Author Details

Свириденко, Ю Я

Issue Section Title File
No 1 (2008) Articles New national standards. Developments of the All-Russia Research Institute of the Cheese and Butter Industries (VNIIMS)
No 6 (2008) Articles Method for assessing cheese suitabilityof milk by rennet test
No 6 (2008) Articles Effects of vacuum methodand packaging regimeson the quality of soft and pickledcheeses
No 6 (2008) Articles Question - answer
No 4 (2004) Articles About long reservation of spreads
No 5 (2004) Articles Requirements to cheese labeling
No 6 (2004) Articles Milk clotting preparations and their standardization
No 3 (2005) Articles Situation and development trends in domestic cheesemaking
No 5 (2004) Articles About modeling rennet coagulation of milk
No 2 (2006) Articles New functional product for prevention of osteoporosis.
No 3 (2006) Articles Production and applications of bacteriological concentrates
No 5 (2006) Articles Principles of selecting milk clotting enzymes for cheese production
No 6 (2006) Articles Processed cheese product Monomah
No 5 (2006) Articles Ecological and economical aspects of milk whey processing
No 5 (2003) Articles Functional milk products
No 4 (2008) Articles Liniya zhizni uchenogo
No 5 (2003) Articles Starter culture production: the ways to activizeand stabilize lactic acid process
No 6 (2003) Articles AU Russia Research Institute for Cheese and Butter making -60 years of development
No 2 (2004) Articles The holiday of VNIIMS
No 2 (2004) Articles All about speads
No 6 (2003) Articles Butter. Cheese. Situation, problems and trends

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