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卷 14, 编号 1 (2021)


The dual nature of extremism

Chistyakov V., Yastrebova E.


The article examines the dual nature of extremism, the impact of corruption and organized crime on the growing manifestations of extremism in Russian society. Based on the analysis of the historical development of society, it is illustrated that the breakdown of the foundations of society, the change of social formations took place, as a rule, through violence, terror, bloodshed, moral and physical suffering of people. Only having formed state institutions that allow the people to convey their views, opinions, problems to the authorities, in a number of countries it was possible to create a system based on democracy. However, taking into account the development of society in these countries, there is terrorism in various forms. The purpose of the article is to identify factors that affect the growth of manifestations of extremism in Russian society. Extremism and terrorism are a phenomenon with which society has always lived and which can only be suppressed, but not destroyed.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Legal values as a criterion for differentiating the political and legal doctrines of Russian conservatism and European liberalism of the XIX century

Kuzubova A.


The purpose of the study. The article presents a comparative analysis of the theoretical foundations of the legal values of Russian conservatism and European liberalism of the XIX century, which seems relevant due to the aggravated ideological and cultural dissonance, the consequence of which is a decrease in the effectiveness of legal regulation. Despite its importance, the potential of legal values of conservatism in the context of their implementation in the behavior of subjects remains poorly understood. The aim of the study is to identify the axiological dominants of Russian conservatism and European liberalism in order to eliminate modern problems of legal regulation caused by the confrontation of certain groups of legal values. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author concluded that it is necessary to converge knowledge about law with the axiological perception of legal reality, taking into account the national characteristics of value categories reflected in legal archetypes as the basic elements of legal culture. Differences in the ways of cognition led to antagonism in views on the essence of law, the diametricality of the main legal values in the political and legal doctrines of domestic conservatism and European liberalism of the XIX century. In the political and legal doctrine of Russian conservatism of the time frame under study, special ideas about the phenomenon of "legal value" were formed, the emphasis was placed on its transcendence, cultural and historical conditionality, and deep connection with religion and morality. On the contrary, in the liberal paradigm with its cult of rationalism, the initial principles were private interests and economic needs. The author concludes that the success of the state-legal transformations carried out is proportional to the degree of their compliance with national traditions, expressed, inter alia, in legal values.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):18-24
pages 18-24 views

Legal literacy and legal education in the conditions of modern society: lessons of the all-russian emergency commission for the elimination of illiterness in 1920

Biryaeva A., Volchok A.


The purpose of the research. The article examines the activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Elimination of Illiteracy in 1920, the origins of this activity, the understanding of the words "literacy" and "enlightenment" in different historical epochs, and also analyzes the main measures of this policy and related legal acts. Including the analysis of the Decree of December 26, 1919 "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR", the creation of numerous committees, "cult staffs", the initiative of the population at the local level, a huge amount of literature published at that time. Based on the foregoing, special attention in the study is paid to the linguistics and language of those days, sources and works of art. In general, culture and its influence on the consciousness and worldview of Soviet citizens, attempts to educate a new person, laying a new cultural code. The aim of the study is to establish the relationship between the events of those days and the policy of legal education today, the modern Russian state, the influence of the Soviet experience in other countries, as well as on the present. Formation of a holistic picture of past events, taking into account their characteristics and an attempt to consider their applicability in the current state policy of the Russian Federation. Try to understand the current regulations on increasing legal literacy and developing legal culture, unique and specific for their time, as well as original for our state. Or they are in many respects similar to what the Soviet state did in the past, and the activities of the Cheka, in many respects, predetermined modern state initiatives to “strengthen” legal awareness. And if this is so, how different are they, what is there in common and is it definable? Results. The research showed that the educational program in many ways did not meet the expectations of the authorities, many decisions were made on the basis of necessity, in many respects to the achievements of the educational program, led by the people's initiative, taken up by the revolutionary "wave". This phenomenon is controversial, and its consequences were ambiguous. The educational program laid the foundation for the construction of the entire Soviet culture and people, a large-scale and significant historical event that determined the history of the homeland. In the study, they came to the conclusion that the state measures of that time are difficult to apply in the present, due to a different social state and thinking, different from the past. But we should not abandon the positive ideas of the past and search for ways to apply them in the current policy of legal education conducted by the Russian Federation
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):25-33
pages 25-33 views

Fundamentals of protection of motherhood, childhood, family in the light of the novelties of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Letova N.


The introduction of amendments to the Basic Law of our country, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, was the reason for writing this article. Particular attention is paid to amendments that are aimed at understanding marriage in our country, defining the essence of traditional family values, the special position of children and the priority protection of their rights. When writing the article, the following methods were used: synthesis, analysis, the method of comparative jurisprudence, etc. The conclusions were the provisions concerning the foundations of the formation of family policy in our country, the systematization of measures of social support for families with children. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of its application in the implementation of a systematic analysis of the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation for their compliance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The work may be of interest to judges, lawyers - theorists, students and practitioners.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Social entrepreneurship: issues of legal regulation

Shpinev Y.


Social entrepreneurship, as an established concept, has entered economic life relatively recently. At the same time, this concept has already been reflected in the current legislation. The author analyzes the current legislation on social investment. On the basis of the study, a list of persons who, from the point of view of the state, belong to the least protected is identified and a comparison is made with respect to persons subject to social protection during the USSR. The most acute contradictions of social entrepreneurship are identified. The most acute problem of social entrepreneurship is the lack of funding. The article attempts to classify investments in social entrepreneurship by the ratio of the expected economic benefit and the socially directed effect from traditional investments to charity. The paper notes that the main areas of financial support for social entrepreneurship in Russia can be such well-established financial institutions in developed countries as crowdfunding, social and green bonds, and meson financing. Another important issue related to social entrepreneurship, according to the author, is the place of non-profit organizations in the system of social entrepreneurship. This issue is particularly relevant now, since the current Russian legislation defines social entrepreneurship as commercial enterprises. In conclusion, it is concluded that despite the fact that the trends of social entrepreneurship in recent decades have appeared in developed Western countries, our country has its own rich experience in solving social problems, which can and should be used in the new socio-economic conditions.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Legal problems of recourse to the person who caused the harm

Arabaev C., Chotkaraev K.


