Vol 15, No 4 (2016)


The pilot project "development of the system of rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases in medical institutions of the russian federation". The results of the three-year follow-up

Bubnova M.G., Aronov D.M., Ivanova G.E., Boytsov S.A., Andreev A.G., Barbarash O.L., Belova V.V., Belov V.N., Borisov B.V., Ivanov E.V., Karamova I.M., Karpuhin A.V., Krasnitsky V.B., Kyblanova E.S., Lebedev P.A., Lisnyak E.A., Lyamina N.P., Mizurova T.N., Mishina I.E., Mischenko O.V., Nikulina S.Y., Ostroushko N.I., Poteshkina S.A., Sidorov A.S., Sprikut A.A., Suhinina I.S., Tkacheva A.G., Ustyugov S.A., Chumakova G.A., Misyura O.F.


Goal: The pilot project to organize or conduct performance improvement of existing structural units in specific hospitals Russia to provide rehabilitative care for patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in three stages under the current "Procedure for the provision of medical care for patients in medical rehabilitation", to introduce in practice these units proven science-based approaches, forms and methods of cardio-rehabilitation, and try to create some patients routing algorithm. Material and methods: The pilot project includes 17 hospitals out of 13 subjects of the Russian Federation. To analyze the effectiveness of organizational models cardiorehabilitation in hospitals have been developed unified special cards that allow to evaluate the appropriate order on the medical rehabilitation provided rehabilitation assistance to cardiac patients, a multidisciplinary team involved in the provision of rehabilitation assistance, staffing, and equipping the facility. Special cards consisted of three sections, each of which allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of each of the three stages cardiorehabilitation: I stage - the unit intensive care unit (BRIT), and a specialized cardiology department, II of phase -stationary kardioreabilitatsionnoe department, III stage - patient department karidioreabilitatsii. The article presents the results of three years of analysis January 2013 through December 2015.. Results: The pilot project was organized kardioreabilitatsionnaya help stage I in 10 hospitals, II stage - in 10 hospitals and III stage 7 hospitals. By 2015, virtually all hospitals to provide assistance kardioreabilitatsionnoy were formed multidisciplinary team consisting of a cardiologist, cardiologist, rehabilitator, doctor medical physical culture (physical therapy), physical therapy instructor-methodologist, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, physiotherapist. They were provided and equipped with facilities to practice physical therapy, room for educational schools. Home rehabilitation process BRIT has reduced the patient’s stay in the bed of 0.7 days (2013 to 2015), and for one day in the cardiology department. On average, 67% of AMI patients were translated into Phase II cardiorehabilitation in which they have become increasingly involved in physical rehabilitation program, which is based on a classic exercise therapy, dosage walking in the room, physical training (PT) on simulators. All hospitals were organized educational school for patients actively pursued discussions with the relatives. Special complexity of the project has caused the organization phase III cardiorehabilitation. The project is currently ongoing. Conclusion: The analysis of three years of organizing the three-step system kardioreabilitatsionnoy help AMI patients considering the use of staffing, equipment and methods according to the current regulatory legislation has shown a significant increase in recreational activities created by multidisciplinary teams in all three stages of cardio-rehabilitation, increasing the number of used rehabilitation methods and improve the quality of their performance, as well as He demonstrated the safety of the proposed principles of physical rehabilitation according to Russian clinical guidelines "AMI with ST-segment elevation ECG: rehabilitation and secondary prevention" in the proposed organizational models cardiorehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):2-11
pages 2-11 views

Clinical 16-year follow-up of patients after acute myocardial infarction: the phenomenon of high commitment to physical rehabilitation

Bubnova M.G., Novikova N.K., Aronov D.M., Krasnitsky V.B., Kadushina E.B.


