
The Concept, Causes and Methods of Elimination of «AYE» in Russia
Grigoryan D., Reshetnyak D., Yatskina I., Zaleskina A.
Analysis of the Experience of Foreign Countries in the Fight Against International Terrorism
Magomedov M.
Countering Computer Terrorism in the Context of Informatization of Society
Gedugoshev R.
High Technologies in Countering Extremist and Terrorist Crimes
Kurshev A.
Current State and Prospects for the Development of Countering the Ideology of Extremism in the Russian Federation
Shkhagapsoev Z., Akkaeva H.
Priority Directions of Countering Extremism and Terrorism at the Present Stage of Society Development
Zhamborov A., Semiglazov A.
The Spiritual and Moral Consciousness of the Russian People and the Liberal Ideology of Criminal Justice: Dialectics of the Concrete and Abstract
Agutin A.
Modern Trends in the Development of State Sovereignty
Kochesokov Z., Mankieva A., Voropaev I.
The Doctrine of Socialist Democracy as One of the Foundations of the USSR Constitution of 1936
Kovtun Y.
Actual Problems of Development of Extremism and Terrorism in the Field of Information and Telecommunication Technologies
Kuchinaev R.
Modern Technologies of Youth Involvement in Extremist Activity: Problems and Ways of Counteraction
Mazdogova Z.
Modern Terrorism: State and Prospects
Khachidogov R., Kazachenko A.
Transformation of Extremist and Terrorist Ideology Under the Conditions of External Sanction Pressure
Khamgokov M.
Methods of Recruiting Young People to Terrorist Organizations
Teppeev A.
Characteristic Components and Backgrounds Inherent in People Who Commit Terrorist Acts
Mashekuasheva M.
Causes, Factors and Ways to Counteract the Development of Nationalist Terrorism in Modern Conditions
Shogenov Z.
Actual problems of prevention and combating terrorist manifestations in the youth environment
Shkhagapsoev Z., Gutieva I.
Problems of prevention of terrorism among the minors
Osmanov M.
On the Factors Activating the Growth of Extremism and Terrorism in Modern Conditions
Korkmazov A.
The Place and Role of Physical Training in the Formation of Anti-Extremist Consciousness and Legal Consciousness of the Personality
Meshev I.
Victimological aspects of crimes of terrorist nature
Aripshev A.
Countering the Spread of Radical Ideologies in Social Media
Abazov I.
The Synergistic Effect of Globalization and Its Impact on the Radicalization of Youth
Kuchmezov R.
Impact of criminal subculture on the formation of anti-social behaviour among young people
Tarchokov B.
Terrorist Financing: Criminal Law Definition
Fakov A.
Improving State Policy in the Field of Information Countering Terrorism
Balaeva J., Zhukov A.
Radicalism and extremism as a real threat to the state security
Shhagapsoev Z.
Modern Terrorism and Extremism: Development Trends, Problems of Counteraction
Zhamborov A.
Dominant Factors Inspiring the Spread of the Ideology of Terrorism in the Youth Environment: Problems and Ways of Localization
Korkmazov A., Bozieva Y.
Aripshev A.
Extremist Communities in Social Networks: Problems of Detection and Counteraction
Tarchokov B.
The Generation of Terrorism and the Forms of Its Manifestation to the Days
Tsrimov A., Kuchmezov A.
Soviet Party Constitutionalism as a Subject of Source Study of the History of Political and Legal Doctrines
Korovin K.
Understanding constitutionalism and the peculiarities of its soviet model in theoretical jurisprudence
Korovin K.
Legal System - A Matrix for State Self-Identification
Bezuglya A., Nikonova L.
A set of measures to counter the spread of religious extremism among young people
Nastuev E.
Нәтижелер 36 - 1/36
  • Негізгі сөздер тіркелімге сезімтал< / li>
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  • Нақты фразаны табу үшін, мысалы, тырнақшаларды қолданыңыз. "ғылыми зерттеулер"
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  • мысалы, нұсқа ретінде * қолданыңыз. ғылым* "ғылыми","ғылыми"және т. б. сөздерді қамтиды< / li> < / < / к-сі>

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