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编号 10 (2017)


Barriers on the way to the prosperity of the dairy branch

Boeva N.


There are exist some problems impeding development of the domestic dairy sector: putting milk processing enterprises on the I-II categories of danger, introduction of the «Platon», increase of the rail-way tariff, absence of the consumption culture, Federal law № 44 about governmental purchases et al.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):4-5
pages 4-5 views

Congratulations with the jubilee!

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ОЛЕГУ БОРИСОВИЧУ РУДАКОВУ, д-ру хим. наук, профессору, зав. кафедрой химии и химической технологии материалов Воронежского государственного технического университета, 16 октября исполняется 60 лет.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):5-5
pages 5-5 views

A bicycle for your business

Kulikov E.


Special issues of introduction of the ERP-systems in practice of milk processing enterprises are discussed.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):6-7
pages 6-7 views

Possibilities to use risk-management in the management of quality and safety of milk products

Bortsova E., Lavrova L.


Risk-management is a necessary part of the existing economic system development. The authors of the article offer to use it for improving milk products safety and quality. Possible variants of risks realization are grounded that can lead to properties and physical damage. Comparing analysis of consumption indices, consumption prices and incomes of population in 2013-2016 is given. Mutual effects of the factors of the physical and economic accessibility of milk products are explained in relation with the postulates of the Doctrine of food safety that is considered to be a normative factor of the outlet surrounding in the risk-management. Volumes of the inspected and withdrawn milk products are compared. The risks have been substantiated in the context of implementation of the requirements of the legislations about technical regulation and sanitary state. The mechanisms for managing risks of the milk products turnover such as legislative, economic and technical were offered. The authors proved that management of the risks of milk products quality and safety is an actual instrument in the improvement of competitiveness and meeting consumers’ demands.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):8-10
pages 8-10 views

1 machine - 1000 possibilities

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Ротационная разливочная машина для максимальной технологической гибкости
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Innovative automatic machine for filling RG270MINICROSS

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Dairy industry. 2017;(10):14-14
pages 14-14 views

Water activity in the products with intermediate moisture

Illarionova E., Radaeva I., Turovskaya S., Guseva T.


The value Aw correlates with microbiological and physical-chemical processes, and its meaning and changes allow forecast foods stability, especially at storage. Three batches of concentrated whole milk with sugar filled in metallic cans № 7 were put for storing. Control batch was without dehydroquercetine and two experimental batches contained dehydroquercetine in the quantities 0,02 and 0,04 % of the fat mass in the product. The working program of the study included measuring of water activity after 6, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 and 29 months of storing and comparing of the data received with established earlier threshold meanings. Before putting for storage the Aw values of all samples were in the range of 0,810-0,840 established for whole concentrated milk with sugar as for a product with intermediate moisture. In the course of further stages of control some small deviations have been noted with the shift to increasing. After 29 months of storage water activity in all samples was from 0,826 to 0,830. The results of the trials did not show noticeable deviations of the Aw meanings both from initial values and recommended ones. Comparing of the data received with threshold meanings that characterize intensity of product spoilage allows consider absence of development of undesired biochemical processes in all the samples studied substantiated. No considerable dynamics of the water activity index in the range from 0,820 (beginning of the study) to 0,830 (end of the study) was confirmed at controlled terms of storage, that ensured together with some other factors high keepability of the product studied during 29 months practically without changes of the standardized organoleptic and physical-chemical properties.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):15-16
pages 15-16 views

Up-to-date solutions for dry milk products manufacturing

Mertin P., Gridin A.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):18-19
pages 18-19 views

Packaging equipment for the dairy sector

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Dairy industry. 2017;(10):20-22
pages 20-22 views

Managing prime cost

Buneev A.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):23-24
pages 23-24 views

Sampling valve Keofitt® type Sesame™

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Dairy industry. 2017;(10):25-26
pages 25-26 views

Present day situation and prospects for introduction of the best available technologies

Grevtsov O., Volosatova M.