Goal: Description of the influence of systematic FT on some indicators of physical performance (Fed), the daily motor activity (DA) and the psychological status of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and were followed for 16 years. Material and methods: It was observed in 11 patients (9 men and 2 women) who, after suffering a myocardial infarction (in 1999) participated in the one-year rehabilitation program to include physical training (PT) medium intensity (50-60%). Subsequently, patients continued to train both in hospital and in the home environment (observation of patients was 16 years). systematic CFT programs in a medical institution conducted with small breaks, the last period of continuous FT was 2 years (2014-2015.), domestic CFT patients performed continuously. Underwent clinical examination, exercise testing on a cycle ergometer (VEM-test) protocol submaximal load survey to assess YES, the level of subjective control, the level of anxiety and depression, adherence to therapy. Results: blood pressure (BP) in patients remained stable: in 2014 the systolic blood pressure (SBP) was 127,9±15,2 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) - 74±6,3 mm Hg.. After 2 years (at the end of 2015) since the resumption of organized FT SBP decreased to 121,2±7,0 mmHg (P <0.05 to the value in 2014), the level of diastolic blood pressure did not change (79,9±5,4 mmHg). In 1999, 9 patients were smoking, 2014 - Smoking 2 people left, that is, 7 patients to stop smoking. Patients monitored their cholesterol (LDL) in the blood: 4 patients (36%) through diet and statins, 6 patients (54.5%) - only statins and only one patient - by diet. YES patients in 2014 was at the level of moderate (77,2±8,3 points on the questionnaire ODA23 +) and remained so in 2015. Patients remained average exercise tolerance (FN) and they carried out the same amount of total physical work at HEM-sample in 1999 (122±25 W) and in 2015 (113±25 W, p> 0.05), t.e. 16 years. In 2015, when compared with the 1999 peak of FN decreased SBP by 4.6% (p <0.05), mean arterial pressure (12%, p <0.01), the value of double product (DP) 12.1% (p <0.01) with an increase in efficiency of the heart by the DP to 33,4% (p <0,01). Adherence to treatment was high in 70% of patients, ie, 4 points (the average score for the group of 3,8 ± 0,2 on a scale of compliance Moriscos - Green). Conclusion: Involving patients in physical rehabilitation program in a group, in which established social relationships, there is the psychological comfort and predominant feeling of the high level of responsibility for their own health on a background of well-informed, through regular contact with the doctor, to a large extent explains the phenomenon of long-term high adherence of patients after myocardial AMI physical rehabilitation and treatment.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):12-19
pages 12-19 views

The effectiveness of physical rehabilitation in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation after radiofrequency ablation of pulmonary veins (clinical case)

Makhinova M.M.


The purpose of this article is to discuss issues related to the physical rehabilitation of patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) on the example of the case. The article examines a patient with paroxysmal AF after radiofrequency ablation of pulmonary veins (RFA), the last physical rehabilitation program, an evaluation of its impact on the course of the phase transition, physical performance (FRS), motor activity (DA) and blood biochemical parameters, such as the lipid profile blood markers of inflammation and fibrosis.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Methods of barotherapy in complex treatment of neuro-circulatory asthenia mixed type

Shalygin L.D., Dmitriev G.V.


The main clinical effects of application methods barotherapy (hyperbaric oxygen and normobaric hypoxic therapy) in patients with neuro asthenia (NCA) on the mixed type. The efficiency of the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) and normobaric hypoxic (NGT) in developed modes of complex treatment of these patients. The effect of the use of methods and HBO NGT on correction of psychosomatic disorders in patients with NCA on the mixed type. Based on the data presented and justified the use of the most effective scheme HBO and NGT in the complex treatment of patients with NCA on the mixed type in young adults.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):25-32
pages 25-32 views

The value of the "negative phase" of the speed indicator regional blood flow after surgery

Schurov V.A.


In patients with consequences of ischemic (30 pers., 34-71 years) and post-traumatic stroke (10 people, 16-55 years), were examined at different times after disease and after surgery on the bones of the cranial vault, the dynamics of blood flow velocity at middle cerebral arteries (MCA). The flow velocity in the MCA of the affected side during the first months after a stroke, patients of both groups were reduced. By the end of the year rate in both groups approached the level of conventional norms, and then began the "negative phase" (NP) of blood flow velocity, from which patients with consequences of ischemic stroke during the subsequent 4 years were observed output, and in patients with consequences of traumatic brain injury, there was a restoration of the level indicator. After surgery on the bones of the skull, patients of both groups noted the repetition ratio of the flow velocity. The yield of NF was observed only in the group of patients with consequences of traumatic brain injury.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Violation of functions and limitations of life in patients with hemodynamically significant stenosis of cerebral arteries in stroke

Yastrebtseva I.P., Belova V.V., Baklushin A.E., Pirogova V.V.


In patients with consequences of ischemic (30 pers., 34-71 years) and post-traumatic stroke (10 people, 16-55 ye Examined 49 patients 49-75 years old in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke was made. Patients were divided into four groups. First consisted of 30 patients with stenosis of the main arteries of head and neck, second - 19 patients without stenosis, third - 17 patients with hemodynamically significant stenosis of the main arteries of head and neck, fourth - 32 patients without hemodynamically stenosis. Conducted clinical neurological examination with assessing the severity of the damage functions, activity limitations and participation on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and also ultrasound and neuroimaging examination. The results of the show: patients with stenosis, including hemodynamically significant, beginning in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke had serious damage to the functions and limitations of activities of daily living, improving significantly on the background of the extended active rehabilitation. A more detailed study of the complex functions of the body, as well as the potential for its implementation, and the individual will improve the quality of diagnosis, to objectify the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, increase the accuracy of prognosis of the disease, which is extremely important in dealing with expert issues. Conclusions. Stenosis of the main arteries of the head of various localization are accompanied by violations of various domains of health, reflecting the activity limitations and participation. At the same time, despite the presence of hemodynamically significant stenosis in patients highest dynamics can be achieved in the reduction of mobility, self-service and activity in the implementation of mental functions.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):39-45
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Early denection of the hypertension at pilots and their medical rehabilitation

Blaginin A.A., Schegol’kov A.M., Gornov S.V., Klimko V.V., Gornov V.V.


