Vol 7, No 5 (1893)

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To the doctrine of extrauterine pregnancy (fetal attachment to a fibrous tumor)

Soloviev А.N.


On February 5 of this year, I was invited by Mr. doctors S.O. Mankovsky and N.A. Skvortsov for advice on one case of extrauterine pregnancy. The day before, that is, on February 4, the patient, the officer's wife, Mrs. X., had internal bleeding, after which she developed acute anemia with loss of pulse and fainting. Thanks to the adopted by Mr. Doctors marry, the patient's pulse appeared and at 3 o'clock in the morning he kept at the known altitude from 120-130 to 1 m. I saw the patient at about 1 pm. She was anemic, the outer covers had a yellowish tint, the visible mucous membrane was almost blessing in color, the pulse was extremely weak filling, about 130 in 1 m. The abdomen was very swollen, painful when touched. With internal examination, the posterior fornix is ​​somewhat tense, the uterus is sluggish, open. From its cavity, blood is exuded in small patches of tissue similar to decidua. The patient in consciousness, complains of a feeling of embarrassment in the chest, nausea and thirst.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):365-375
pages 365-375 views

A few comments about therapy and miscarriage with tamponade

Ansheles Y.O.


(Read in the meeting of the Obstetric and Gynecological Society in Kiev, 1892).

Mm. Yy! Leaving aside the scientific side of the science of miscarriage, which has received a sufficient degree of development in modern obstetrics, I will allow myself to stop your attention on the purely practical side of this issue, concerning the therapy of miscarriage.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):375-382
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To casuistry of ovarian cystocarcinomas (gystocarcinoma ovarii duplex)

Vysotsky A.


Laparotomy and, in particular, ovaryotomy in our time have become such an ordinary phenomenon that even individual gynecologists describe them in hundreds, and a detailed description of individual cases is already some kind of exclusion, justified by some kind of production or clinical features as well as therapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):383-395
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A case of vaginal infection with the formation of haematometra and haematocolpos after the first birth

Litkens A.A.


On February 12, 1893, the peasant woman Shimakova was admitted to the women's department of the Oryol provincial hospital with a complaint of the growth of her abdomen and severe pain in it. She gave birth to the first time 6 months ago. Childbirth is difficult, the child was born dead. After the birth of the ailment 3 weeks. Measurement of the pelvis was given by tr. 29, sp. 25 cr., 26, conj. ext.16.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):396
pages 396 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 12

Slavyanskiy K.F.


26 members were present; Batsevich, Badder, Brandt, Vasten, Bertsinsky, Vorobyov, Hermonius, Grinev, Danilovich, Dranitsyn, Zabolotsky, Zamshin, Zmigrodsky, lileyev, Massen, Ott, Ruzi, Savchenko, Sadovsky, Salmanov, Stravinsky, strogon, Urvich, Fisher A. R., Eberman, Eichfus and 8 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):397-400
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Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 13

Slavianskiy K.F.


There was an honorary member of the Academy A. If. Krassovsky, 37 members: Batsevich, Bidder, Blonsky, Viridarsky, Gavronsky, Hermonius, Danilovich, Dobradin, Dobrovolsky V. N., Dranitsyn, Zheltukhin, Zabolotsky, Zamshin, Zmigrodsky, lichkus, Martsynkevich, Massen, Mersh, Misevich, Ott, Polonsky, Porshnyakov, Rachinsky, Rodzevich, Ruzi, Rutkovsky, Salmanov, Stelmakhovich, Stravinsky, Strogonov, Fischer A. R., Chagin, Shverdlov, Stoll, Stolz, Eichfus, Yanpolsky and 25 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):401-408
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Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. XI

Slavyanskiy K.F.


25 members attended.
1) The Treasurer of the Company, N. I. Stravinsky, presented the following “cost estimate for 1893”:

Printing of invitation letters

30 р.

Postal expense..........................................

25 »

Correspondence protocol meetings of the Company

30 »

Stationery expenses....................................

15 »


30 »

Buying a cabinet and binding books

100 »

Printing protocol, meeting of the Society

300 »

Unforeseen expenses............................

100 »


680 »

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):409-412
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Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Administrative meeting on April 22nd. Protocol No. XII

Slavyanskiy K.F.


