
Legal Innovation as a Special Type of Social Innovation: Concept. Generation. Dissemination
Kuryshev E.
Technology and Law: to the Formulation of the Problem
Samushkin N.
Analysis of the Criminal Law of Rome and Its Role in the Criminal Law of Our Time
Lykov E.
Legal Aspects of Ensuring Information Security of the Digital Economy
Severin V.
Legal System - A Matrix for State Self-Identification
Bezuglya A., Nikonova L.
Actual compositions in procedural law
Belousov V.
Legal Infrastructure as a System and Business Environment
Gazizullin R.
The Development of Digitalization in the Modern Russian State
Rasulova A., Shepelev D., Shepeleva D.
Theoretical and Legal Foundations of the Legal Nature of a Corporate Contract
Shepeleva D., Shepelev D.
Prospects for the development of the legal mechanism for the functioning of payment systems
Salina E.
Comparative legal analysis of mitigating circumstances in the countries of the Romano-German legal system
Gromovenko N.
Factual systems in law: formation of a concept and meaning
Tsukanova E.
Functional Interconnections of Factual Systems Elements
Tsukanova E.
Sources of administrative enforcement rules in the Old Testament legislation (based on the analysis of the Book of Leviticus of the Moses Pentateuch)
Ivanov D.
On the Use of Legal Entities in the Brand Name of the Words "Exchange", "Trading System", "Trade Organizer"
Kochkurova K.
US Activities to Undermine the Existing System of International Law in the Context of the Development of Globalization
Nikiforov V.
The concept and essence of the principles of law
Opanasenko A.
On some issues of legal and administrative norms of the Code of Noah (based on the analysis of the Book of Genesis of the Mosaic Pentateuch)
Ivanov D.
Lanshakov D.
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