The article analyzes the right of recourse provided for by the provisions of Art. 1009 of the Civil Code of the Kyrgyz Republic; the main mechanisms for the payment of compensation for damage caused are considered. Attention is drawn to the legislative gaps: the lack of clear mechanisms in terms of reverse regression to the state body. It is proposed to expand Art. 1009 of the Civil Code, including an additional norm on the right of recourse of a state body that compensated for harm caused by other state bodies and officials of the bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation, prosecutor's office and the court, if there is a court acquittal that has entered into legal force.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):46-48
pages 46-48 views

State property as a political and legal problem in modern Russia

Pavlyuk A., Martirosian T.


This article examines the issue of the current problems of state ownership. At the same time, state property is presented as a political and legal category, which is closely related to state property as an economic category. Much attention is paid not only to state property within the legal and political context, but also to such an aspect as the privatization of state property, which process took place at the end of the twentieth century. The article shows that privatization did not lead to positive results and, on the contrary, exposed many other problems. Such problems include ineffective management of state property, corruption, questions about the relationship between private and state property, legal problems, and so on. In modern Russia, the range of problems of state property as a political and legal category continues to grow, which, of course, requires their scientific understanding. In addition, the particular relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that at the beginning of 2020 the Government of the Russian Federation developed a new program for the privatization of property, which is in federal ownership for three years at once - from 2020 to 2022. In three years, it is planned to alienate more than a thousand state facilities. In order for the program to be implemented properly, it is extremely important to take into account the experience of the past years of privatization of state property.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):49-57
pages 49-57 views

Modern approaches to the definition of principles, features and the definition of an object of construction in progress

Zhdanov S., Krasnov V., Skryachev A.


The subject of the study is a critical analysis of existing approaches to understanding the legal status of an object of construction in progress in terms of formulating its principles, features and definitions, proposals are made for their formulation in accordance with current legislation and judicial practice. The methodological basis of the research consists in the application of general methods of cognition, such as methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization. Also, special legal methods of cognition, traditional for legal science, were used: the formal legal method, which is used to analyze legal structures and formulate legal definitions; the comparative legal method, which is a sequential study and comparison of several similar objects, as well as legal modeling, which makes it possible to find an optimal and effective model of normative regulation of civil legal relations. The conclusions of the study are: 1) the degree of completion of the construction of the real estate object cannot be attributed to an essential feature of the object of construction in progress; 2) the totality of the features identified by the authors makes it possible to determine the content of the narrative in relation to the object of construction in progress, which will then allow to give not only a definition of the object of construction in progress, but also allow the law enforcer to perform lawful actions in relation to this type of property; 3) under the object of construction in progress, the authors propose to understand real estate in the field of administrative and civil legal relations, which has unique characteristics and is included in economic circulation on the basis (in accordance with the rules) of state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights; and etc.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):58-64
pages 58-64 views

Real monuments of history and culture as special objects of civil rights

Ivanova S.


The purpose of the research work is to analyze the norms of federal legislation, as well as laws and other normative legal acts of the city of Moscow, dedicated to immovable monuments of history and culture. Conclusions obtained in the course of the study - the need to include immovable monuments of history and culture as special real estate objects in article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to adopt at the federal level the Law on immovable monuments of history and culture by analogy with the law of the city of Moscow.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):65-71
pages 65-71 views

About industry accessories housing legal relations

Mukhametova S.


Purpose: since housing legal relations are a classification group in the classification of legal relations according to a sectoral criterion, the problem of understanding them is essentially the problem of determining their legal status. Its solution issue is closely related to the solution of another equally significant issue - determining the place of housing law in the system of branches of Russian law. Both of these issues are debatable in the contemporary legal literary and need to be better understood. The opinions of legal experts about the role of housing law in the system of Russian law range from the recognition of housing law by the institution of civil law to providing it the status of a branch of law - either complex or non-complex (“independent”). Scientists who consider housing law as an institution of civil law solve the issue of determining the status of housing legal relations by recognizing them as civil legal relations, but at the same time, they cannot explain why such an institution of civil law as housing law has administrative legal relations. Scientists who address housing law to be a complex branch of law solve the issue of determining the status of housing legal relations by recognizing them as complex ("collective") legal relations, but concurrently they are not able to explain how the multi-branch powers "coexist" in the content of the housing legal relationship. Scientists who consider housing law a non-complex ("independent") branch of law, decide the issue of determining the status of housing legal relations either by creating a construction of "public-private legal relations", or by differentiating according to the content criterion of legal relations arising from residential premises into "legal relations in the housing sphere » and the actual housing legal relationship. As a result The article substantiates the conclusions that, firstly, neither the concept of recognition of housing law by the institution of civil law, nor the concept of recognition of housing law as a complex branch of law can be accepted due to immanent contradictions, and secondly, the construction of "public-private relations" should be rejected due to its dubious theoretical nature and, thirdly, the concept of recognition as housing only those legal relations arising from residential premises that have their own specific content that are not proper in either civil or administrative legal relations deserves support.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):72-79
pages 72-79 views

Information technology as a phenomenon in the field of public procurement

Bondareva E.


