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Nº 12 (2016)


HoReCa in Russia today

Rybalova T.


HoReCa - вторичный канал сбыта продуктов питания. За рубежом эта отрасль имеет длительную историю, тогда как в России относительно бурное развитие началось в постсоветский период с приходом иностранных сетей. И хотя на сегодня доля этого канала лишь немного превышает 12 %, он является локомотивом развития, привнося современные технологии ведения бизнеса. Ускорению процесса способствовало изменение поведения россиян, которые год от года все больше питаются вне дома. HoReCa - одна из перспективных отраслей российской экономики на протяжении последних лет. Благодаря возможности получать значительные прибыли, она привлекла большое число инвесторов, как зарубежных, так и отечественных. В масштабах страны HoReCa развивается неравномерно: в крупных городах с более высокими доходами населения процесс идет быстро, во многих регионах - заметно медленнее, а в некоторых и вовсе с большим трудом Как быстрорастущий канал продаж, HoReCa интересна производителям молочной продукции.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):5-8
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Electronic veterinary certification

Osminin A.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):9-12
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Veterinary certification in dairy industry. To the introduction

Eliseeva Y.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):13-15
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Implementation practice of FGIS «Mercurii»

Bykovskaya G.


АО «Тульский молочный комбинат» является одной из молокоперерабатывающих компаний, на площадке которой реализуется пилотный проект по внедрению ФГИС «Меркурий». Проект здесь стартовал в августе, и за этот период специалисты комбината имели возможность, с одной стороны, оценить преимущества системы, а с другой - выявить основные вопросы, требующие совместного решения с разработчиками ЭВС, ветеринарными службами, производителями сырого молока.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):16-16
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Congratulate on the jubilee!

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Евгению Тадеевичу Линкевичу, генеральному директору ОАО «Белебеевский ордена «Знак Почета» молочный комбинат», - 60 лет! Коллектив комбината сердечно поздравляет с юбилеем своего генерального директора, который посвятил родному предприятию 37 лет труда и забот!
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):18-19
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The day of the Danone supplier

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Dairy industry. 2016;(12):20-21
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About secrets of quality...

Decriyone P.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):22-23
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Cooling agents in the epicenter of the three agreements on climate

Tsvetkov O., Laptev Y.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):25-26
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Bentley Instruments - a step ahead!

Pavlov A.


7-8 ноября в Дании прошел семинар «A STEP AHEAD» компании Bentley Instruments Inc., посвященный новым разработкам и внедрениям в области инструментальной оценки качества сырого молока. На совещании обсуждались следующие вопросы: возможность калибровки инфракрасных приборов без использования стандартных образцов, роботизи-рованные установки для подготовки проб молока перед анализом, определение наличия амилоида, выявление на ранней стадии развития маститных заболеваний коров, экспресс-метод диагностики кетоза и многое другое.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):32-32
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Up-to date methods to control safety and quality

Kuteneva N.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):33-34
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Charm - the world competence for milk quality

Karychev R., Moshnin V.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):35-35
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Assessment of the products taste

Merculova N.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):40-41
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About confirmation of the milk products compliance

Sinyavina L.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):43-45
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At the aid of a microbiologist

Dairy industry. 2016;(12):46-46
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Determination of Bacillus cereus in dry milk products

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Dairy industry. 2016;(12):47-47
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Microflora of the Altai national fermented milk chegen

Bukachakova L., Krasnikova L., Arsen'eva T.


Composition of the microflora of the Altai fermented milk chegen was studied. Principle microorganisms involed in the preparation of the drink are lactobacilli, lactococci, thermophilic streptococci and yeast. Starter microorganisms possess pronounced antagonistic activity against E. coli, S. aureus, L. monocytogenes
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):48-49
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Dairy industry. 2016;(12):49-49
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New starter cultures of Mongolia

Tsend-Ayuush C., Mashentseva N., Karpychev S., Zaynkin M., Ganina V.


Possibility to apply probiotic lactic acid bacteria that have been isolated from the milk products of Mongolia prepared in private housekeeping was studied. The technology of fermented milk products with new starter cultures has been developed. Clinical trials of the products received have been carried out.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):50-51
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Lactic acid microorganisms for prophylaxis of the E. coli infections

Polyanskaya I., Zabegalova G., Topal O., Semenihina V.


