The technology of the curds dessert product (pudding) with application of ultrafiltration

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In the article, scientific area of research work is substantiated. Processes of immobilization of the complex of the following cultures Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium longum in the biopolymer gel and carrageenane Recodan CM Veg were studied. Ultrafiltration of the fermented skim milk was carried out on an industrial scale using the plant DDS Silkebord. Formation of the structure was studied with the aid of the mixture of protein base received by ultrafiltration and cream and special ingredients (stabilizers and thickeners). For improvement of the organoleptic indices berries concentrates and extracts were applied. Technological scheme of the curds dessert product (pudding) manufacturing was worked out and results of the study of the physical-chemical and microbiological indices are given. As a result, the technology and normative documentation were developed and new items of the technological solution are described in the patent for the invention.

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