In the modern world, various forms of information and communication technologies, to one degree or another, have penetrated into all spheres of society and the state and have a significant impact on socio-economic, political and cultural life. The development of information technologies, with the support of the state, largely predetermines the activities and new approaches to administration and communication in the field of public procurement. The author investigates the problems of using information technologies in the field of public procurement as one of the means of achieving the efficiency of the entire system and the principles of the contract system in the field of procurement. Information and communication technologies are both a modern means of increasing the efficiency of public administration in the procurement of goods, works, services for public needs, and a means of increasing the openness and transparency of the activities of public authorities. It should also be noted that the use of the Internet and electronic tools in the contract system - the EIS, electronic trading platforms, allow to optimize information exchange, implement measures to ensure rapid interaction between procurement participants, create equal conditions for ensuring competition, taking into account the territory of Russia. The requirements of the legislation governing the field of public procurement on the “closed nature” of some public procurement imply the obligation of persons named by law to ensure the restriction of free access to this information and the responsibility of these persons. However, the principle of confidentiality is absent among the basic, initial provisions of the public procurement legislation. The author proposes to introduce this principle into the legislation, which will be the basis for the norms that allow determining the boundaries and volume of protected information, establishing the subjects responsible for the safety of information, as well as the degree of responsibility in case of violation of the principle. The establishment of this principle will allow the legislation on public procurement to provide effective measures to protect the system from digital attacks. The author considered the possibility of the emergence of digital rights.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):80-84
pages 80-84 views

Changes in legislation and problems of reproductive tourism: review of hearings in the public chamber of the Russian Federation

Dovnar A.


The review article was prepared based on the results of public hearings held in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the topic: "Changes in legislation and problems of reproductive tourism." During the discussion, the following problems were raised: a) the lack of a unified register of statistical information on the implemented donor programs and ART cycles, b) the commercialization of the surrogacy program; c) exploitation of women - surrogate mothers experiencing material difficulties through their participation in ART programs; d) expanding the participation of private clinics and ART centers in the implementation of programs to overcome infertility in the Russian Federation; e) request for participation in programs to overcome infertility of persons with non-traditional sexual orientation, especially citizens of foreign countries; f) lack of responsibility for participants in ART programs in case of violation of the terms of the contract or committing other illegal actions. Most of the participants in the public hearings expressed solidarity in the opinion of the need to improve the legislative regulation of the use of assisted reproductive technologies in the Russian Federation by prohibiting advertising of surrogacy, creating a unified federal register of completed ART cycles and patient escort routes, prohibiting commercial surrogacy, expanding the category of citizens participating in surrogacy motherhood programs, determining the nature of the surrogacy agreement, developing clear requirements for participants in the surrogacy program.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):85-95
pages 85-95 views

Features and role of state financial control as part of the Russian legal system

Shepeleva D.


In the modern Russian state, a large-scale reform of supervisory and control activities is being carried out. The priority task here is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of control and supervision, as well as the revision and updating of legislation. In recent years, the reform of updating and improving legislation in the field of financial control has been carried out and continues to be carried out. Indeed, to date, a huge array of acts has accumulated, including those of the early 90s with a noticeably outdated system of bodies and an outdated concept of financial control. Therefore, they are recognized as invalid and new strategic documents of a national, informational, and economic nature, approved by Decrees of the President of our state and containing priority goals, take their place. Therefore the research trends and impact of control activities and effectiveness through the implementation of these activities is of particular relevance that derives, including the purpose of the article, which aims to explore issues of financial control and oversight, in both practical and theoretical aspects. It is important to analyze the role of financial control, its main directions at different stages of this control mechanism, the list of key features of state financial control, the sources on which control activities are based, the methods by which its subjects implement financial control and carry out control measures. And also to characterize it as part of public administration, the institution of financial law and the control relationship, since it is through the legal relationship with its inherent features that control is implemented. A your authorized subject is able to influence other participants of legal relations through mandatory regulations to oblige to a legitimate implementation of the law, and its specific object as the second party to legal relations which are not simply the specific benefit and a specific person (natural, legal), and public law, are obliged to observe the norms of financial law
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):96-101
pages 96-101 views

The types of employer - natural person in the field of labor relations

Savin V., Savin S.


In the article, the object of research is labor and directly related relations that determine the composition of the subjects of these relations, among which the employer-an individual is of particular interest. The subject of the study is the problem of classifying a given participant in labor relations into certain types and establishing a specific composition of individuals of each type, whose subjects have a specific legal status that allows them to be distinguished from other types of employers-individuals. In this case, the authors analyze the legal typology of employers - individuals, linked-tion with their division into two kinds, which is enshrined in paragraph 5 of article 20 of the labour code; have sufficient place in science employment law position of scholars Trudoviks on the water; the possibility of head of peasant (farmer) economy, private but Tarius, a lawyer, founded a lawyer office, private Auditor and a private investigator to be employers - individual entrepreneurs; and individuals who form part of the second type of employers - individuals. The novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time in the science of labor law, a study is conducted specifically devoted to the types of employer-individual, which substantiates the presence in the field of labor relations, in contrast to their legislative classification, of three types of individuals acting as employers-individuals. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the concept of labor law on the types of employer-individual is their conclusion about its insolvency, due to the inconsistent approach of the legislator to the assessment of professional activities performed by various specialists on the basis of federal laws, and with the shortcomings of labor legislation. In this regard, proposals are made for its improvement, aimed at forming a full circle of individuals who use the hired labor of other citizens, as well as contributing to the division of this circle into certain types of employers-individuals.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):102-108
pages 102-108 views

Legal problems of labeling food products containing components obtained using genetically engineered organisms

Agafonov V.