26 members were present; Batsevich, Badder, Brandt, Vasten, Bertsinsky, Vorobyov, Hermonius, Grinev, Danilovich, Dranitsyn, Zabolotsky, Zamshin, Zmigrodsky, lileev, Massen, Ott, Ruzi, Savchenko, Sadovsky, Salmanov, Stravinsky, Strogonov, Urvich, Fisher A. R., eberman, Eichfuss And 8 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):413-418
pages 413-418 views

Dr. Bérillon. Vomissements incoercibles de la grossesse traités avec succès par la suggestion. (Arch. De Tocologie et de Gynécol., Mars, 1892). Indomitable vomiting during pregnancy, cured by suggestion

Sheinis L.


The patient consulted the author at the 7th week of pregnancy. From the very beginning of pregnancy, she developed nausea and vomiting 3-4 days later; the stomach does not perceive any food, even in the smallest amount.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):419
pages 419 views

H D. Ingraham. A brief report of three cases of ectopic pregnancy (New-York Medical Journal, 1892, December 31). A brief report on 3 cases of extrauterine pregnancy

Kaplyanskiy V.


In the first case, the patient deliberately concealed the history of her illness, deliberately gave inconsistent data and thereby made it extremely difficult to diagnose. When the rupture of the fetal beetle in the abdominal cavity was clear, the patient resisted any surgical intervention and died. In the second case, the rupture of the fetal baby also occurred in the abdominal cavity, blood poured out, accumulated in the Douglas space, and the evacuation of the blood cyst per vaginam ended in the patient's recovery. In the third, an accidental fetus ruptured in the broad ligament and the egg now died.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):420
pages 420 views

V. V. Tipyakov. A case of excrement in extrauterine pregnancy. (Medical Review. 1893, No. 3).

Krasnopolskiy F.


On February 24, 1893, a bourgeois woman, 27 years old, was admitted to the hospital, almost pulseless, at t ° 40 ° C., with complaints of dizziness, severe pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the genital parts during the last month, and so on. From the spread, it turned out that she gave birth once at the age of 20; after giving birth was sick 3 months. 21/2 months ago, the regulations stopped, pain in the lower abdomen appeared, and afterwards bloody effusion from the genitals joined; 2 days before admission to the hospital, bleeding appeared, the patient lost strength. Objectively: the abdomen is sore at the bottom, the left groin area is swollen; the uterus is enlarged, dense, sensitive, almost immobile; the length of the uterine cavity is 8 cm. The vaults are flattened. The left tube and ovary are palpated in the form of a solid tumor with an unclear fluctuation. On the right and behind the uterus, the tumor is dense, immobile, eat the head of the newborn. - Diagnosis: extrauterine pregnancy, rupture of the fetal baby.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):420-421
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Guinard. Fibromes utérins et grossesse. (7-e Congrés Français de Chirurgie, séance du 7 avril. Semaine Médicale, № 23, 1893). Fibroids of the uterus and pregnancy

Sheinis L.


The patient, 33 years old, entered the Saint-Louis hospital (Paris) in August 1892, at the 3rd month of her pregnancy. Of the previous pregnancies, 3 ended in timely and completely correct childbirth, children are alive; The 4th pregnancy ended in stillbirth, which required the imposition of forceps. Before the end of the last regulation - profuse menorrhagia and mild leucorrhea. Was admitted to the hospital with complaints of very severe pain in the stomach. During examination, two tumors were found: one occupies the left fossam iliacam, goes over the navel and in its consistency resembles a pregnant uterus, another tumor, solid and much less mobile, lies in the cavity of the pelvic floor on the right side. Between these two tumors, the right personality, sensitive to pressure, is felt.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):421-422
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Richardière. La variole pendant la grossesse à l’Hôpital d’Aubervilliers pendant l’année 1892. (Union Médicale, №№ 22 et 23, 1893). Smallpox during pregnancy

Sheinis L.


According to most authors, smallpox during pregnancy is especially dangerous for the mother and even more for the fetus; death of the fetus, interruption of pregnancy, and after childbirth bleeding and infection, often leading to a fatal outcome - these are the sad results attributed to the influence of this disease on pregnancy and the fetus, not to mention the fact that pregnancy in turn is reflected in a disastrous way on the very course of smallpox, predisposing to the hemorrhagic form of this disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):422-424
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(Société Obstétricale de France, séance du 5 avril. Semaine Médicale, № 21, 1893). About the so-called full presentation of the child's place

Sheinis L.


