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Nº 7 (2015)


Do the fair milk prices exist?

Rybalova T.


Получение прибыли - главная цель любого предприятия, и сельскохозяйственные не исключение, только вот животноводческие хозяйства в отличие от промышленных предприятий не могут сократить или вовсе прекратить производство молока в период падения цен и возобновить его сразу, как только цены станут расти. Временами производство сырого молока не только не приносит прибыли, а ведет к убыткам. Когда такие периоды затягиваются, активизируется забой скота. Свидетельством того, что производство молока - бизнес сложный и зача,стую малопривлекательный, является сокращение молочного стада и на,доев молока в стравне за последние 25 лет: в 2014 г. поголовье молочного скота соста,вило лишь 42 % от его численности 1990 г., а надои молока сократились в 1,8 раза.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):4-7
pages 4-7 views

The ingredients containing spirit. To be or not to be the production of natural food aromas, extracts and fruit flavors in Russia

Semenova P., Bessonov V.


С 1 июня 2015 г. вступил в силу Федеральный закон от 31 декабря 2014 г. № 490-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон «О государственномрегулирова,нии производства и оборота этилового спирта, алкогольной и спиртосодержащей продукции и об ограничении потребления (распития) алкогольной продукции» и внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации». В соответствии с этим законом пищевая продукция с содержа,нием этилового спирта более 0,5 % относится к спиртосодержащей. Тем самым порог уровня этилового спирта в продуктах, подлежащих государственному регулированию производства и оборота алкогольной и спиртосодержащей продукции, снижается с 1,5 до 0,5 %.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):8-9
pages 8-9 views

85 years to Aleksei Petrovich Nechaev

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Доктору технических наук, профессору, заслуженному деятелю науки и техники РФ, президенту Союза производителей пищевых ингредиентов Алексею Петровичу Нечаеву - 85 лет
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):10-10
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Quality and replacement of food supplements import

Kulyov D.


Эти вопросы достаточно актуальны в условиях высокой импортозависимости отечественной пищевой промышленности от поставок в Россию микроингредиентов. Как известно, 7580 % пищевых добавок, ароматизаторов, ферментов, аминокислот, витаминов, биологически активных добавок и других микроингредиентов поступает на отечественный рынок из-за рубежа. Качество такого вида продукции зачастую не удовлетворяет требованиям технических регламентов Таможенного союза и стандартам. 21 мая 2015 г. в Торгово-промышленной палате РФ эти вопросы обсуждались на совещании, организованном под патронажем Комитета ТПП по качеству продукции журналом «Контроль качества продукции», Союзом производителей пищевых ингредиентов, ВНИИ пищевых добавок. В обсуждении приняли участие известные ученые, изучающие вопросы питания, руководители ряда отраслевых союзов и ассоциаций, представители предприятий, общественных контролирующих органов. Были приглашены правительственные структуры и руководители соответствующих комитетов Государственной Думы, но, к сожалению, ни те ни другие не присутствовали.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):11-11
pages 11-11 views

Galactooligosaccharides: technology, analysis of the market and commercial prospects

Simonenko S., Shahailo N.


Galactooligosaccharides belong to the class of undigestible carbohydrates that functionally are prebiotics. Galactooligosaccharides can be hardly found in usual food products but in the human milk they are the principle bifidogenous factor. Positive impacts on the human health have been established. The main factors of the activity of the galactooligosaccharides: inhibition of the pathogenic bacteria, formation of useful substances (vitamins of the group B, biotin, nicotinic and folic acids), improvement of calcium and iron absorption, prevention of diarrehoea, constipations, reduction of the arterial pressure and lowering of holesterol concentration in blood, anti cancer activity. In the article the role of galactooligosaccharides in babies growth is considered in detail and necessity to apply the substances as a component of baby milk mixtures. Possible applications are offered and all the proved positive properties are given. Expediency to start industrial production of galactooligosaccharides in Russia in the frames of the complex processing of cheese whey is substantiated.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):12-14
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Creating the perfect smooth and creamy stirred yoghurt

Aubert C., Maiauskaite V.