In accordance with adopted in 2015 Federal Law № 219 it became obligatory to ensure transition of agriculture including the dairy sector to the new principles of regulation. In so doing it is necessary to refuse from application of the old and non-efficient technologies and to create conditions for introduction of modern technologies based on the application of the best available technologies.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):27-28
pages 27-28 views

Perspectives of transition on the principles of the best available technologies

Kuzin A., Grunskaya V., Ostretsova N., Builova L., Shohalov V.


The items of transition of the dairy sector enterprises on the system of technological normalization of negative impacts on surroundings on the base of the best available technologies (BAT) regulated by the federal law «About introduction of amendments to the Federal law «About environment protection» and separate legislations of Russian Federation» are considered. Information is given about development of the draft of the information-technical reference book ITD BAT «Production of drinks, milk and milk products». General characteristic of the book is given reflecting criteria for choosing BAT, including level of the negative impacts on the surroundings in terms of time unit or volumes of the products manufactured, economical efficiency of introduction and operation, application of resources- and energy-saving methods, period of introduction as well as industrial introduction of technological processes, equipment, technical methods at two and more enterprises of RF. The best available technologies (BAT) in the field of drinks, milk and milk products manufacturing are defined. Characteristics of the technologies are given, ecological advantages achieved and motivation for introduction of the BAT chosen.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):29-31
pages 29-31 views

Production ecological control at an enterprise

Nikonenko N.


The items of organization and implementation of the production ecological control (PEC) at an enterprise and acting standards related with this area are considered.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):32-33
pages 32-33 views

Sweetmeats with good reputation

Rybalova T.


Review of the milk desserts market is given: yogurts, milk cocktails and drinks including drinks from whey, curds desserts, curds masses, glazed curds cakes, whipped cakes, cooled desserts. Dynamics of production and consumption of the above products is discussed, varieties, trends on the market.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):35-38
pages 35-38 views

The page of a technologist

Zobkova Z.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):42-42
pages 42-42 views

Universal solution for fermented milk products manufacturing

Shabalova E.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):44-44
pages 44-44 views

Starter culture AiBi «Golden Time» 4.01 SWEET : a profitable solution for producers of the dairy sector

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Группа компаний «СОЮЗСНАБ» представляет инновационную разработку, не имеющую аналогов на мировом рынке, - уникальную заквасочную культуру AiBi «Golden Time» 4.01 SWEET, которая позволяет выпускать 100 %о-ные безлактозные кислом,олочные продукты с высокой рентабельностью без установки специального дополнительного оборудования на производстве.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):46-46
pages 46-46 views

Special features of the Russian yogurt technology

Zobkova Z., Fursova T., Zenina D., Gavrilina A., Shelaginova I.


Calculation of the multi-component recipes for yogurt manufacturing can be carried out by mathematical method using graphic calculations, by the method of spontaneous choise or algebraic method by solving equation with several unknown quantities.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):48-50
pages 48-50 views

Yogurt. Are the changes of classic indices permissible?

Abdullaeva L.


Necessity to control content of solids nonfat in yogurt is considered. Solids nonfat is one of the principle identifying criteria allowing differ yogurt from Mechnikov sour milk.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):51-52
pages 51-52 views

Determination of the colloid milk proteins by the method of dynamic diffusion of the light

Tihomirova N., Levin A., Alenichev M., Zhovannik I.


In the course of milk heat treatment especially at high temperatures composition and structure of casein micelles change that leads to aggregation and increase of their sizes due to the formation of membranes from whey proteins. Size of protein micelles does not change considerably with increase of reconstituted skim milk share.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):54-55
pages 54-55 views

The system of radiological control Ishida ensures quality control for the trade mark «B.Yu.Aleksandrov»

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Инновационные технологии систем рентгеновского контроля Ishida позволяют обеспечивать высочайший уровень контроля качества одного из самых популярных российских молочных брендов -«Б.Ю.Александров».
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Bio-protective cultures for food products - solution created by nature

Kulikova T.


