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编号 8 (2009)


Energy efficiency. Why energy servicing system does not work in Russia?

Kustova A., Kustova A.


Some of the leading specialists consider energy expenditures to be inevitable. As a rule current problems requiring immediate actions compel to lay aside solution of the problems related to energy saving. Production is being increasing, products are demanded and energy costs seem to be justified. But if to compare indices of energy expenditures share in total product cost with those of the world market producers it appears that actually most of the Russian produces are in losing position. Investments in energy efficient and ecological programs are not expenditures for non returnable losses preventing development of an enterprise. These are investments that allow to reduce quantities of resources consumed and to increase labor intensity. In other words it is beneficial for both parts - business and consumers.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):9-11
pages 9-11 views

Automation of energy recording at an enterprise

Kosmin A., Kosmin A.


The crisis has not still finished, the thermonuclear energy is not still widely used, energy carriers are getting more expensive and will continue to do so that's why items of energy saving will become more and more actual. Energy has a rather noticeable share in the base cost of a product, and introduction of the systems for its recording as well as energy consumption management are as actual as never before. The article tells about principles of implementation and possibilities of the energy recording systems, so-called PowerRate.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Coolants - limited varieties

Rukavishnikov A., Shavel' A., Rukavishnikov A., Shavel' A.


All kinds of technological processes in food sector with the exemption of ice-cream production, foods freezing and storage require negative temperatures levels from minus 10 to minus 150C. For example for dairies the level is limited to not below -100C that allows widely apply water solutions of propyleneglycol as a coolant in the second circuit of the refrigerating system. The main share of cold consumption at milk processing is used for ice water receiving and ice accumulation (if ice accumulators are available) for avoiding pick loads of cold consumption.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):14-16
pages 14-16 views

Advantages of using ammonia for ice water receiving

Silenok A., Silenok A.


Under conditions of economical crisis the question of primary cost reduction becomes vitally important for enterprises. One of the points in milk processing chain is cooling in technological apparatus with water. Application of water with lower temperature (-0,5- -10C ice water) considerably improves finished product quality. Several methods for ice water receiving are available. One of them is cooling in film evaporators, where ammonia (R717) or freon are used as coolants.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):18-18
pages 18-18 views

Pumps of the domestic manufacturing

Kovalev M., Kovalev M.


Improvement of technical provision of milk processing plants is accompanied by mechanization of manufacturing processes with application of various pumps. Depending on consistency, viscosity and other physical-chemical characteristics of the finished products different types of pumps can be used. As far as the ratio price/quality is one of the principle items for an enterprise it is advisable to choose a company - supplier and producer, the specialists of which could offer optimal pumping equipment.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):21-21
pages 21-21 views

Prozrachnoe moloko at the TNUVA enterprise

Miller M., Polynovskaya M., Miller M., Polynovskaya M.


TNUVA-Groupe (with head-quarters in Tel-Aviv) that shares 70% of the Israel market is one of the largest Israel milk processors and a specialist in the kasher foods (foods that are made according to religious habits). The TNUVA enterprise exports its products first of all in the UAS, Great Britain and France. Together with 9 daughter companies it has about 1,4 billion US dollars annual turn-over, and is considered to be one of the largest dairy company in the world. The daughter company of the Israel food concern TNUVA in Ilfov produces milk products for the Romanian market. All most important business and technological processes in the course of complete material and informative scheme are controlled by the system CSB. Continuous quality monitoring starts from the moment of milk reception.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):22-23
pages 22-23 views

Repair management and technical maintenance in the informative system of an enterprise

Antonenko I., Kryukov I., Antonenko I., Kryukov I.


Recently food sector and agroindustrial complex as a whole have been actively developing. The number of investing projects has increased, new production facilities has appeared, the existing ones have been updated, modern expensive equipment including imported has been bought. It's quite natural that owners of the business would like to have adequate information about efficiency of production facilities application, mode of the operation and finally to have reliable information about investments efficiency and whether credit obligations taken have been justified. In order to give replies to all these questions it is necessary to have information not only about production volumes but also about expenditures related to possessing production assets. In other words reliable information is needed about costs of repairing and maintenance, time for repairing, some times extra time, fails etc.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):24-27
pages 24-27 views

How to reply to the crisis challenges

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As a result of increase in competition and appearance of new competitors in the market producers have changed tactics of variety and prices formation, branding, promotion and some other items related to marketing and production spheres.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):31-32
pages 31-32 views


Girinovich O., Girinovich O.