The Article is devoted to the study of modern approaches of foreign countries and the Russian Federation to the legal regulation of labeling of food products containing components obtained using genetically modified organisms. Based on the results of a comparative study of the legislation of the European Union and the Russian Federation, the conclusion is proved that currently the Russian Federation as a whole has developed and operates an effective system for assessing the safety of food products containing genetically modified organisms (GMO), however, the accelerated development of genetic technologies in the world, including genetic editing technologies, the emergence of genetically modified organisms of the second and third generations, it requires modernization of the entire existing system of state regulation of the turnover of genetically engineered products, and, accordingly, changes in existing approaches to the legal regulation of mandatory labeling of food products obtained with the use of GMO.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):109-113
pages 109-113 views

The role of V.P. Revin in the formation of a modern understanding of the structure of criminal policy

Voronin M.


The purpose of the study: defining the role of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor Valery Petrovich Revin in the formation of a modern approach to understanding the content of criminal policy, its structure, levels, formation, implementation. One of the aspects that attracted the attention of researchers and became controversial was the structure of criminal policy. Its scope was either expanded, including, in addition to special measures of crime prevention, measures of an economic nature, ideological, medical measures aimed at combating crimes and other socially dangerous acts (A.A. Gertzenon), or the framework of criminal policy was narrowed down to a policy of combating not all crime, but only its individual directions, and carried out not by any, but by criminal law means (P.N. Panchenko). The article analyzes the approaches to the structure of criminal policy based on its content. It has been determined that the most variable structural element of criminal policy is the preventive policy, which determines the main directions, the system of subjects and the system of measures for crime prevention. The most controversial, as we saw above, was the issue of including social prevention, its directions, measures, subjects in the preventive policy. Research methodology and technique. The methodological basis for studying the formation of a modern understanding of the structure of criminal policy was the generally accepted dialectical method of scientific knowledge of social processes in the field of combating crime, their interdependence and interrelation. In the course of the research, we used such general scientific methods of cognition as the system-structural method, the method of differentiation, methods of generalization, comparison. Conclusions: in the course of the study, the place of social crime prevention and its correlation with special prevention were determined. A requirement was established for the compliance of the assigned tasks with resource provision, legal regulation, information support, and staffing. The prognostic importance of V.P. Revin, reflecting the most important directions in the formation and implementation of criminal policy.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):114-118
pages 114-118 views

Topical issues of the definition of hooligancy from related compositions of crimes

Shkhagapsoev Z., Akkaeva H.


Ensuring public order is of particular importance in a democratic state. The spread of crime, including among minors, significantly impedes the development of society and the state. In this context, the fight against hooliganism, which is actively developing among modern youth, is of particular interest. Despite the fact that responsibility for hooliganism has been stipulated by Russian criminal law for a long time, a number of controversial issues still remain in law enforcement practice. The object of hooliganism is a very wide range of public relations, in connection with which investigative and judicial authorities quite often encounter situations when the qualification of hooligan actions is difficult, and unlawful behavior simultaneously falls under the characteristics of several related offenses. The purpose of writing a research paper is to analyze Russian criminal legislation, investigative and judicial practice in order to identify criteria for distinguishing hooliganism from related offenses. The authors come to the conclusion that there are many controversial points in the qualification of hooliganism, which significantly complicate the delimitation of this illegal act from certain crimes against the person, property and public safety. Attention is focused on the complexity of qualifications in bringing to justice for hooliganism in the case of the presence of qualifying signs.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):119-122
pages 119-122 views

Public danger and social conditionality of criminalization of bribery of an arbitrator

Kameneva A.


The article deals with the features of the new corpus delicti provided for in Article 200.7 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation-Bribery of an arbitrator (arbitrator). This element of crime was introduced into the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by Federal Law No. 352-FZ of October 27, 2020, which forms the need and relevance of its theoretical understanding. The article defines the prerequisites for the introduction of this composition, as well as its social conditionality. The author analyzes the social danger, the necessary and sufficient objective and subjective signs of this corpus delicti, which are subject to mandatory identification in the process of qualification. Attention is paid, among other things, to the controversial issues in the doctrine regarding the criminalization of bribery of an arbitrator (arbitrator), as well as to the alleged problems that may arise at the practical level when applying it, and recommendations are given for their solution. The author comes to the conclusion about expediency of improving the article 200.7 of the criminal code as amended and with distinction in a separate article 200.7 and 200.8 the criminal code, the fact of bribery by transmitting to the arbiter an illegal subject of bribery and bribery by receiving the referee illegal of the subject of bribery. The article substantiates the problem of the lack of responsibility for the fact of mediation in the transfer of bribery of an arbitrator (arbitrator).
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):123-127
pages 123-127 views

Topical problems of law enforcement practice about minor liability

Kumysheva M.


The priority direction of activity of any state is the fight against crime. This activity is of particular importance when it comes to some of the most vulnerable categories of the population. Among these, minors should be singled out who, due to their youthful age and dynamic worldview, are not always able to fully assess the social danger of their own actions. Minors are also more susceptible to the influence of others, which contributes to the widespread crime among young people today. A significant decrease in the age of modern young criminals and the brutality of their acts testifies to the spread of illegal ideology, which is negatively reflected in almost all spheres of the life of society and the state. Efficient activity to combat crime among this category of the population is especially urgent. The purpose of writing a research paper is to analyze current trends in juvenile delinquent behavior, to identify existing problems of law enforcement practice and to determine priority ways of solving them. The author comes to the conclusion about the inadmissibility of violations of the rights of minors in the process of bringing to criminal responsibility and the need to exclude situations when all the features of this process associated with the mental and physical specifics of the personality of an individual under 18 years of age are not taken into account. The attention is focused on the existing trends in the development of juvenile delinquency, which have a serious impact on their behavior. The need for attention of the whole society to the problems of law enforcement practice on the responsibility of minors is noted in order to prevent illegal behavior among this category of the population, as well as to improve this activity in general.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):128-131
pages 128-131 views

Employment of prisoners and convicts in the Swiss Confederation: some problems

Zorin D., Zorina N.


