
标题 文件
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) The opinion of students and patients about the professional qualities of a doctor PDF
Shamilov M.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Is a graduate of a bachelor's degree in nursing ready to work in pediatric rehabilitation? PDF
Mamaeva A., Ostrovskaya I.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Soglasie roditeley na okazanie meditsinskoy pomoshchi PDF
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卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Time sinks PDF
Shishkina U., Tarasova E.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Development of liver fibrosis. Present and future possibilities of correction in children PDF
Grigoryev K.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Itogi onlayn-marafona STOP.Vygoranie PDF
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卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Defitsit vitamina D: pochemu on voznikaet, chem opasen i kto v gruppe riska PDF
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卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Toxic-metabolic pancreatitis in nurse practice PDF
Skvortsov V., Morozov A.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Osteoporosis: prevention of fractures with osteomed forte by parafarm PDF
Kashpanov M., Popov V., Novikova I.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) My new profession PDF
Sanger E.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Vienna and Munich Declarations: realization in nursing education in the Republic of Belarus PDF
Matveychik T.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Algoritm i pravila okazaniya dovrachebzhnoy pomoshchi pri gipertonicheskom krize PDF
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卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Doplata za rabotu s det'mi s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami PDF
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卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Ukazatel' statey, opublikovannykh v 2022 g. PDF
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卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) The main thing in the work of medical organization with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the light of new regulatory requirements PDF
Zolotareva N., Sinotova S.
卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Panicheskaya ataka PDF
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卷 24, 编号 8 (2022) Resistance of the moose fly (Lipoptena cervi) to repellents PDF
Kutsenko V., Yasynova A., Kovaleva D., Lustina O., Seliverstov P.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Ukhod za bol'nymi kak lechebnyy metod PDF
Kristman V.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Peptic ulcer and helicobacteriosis 39 PDF
Skvortsov V., Skvortsova E., Belyakova E., Ponomareva A., Matveev N.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Possibilities of combined use of the skin and soft tissues ultrasound and laser doppler visualization in hematoma diagnosis and monitoring in patients with COVID-19 PDF
Borsukov A., Gorbatenko O., Venidiktova D., Tagil A., Borsukov S., Kruglova A., Kurchenkova V., Ahmedova A.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Dangerous hydrobiont - jellyfish PDF
Kutsenko V., Kovaleva D., Bezvulyak E., Lustina O., Seliverstov P.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Drug-induced liver damage: collisions of the drug-liver tandem in pediatric practice PDF
Kharitonova L., Grigoriev K., Bogomaz L.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Gde iskat' vitamin S 9 PDF
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卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Bather’s itch or human duck disease. Myths and facts about cercarial dermatitis PDF
Ledentsova S., Bolotina M., Parfyonova M., Seliverstov P.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Kompensatsiya za medkomissiyu PDF
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卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Brain and gut rhythm regularity and level of happiness PDF
Shemerovsky K., Ganapolsky V., Kharin M.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) The practice of using hippotherapy on the basis of the equestrian club «Battle» with the participation of medical volunteers from the Institute of Nursing Education PDF
Demidova T., Terletskaya V.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) A nurse: personal characteristics contributing to a conflict PDF
Matveychik T.