The 14th international specialized exhibition ROSUPAK took place on 15-19 June at the International Exhibition Center Krokus Exspo. The organizer of the event was the International exhibition company MVK. The exhibition took place under the auspices of the Moscow Government, Chamber of Commerce of the RF and was also supported by the Moscow Commerce and Industrial Chamber. The exhibition has been traditionally divided into several specialized expositions: ROSUPAK (technologies and equipment for package manufacturing, packaging materials, finish package) Upakmash (packaging machines and technological lines), Logistics (storage servicing and logistics), FOODMASH (equipment and technologies for food sector), Alumupak (aluminium package), Luxupak (premium class package).Russian and foreign companies from the USA, Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Spain, Finland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Belarus, Turkey, Korea, India and others demonstrated their achievements in the exhibiting area of 28 000 m2.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):43-44
pages 43-44 views

Genotype and metabolic characteristics of the Enterococcus bacteria isolated from milk products

Botina S., Semenikhina V., Rozhkova I., Botina S., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I.


Genotype and metabolic characteristics of the Enterococcus strains isolated from the home made fermented milk products and cheeses have been studied. Molecular-genetic, physical-biochemical and technological properties of the 7 strains of Enterococci including strains of a new type of Enterococcus lactis sp. nov. have been evaluated. On the basis of the results received it was established that strains E. faecium 5, CK1004, E. lactis CK1025 and CK1026 possess the best metabolic characteristics and safety. However the Enterococci strains studied are characterized by worse technological properties as compared with those of Streptococcus thermophilic: lower limited titratable acidity and formation of week curd with large whey quantity. These factors limit application of Enterococcus in the fermented milk products manufacturing.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):47-49
pages 47-49 views

Immunoglobulin G and lactoperoxidase contents in milk products

Il'ina A., Ovchinnikova O., Komolova G., Il'ina A., Ovchinnikova O., Komolova G.


Quantity of the biologically active milk proteins such as immunoglobulin G and lactoperoxidase was determined in baby foods and milk products for mass consumption: sterilized and pasteurized milks, kefir, yogurt and curds. It was found that lactoperoxidase was not present in all the samples analyzed. This can be explained by sever effects of technological regimes used at milk products manufacturing on lactoperoxidase. Immunoglobulin was found in actually all milk products samples. However its levels were considerably different from those in fresh produced milk.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):50-51
pages 50-51 views

Effects of plasmin on milk properties

Gun'kova P., Gorbatova K., Gun'kova P., Gorbatova K.


The article tells about characteristics of proteolitic milk enzymes coming from animal blood and also produced by somatic cells - their ability to break down beta-casein and other fractions of milk protein. Anticoagulating action of the proteolitic enzyme plasmin on mammal blood was evaluated. Some information is given about effects of plasmin on organoleptic and other properties of milk and products of milk processing.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Analytical week 2009

Shidlovskaya V., Yurova E., Shidlovskaya V., Yurova E.


Problem of assessing milk products quality is rather actual. The more precise and correct are the measurements results, the more successfully a dairy will work and produce a competitive product. It is impossible to manage quality at an enterprise or in a laboratory without methods harmonized with up-to-day measurements procedures including relevant sample preparation and accounting for composition of the object analyzed. In this connection it is worth to note that in May 2009 in Sochi the Analytic week 2009 took place organized by the International Dairy Federation and ISO. The subject of the event was application of procedures for raw milk control according to quality and safety indices.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):54-57
pages 54-57 views

Stabilizers in the products for special purposes

Krupin A., Ravnyushkin S., Kozlova O., Krupin A., Ravnyushkin S., Kozlova O.


Possibility to apply potato starch in the technologies of the products for special purposes was studied. Composition and properties of the starch and process of gel formation based on the milk components were investigated. Attention was paid to chemical changes and interactions taking place in the interphases structures of biopolimeres in the process of gel formation. Changes of the physical-chemical and rheological indices of gels related to parameters variations were analyzed.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):59-60
pages 59-60 views

Effects of stabilizers on processed cheese products

Arkhipov A., Arhipov A.


The article is devoted to application of stabilizers at the processed cheese products manufacturing. The author gives information about characteristics of different stabilizers (solubility in water, gel formation, pH, moisture binding ability) that allow to choose relevant stabilizers for production scheme. Role of stabilizers is evaluated due to results of investigation aimed at establishing their effects on cheese product. It was found that application of stabilizers improves taste and consistency of the product reducing penetration hardness. Recommended doses of stabilizers are given.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):61-62
pages 61-62 views

Control of curd formation

Pirogov A., Shilov A., Zakharenko S., Zakharenko M., Zakharov S., Pirogov A., Shilov A., Zaharenko S., Zaharenko M., Zaharov S.