The author cited 40 cases of placentae praeviae completae observed in Paris hospitals. The autopsy results (8 of them were performed, of which 4 were performed by the author himself or in his presence) and clinical examination prove that a complete or central presentation of placentae undoubtedly exists. In such cases, the cervix turns out to be, contrary to expectations, a little tense, probably due to extreme vascularity, so that ruptures of the cervix during childbirth constitute a completely exceptional phenomenon. Prediction in placenta pravia completa is extremely unfavorable for the mother, but even more for the child: the mortality rate is 80% for children and 35% for mothers. The author considers cervical-vaginal tamponation, which can be done, by the way, by means of various kinds of balloons, as the best solution for treatment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):424
pages 424 views

Z. J. Lusk. Mitral stenosis in pregnancy (New-York Medical Journal, 1893, January 14). Contraction of venous opening in pregnant women

Kaplyanskiy V.


The author gives several cases from his practice, in which mitral stenosis was a serious complication of pregnancy. According to the author, the doctor must set himself an immutable rule - to make a thorough examination of the heart in every case of pregnancy that comes across to him. If there is a narrowing of the venous opening before the 5th month of pregnancy, it is rational to resort to an artificial miscarriage.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):424-425
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А. Mars. Przypadek porodu u osoby cieapiacej na wade serca. (Przeglad lekarski, 1893, № 11). A case of childbirth in cardiac patient

Kaplyanskiy V.


N. N. 21 years old, primary pregnant, suffers from bicuspid valve insufficiency. Starting from the 3rd month of pregnancy, the seizures from the heart, namely shortness of breath and palpitations, became more and more formidable. With the course of pregnancy, the patient's condition, in spite of all the therapeutic conditions, worsened more and more; the slightest movement of the patient caused her painful shortness of breath and palpitations.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):425-426
pages 425-426 views

F. Westemark. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wehenthätigkeit des menschlichen Uterus bei der physiologischen Geburt. (Skandinavisches Arch. für Physiologie. 1893). The forced activity of the human uterus during physiological childbirth. Experimental research

Soloviev A.N.


Westermark's article is divided into five chapters with a historical introduction. In the last day, the works of Schatz [1]), Poullet [2]), Polaillon [3]), Acconci [4]), Döhnhoff’а [5]).


[1] Arch. f. Gynäk. 1872. Bd. III, p. 58.

[2] Archives de Tocologie. Février 1880.

[3] Arch. de Physiologie 1880, p. 1.


Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):426-427
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C. Ludlow. The Use of Electricity in Midwifery (New-York Medical Journal, 1893: January 14). On the use of electricity in obstetrics

Kaplyanskiy V.


The author speaks only of faradic current, and examines its threefold action on a pregnant woman: 1) a calming effect on the general nervous system, 2) excitation of muscle contractions, 3) the ability of faradization to prevent and stop uterine bleeding. Pharadic current is very useful when chloroform, chloral-hydrate or morphine are more unacceptable, because of idiosyncrasy or weakness of the patient, as long as the maximum doses of these drugs are achieved without a proper effect, finally, when all is excreted.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):428
pages 428 views

D.S.Schetkin. Tool for drilling the fetal head. (Medic. Review. 1893. No. 3)

Krasnopolskiy F.


Recognizing the Blot spear-shaped perforator as a rather useful tool, the author, however, on the basis of personal experience and theoretical reasoning, finds an excessive ability to open it; to destroy the contents of the skull is much more convenient with a long forceps, and to increase the opening into the skull by pushing apart into your needs, since the opening and without the mentioned act is large enough, both for removing the brain and for introducing the inner spoon of the cranioclast.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):428-429
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V. Zhemchuzhnikov. A case of long-term retention of the fetal head in the uterine cavity after decapitation. (Protocol of the meeting of the obstetric-gynecological society in Kiev; year 5, volume 5. Issues 9 and 10)

Krasnopolskiy F.