卷 24, 编号 5 (2022) Nurse protection against parenteral infections in the workplac PDF
Veretina N., Ostrovskaya I.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Whooping cough in children: epidemiological risks, modern tactics of treatment and immunization PDF
Grigoryev K., Solodovnikova O., Khlypovka Y., Nemtyreva L.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Dolzhnost' dlya vypusknika magistratury po spetsial'nosti «Obshchestvennoe zdravookhranenie» PDF
Mazukhina A.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) BAD - pomogi i ne navredi: vybiraem nutritsevtiki pravil'no vmeste s ekspertami PDF
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卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Grudnoe vskarmlivanie rebenka PDF
Mayzel' I.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Trends in the development of the profession of an obstetrician in the Republic of Belarus: relevant issues and achievements PDF
Matveychik T.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Medsestra v infektsionnom otdelenii PDF
Kudryashev M.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Teacher’s activity in the process of education PDF
Khabibulina M.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Back pain (dorsalgia) in the practice of a nurse PDF
Skvortsov V., Matveyev N., Zadumina D.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Predictors of cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation and various comorbidities PDF
Masyukov S.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Possibilities of using a bioimpedance portable mammograph to detect neoplasms in the mammary gland PDF
Seliverstov P., Savina L., Gavrilova N., Shapovalov V., Lustina O.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) The possibilities of using nootropic drugs for cognitive disorders in children in the postcovid period PDF
Potupchik T., Evert L., Burlakova A.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Medsestra vprave provodit' perevyazki posleoperatsionnykh ran u lezhachikh patsientov na domu PDF
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卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) 4 prichiny proverit' shchitovidnuyu zhelezu cheloveka PDF
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卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Prognostic value of myocardial remodeling in patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease PDF
Kovalchuk A.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Malnutrition in preschoolers in Moscow and Galich. Can we clearly judge the problems? PDF
Bogomaz L., Borzakova S., Tikhomirova A., Makarova E., Grigorуev K.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2022) Features of postoperative care for children with lymphangioma PDF
Lopatina T.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Risk factors for cardiovascular complications in COVID-19 patients PDF
Kovalchuk A.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Prevention of accelerated aging and «diseases of civilization» with the help of natural geroprotectors BioChaga and BioDihydroquercetin PDF
Usoltseva O.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Member of the editorial board of our magazine Eiberman Alexander Semyonovich is 80 years old PDF
Editorial B.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Dopolnitel'nyy oplachivaemyy otpusk PDF
Kudryashev M.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) The history of the celebration of the International Day of the Nurse through the eyes of medical students PDF
Potupchik T., Korman Y.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Use of bioregulatory osteoprotectors in the elderly to reduce the drug load in diseases of the musculoskeletal system PDF
Elistratov D.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Dosrochnaya strakhovaya pensiya PDF
Drozdova A.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Klimat i drugie neblagopriyatnye faktory zhizni negativno vliyayut na zdorov'e PDF
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卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Experience of training in the specialty «nursing» on the basis of a large medical university: Voronezh state medical university named after N.N. Burdenko PDF
Kryuchkova A., Panina O., Kondusova Y.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Sestra PDF
Semashko N.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Sosnowski’s hogweed and photochemical dermatitis PDF
Kutsenko V., Kovaleva D., Mironova N., Ledentsova S., Peresada E., Seliverstov P.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Nadbavka za meditsinskiy stazh pri rabote v apteke PDF
Voronova E.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Multiple myeloma in nurse practice PDF
Skvortsov V., Rodionova I., Gorbach A., Ponomareva A., Matveev N.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) The relationship between professional activity and family life satisfaction among female medical school teachers PDF
Atiunina P., Ostrovskaya I.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Congratulations on International Nurses’ Day PDF
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卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Physical methods of treatment of children with diseases of the biliary tract PDF
Grigoriev K., Grigorieva O., Mazurina S., Solovieva A., Vartapetova E.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2022) Sotsial'naya vyplata na vakhte pri bolezni PDF
Kudryashev M.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) The place of telemedicine in modern healthcare PDF