The article deals with the foreign experience of involving convicts and prisoners in labor both in penitentiary institutions and in pre-trial detention facilities in the territory of the Swiss Confederation. The study focused on the peculiarities of the division of convicts and prisoners in the territory of the Swiss Confederation and the connection with the Cantons. It was found that almost every Canton is characterized by the application of its own rules for the detention of prisoners in pre-trial detention facilities, which have specific characteristics that reflect the specific territorial location of the subject. The purpose of the study was to study the problems and accumulated experience of regulating the activities of attracting convicts and prisoners to work in the Swiss Confederation, which can also help Russian legislation to solve emerging problems. The methodological basis of the research is the method of dialectics and the general scientific and private scientific methods included in it, in particular, such as the method of formal logic, analysis and the comparative legal method. Thus, possible ways of overcoming the existing problematic issues by the Swiss Confederation were identified. The presented experience may be valuable for the Russian Federation and, provided that certain information is available, it should be recorded for future tasks.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):132-135
pages 132-135 views

Investigative actions in terms of digitalization of criminal proceedings

Isaenko V., Ishchenko P.


The purpose of the research. The article discusses the ways to improve the methods of obtaining and securing forensic evidence in the process of digitalization of pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases. The modernization of pre-trial criminal proceedings is impossible without the adaptation of procedural means of obtaining and securing evidence to the new digital reality. The authors criticize the opinions about the ineffectiveness of the preliminary investigation and existing investigative actions, including investigating "computer" crimes, and the need to replace them with universal "obtaining digital information" expressed in criminal procedural science. However, examining the influence of modern computer technologies on the investigative actions in which they are applied, the authors note both the expansion of opportunities and the "blurring" of the established procedural forms. Another paradox is also interesting: all the emerging technical possibilities of obtaining new information organically "fit" into the existing system of investigative actions, and, contrary to expectations, do not lead to the emergence of new ones. The set of methods for obtaining evidence provided for by the Criminal-Procedural Codex is highly adaptable to new conditions, since it includes all the possibilities available for this. It follows from this that the digital modernization of the institutions of evidence should be aimed not at the means of procedural knowledge, but at the means of procedural consolidation of the course and results of investigative actions, where all routine operations requiring renewal are concentrated. Replacing the protocol-written procedure for securing evidence with the use of modern technical means will require the development of additional rules for their application, which, after being enshrined in the law, will become a new procedural form. In combination with computer data processing technologies, this will lead to the emergence of new models of investigative activities and processes of obtaining evidence, i.e. to the third stage of digitalization of pre-trial criminal proceedings.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):136-143
pages 136-143 views

Admissibility and reliability of the evidence in criminal procedural law

Popov A., Zinchenko I., Popov A.


Task: identification of the real role of the admissibility of evidence, its relationship with the property of admissibility of evidence in criminal procedural evidence Methods: dialectical, formal legal, comparative legal. Results: the authors are not inclined to include the property of reliability of evidence in criminal cases, in the composition of the legal properties that determine their admissibility. Subjects of proof have the right to accept or reject attributable factual data collected in accordance with the procedure established by law by the property of reliability, however, both of them appear in criminal cases as evidence.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):144-149
pages 144-149 views

Objective truth or legal reality as a purpose of criminal procedural knowledge

Popov A., Popova I.


Task: clarification of the doctrinal and legal definition of “truth”, comprehended in criminal proceedings. Revealing the institutions and norms of criminal procedure law that prevent the establishment of the truth in criminal proceedings. Methods: dialectical; formal legal; structural. Results: the tendency of criminal procedure legislation is to consolidate in it rules that do not contribute to the establishment of legal facts as they actually took place. In this regard, it is legitimate to raise the question not about the achievement of objective truth, but about the resolution of the criminal case on the merits. The indicated tendency in the future legislation should be changed.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):150-154
pages 150-154 views

Limiting the constitutional rights of the suspect and the accused in the election of a measure of restraint - banning certain actions

Rudakova S.


