмента качества. Мы взяли интервью у директора и главных специалистов комбината.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):10-11
pages 10-11 views

The farmers cheese: underestimated in Russia business

Rybalova T.


The market of the farmers' cheese is discussed in the article.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Possibilities and prospects of the farmers’ cheese making

Mironenko I.


Developments in the world cheese making are analyzed. Problems of milk cheese suitability are considered as well as prospects of the famers' cheese making in Russia.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):16-20
pages 16-20 views

The competitive advantage - a module cheese plant

Prokopenko G., Chebunyaev I.


Российская компания «Генераторы ледяной воды» производит и предлагает молочным предприятиям качественные модульные сыроварни по цене завода-изготовителя.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):21-21
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Do you discharge your profit in the sewage system as before?

- -.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):22-23
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Requirements of the documents of the Customs Union to the processed cheese manufacturing

Dunaev A.


New requirements of the documents of the Customs Union are outlined in the article.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):24-26
pages 24-26 views

New alternative to the import film

Eliseeva A.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):27-27
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Processed cheese product on the bases of skim curds with use of appies

Lupinskaya S., Gantseva A.


Results of the investigations carried out with the aim to develop the recipe of the processed cheese product made of skim milk and small-fruit apples growing in the Siberian region are given in the article. Main constituents of the recipe: skim curds, dairy butter «Krestyanskoe», skim milk powder, puree from small-fruit apples, coarse-granulated sugar, stabilizing mixture consisting of natrium dioxide and stabilizer based on carrageenan. Optimal ratio between the components of new processed cheese product recipe was determined by the method of consecutive simplex-planning. Following indices were optimized: fat level (in the range 5-20%), moisture:solids-non-fat ratio (2,9-3,8%), skim milk powder level, (from 5 to 10%), puree from small fruit apples level (from 10 to 25%), quantity of saccharose (from 10 to 20%). As a result the recipe of a new type of product was developed that can be determined as a sweet paste-like processed cheese product. Possibility to replace rennet cheese in the recipe of sweet paste like processed cheese products with curds raw materials was substantiated.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):28-29
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Rheological properties of the processed cheese with added roe and milt

Lyutova E., Klyuchko N.


Rheological characteristics of the processed cheese undergo considerable changes at different temperatures. Among the principle rheological properties the most essential effect on the hydro-mechanical and heat processes at the processed cheese production render the viscous characteristics of the cheese. Impacts of various temperature regimes of melting on the rheological characteristics of the processed cheese with added roe and milt of the Baltic herring (sprats) were studied. The study was carried out with the aid of the devise Brookfield DV-II+ that is a program digital viscosimeter showing current recording of dynamic viscosity and limits of uidity. According to the analytical-experimental data it was established that during packaging of the cheese mass in the melted state at the temperature 650C the optimal meanings of the dynamic viscosity and limits of uidity should be 1100cpz and 50 Pa. correspondingly. It was established, that increase of the product melting temperature results in the decrease of the dynamic viscosity of cheese. Gradual lowering of the uidity limit was also observed. Results of the study demonstrated that optimal melting temperature during 10 min. is 85 °C as far as at this value maximum approach of the results both of the dynamic viscosity and uidity limits to the ideal meanings was observed. Microbiological properties were assessed at the accredited microbiological laboratory of the ichthyopathology and hydrobiology chair of the FGBOU VPO «KGTU». The results showed that coli bacteria were not found in 0,1 g, yeasts and moulds did not exceed requirements to the processed cheese. The micro ora of the processed cheese was presented by the thermoresistant types of microorganisms: thermophilous rods and cocci, sporeforming aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The pathogenic micro ora including p. Salmonella and Listeria were not detected in the samples. The regime offered provides microbiological reliability of the product.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):30-31
pages 30-31 views

The curds product of the improved food value

Polyanskii K., Varvarina O., Magomedov G., Magomedov M.


