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编号 6 (2010)


Russian industry of packaging: situation and possibilities

Boiko A.


Problems of the packaging sector of Russia are discussed: recent dynamics of the packaging materials production, situation in the market of raw materials, items of legislation.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):5-6
pages 5-6 views

Process of packaging: increase of sales and quality improvement

Friche V.


General requirements to package, its functions, role in reducing losses in food processing and place of a packaging machine in complete process.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):7-9
pages 7-9 views

Tetra Pak is opening an envelope

Arsenjeva O.


The model to calculate efficiency of investments in the packaging equipment on the basis of analysis of the chain for creating finish product value is considered.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):10-11
pages 10-11 views

Training of technical specialists

Spitsyn A.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):11-11
pages 11-11 views

Summer - the time for quality packaging

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The company NHM Limited offers packaging equipment for aseptic and ultra-pasteurized filling of milk products in film and equipment for final stage of packaging.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):12-14
pages 12-14 views

Milk products «For the whole family»

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Information is given about new brand of milk products «For the whole family» that is being introduced to the market by the company «Unimilk». The brand unites kefir, ryazhenka, sour cream, milk and other products in the package «Kuvshin» (a jug) of various capacities from the company «Ecolin».
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):16-17
pages 16-17 views

Quality of packaging and production process

Bleisch G.


Issues of the complex approach to providing quality of packaging and measures that should be undertaken at an enterprise are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):18-19
pages 18-19 views

Amaizing abilities of the multipacks.Unique equipment «Set-Line»

Matusevich Y.


Operation of the automated line for packaging products in plastic cups with further grouping in the sleeve-package and boxes is considered.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):20-20
pages 20-20 views

Package - the face of a product!

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Information is given about special actions that are recommended to be undertaken by the milk products manufactures for better promotion and increase of popularity. Among the actions there are events intended for children and young consumers.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):22-24
pages 22-24 views

The package that supports success of a brand

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Dairy industry. 2010;(6):26-27
pages 26-27 views

Private labels are replacing Russian brands

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Dairy industry. 2010;(6):28-28
pages 28-28 views

Logistics function of a package

Kireeva N.


Role of packaging in logistics optimization, changes of requirements to the transportation package in view of goods marketing and reduction of losses in the process of goods movement are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):29-30
pages 29-30 views

Packaging of pallets. Alternative solutions

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Ways to pack products on pallets and equipment needed for the operations are considered. Information is also given about new types of thermo shrinking gas equipment - gas pistols and gas columns that work using propane.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):31-32
pages 31-32 views

Review of the market of milk products with extended shelf life

Avchuhova A.


Situation in the Russian market of the UHT-milk are analyzed and prospects of consumption of milk products with long storage life are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):33-34
pages 33-34 views

Exhibition «Packaging/Package Italy-2010»

Stepanyants M.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Autonomous system of the automated controlof the volume apparatus

Russkih V.


The scheme of the automated control of the technological volume equipment based on the Russian completing parts is considered. The scheme can be used with actually all the basic models manufactured by an experimental design bureau.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):38-39
pages 38-39 views

Successful operation of coatings at production sites: myth or reality?

Kurchikova V.


Principle parameters for choosing coatings for milk processing plants are given.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):40-41
pages 40-41 views

The 100 better products: absolute winners

Anisimova L.


Products of the JSC «Kirovskii molochnyi kombinat» sour cream «Kirovskaya» and curds «Vyatushka» received the title of the laureate of the program «100 better products of Russia».
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):42-42
pages 42-42 views

Index of consumers trust returns to the before crisis level

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Analysis of the change of consumers trust index in the global and regional scales is given. The index reflects the level of consumers' trust and consumers' readiness to spend their money.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):43-44
pages 43-44 views

New Trade Law: relations of foods suppliersand commercial networks

Lazareva O.


Some disputable issues (e.g. information about terms of choosing counterparts) in the Law about Trade that came into effect on 01.02.2010 are considered.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):46-48
pages 46-48 views

Trade Law: who has won?

Havanskii S.


Some paragraphs of the Trade Law are analyzed from the juridical point of view whether the Law meets consumers and small business interests.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):49-49
pages 49-49 views

At the aid of a microbiologist

Volkova N., Nefedova N.


Replies to the questions of the readers are given.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):50-50
pages 50-50 views

The third generation of the yogurt cultures YoFlex® -new possibilities

Karycheva O.


The company «Chr. Hansen» has developed new cultures of the series YoFlex®Express, YoFlex®Advance and YoFlex®Harmony intended for fast fermentation, formation of dense structure and thick consistency of the product and low postacidification.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):51-51
pages 51-51 views

State standard GOST R 53430-2009«Milk and products of milk processing.Methods of the microbiological analysis»

Sviridenko G., Zaharova M., Semenihina V., Rozhkova I.


The standard has been developed in compliance with «Technical regulation on milk and milk products», normative documents and with the account of the special features of the microbiological control managing at milk processing enterprises of Russia. The standard has also been made as close as possible to the system of microbiological control of milk and milk products applied in the standards of the ISO.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):52-55
pages 52-55 views

Fats SDS for special purposes: innovative approachto improvement of quality and safety of the fat and oils products

Zaitseva L.


Food grade fats and oils of new generation manufactured in Russia by the Corporation «SOYUZ» are characterized. Varieties, advantages and fatty acids compositions of the products are considered.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):56-57
pages 56-57 views

The system defining quality

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The seminar for specialists of cheese making enterprises organized by the companies Sealed Air, Chr. Hansen and Sib Upak took place in Barnaul in April 2010.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Question - answer

Abrosimova S.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):60-61
pages 60-61 views

New national standard on raw skim milk

Petrov A., Radaeva I., Galstyan A., Turovskaya S.


Necessity to develop new national standard on raw skim milk is being discussed. Principle characteristics and indices as well as storage life of the milk is given.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):62-63
pages 62-63 views

Pozdravlyaem s yubileem!

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Генеральному директору краевой ассоциации предприятий молочной промышленности «Кубаньмолоко» Петру Прокофьевичу Чубову - 80 лет
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):64-64
pages 64-64 views

About some problems of the dairy sector

Gorlenko I.


Problems related with formation of raw milk prices and competitiveness of the domestic milk powders are considered in the article.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):65-66
pages 65-66 views

Trends of development of the milk raw materials basis(at the example of one agricultural enterprise)

Zhdanov A., Lukashina L.


Positive results of cooperation of the company «Ehrmann» and agricultural enterprise «Il'kino» aimed at introduction of existing techniques and technologies of the milk animals breeding, increasing yields and milk quality improving are described.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):67-68
pages 67-68 views

Forum «The Dairy Industry»

Dvinsky B.


The result of exhibition events are discussed, review of exponents is given.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):70-79
pages 70-79 views

Forum «The Dairy Industry»: results and prospectsInterview with V.V. Labinov

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The results and prospects of Forum are considered.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):80-82
pages 80-82 views

80 years to the Voronezh State Technological Academy

Golubeva L., Stanislavskaya E.


This is a brief story about the history of the Academy, areas of education at present and principle subjects of scientific activity at the department of milk and milk products technology.
Dairy industry. 2010;(6):83-84
pages 83-84 views

Pamyati professora G.V.Tverdokhleb

Dairy industry. 2010;(6):85-85
pages 85-85 views