The author gives a detailed history of a patient suffering from a tumor emanating from the region of the sacral bone, the size of a child's head, dense fibrous consistency, so much narrowed the anterior-posterior size of the pelvis that the last one was barely 2 - ctm. Due to such a contraction, at the 6th birth, the subsequent head could not be removed, and, after decapitation, was left in the uterine cavity; three months later, the patient was admitted to the clinic of prof. Rake, and in the continuation of this time the bones of the skull of the detained head were arbitrarily protruded, which was accompanied by a feverish state.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):429
pages 429 views

M. Rosengart. Some literary data on the question of brachyotomy in case of brefotomy. (Protocol of the arrest of the obstetric-gynecological society in Kiev. God 5, volume 5. Issues 9 and 10)

Krasnopolskiy F.


Having examined the literature of this issue, the author came to the next conclusions:
1. When running transverse positions with the handle falling out, there are sufficient grounds for preliminary cutting of the dropped handle.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):429-430
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F.F.Kutlinskiy. To the question of the operation of taking away the dropped handle. (Protocol of the meeting of obstetrician-gynecological society in Kiev. God 5, volume 5, issues 9 and 10)

Krasnopolskiy F.


The author describes a case in which, in his opinion, the removal of the handle was shown and necessary. This case is: a woman with a narrow pelvis, conj. ext. = 15 ctm; diagonalis = 10.5; gives birth to the 3rd connector; the first childbirth ended prematurely with a living child, the second - due to the failure of the fetus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):430
pages 430 views

Picqué. Opération césarienne suivie de succès pour la mère et pour l’enfant. (Gaz. des Hôpitaux 1893, № 37). Caesarean section with a safe outcome for the mother and child.

Sheinis L.


The history of this case is briefly as follows: Ms. B., 37 years old, poor health, menstruating at 17 years old, not abundantly but correctly; urination was always somewhat difficult.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):430-433
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О Morisani. Sulla pelviotomia e sui rapporti alla sinfisiotomia. (Annali di ostetricia et ginecologia 1893, gennaio I). About the operation of the dissection of pubic bones and its relationship to symphysiotomy

Kaplyanskiy V.


Prof. Morisani, who worked all his life to resurrect from the undeserved oblivion of the operas of the symphysis and pelvicotomy, in particular the symphysisotomy, insists on not mixing these two operations, on the indispensability of each other, as they are

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):433-434
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O. Morisani. Sulla combinazione della sinfisiotomia con parto prematuro e con la embriotomia (Annali di ostetricia e ginecologia, № 1, 1893). About the connection of symphysis with artificial excitement of premature labor and embryotomy

Kaplyanskiy V.


In 1864, the well-known Neapolitan surgeon P. Jacolissi suggested, with strong degrees of pelvic contraction, in order to avoid caesarean section, to combine symphysiotomy with premature artificial childbirth (with a living fetus) and embryotomy (with a dead fetus).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):434-435
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О. Morisani. Alcune considerazioni sulla pratica della sinfisiotomia (Annali di ostetriciae ginec. 1893 г. № 1). A few words about the technique of symphysiotomy

Kaplyanskiy V.


Prof. Leopold, describing his two successful cases of symphysiotomy (Centralblatt für Gynec., 1892, No. 30), offers several modifications of the method of this operation, developed by the author

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):435
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O. Morisani. Sulla applicazione del forcipe dopo la sinfisiotomia. (Annai di ostetr. e ginecol., 1893, № 1). About the imposition of forceps after symphysis

Kaplyanskiy V.


The author was reproached with the need for the ingot of frequent application of forceps after the operation he preached. In fact, the forceps, according to M.'s opinion, are far from the necessary addition to the symphysisotomy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):436
pages 436 views

Emil Ries. Klinische und anatomische Studien über Zurückbildung der puerperalen Uterus (Zeitschr. f. Geb. u. Gyn. XXIV В. I. H.) Clinical and anatomical examination of the relative reverse development of the postnatal uterus

Pekarskaya A.


Ries dwells on two little touched upon questions concerning the development of the uterus in the postnatal period: how long does the inner mouth remain open, and on what conditions does more or less early closure of it depend, and how is the clinically reverse development of the place of the former postpartum expressed?

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):436-438
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I. M. Lvov. About the best care for the umbilical cord. (Medical Review. 1893, No. 3)

Krasnopolskiy F.