Application of induced fluctuation method for coagulum formation control is discussed. As an example process of sour cream coagulation with 15% and 25% fat contents was taken. Measurements were made with fluctuating rheometer and rotating viscosimeter Rheotest-2. Analysis of the rheograms received by the two methods has shown that duration of sour cream fermentation process is actually the same. It was established that fluctuating rheometer can be used to control process of acid milk coagulation as far as the devise allows get reliable evaluation of the product quality and measure structural-mechanical characteristics of the coagulum received without destruction of its structure.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):63-63
pages 63-63 views

Calculation of the rheological characteristics of curds received by ultra-filtration.

Pyatkin P., Alyukhanova O., Vodyakov V., Sysuev S., Lyalin V., Pyatkin P., Alyuhanova O., Vodyakov V., Sysuev S., Lyalin V.


Results of the investigation of the rheological properties of the biocurds received by ultra-filtration of coagulated milk through ceramic membrane of the company Tami Deuishland with pore size 0.2 mkm and filtration area 0.2 m2 are presented. For different curds concentrations time-dependant functions of reactive moment have been experimentally established on combined rotation viscosimeter. The functions characterize ticsotropic changes of protein structures under isothermal conditions. Treatment of the results received made it possible to establish correlation between specific work of structure changes and curds concentration. Rheological equations and constants characterizing the correlation have been found.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):64-66
pages 64-66 views

Microstructure of cheese before and after smoking

Golubeva L., Avakimyan A., Grebenshchikov A., Kitaev S., Golubeva L., Avakimyan A., Grebenshchikov A., Kitaev S.


Technology has been developed for obtaining cheeses with cheddaring and thermo-mechanical treatment of cheese mass from normalized mixture in which 50% of natural skim milk has been replaced with reconstituted instant skim milk. The way to smoke new cheeses has been studied in electric static field of high tension. Changes taking place in the protein phase in the course of new cheese production have been studied with electronic microscope. Microstructure of cheeses with cheddaring and thermo-mechanical treatment of cheese mass has been evaluated before and after smoking.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):67-68
pages 67-68 views

Prices in the Russian market of milk products

Goroshchenko L., Goroshchenko L.


Prices for milk products in the Russian market are analyzed on the basis of official statistics on wide range of milk products. Dynamic lines of average retail prices have been made for various kinds of products for the period from the first of January till the first of May, besides information from the regions is also taken into account for the period from January to the first of May 2009.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):69-72
pages 69-72 views

Accounting - principle part of the informative system of a milk processing enterprise

Lesnykh O., Lesnyh O.


One of the vital targets of the economic strategy worked out by the concept of accounting reformation is improvement of management through internal information system. Under conditions of financial-economical crisis one should change not only long established practice of accounting but also some of general ideas and understanding.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):73-74
pages 73-74 views

Recommendations for increasing milk yields and milk quality improvement

Dreksler B., Dreksler B.


Dairy animal breeding in Russia is in the stage of transition from low mechanized labor to highly technological one, and leaders of the majority of agricultural enterprises should reply to the question what equipment to choose and what technology of animal keeping apply. Many companies offer various types of technological equipment and technologies for animals keeping leaving the choice for managers. But in many cases farms are supplied with equipment providing only milking process and records about animals' milk productivity. For efficient animal breeding it is advisable to completely change technology of keeping cows and milking.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):76-78
pages 76-78 views

Breeding work in the Sergiev-Posad region

Postavneva E., Postavneva E.


At the beginning of June practical seminar devoted to improvement of breeding took place in the Sergiev-Posad region at the reproducing farm Assortiment-Niva. Representatives of Agriculture Department of the region, Quality laboratory of the Agricultural Academy after K.A. Timiryazev, JSC Moscovskoe and Bitasol, regional veterinary station and other related bodies took part in the event. Specialists from the neighbour Mojaiskii region were also invited.
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):79-79
pages 79-79 views

Heat stability of raw milk

Pozdnyakova V., Shchegolev P., Karaseva I., Pozdnyakova V., Shchegolev P., Karaseva I.


Factors effecting milk heat stability such as zootechnical, hygienic and technological are given and characterized. It is shown that existing ways to improve milk heat stability can be preventive (agricultural enterprises) and correcting ones (milk processing plants).
Dairy industry. 2009;(8):80-80
pages 80-80 views