
Горина, Ксения Алексеевна

栏目 标题 文件
编号 5 (2019) Articles Antenatal prevention of fetal respiratory distress syndrome: a glimpse into the future
编号 7 (2019) Articles The composition and stability of the vaginal microbiota in pregnant women during dynamic observation
编号 1 (2020) Articles Premature birth: past restrictions and new opportunities
编号 7 (2020) Articles Medical decision support systems in obstetrics: opportunities and prospects
编号 7 (2020) Articles Clinical characteristics of pregnancy in women with gestational diabetes mellitus
编号 8 (2020) Articles The role of maternal gut microbiota in spontaneous preterm birth
编号 8 (2020) Articles Amniotic fluid composition in pregnant women at high risk of preterm birth
编号 12 (2021) Articles Comparative analysis of the gut microbiome’s profile of mothers and newborns with preterm and timely birth
编号 8 (2021) Articles Antenatal factors associated with factors associated with brain-derived neurotrophic factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in premature infants
编号 7 (2021) Articles Experience with micronized progesterone in obstetric practice
编号 1 (2023) Articles Comparative analysis of the effect of two antihypertensive therapy regimens on maternal hemodynamic parameters in earlyand late-onset preeclampsia
编号 12 (2022) Articles Prediction and early diagnosis of preeclampsia: scientific perspectives and clinical opportunities
编号 3 (2022) Articles Characteristics of the organic acid profile of amniotic and cervicovaginal fluids in pregnant women at high risk for spontaneous preterm birth
编号 4 (2022) Articles The role of plasma extracellular vesicles as predictors of gestational diabetes mellitus in the first trimester of pregnancy
编号 1 (2022) Articles Successful experience with rescue cerclage for critical isthmicocervical insufficiency
编号 8 (2023) Original Articles Clinical characteristics and analysis of changes in amino acid and organic acid profiles in the urine of patients at risk of preeclampsia