The goal: purpose of research - revealing of laws of formation and manifestation in criminal proceedings way of limiting the constitutional rights of suspects and accused, and measures for their welfare, as well as attracting the attention of the scientific community to the problem of the use of relatively new measures of restraint envisaged in article 105.1 of the RF criminal code - prohibition of certain activities, explore the grounds and procedure for its election, analysis imposed prohibitions, the legality of restrictions of the constitutional rights of suspects and accused persons, acceptance of measures on optimization of legislative rules of application of the analyzed measures of restraint. He main tasks are to study, using modern scientific methods and technologies, the impact of restrictive measures on the constitutional status of a person who is being prosecuted in pre-trial proceedings, to determine the direct and indirect legal and other consequences of restricting rights, and to develop recommendations for optimizing the existing mechanism for applying a preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions. The tasks set by the author are aimed at substantiating the provisions that indicate the possibility and necessity of applying new approaches to the practice of applying a preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions, and on this basis, developing and formulating proposals to clarify certain provisions of the criminal procedure law. Methodology: in the course of the research, various General and private scientific research methods were used: induction, deduction, generalization, abstraction, forecasting, modeling, functional and structural analysis, systematic, logical, comparison, formalization, etc. Conclusions: as a result of the study, the following conclusions were formulated. 1. A suspect or accused person may not be restricted in the constitutional right to communicate with a defense lawyer when choosing a preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions. To exercise this right, part 8 of article 105.1 of the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation is proposed to state in the following wording: "a Suspect or accused person may not be restricted in the right to use telephone communication to call an ambulance, law enforcement officers, emergency services in the event of an emergency, as well as to communicate with the investigator, inquirer, defense lawyer (here and further italics The suspect or accused shall inform the Supervisory authority of each such call in the event of a ban related to the use of means of communication". 2. Research and resolution of problematic issues of applying a preventive measure-prohibiting certain actions will contribute to a more detailed, informal approach of judges to making the appropriate decision, taking into account the specific factual circumstances established in the criminal case, the characteristics of the suspect or accused and in accordance with the requirements of the law, recommendations and explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in order to achieve the purpose of criminal proceedings to protect the rights and legitimate interests of persons involved in the orbit of criminal proceedings. 3. When bans are imposed in accordance with article 105.1 of the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation on certain actions of a suspect or accused, there may be a need to cancel (change) as a preventive measure in General, and imposed prohibitions. In cases where there is a need to change the set of prohibitions imposed, it is not clear whether it is possible to use the mechanism of changing the measure of restraint, which indicates the relevance of this issue for the modern science of criminal proceedings that need to be resolved. There are two ways to change the set of restrictions imposed. First, as a specific procedure in the system of the current review mechanism, which provides for partial appeal of court decisions. Secondly, it is possible to borrow the procedure for making an additional court decision that has been tested and well-established in civil proceedings. 4. It is of scientific interest to appeal against a preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions if there is a need to ensure the rights and legitimate interests both in the case of cancellation (change) of the preventive measure in qeneral, and in part of the imposed prohibitions. Possibility of subsequent use. The results obtained can be useful for continuing scientific research in terms of ensuring the constitutional rights of a suspect or accused when choosing a preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions, as well as for characterizing the current state of criminal procedure theory and law enforcement practice in the relevant part. These results became the basis for the formation of proposals necessary for optimizing the legislation of the Russian Federation, judicial and investigative practice, as well as used in teaching relevant training courses in the direction of "Jurisprudence" (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate), specialty Legal support of national security. The practical significance of the results is to deepen and concretize modern scientific knowledge in the field of restrictions on the constitutional rights of the suspect, the accused, their protection and subsequent restoration, election and monitoring of compliance with the suspect or accused preventive measures in the form of a ban on certain actions, which allow solving interrelated problems of legislative, investigative and judicial activities. The social significance of the results of the study is due to the possibility of a significant increase in the level of security of constitutional rights and legitimate interests of participants in criminal proceedings. The value of the research and the results obtained is due to the author's contribution to the development of fundamental knowledge about constitutional rights and ways to protect them in criminal proceedings, as well as the solution of a number of applied problems related to the election of one of the new preventive measures and ensuring the constitutional rights of the individual. Based on the conducted research, new knowledge was obtained about the regularities of the impact of law-limiting criminal procedural measures in the form of applying a preventive measure prohibiting certain actions on the constitutional and legal status of an individual and the optimal means of its procedural support. The work is intended for researchers and practitioners, law students, postgraduates, and applicants.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):155-161
pages 155-161 views

Problems of initiating and proceeding of criminal cases under article 116.1 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation

Mamedov R.


This article draws attention to one of the existing problems of the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation - the problem of initiating a criminal case on crimes provided for by Article 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The given article analyzes not only the problematic issues of this topic, but also various options for solving problems, the main of which is the attribution of criminal cases on crimes under article 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by the legislator to cases of private prosecution. Therefore, the author believes, that the solution to the problem lies precisely in the exclusion of this category of cases from the number of private prosecution cases, which frees the victims from the duty of a private prosecutor, provides them with a real opportunity to prosecute the persons who beat them. The author also concluded that the empowerment of a district court judge to accept applications for the initiation of a private prosecution for his own proceedings is contrary to the fundamental principles of criminal proceedings.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):162-165
pages 162-165 views

International legal personality in the new groups of legal relations

Nikiforov S.


The purpose and objectives. The main goal is to analyze the possibilities of possessing international legal personality by “new participants in international relations”, to identify gaps in international law on the regulation of new groups of relations based on spatial and technological criteria, to substantiate and put forward methods and scenarios for filling these legal gaps. Methodological approach. The main party plays the legal prognostic approach, general scientific methods, and also methods of comparative historical and legal analysis, the method of interpreting legal norms and partially legal modeling are used. Results and conclusions. The article describes new groups of international legal relations that arise in the process of mastering geographic spaces and the development of high technologies, as well as the phenomenon of international legal personality. Originality and value. The article describes new groups of legal relations arising in the process of the development of geographic spaces and the development of high technologies, as well as the phenomenon of international legal personality and the challenges that new groups of relations, distinguished by spatial and technological criteria, bring to international legal regulation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):166-171
pages 166-171 views

International legal aspects of protecting the rights of Russian Paralympic athletes

Bayramov F.


The purpose and objectives. The main goal is to find ways to improve the existing international legal mechanisms aimed at providing legal support and directly protecting the rights of Russian Paralympic athletes. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined: to determine the humanistic foundations of international legal protection of the rights of Paralympians, to analyze the international legal institution for the protection of human rights in the context of respect for the rights of Russian Paralympic athletes; to formulate proposals for amendments to international legal documents that prevent violations of the rights of Paralympic athletes. Methodological approach. The main methods in the work are general scientific methods and private scientific methods of cognition, including the comparative legal method, the historical-legal method and the method of legal interpretation. Results and conclusions. The article examines the normative legal acts, international treaties and other legal documents that form the regulatory framework for the implementation and protection of the rights of Paralympic athletes, as well as the practice of their application, and suggests ways to improve the international legal mechanisms for protecting the rights of disabled people and Paralympic athletes. Originality and value. The study is valuable, as it focuses on the consideration of the protection of Russian Paralympic athletes through the prism of the concept of human rights, identifying gaps in the international legal regulation of the rights of Paralympic athletes.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):172-175
pages 172-175 views

Planning as a criterion for the quality of criminal investigation

Zhukova N., Kocumbas S., Mamin S.


