Author Details

Zhilin, Ivan N.

Issue Section Title File
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts Pletnev and Citron. Serodiagnosis of syphilis. (Medical Review No. 2. 1908) PDF
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts Privatdocent Klimov. A case of multiple sclerosis in childhood. Doctor. Newspaper. No. 6. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts Babkin. "A case of acroasphyxia in a 14-year-old girl". Doctor. Newspaper, No. 9, 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts Prof. Eulenburg. Basedow'a disease from a modern theoretical and practical point of view. Modern Clinic and Therapy. No. I. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts N. E. Osokina. Kozhevnikov epilepsy. (Medical Review No. 1, 1908) PDF
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts Doctor Sukhanov "On Constitutional Psychopathies and Psychoses". Modern Psychiatry", January, 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts Dr. Felix Mendel. Treatment with fibrolysin and its results. "New in Medicine". Nos. 1, 2, 3. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts Prof. Shcherbak. "On the pathological significance of Trichocephalus dispar". Publishing house "Practical Medicine". 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 1 (1908) Abstracts Report on the defense of the dissertation by doctor I.P. Alferyev, January 21, 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Privatdozent N. Ostankov. "Gastric crises of tabetic morphine origin". Review of Psychiatry. No. I. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts A. E. Shcherbak. "About the Arts. evoking, with the help of vibration of some non-constant reflexes. "Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Ermakov. "Epilepsy in the Russian-Japanese War" Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I, 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Kramer. "To the question of the periodic paralysis of the limbs." Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I, 1903 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. 1. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Privatdozent Shkarin. Basedow's disease at an early age. Medical newspaper. No. 2. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Doctors Buchshtab and Huvin. To the clinic of paralysis of the diaphragm. Medical newspaper. Kg 3. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Doctor Markevich. To the casuistry of tetany. "Russian doctor". No. 3. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Doctor Pussep. About acute half-edema of the body. "Russian doctor". No. 3. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Brodsky. On the influence of the events of the revolutionary period on the course of tabes dorsalis. Medical review No. 5 - 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Egiz. To the casuistry of cerebral hemiplegia of diphtheria origin. Medical review No. 5. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts R. Cassirer. Vasomotor - trophic neuroses. Modern class and therapy. No. 2. 1908. PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts V. M. Bekhterev. "On the Relationship Between Mental and Nervous Diseases". Review of Psychiatry. No. I. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Modern Psychiatry No. 2, 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Rosenbakh P. Ya. Evaluation of the doctrine of manic-depressive psychosis. "Russian doctor". No. 2. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Doctor Podyapolsky. "About chloroform sleep". Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Privat-Associate Professor Seletsky. "Dissociation of representations and its meaning". Journal of neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. No. I. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Doctor Korovin. To the method of studying the alcoholism of the individual. Medical newspaper. 1908 No. 2 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Professor A. Strumpell. To pathology and therapy of bronchial asthma. Modern class and therapy. No. 2. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 2 (1908) Abstracts Report on a doctoral dispute at the Imperial Kazan University April 6, 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 3 (1908) Abstracts G. V. Fleisher. Materials for the chemistry of the gray matter of the brain. "Russian Doctor". No. 12. 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 3 (1908) Abstracts S. D. Vladychko. To the pathology of the spinal cord in scleroderma. Kiev. University. Izvestia № 3 of 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 3 (1908) Abstracts P. M. Kamenetsky. To the casuistry of combined forms of Basedow's disease. Doctor. Newspaper, № 15 1908 PDF
Vol XV, No 3 (1908) Abstracts Triantafylides. On some neuroses of the abdominal sympathetic system. Report read at the Batumi Society of Doctors. 1908 Batum Det. ed. PDF
Vol XV, No 3 (1908) Abstracts A. N. Schmidt. On the treatment of nervous diseases with brine and mud baths. Journal of Neur. and psycho. them. Korsakov. No. I-2, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 2 (1909) Abstracts Doctor Pletnev. Symptomocomplexx Morgagni - Adams-Stokes'a. - Modern clinic and therapy. No. 4. 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 2 (1909) Abstracts Doctor Gimbal. Arteriosclerosis of the nervous system. “Modern. Clinic and Therapy, № 5, 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 2 (1909) Abstracts Frankel Heiden. Back pain therapy. From the time of. clinic and therapy. No. 6 and № 7 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 2 (1909) Abstracts Bokelmann. Epilepsy and its treatment. Modern clinic and therapy. № 10 & № 11 1908 PDF
Vol XVI, No 2 (1909) Reviews Report on the doctoral dispute at the Imperial Kazan University, December 14, 1908 on the defense of the dissertation of the doctor F. Ya. Kitaev PDF

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