Спрос на йогурты растет во всем мире. Согласно данным исследования, проведенного компанией DSM, в большинстве стран потребление йогуртов выросло за последние 3 года. Если рассматривать резервуарный и питьевой йогурты, то их мировой рынок в 2013 г. оценивался примерно в 62 млрд евро, а к 2018 г., как предсказывают, годовой оборот составит более 75 млрд евро 1. Польза йогурта для здоровья как источника кальция и белка является основным фактором его растущей популярности. Еще одной ключевой причиной роста спроса на резервуарный йогурт является то, что он рассматривается в качестве десерта с отличной текстурой и консистенцией, может быть с различными вкусовыми добавками, а также его можно употреблять в пищу в любое время суток.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):16-17
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Milk fat replacers for ice-cream production

Kolpakova M.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):18-18
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About choosing the equipment for milk and whey drying

Kuznetsov P., Gabrielova V., Mertin P.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):21-23
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Basis of the theory of milk powder solving in relation to the design of the dispenser RPA

Burykin A.


В1980-е годы под руководством Николая Никитовича Липатова впервые были проведены фундаментальные исследования по теории и практике растворения сухих молочных продуктов. Результаты этих исследований были обобщены в монографии «Восстановленное молоко» [1], которая явилась первой фундаментальной работой в данной области научных знаний о молоке. До выхода этой монографии ни в одном учебнике или другой научно-технической литературе вопросы восстановления сухого молока и производства из него молочных продуктов не рассматривались.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):24-26
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Dynamics of the process of milk whey nanofiltration

Dymar O.


Complex investigations of the nanofiltration elements manufactured by the company «PM Nanoteh» (Vladimir, the Russian Federation) used for pilot concentration of cheese and curds wheys were carried out for the first time. The results of the experiment demonstrated that dependence of the nano-filtration plant capacity in the range of 20-55 °C is well described by the linear equation of regression. Considerable dependence of filtration rate on the concentration of the total solids in the product processed was established. Limiting concentrations of the product depending on filtration pressure were determined. It was found that for curds whey they are by 4-11 % lower. It was also established that practically achieved degree of cheese whey demineralization is 35 % that is much higher as compared with the rate of curds whey demineralization to 28 %. Correlation between total solids in concentrate and in permeate was found. Physical-chemical compositions of concentrate (retentate) and filtrate (permeate) were studied. As a whole, the results received allow more precisely predict operation of nanofiltration plants when principle parameters of their work, design or type of the product are changed.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):27-30
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Regeneration of the ultrafiltration membranes at curds manufacturing

Manevich E., Kuzina J., Manevich B., Kos’yanenko T., Kruchinin A., Evdokimov I.


Experimental works have been carried out with the aim to intensify process of the UF-membranes regeneration. Effects of various types of the surface active substances and complexes formers on water permeability of the membranes were studied. The laboratory UF-module provided with membrane from polyvinilidenphtoride was applied for trials. After technological process of milk raw materials concentrating the UF-module was cleaned with solution having certain concentrations of sodium hydroxide during 15 minutes. Then the solution was introduced consecutively into the complex former, dispenser and surface active substance in the course of 15 minutes at each operation. After every operation water penetration of the membrane was measured on the water. When the technological process of concentrating of the fermented milk mixture and washing with water was completed capacity of the module was 0.11 l/min. When the alkali complex former in the concentration of 0.05% was added and the solution received with the pH value 10.8 was circulated in the system of the module during 15 minutes, capacity increased by 0.01 l/min. to 0.12 l/min. Additional introduction in the circulating solution of the week alkali dispenser (pH 8.5) and its circulating during 15 minutes resulted in the growth of the UF-module capacity to 0.15 l/min. When the pH value of the cleaning liquid was increased by introduction of the sodium hydroxide at its concentration 0.5% to the solution of the mixture of the complex former and disperse, capacity of the UF-module was 0.17 l/min. Addition of the surface active substance in the quantity of 0.02% resulted in additional improvement of the capacity to 0.18 l/min. that corresponded to the initial capacity of the UF-module before conducting technological process with raw materials Thus, in order to ensure required quality of cleaning of the membrane equipment it is necessary to apply cleaning compositions containing all the above mentioned components. However, it can be insufficient when operating industrial plants. As practice proved acid and periodically enzymes treatment can be needed.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):31-32
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Practical aspects of the hygiene of hands

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Dairy industry. 2015;(7):33-33
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Ecology against milk? What way do the government support?

Manitskaya L.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):34-35
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Ishida opens new showroom in Moscow

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Dairy industry. 2015;(7):37-37
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To the 85 anniversary of the birthday of Frants Adamovich Vyshemirskii

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Ф.А.Вышемирский - ведущий ученый страны в области маслоделия, доктор технических наук, профессор, почетный академик Международной академии холода, лауреат Государственной премии РФ в области науки и техники за цикл работ по маслоделию.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):38-39
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Situation in the dairy cattle breeding in the Russian Federation

Sharkaev V., Sharkaeva G.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):40-41
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Milk-protein breeds of the cattle

Knyazeva T., Sharkaeva G., Chekmeneva N.