The purpose of the study. To analyze the guidelines and results of operations investigators to substantiate that the planning activities of bodies of preliminary investigation is significant for the choice of investigative techniques, tactics of investigation, timeliness of investigation, rights of the parties interested in the outcome of the case, as well as when exercising departmental control by the head of the investigative body. Also, the purpose of the study is the need to establish the relationship between the planning and quality of the preliminary investigation. Conclusions. The implementation of daily and calendar planning in the work of the investigator can significantly improve the organization of the investigation, identify "weak points" in the proposed versions, determine the most optimal sequence of procedural actions and operational search measures in criminal cases under investigation. Planning in the head of the investigative body allows to increase the quality of the procedural control over the timeliness taken by the investigator of the decisions minimizes (ideally eliminates) procedural irregularities in the activities of the investigator, provides an implementation of the guarantees for observance of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of participants of process, and, consequently, increases confidence in the investigating authorities.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):176-180
pages 176-180 views

The imbalance of criminal punishment depending on the degree of individual participation in crime as a result of problems in modern criminal policy and shortcomings in forensic methodology

Kocumbas S., Morgun I.


At the present time, due to the frequent changes in criminal law and criminal procedure law, It is necessary to improve outdated methodological guidance and develop new forensic methods to investigate various types of crimes. Thereby it seems logical to study the emerging problems at the boundary of forensic science and criminal proceedings. The purpose of this article is to study the system of accessory criminal offenses and whether it is reasonable to define an act as a criminal according to the degree of individual participation in crime. The results show that forensic investigation technology optimizes the organization and conduction investigations of independent categories of crime. Nevertheless, the incompleteness of the offence established by one's complicity does not have an appropriate methodology. Moreover, setting out this kind of offenses seems not quite indefensible, since it causes the juxtaposition of rules of the general and the special parts of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This can lead to the injustice of the punishment imposed.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):181-185
pages 181-185 views

On the concept of forensic support for anti-corruption compliance

Sharshova M.


Research objective. The article reveals the concept and history of anti-corruption compliance in Russia and in foreign countries, identifies and solves theoretical and applied problems of criminalistics support of anti-corruption compliance. The scope and scale of corruption-related crime in modern Russia, including such offences (crimes) in the field of entrepreneurship, continue to pose a threat to public and state security of the country. As a consequence, minimization of legal and reputational risks and risks of regulatory sanctions due to violation of anti-corruption rules and global business standards that can cause financial losses and liquidation of the company are in the foreground. In order to solve this problem it is necessary to build a system within the company that would include a corporate program for compliance with both national and foreign legislation and to implement it through the adoption of a compliance program. The compliance program is proposed by the regulator as a communicator between the state and business. This is evidenced by a number of legislative acts which regulate the relationship between the regulator and the business community on the anti-corruption compliance dimension. However, the compliance program is not effective in preventing corruption offences (crimes). Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author concludes that it is necessary to clarify the place of criminalistics means, techniques and methods in the organization and implementation of anti-corruption compliance, the role of technical criminalistics, tactical criminalistics and methodological criminalistics support of the specified activity.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):186-190
pages 186-190 views

The concept of "cruelty" and its use in the investigation methodology

Tebiev R.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the existing approaches to defining the concept of cruelty, its features, establishing cruelty in the qualification of a crime, the use of this concept in the methodology of investigating crimes of certain types, as well as the development of practical recommendations in the investigation of crimes. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research it is established that at the legislative level there is no definition of cruelty in relation to cruelty to animals. In the comments to the criminal code of the Russian Federation, there is a list of signs of actions that constitute cruelty and have entailed corresponding consequences, without interpreting this concept. The author's concept of cruelty in the criminalistic aspect and in relation to the methodology of investigation of cruelty to animals was proposed. It is established that cruelty is a necessary and important feature in the qualification of criminal acts against animals. A classification of methods of cruelty to animals is proposed.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):191-195
pages 191-195 views

On the issue of the peculiarities of revealing the facts of physical violence against a minor and their proof: administrative and legal aspects

Mahina S., Nedostupenko T.


The relevance of the questions posed is due to a whole range of complex aspects arising in the process of identifying and proving the facts of the use of physical violence, including that which was not manifested at the physically visible level, but nevertheless harmed the physical and / or mental health of minors. In order to resolve the existing gaps in legal regulation, as well as issues arising in law enforcement practice, the author's interpretations and proposals are proposed on such problems as: the concept and signs of beatings; specifics of proof when revealing facts of inflicting beatings on a minor; individual parameters of the human body, on which the formation of visible traces on the skin depends, indicating the use of physical force, taken into account when conducting a forensic medical examination; specifics of determining the affected areas, objects that left them, and the prescription of their formation; a list of issues identified by the police officer to be resolved within the prescribed forensic medical examination.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):196-200
pages 196-200 views

Problems of the methods use of belief and compulsion in management activities

Kravets I., Butchenko V.