Each of the existing methods of caring for the umbilical cord has known advantages and disadvantages. So, the previous method of the author (powdering with a mixture of 10 hours of magisterii bismuthi and 1 hour of iodoform), having the property of causing dry mummification of the umbilical cord, the remainder, not accompanied by either irritation or separation, is the inconvenience that the remnant does not disappear before 7 days, and it slowly drags on to 10, due to which all the time mothers have to be released with the unreported umbilical cord residue from the fetus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):438-439
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I. M. Lvov. Disease Hildebrandt'a (penis captivus s. Vaginismus superior) (Doctor 1893, No. 1).

Rutkovskiy A.


By this name is meant that kind of vaginismus, which is not accompanied by either excessive sensitivity of the vaginal opening, or a convulsion of the obturator muscle. This type of vaginismus consists in convulsive compression of the walls of the sleeve, depending on the reduction of m. levatoris ani. One such case was presented to the author's observation: an intelligent patient of 21 years old, complains of pain during copulation both with her and with her husband.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):439-440
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D.S.Schetkin. Successfully operated cloaca after gangrene of the external genital organs, perineum, part of the rectum and urinary bladder. (Medin. Review. 1893. No. 1)

Krasnopolskiy F.


In a 60-year-old woman, after extensive gangrene, the genitals represented next a picture: the large and small lips are absent, a small piece hangs from the left small lip. The defect resulting from gangrene is bordered by a scar, the remainder of the urinary bladder is directly adjacent to the rectal wall in the same place, where its integrity is broken.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):440
pages 440 views

Länderer. Eine seltene Form von Missbildung des Uterus. (Zeitsch. f. Geb. u. Gyn. XXIV В. I H). Rare form of uterine malformation

Pekarskaya A.


The patient, 23 years old, who never had menstruation, suffered from molimina menst. For 4 years, which have recently become stronger and more prolonged. The external organs and the vagina are normal, the neck goes up, forward and to the right, on the left above the neck there is a dense cord with a thickness of a finger, 3 cm long, going, gradually thinning, towards the left ovary, the size of a chicken egg; on the right in the ligament, a solid formation is felt, the size of a bob; the right ovary is dense, not enlarged, at the pelvic wall.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):441
pages 441 views

A. A. Novitskiy. Application of galvanic current in the absence of months (amenorrhoea). (Doctor 1893, No. 6)

Rutkovskiy A.


9 cases, in which the author adopted this method, can, by recognition, be divided into the following categories: 5 cases of atrophy after childbirth (1 after miscarriage), 1 case of atrophy in a woman who has not given birth, 2 cases of atrophy in a female mother and 1 case of a child.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):442
pages 442 views

T. Boryssowicz. Stale rozszerzenie ujscia zewnetrirnego macicy, zapomoca przewiazania bocznych scian dolnego odcinka czesc pochwowej (Medycyna, 1893, no. 9). Persistent expansion of the external uterine opening by ligation of the lateral walls of the lower branch of the vaginal part (Dilatatio ostii externi uteri ope ligaturae)

Kaplyanskiy V.


Persistent expansion of the canal of the uterine cervix in order to cure infertility or painful months began to be applied even from the beginning of the past century. But all the methods of discisionis portionis vaginalis proposed so far leave a lot to be desired and, according to Schroeder, “produce either too little or excessive enlargement of the external opening, always disfiguring the vaginal part”.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):442-443
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Tipyakov, V.V. To the question of the treatment of the bendings of the uterus posteriorly (Medical. Review, No. 17, 1892).

Zabolotskiy A.


The uterus is mobile and elastic, and retains its position and configuration with some of its ligaments, but most of all with the tension of the abdominal press. Diseases of the uterus itself and the organs surrounding it change its figure and its position in the pelvis. Changing her figure changes blood circulation, her nutrition and causes disorder throughout the body, affecting by a mass of painful phenomena. Particularly severe seizures cause posterior folds of the uterus. The suffering of the uterus and its appendages cause irritation of the peritoneum, more or less significant adhesions with the surrounding organs are obtained, which even more changes the blood circulation and nutrition of the pelvic organs, and this even more leads to bending.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(5):444
pages 444 views

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