The analysis of a possibility of various methods of diagnosis of an essential hypertension at the pilots undergoing medical examination in the conditions of a hospital is presented in article, actions for early diagnostics, prophylaxis of progressing of an essential hypertension and medical rehabilitation of pilots with the revealed disease are offered. A research objective was studying of opportunities of the modern methods of diagnosis of a hypertension at pilots and development of the system of their medical rehabilitation. 109 pilots with the diagnosis an essential hypertension aged from 25 up to 57 years shared in a research, the control group was made by 35 patients aged from 36 up to 57 years having a hypertension which activity is not bound to flight work. It is established that among pilots the diagnosis the idiopathic hypertensia for the first time is established in 15,3±7,7 years after the beginning of flight work while in control group in 23,5±5,6 years that is a consequence of influence of adverse factors of professional flight activity, infectious, toxic, metabolic, a stress - induced vegetative dysfunctions. Disease duration at the pilots recognized waste to flight work made 5,56±1,75 years, at middle age at the time of write-off from flight work -39,7 years. Selection of risk groups on an idiopathic hypertensia among aircrew with the functional disorders from cardiovascular system, and also application of methods of early diagnosis of a hypertension, including in an army link, with the subsequent verification of the diagnosis at a stationary stage to or during the stationary medical and flight examination allows to reveal a disease on an incipient state, and also will provide well-timed holding medical and rehabilitation actions for aircrew for the purpose of preservation of their professional longevity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):46-51
pages 46-51 views

The usage of hyperbaric oxygenation in complex medical rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease after resection of abdominal aortic aneurysm

Schegolkov A.M., Yudin V.E., Klimko V.V., Dzhalilova D.A., Dzhalilova R.A.


Currently resection of abdominal aortic aneurysm (ААА) is a radical method to prevent rupture of the aneurysm. The efficacy and prognosis of surgery is largely determined by the course of coronary heart disease (CHD) before the surgery, the presence of comorbidities and postoperative complications, the nature of the activities carried out remediation. The need to correct the manifestations of hypoxemia, hypoxia, hypercoagulable disorders of microcirculation determined the need for the development and implementation of rehabilitation programs to include hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). We observed 65 patients with CHD after resection of AАA (62 men, 3 women, mean age was 67,7 ± 7,3 years) received 8-10 days in the rehabilitation treatment - a core group. To perform the tasks in the study included 30 patients with CHD and AÂA without surgical treatment (26 men, 4 women, mean age was 67,8 ± 6,3 years) included in the comparison group. In patients with coronary artery disease after resection of the AАA revealed in the postoperative period in 66% of cases of violation of the respiratory function in 80% of cases diagnosed with secondary anemia, in 53.7% of cases identified psychological maladjustment. The inclusion of hyperbaric oxygenation in a comprehensive rehabilitation program for patients with coronary artery disease after resection of AAA contributed to the improvement of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system and the psychological state of patients, limiting the effects of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, thereby improving the efficiency of their medical rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):52-60
pages 52-60 views

Diagnostics of emotion regulation disturbances in mitral valve prolapse patients as the part of rehabilitation program

Pervichko E.I., Zinchenko Y.P., Martynov A.I.


The article is devoted to the justification of the need for inclusion in the tactics of examination and treatment of patients with MVP psychodiagnostics and psychological counseling, and in case of detection of risk factors for worsening clinical manifestations PMK - psychotherapy, aimed at helping patients in understanding the psychological mechanisms of the clinical picture of the disease; recognition training ability, differentiation and emotion understanding and accompanying cognitive processes; development of the capacity for reflection, as well as expansion of the range in use emotion regulation strategies. The problem of regulation of the contribution to the pathogenesis of emotional disorders clinical PMK. Details discussed various strategies of emotion regulation, analyzed their usability patients with MVP. The data of the experiment on simulation of emotional stress, which revealed that the "stressful" situations, patients with MVP both psychological and physiological characteristics different from those of healthy individuals. It has been shown that individuals with MVP, while in principle available to them structurally complex and effective strategies for regulating emotions, significantly more often than healthy study participants resorted to repression of emotion, and that they choose emotion regulation strategies as a whole, they are ineffective in overcoming the emotional tension.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):61-68
pages 61-68 views

Adragogical approach and information model Of doctor - patient relationship in the rehabilitation program for patients, undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting

Shabanova M.V., Okrugin S.A.