Different approaches to the prophylaxis of infections with E. coli in the production of the traditional fermented milk products and functional foods are summarized by the authors of the article. The approaches include regular consumption and application of microorganisms with probiotic effects including antibiotic activity against E. coli in the production. The results of their own research works and systematization of existing knowledge about antagonism of various lactic acid microorganisms included in the compositions of the starter cultures and bacterial preparations applied in the production of both traditional fermented milk products and functional foods were used in the preparation of the article.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Refrigeration concentrating of curds whey

Ovsyannikov V., Kraminova Y., Panchenko S.


The process of the refrigerator concentrating of curds whey was investigated by the method of freezing out of moisture in the screw crystallizer of continuous action. Correlations, which clearly reflect a change in the multiplicity of concentration and specific expenditures of energy for conducting of the concentrating process were received. It is shown that the greatest effect on the process of the concentration of curds whey have the temperature of crystallizer wall, frequency of rotation of worm conveyor and the initial content of dry matter in the feeding product. The analysis of the experiments allowed make the conclusion that with increase of the boiling point of refrigerating agent the value of the multiplicity of concentration is monotonously decreasing and expenditures of energy for concentration are reducing simultaneously. In this case, an increase of dry matter content in the initial whey and an increase of the frequency of rotation of the conveyor of crystallizer results in reduction of the value of the multiplicity of concentrating with a simultaneous increase of energy consumption for concentration
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):55-57
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Fermented milk with whey protein hydrolyzate

Novokshanova A., Ababkova A., Abramov D.


Fermented milk containing whey protein hydrolyzate (WPH) with high degree of hydrolysis (about 60 %) has been developed. The milk base is a secondary raw milk material - buttermilk and skim milk containing complex of biologically active substances at minimal energy value. Whey protein hydrolyzate in the quantity 1-3 % of the milk mass weight does not effect taste and odour of the product. For fermentation with application of the WPH it is advisable to use in the starter base streptococcus thermophilus, and to form probiotic properties with bifidobacteria and acidophilus lactobacillus. As a results total lactic acid microorganisms number in all the samples considerably exceeded requirements of the normative documentation and should be not less that 107 cfu/g. The probiotic microorganisms number meets the requirements for enriches food products - not less that 109 cfu/g at the end of storage life at the WHP rate 2 %. The WPH showed lower effects on the consistency of test coagulum as compared with milk base. Whey prpotein hydrolysate considerably increases essential amino acids level. At the ratios skim milk:butter milk 6:4 and 7:3 the product can be considered to be a fortified one with some essential amino acids as far as one portion (200 g) of the product has not less that 15 % of the proper consumption level. Technological scheme for production of the fermented milk whith WPH has been developed.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):58-60
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Dairy industry. 2016;(12):60-60
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Dispersity of the air phase in desserts without food additive

Tvorogova A., Koreshkov V., Hohlova L., Gavrilychev V.


Dispersity of the air phase in the aerated desserts with application of the gelatin structure stabilizer has been determined in the frozen (-18 °C), cooled (4±2 and 1±1 °С) and warmed (20 °C) products. Dispersity of the air bubbles becomes lower without using emulsifiers. In the defrosted state, the average diameter of the air bubbles after 2 days of storage increased more than 3 times and the quantity of air bubbles becomes 13-27 times lower. This demonstrates expediency to defrost desserts just before consumption, and it is advisable to store the desserts for only a few hours at the temperature not higher than 6 °C. Solution of the problem of preserving air phase stability in desserts after defrosting is possible at additional application of efficient emulsifiers in the composition of stabilizing systems.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):61-62
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Enzymes cleaning for regeneration of the ultra-filtration plants

Kuzina J., Manevich B., Haritonova E.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):63-65
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Pozdravlyaem s yubileem!



Ректору Международной промышленной академии, генеральному директору Института перерабатывающей промышленности кандидату экономических наук Андрею Борисовичу Овечкину - 60 лет
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):65-65
pages 65-65 views

Import and export of milk products (the codes TH ВЭД 04.03, ТН ВЭД 04.04)

Goroshchenko L.


Показатели внешнеэкономической деятельности на рынке молочной продукции представленыl на основании данных «Таможенной статистики внешней торговли Российской Федерации» с 2010 по 2015 г. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность России с Республикой Беларусь таможенной статистикой в представленной детализации отслеживалась, начиная с 2012 г., и поставки из этой страны учитывались.
Dairy industry. 2016;(12):66-68
pages 66-68 views
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