The article examines the issues of using methods of persuasion and coercion in management activities, where persuasion is a liberal method of influencing the consciousness of a subject subject, since it assumes, on the basis of a verbal, educational, organizational, incentive or other creative act, a voluntary and conscious perception of expediency by him - the prescribed nature of the activity, and, on the contrary, coercion as an imperious binding influence on the coerced is associated with the imposition of an imperious will on subordinate persons, the suppression of antisocial motives from them and with the possibility of implementing the sanction of an imperative prescription. It always contradicts the will of the needy, implicitly fits into the system of his ideas and requires obedience to dictates with which he internally or externally does not agree, and thus differs from conviction. The purpose of the presented study is to consider the issues of scientific support in the system of public administration that arise in this area. As you know, the legal nature of the Russian state has brought to life democratic and socio-political mechanisms for the distribution of the main state-power functions. Therefore, the state, modeling its activities by legal means, is guided by the principles of retention and dispersal of its powers of authority among various government bodies, ensuring the implementation of a single national policy. Thus, having concentrated a certain part of its social and power resources on the goal of rational organization and functioning of all the structures it needs, the state is called upon to serve at the same time the vital needs of society. This social conditioning and causality of an adequate response to the requests of both the state itself and society anticipated the justification for the existence of power coercion in the account of the state. Proceeding from this, state-power coercion received its existence from the state as an exponent of the objective interests and needs of the extraterritorial population. At the same time, relying on state authority and the real power of the state apparatus, state coercion is placed on a protective basis - the protection of the legal regulations of the state. Based on the study, the authors come to the conclusion that it is quite obvious that state coercion is characterized as a method of ensuring law and order, applied strictly on a legal basis, as a rule, by specially authorized state bodies, only to specific subjects of law in connection with their illegal actions or by virtue of public, state necessity, by adopting acts of application of law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):201-208
pages 201-208 views

Legal liability for hooliganism in the soviet and post-soviet periods

Dudaev A., Tkachenko V., Bogacheva M.


Issues of legal liability for offenses that infringe on public order and public safety in the Russian Federation are regulated by both the norms of criminal law and the legislation on administrative offenses. In this regard, the authors aimed to conduct a comparative analysis of the legislation of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods regulating liability for hooliganism, which is the most common offense that encroaches on the above-mentioned objects. First of all, the article reveals the legal nature of such legal categories as public order and public security. The paper draws attention to the origin of the term "hooliganism". The chronological sequence reflects the stages of formation of legal responsibility for hooligan actions. The authors reflect the main changes in the qualifying signs of hooliganism in the legislative norms of the above-mentioned historical periods. Attention is also focused on the forms of hooligan actions established by the legislation in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The attitude of the state and legislation to hooligan manifestations, as well as their prevention and suppression in the periods under review, is indicated. The authors consider the history of the occurrence of petty hooliganism as an administratively punishable act, its main features, as well as the successive changes in the qualifying features of this offense. The General features characteristic of both criminally punishable hooliganism and minor hooliganism, which is an administrative offense, are determined. As a conclusion, the authors noted the advantages and certain disadvantages of the current version of article 20.1 of the administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Minor hooliganism". The conclusions made made it possible to make a proposal to Supplement the wording of part 1 of this norm.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):209-214
pages 209-214 views

Peculiarities of the prevention of offences in certain types of transport infrastructure with the use of facial recognition systems

Makhina S., Bogacheva M., Sidorenko A.


Transport in the Russian Federation plays an important role in the country's progressive development. The issue of the safety of citizens and passenger and freight traffic in our country has become increasingly urgent as the transport network has developed. Based on modern requirements, ensuring transport safety for employees of internal affairs agencies will always be a topical issue. Since the objects of transport infrastructure are a place of mass gathering of people and concentration of means of transport, the issue of ensuring transport safety and security on the objects of transport at this stage of society's development is relevant, since due to specific features, the objects of the transport complex are of special interest to persons with a low level of legal consciousness. On the basis of the above, we will propose solutions to prevent unlawful acts by transport police officers at transport objects as part of the research theme - introduction and use of facial recognition systems. We did not use the term "use of the facial recognition system" by chance, as the system has been introduced in some Russian airports, but there are many questions about its effective use which will be discussed in our article. It is only worth mentioning that a fingerprint scanner or facial recognition camera has been inserted somewhere - and the interest of the audience is assured! But, unfortunately, the choice of research topic was not limited to this, we are talking about problems both in the use and operation of facial recognition systems installed by transport police officers at Russian airports. Using the examples of Belgorod Airport and Domodedovo Airport, we will look at the effectiveness of using the above system by the staff of the specialized public order departments in the transport and technological sectors of the transport infrastructure of the LO/LU of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):215-219
pages 215-219 views

Legal regulation employee health protection bureau of forensic medical examination from infectious diseases

Vishnevskij V., Sharafutdinova A., Timerzyanov M.


The article is devoted to the problem of protecting the right to health protection of the personnel of forensic medical institutions. The authors consider various aspects of the activities of forensic medical experts, the conditions of their work in relation to the implementation of the constitutional right of everyone to health protection. Using the methodology of a comprehensive analysis of the current legislation, a study of the regulatory regulation of the prevention of occupational infection of SMU personnel was conducted. The purpose of the work was to identify problematic issues in the field of health protection of personnel of forensic medical institutions and to develop proposals for improving legislation. The analysis showed that there are significant gaps in the legislation regulating the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of employees of forensic medical examination institutions in the field of health protection. It is established that forensic medical experts do not have information about the presence or absence of infectious diseases in the deceased, whose corpses are sent for examination, and therefore are at risk of infection with a wide range of infectious pathogens. At the same time, there are no regulatory requirements for the behavior of experts, their clothing, the use of personal protective equipment, and there are no requirements for the equipment and equipment of sectional rooms. The existing sanitary rules and departmental regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation regulate the conduct of pathoanatomical studies, while not paying attention to forensic medical experts. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop a set of regulations that establish requirements for the premises and equipment of forensic medical institutions, as well as to develop rules of conduct for experts, staff and citizens when applying to such institutions.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2021;14(1):220-223
pages 220-223 views