Bakaeva S., Tsurcumia D., Seliverstov P., Shapovalov V.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Uvelichenie rabochey nedeli PDF
Voronova E.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) About the problem of post-COVID syndrome PDF
Garmanova A., Morozov A., Minakova Y., Sobol E., Belyak M.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Children’s problems of coronavirus infection (discussion of the latest data) PDF
Grigoriev K., Radchenko O., Shirobokov Y.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Medical rehabilitation of patients after a new coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus PDF
Vdoushkina E., Povalyaeva L., Shishkina A., Zhilinskaya K., Krasnov N., Sutyagin A.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Rehabilitation of COVID 19 patients with cardiovascular disease PDF
Masyukov S.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Eshche odna prichina sdat' analiz na zhelezo PDF
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卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Glava Minzdrava Murashko dopustil, chto shtamm «omikrona» BA.2 stanet preobladayushchim v mire PDF
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卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Step therapy of bronchial asthma PDF
Golieva E., Malyakin G., Skvortsov V., Matveyev N., Bangarov R.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Osteo-Vit D3 and Selenbio fo vomen in the prevention of COVID-19 and postvoid complications PDF
Elistratov D.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Stress i pitanie PDF
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卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Vyplaty medrabotnikam za patsientov s COVID-19 PDF
Mazukhina A.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Taytszitsigun. Effektivnye praktiki pri vosstanovlenii posle COVID-19 PDF
Pavlov A.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Glotok vody PDF
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卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis PDF
Skvortsov V., Gorbach A., Belyakova E., Skvortsova E., Matveyev N.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Prodolzhitel'nost' otpuska meditsinskoy sestry otdeleniya sotsial'noy reabilitatsii PDF
Shorina A.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Effective natural remedies BioChaga and BioDihydroquercetin to safely help the body at all stages of viral infection COVID-19 PDF
Usoltseva O.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Otpusk meditsinskim sestram, rabotayushchim v sostave vyezdnoy brigady skoroy meditsinskoy pomoshchi PDF
Mazukhina A.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Requirements for the work of middle and junior medical personnel in an infectious diseases hospital in the context of COVID-19 PDF
Bacalin V., Odnoralov M.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Student-ordinator ne mozhet byt' pereveden na dolzhnost' vracha-stazhera PDF
Ivanova I.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Some aspects of the work of students as paramedics in the red zone with COVID-19 PDF
Potupchik T., Kolevatova S.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2022) Sokrashchenie personala s det'mi PDF
Ivanova I.
卷 24, 编号 1 (2022) Peculiarities of drug therapy in pediatrics: help of a nurse in organizing medical care for children PDF
Grigoryev K., Kharitonova L., Vykhristyuk O., Nemtyreva L., Rakhmatullina Z.
卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) U kazhdogo desyatogo patsienta sluchaetsya retsidiv sindroma razdrazhennogo kishechnika v techenie 10 let PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Sovmeshchenie dolzhnosti trenera po adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul'ture i meditsinskogo brata PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Personal protective equipment during the spread of a coronavirus infection COVID-19 PDF
Vdoushkina E., Povalyaev E., Sukhanova A.
卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Esli svodit nogi po nocham PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Acute mushroom poisoning PDF
Kutsenko V., Kovaleva D., Mironova N., Peresada E., Seliverstov P.
卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) UKAZATEL' STATEY, OPUBLIKOVANNYKh v 2021 g PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Pravomerno li otstranenie ot raboty meditsinskikh sester, ne proshedshikh vaktsinatsiyu PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Arterial'naya gipertoniya: rasprostranennoe zabolevanie, kotoroe ne zamechayut PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Deontological aspects in nursing practice PDF
Dvoinikov S., Arkhipova S., Masin A.
卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Kak oplachivaetsya sverkhurochnaya rabota meditsinskoy sestry? PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Kak izbavit'sya ot khrapa PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Vprave li rabotodatel' samostoyatel'no opredelit' formu organizatsii povysheniya kvalifikatsii? PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Prevention of emotional burnout syndrome in medical college students specializing in nursing PDF
Potupchik T., Korman Y.
卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Kakov poryadok napravleniya meditsinskogo rabotnika na akkreditatsiyu? PDF
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卷 23, 编号 8 (2021) Coronavirus infection in primary care practice PDF
Povalyaeva L., Sutyagin A., Zhilinskaya K., Shubina A.
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