Наиболее частой причиной микробиологической порчи молочных продуктов являются дрожжи и плесени. Причем уровень контаминации меняется от завода к заводу и зависит от многих факторов: объемов и сезонности производства, отклонений от стандартного процесса,, использования ингредиентов с высоким риском обсеменения. Не только уровень загрязнений, но и их видовой состав непостоянны даже на отдельно взятом заводе. Возможное решение этого вопроса лежит в обла,сти микробиологии.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Association of the probiotic cultures Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus helveticus for development of the bacterial concentrate

Semenihina V., Rojkova I., Begunova A., Raskoshnaya T., Shyrshova T.


In order to increase production volumes of fermented milk products with probiotic properties it is advisable to look for new probiotic strains and work out functional products based on these strains. Lactobacillus reuteri is considered to be one of such strains. Lactobacillus reuteri slowly grows in milk, that’s why it is reasonable to cultivate it together with probiotic microorganism Lactobacillus helveticus which is more active in proliferation rate in milk. For mutual cultivation the strain Lactobacillus helveticus NK1 with low acidifying activity has been chosen. Cultivation in the sterile milk was carried out till the coagulum formation. Coagulation time was 5,5 hour when 3 % of Lactobaccilus reuteri and 3 % of Lactobacillus helveticus were added and 4 % of Lactobacillus reuteri and 2 % of Lactobacillus helveticus NK1 were introduced. When 4,5 % of Lactobacillus reuteri and 1,5 % of Lactobacillus helveticus NK1 were used and when 5 % of Lactobacillus reutei and 1 % of Lactobcillus helveticus NK1 were added coagulation time was 6 hours. In all samples quantity of the Lactobacillus helveticus NK1 cells was 1,1 • 108cfu/cm3 and Lactobacillus reuteri - 1 •107 cfu/cm3. In further studies in the nutritive media MRS inoculate Lactobaccilus reuteri prepared in the nutritive media MRS-broth was added in the quantity 5.5 и 5,9 % and inoculate Lactobacillus helveticus NK1 prepared in the sterile skim milk in the quantities 0,5 и 0,1 % correspondingly in order to receive quantity of inoculate introduced 6 %. Cultivation was carried out in fermenters. Quantity of the cells Lactobacillus helveticus NK1 at introduction of 0,5 % reached 7,8 •109 cfu/cm3 and 6,2 •109 cfu/cm3 at 0,1 %, Lactobacillus reuteri - 2 •108 cfu/cm3 when 5,5 % added and 3 •108cfu/cm3 at 5,9 % addition.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):60-61
pages 60-61 views

Semargl - a new era of starters!

Beregova I.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):62-62
pages 62-62 views

International seminar of the company «Molinform» in Vologda

Raicheva E.


Scientific and practical seminar «Scientific-technical ensuring of the development of the dairy sector. Innovative solutions for milk products and whey processing» organized by the inter-branch informative-consulting center «Molinform» took place on 21-25 August in Vologda. Wide business program has been prepared for the participants of the seminar - conference, technical excursions to the «Training and Experimental Milk Plant» of the VGMHA after N.V. Vereshchagin and to the «Severnoe Moloko» - one of the leading milk processing enterprises in the Vologda region.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Concentrated milk with milk fat replacers in Armenia

Beglaryan A., Grigoryan M.


Concentrated milk with sugar made of milk powder, sugar and various fats of animal and vegetable origin was studied. Average size of fat globes in the product depends on the nature of the fat applied that does not influence efficiency of lactose crystallization. The product produced without seeding material, not depending on the recipe was characterized by profound flour consistency on the 10th day of storage and after 30 days - by sandy consistency. Introduction of the technologies given is advisable mainly for the operations using concentrated milk products as raw materials components including confectionaries and ice-cream factories.
Dairy industry. 2017;(10):70-71
pages 70-71 views