Characteristics of the milk-protein breeds and types of the cattle in the Russian Federation made as result of the assessment in 2014 are given. Possibility to form organizations for artificial insemination by breeders with high genetic potential of the mothers for protein content in milk was studied.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):45-47
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Embryos losses in the dairy cattle breeding: principle genetic reasons

Goos’kova S., Turbina I., Eskin G., Kombarova N.


Review of the publications devoted to the study of the fertility reduction is given. Only genetically caused losses are considered that in our country are not actually taken into consideration. Principle mutations are briefly characterized, their principle carriers are shown.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):48-50
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Dairy cattle breeding in the Tyumen region: innovative technologies

Betlyaev R., Orlova G., Shul’ts A.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):52-52
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The interview with Peter Bocharov

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На прошедшей в рамках XIII Международной выставки «Молочная и мясная индустрия» конференции по проблемным вопросам_развития молочной отрасли в России большой интерес вызвало выступление П.В.Бочарова - исполнительного директора компании «Интеркрос Центр», владеющей крупнейшим на сегодня в России и Европе сельхозпредприятием по производству молока. Редакция журнала обратилась к Петру Васильевичу с просьбой поделиться опытом создания такого масштабного предприятия. Уверены, что этот опыт заинтересует наших читателей и вызовет чувство гордости - МОЖЕМ!
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):53-57
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Development of milk goats breeding base in Russia

Grigoryan L., Khatataev S.


The information on the situation in the milk goats breeding in the Russian Federation in 2005-2014 is presented: breeding organizations, livestock, class composition, live weight, milk productivity.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):58-59
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Special features of feeding milk goats

Dvalishvili V.


The results received by the Russian and foreign authors on the study of the feeding rate (energy and protein supply) of milk goats of different breeds are considered. The feeding ration for milk goats with different milk productivity is offered.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):60-62
pages 60-62 views

Chemical composition of milk produced by cows of different breeds

Ponomarev A., Melnikova E., Dolmatova O., Klyuchnikova D., Bogdanova E., Popova E.


Recently selection works have been actively carried out with the aim to improve quality of raw milk. New animal breeds appear having increased productivity, higher fat and protein contents in milk. Characteristics and compositions of milk received from the Jersey and Montbiarde cows delivered to the territory of the RF in 2013 by the company «Molvest» are analyzed in the article. To study quality characteristics of the milk of the both breeds the milk was compared with the milk of the widely spread in the territory of the RF breed - the Red-and White. The article contains information about study of the total solids content, solids-non-fat, protein (quality and quantity compositions) fat, including fatty acids composition, lactose, macroelements and vitamins levels in the milk of the Jersey, Montbeliarde and Red-and-White cows. Results of the analysis of the chemical compositions of the bulk raw milk produced by milk cows demonstrate that Jersey cows give milk with increased levels of fat, protein, calcium and retinol. Milk of the Red-and-White breed is characterized by higher contents of lactose, vitamins (retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid) and microelements (iron, copper, zink). The milk produced by the Montbeliarde cows was characterized by average levels of the indices studied. Com parative analysis of the bactericide phase of the milk of various breeds was made based on the definitions of the nonspecific resistance meanings. The milk of the Jersey and Montbeliarde cows is characterized by high antibacterial activity as compared with that of the milk produced by the Red-and-White cows, longer bactericide phase and as a result by higher keepability without considerable changes of the physical-chemical and organoleptic properties.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):63-65
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Vitamins value of cow milk during first milking

Vyaizenen G., Golovei V., Vyaizenen A., Lashmanov A.


Impacts of some factors on the dynamics of vitamins levels in the milk of high productive black-and-white cows during first milking were studied. Results of the study are discussed in the article.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):66-67
pages 66-67 views

Comparative assessment of the camel, goat and cow milks with account of fractional composition of proteins

Shuvarikov A., Yurova E., Tsvetkova V., Pastuh O.


Information is given about composition of the camel, goat and cow milks and quality of the sour milks received from the milks of the above animals. Attention is paid to the allergenicity of milk products.
Dairy industry. 2015;(7):68-70
pages 68-70 views

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