Possibility to add concentrated paste from the Jerusalen artichoke to the product with the aim to improve food value of the nonfat curds was studied. Results of the study show that introduction of the concentrated paste from the Jerusalem artichoke to the nonfat curds improved daily intake of food fibers, minerals and organic acids. New curds product supplemented with the artichoke paste is considered to be a functional food beneficial for people suffering diabetes, obesity and other disease that exclude or limit sugar consumption. Artichoke activates nervous, immune and endocrine systems, improves blood quality. Organic acids present in artichoke possess antioxidantive effect Addition of the artichoke paste fortifies finish product with food fibers, vitamins, micro- and macro-elements and high molecular inulin (320-520 dalton). Presence of inulin (27.45 g per 100g of the product) in the product composition results in the lowering of glucose level in blood. The new product is characterized by medical-preventive properties.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):32-33
pages 32-33 views

Production of cheese according to the technology of separate pasteurization of milk mixture

Veziryan V., Evdokimov I., Veziryan A., Anisimov S.


The technology of separate pasteurization of milk raw materials using baro-membrane processes (ultrafiltration) for more efficient utilization of milk constituents is offered. Investigations carried out showed that the technology comply with the requirements of present day production.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):34-36
pages 34-36 views

Import and export of milk products (casein - the code 35.01, albumin - the code 35.02)

Goroshchenko L.


Dynamics of the foreign economic activity in the milk products market on the bases of the information received from the Customs statistics of the foreign trade of the RF in 2008-2013 is considered. Casein and albumin were taken as examples.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):38-41
pages 38-41 views

About standards in butter making under the conditions of introduction of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union

Onosovskaya N., Topnikova E., Ivanova N.


Items of standardization of the products of butter making under the terms of introduction of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union are considered. New standards on the product of butter making are given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):42-45
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Effects of the equipment on the quality of the dairy butter with traditional composition

Topnikova E., Stahovskii V.


Items of the butter maker effects on the quality of the traditional dairy butter are discussed in the article.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):47-50
pages 47-50 views

Effects of the milk raw materials on the quality of the dairy butter

Dunchenko N., Denisov S.


Effects of the quality and safety indices of the starting milk raw materials on the quality and safety indices of the sweet cream non-salted butter “Kresfyanskoe" were studied. Standard methods for assessment of the quality and safety indices were used. The dairy butter is characterized by high energy value, it is easily digestable, it contains vitamins soluble in fats and lecithin. Factors that reduce food value of the dairy butter are considered to be low content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and high cholesterol level. Food additives are applied in butter manufacturing: food color carotene, salt, aroma substances for improving taste of the sweet cream and sour cream butter. For low fat butter and butter paste preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers are used as well as the vitamins A, D, E. The fat phase of the dairy butter should contain fat from cow milk. As a result of the study tracebility of the quality and safety indices in the chain from raw milk to the finished product was established. Dynamics of changes of antibiotics, micotoxins, (a atoxin M1), pesticides (hexachlorciclohexan, DDT and its metabolites), toxic elements (lead, arcenic, cadmium, mercury ), radionuclides (cesium-137, stroncium-90) was established as well as microorganisms count in raw milk and butter, received by cream churning. Improvement of the methods of analysis for assessment of the safety indices with development of the express-methods is offered and conducting of the sanitarian-hygienic measures at products manufacturing.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):51-53
pages 51-53 views

Effects of the external factors on the quality of the fatty raw materials for spreads manufacturing

Mamontov A., Tereshchuk L.


Results of the study carried out for investigation of the effects of the temperature regimes and time of transportation and storage on the complex of the quality and safety indices of the fatty raw materials applied for manufacturing of the milk-oil emulsion products are discussed. Complex of trials was carried out for fulfillment of the target. Conditions were created that approached real situation as close as possible taking into account surfaces of the product contacts with steel, temperature regimes, light and oxygen access. Oxydative spoilage of the vegetable oils was determined before the contact with steel after 7,14 and 21 days of transportation. Effects of temperature regimes and time of transportation on the oxydative spoilage of the vegetable oils were proved. Results of the study allowed formulate recommendations concerning conditions of transportation and storage of the oil and fat raw materials.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2015;(1):54-55
pages 54-55 views