
Experimental definition of lateral stiffness of a pneumatic wheel of the MTZ-82 “Belarus” tractor
Novikov V., Pozdeev A., Erontaev V., Chumakov D., Kolesov N., Timoshin N., Kagochkin T.
Optimization of the main parameters of the diesel engine during its operation on the multicomponent biofuel composition
Plotnikov S., Kartashevich A., Simonov M., Shipin A.
The first steps to create domestic neutralizers of exhaust gases for automobiles and tractors
Ignatovich I.
Formation of the dynamic system of the test bench for transmissions at the design stage
Godzhayev Z., Shekhovtsov V., Lyashenko M., Merlyak V., Filippov N.
Determination of traction coefficient of driving wheels of the MTZ-82 tractor
Gorodetskiy K., Serebryakov V., Lavlinskiy A.
Equipment and method for carrying out of accelerated comparative tests for wear resistance of steels operating in soil medium
Mikhal'chenkov A., Denisov V., Novikov A.
Experimental studies of characteristics of vibration protection elements for operator workplace of industrial tractor
Berezin I., Pronina Y., Bondar' V., Vershinskiy L., Taranenko P.
Use of integral indices in the measuring expert system of internal combustion engine
Dobrolyubov I.
Determination of gas concentration in the lubricant of transmissions of energy-saturated agricultural tractors
Shukhanov S.
A method of characterization of resource distribution law of high-pressure fuel pump under bench tests using MathCAD software
Solomashkin A., Aleksandrov V.
Improvement of subsurface tillage with combined chisel plough and subsoil cultivator
Khizhnyak V., Nesmiyan A., Schirov V., Khlystov Y., Bobryashov A.
Deformation and change of density of soil under the caterpillar machine's track
Nosov S., Peregudov N.
Shatrov M., Khachiyan A., Sinyavskiy V., Shishlov I., Vakulenko A.
Probabilistic assessment of indicators of shafts and their joints corrosive fatigue resistance
Chibukhchyan S., Stakyan M.
Results of field tests of a grain drill two-band ploughshare
Demchuk Y., Soyunov A., Golovin A.
Control of internal combustion engine regimes with the use of mathematical model
Makushin A., Zubkov E., Bakhvalova V., Ilyukhin A.
Reliability insurance of undercarriage elements of the Т-10М industrial tractor
Khalturin V., Berezin I., Bondar V., Kostyuchenko V., Abyzov A.
Assessment of limiting state of working organs of soil-cultivating cutters
Zvolinskiy V., Nikolayenko N.
Selection of the optimal system of differentiated fertilizer application and the laboratory research results in Northern Kazakhstan
Tokarev I., Kuvayev A., Derepaskin A., Bobkov S.
Gorodetskiy K., Parfenov A., Lavlinskiy A.
Calculation of bearing capacity of shafts and their joints under comparative corrosive tests
Chibukhchyan S., Stakyan M.
Comparative parameters of tools for surface tillage
Nesmiyan A., Kobets M., Dolzhikov V., Gladkiy S.
New technical device for traction tests of autotractor equipment
Habardin S., Polyakov G., Shukhanov S.
Specifics of certification of agricultural tires with maximum consideration of their operating conditions
Goncharenko S., Godzhaev Z., Pryadkin V., Artyomov A., Godzhaev T.
Operational loading of a crawler bulldozer and ripper aggregate and modeling of its dynamics
Khalturin V., Berezin I., Bondar V., Kostyuchenko V., Abyzov A.
Estimation of soil compaction by ВТ-150 tractor equipped with different types of caterpillars
Revenko V., Kupryunin D., Beynenson V., Fedotkin R., Bely I., Veselov N., Zverev N.
The study of the performance of a diesel nozzle on mixed fuels with insufficient low-temperature properties
Plotnikov S., Buzikov S., Kozlov I.
On constructional deterioration of working organs of soil-cultivating cutters
Zvolinskiy V.
Strip oversowing in surface improvement technology of old-growth perennial grasses using the ОПП-6 tool
Derepaskin A., Polischuk Y., Binyukov Y.
A multiparameter fuel characteristic of the Cummins diesel
Gorodetskiy K., Golnev V., Yershov Y., Raskin A., Prischepenko A., Shuvayev D.
Selection of accelerated test modes for the head of cylinder of the automobile diesel engine
Gots A., Klevtsov V.
Role of soil bin in studies of processes in the “working organ - soil” system
Zvolinskiy V., Mosyakov M., Nikolayenko N.
Parametric tests of a device for free running components and liquids introduction and mixing
Mokhnatkin V., Filinkov A., Solonschikov P.
On the standardization of tractor trailers' brake properties
Perchatkin Y.
Production testing of the new method of mechanical harvesting of cabbage
Alatyrev S., Yurkin A., Kruchinkina I., Alatyrev A.
Findings of experiments on motor cultivator vibration
Podrubalov V., Podrubalov M., Schetinin Y., Sheveliov A.
Comparing the main parameters of agricultural tractors’ trackdrivers
Kupryunin D., Scheltsyn N., Beynenson V., Fedotkin R., Bely I., Revenko V.
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