Aim: To evaluate the efficacy and safety program for the rehabilitation of patients with coronary artery disease undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), including modern educational information and motivational technology with andragogical approach on the basis of the notification of contact of the physician and the patient. Material and methods: The study included 65 patients who were scheduled for surgery CABG. The patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the peculiarities of doing the rehabilitation period: in group 1 (n=37) rehabilitation was carried out according to the traditional program including School health; patients of group 2 (n=28) instead of training in School health were studied on experimental information and motivational technology with andragogical approach on the basis of the notification of the interaction between doctor and patient. On 3 and 14 day recovery period were evaluated clinical status, hemodynamic parameters, mental status. Results: Despite the fact that after coronary artery bypass surgery performed patients did not show complaints of anginal pain and did not use short-acting nitrates, most were expressed hypotensive reaction on the background of sinus tachycardia, which continued to persist in the patients of group 1 to 14 days, in contrast to patients of group 2, where the blood pressure reached normal values by this time, indicators of mental status of patients of the 1st group was left without essential dynamics at the same time, in contrast to patients of group 2, which values of anxiety and depression decreased significantly. Conclusion: Myocardial revascularization improves clinical status of patients at the same time, experimental training information and motivational technology with andragogical approach and information model of the relations between doctor and patient, exerting a positive influence on psychoemotional status, further improves hemodynamic parameters. The program is effective, safe and can be used in practical healthcare.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):69-75
pages 69-75 views

The efficiency of physiotherapy in early postoperative Rehabilitation of patients with cholelithiasis

Poddubnaya O.A., Marsheva S.I.


Early postoperative rehabilitation of patients with cholelithiasis is directed on the prevention of progressing of a disease and decrease in risk of development the postcholecystectomy violations. Use in complex rehabilitation of mineral waters, magnetolaser and EHF-therapy allows to receive positive dynamics in the form of considerable improvement and normalization of kliniko-laboratory indicators, increase of adaptation possibilities and normalization of the psycho-vegetative status of an organism. It provides high therapeutic effect (94,7%) which is interfaced to features of the carried-out rehabilitation that bases necessity introduction of the developed technology in practice of recovery treatment of patients with cholelithiasis at an early postoperative stage.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):76-80
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The health characteristics of men and women engaged in mental work

Reznikov V.A., Churin V.V.


The article presents the results of the study authors, justifying the creation of centres of Adaptive physical culture-based medical and health organizations, as well as on the basis of production enterprises and other labour institutions, to provide health and fitness services the working-age population, with the goal after labour rehabilitation and enhancement of adaptive capacity of the person. The condition of the working-age population, considered the results of state statistical reports, own research results and the research results of other authors, as well as the prevailing socio-economic conditions: (order of the Ministry of Russia dated 16 June 2014. No. n On introducing changes in the standard list of annual employer implemented activities to improve health and lower levels of occupational risks", the lack of sports and recreation programs for persons with chronic diseases and motivational activity of the persons employed in the labour force) have shown that there is a need for research and development of program-methodical support Wellness coaching individuals engaged in work order after work rehabilitation and enhance their adaptive capacity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):81-84
pages 81-84 views

Psychological rehabilitation of families bringing up children with burn injuries

Pervichko E.I., Dovbysh D.V.


The article is devoted to explaining the need for the development and implementation of complex rehabilitation programs for families bringing up children with burn injuries. Such programs should include psychological support not only for the child but also for his family. Based upon the experience of foreign research and theoretical concepts of Russian psychology (Vygotsky - Luria - Zeigarnik school), article show the feasibility of participation of parents and other members of the family of a sick child in rehabilitation programs. This participation is important both for their own psychological well-being, and for the effective treatment and recovery of the child. In addition to general ideas about the psychological rehabilitation from medical point of view, we describe the theoretical foundations that exist in Russian psychology, which can and should be used to develop such integrated programs. The features of the social situation of development and their role in the formation of adequate ideas about the disease in children and their parents are described. The relationship between these concepts and the degree of adherence and successful socialization of the child is shown. We analyzed the model of pediatric medical traumatic stress that is used for building a complex family rehabilitation programs abroad, and discussed the possibility of introducing similar model in Russia. The article highlights the main objectives and directions of the psychological work in the department of burn injury and proved theoretical and practical importance of these tasks.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):85-92
pages 85-92 views

New initiative of russian society of cardio somatic rehabilitation and secondary prevention (rosokr)

Pervichko E.I., Zinchenko Y.P., Martynov A.I.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):93-94
pages 93-94 views

Objective assessment of postural function

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2016;15(4):96-104
pages 96-104 views

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